MULTICS ADMINISTRATIVE BULLETIN MAB-064 To: MAB Distribution From: F. W. Martinson Date: August 27, 1984 Subject: Third Party Software Submission Procedures Purpose To define policy and procedure for installation of third party software. Guidelines for acquiring Third Party Packages are not part of this MAB. This procedure assumes acquisition of software by Marketing and concurrence by MDC has already occured. This MAB is also intended for release to vendors to provide definition of MDC requirements to which vendors must conform to prior to installation in standard system libraries. Types of Third Party Software There are two types of third party software. The first will be called "Integrated Software", and the second "Self-Contained Software". Integrated Software is software developed under contract to MDC by non-MDC organizations (e.g. fortran, cobol) OR applications software that requires software changes to Multics to support the package (e.g. forum) OR which executes in any inner ring (e.g. forum). Packages in this category require a large degree of conformance to MDC programming and installation standards. Self-Contained Software is software that requires no special software support outside the package itself and which executes none of its own software from an inner ring. Packages in this category require little or no conformance to MDC programming and installation standards. The primary requirement for installation of a package in this category will be agreement between MDC and Multics Marketing that this package should be installed. Normally selection of one of the above types for a specific package is straight forward and determined by the Manager Multics Software Support or designate. Should a difference arise as to which type a specific package belongs, resolution will be between the Manager Multics Software Support and the responsible Unit Manager. Should differences remain, resolution will be sought ________________________________________ Multics Project internal working documentation. Not to be reproduced or distributed outside the Multics Project. - 1 - MAB-064 Third Party Software through the Manager Multics Software Development, Phoenix and Manager Multics Software Development, Cambridge. If necessary, final decision will be made by the Director, Multics Development Center. ***** Integrated Software - Examples are Fortran and Forum ***** 1. Must be installed in >system_library_unbundled and it's equivalent source and object directories within the >library_dir_dir hierarchy. Include files are installed in >library_dir_dir>include. Info segments are installed in >documentation>info_segments or >documentation>subsystem as appropriate. For packaging purposes it may be necessary to install executable pieces of a product in a library other than >system_library_unbundled. All pieces of a third party product thus installed will be considered part of the standard Multics product, bundled and distributed to all users. Vendors will retain ownership rights, but for distribution and revenue purposes this software will not be considered part of the product. The module >system_library_standard>bound_math_ which is really part of fortran is an example. 2. Must conform to Multics coding standards. Currently the Coding Standards Documentation is under revision. When revision is complete this MAB will be updated to refer specifically to that document. 3. Must undergo MCR Board scrutiny. This software can only be installed by an approved MCR or by specific management direction. 4. Must conform to Documentation Standards in the form of a standard Honeywell Manual. Usually there will be no special instructions to install this software. Special instructions, if required, should appear in the Users' Guide for the package. See Appendix A of the Forum Users' Guide (CY74) for an example. Alternatively special instructions can appear in the Installation Instructions SRB for a General Release. Instruction SRBs will not be produced for Integrated Software. 5. Must conform to Packaging Standards. Software must be installed in accordance with existing installation standards. Basically this means MDC must receive all source and appropriate installation forms (MSCRs) properly filled out. Source is compiled by MDC. Object archives are built by MDC, which then are bound to produce executable software. Source archives, object archives and executable software is then installed. Current packaging standards are: A. The package must be contained in one or more bound segments. The names must generically identify the product. Each bound segment will include an equivalent source and object archive(s). An exception may be made in the case of - 2 - Third Party Software MAB-064 source modules, where source modules are specifically excluded. Free standing segments should be avoided but will be permitted on an exception basis, upon mutual agreement by both parties. Mutual agreement normally will be in the form of an approved Multics Change Request (MCR). Packaging examples of names for a hypothetical "frobis" product are: bound_frobis_ (Executable bound segment) bound_frobis_.archive (Object archive) bound_frobis_.s.archive (Source archive) B. Command and subroutine names, added to the primary product name, must be preceded by the generic name that uniquely identifies the product, followed by an underscore, followed by the functional command name. By convention, all subroutine names are followed by a trailing underscore. Examples of command and subroutine names are: frobis_print frobis_list frobis_delete_ C. Segments within each archive will have as a part of the beginning of each name, the generic name of the product. Examples of segment names are: frobis_print.pl1 frobis_list.pl1 frobis_delete_.pl1 D. Include files unique to each product will have as a part of the beginning of each name, the generic name of the product. Examples of include file names are: frobis_data_seg.incl.pl1 frobis_ptr_dcls.incl.pl1 frobis_error_names.incl.pl1 6. Software Support (problem reporting) will be performed via the TR System. The TR System will be used to route trouble reports to the proper developer. The developer will be the vendor of the package, unless a separate contractural agreement has been executed. TR investigation, response and resolution will be performed within guidelines outlined in MAB-044. 7. Software is distributed solely by the CSD Software Distribution Library and only when a request for distribution appears on the CSD Ship Schedule. Procedures exist for exceptions to this rule in the case of corrections to fix critical software problems, and release of software to Beta Test Sites or Controlled Release Sites. The latter two examples require separate agreements to be signed between the customer and - 3 - MAB-064 Third Party Software Honeywell. Third party agreements should include verbiage which permits these alternate methods of distribution. 8. Must conform to Honeywell IS-14 and Software Technical Identifier (STI) standards. All third party software must contain protection notices and STIs as specified in MAB-052. The MDC Software Integration Project has responsibility for ensuring proper placement of protection notices and STIs in software. Therefore, there is little a third party vendor need to know about them other than that they must exist. It is up to the third party vendor to supply the text for the desired protection notice. The protection notice must be in Multics standard format to permit verification and checking by existing tools. The name to be entered on the protection notice identifies ownership of the product. Three examples of standard format protection notices are: Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1984 Copyright, (C) Honeywell Limited, 1983 Copyright (c) 1980 by Centre Interuniversitaire de Calcul de Grenoble and Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique 9. Qualification of third party software is the responsibility of the vendor (owner) of the software unless, by mutual agreement, qualification is performed by MDC. It is the responsibility of the vendor to ensure the software package continues to run from release to release and is, as much as possible, release independent. ***** Self-Contained Software - Examples are SCFF and ISTAT ***** 1. Must be installed in the >system_library_3rd_party (short name sl3p) library hierarchy. No software will be installed nor will links be permitted at the >sl3p level. Each third party package will be wholly contained in directories below sl3p. For example, in the case of a "frobis" product the structure would be: >sl3p>frobis>executable (e) include (incl) info_segments (info) object (o) source (s) Empty directories (e.g. no source to be shipped) will be deleted. With the entire package wholly contained and isolated in its own structure, problems with naming conflicts are minimized. These directories will not be in the default standard - 4 - Third Party Software MAB-064 system search rules. To use any of these packages the user must execute a command such as: initiate ([segs >sl3p>frobis>e>* -absp]) -a -fc to ensure the correct software is initiated and name conflicts, if they exist, are properly resolved. Such a command could be part of a user By definition no pieces of Self-Contained Software will be installed in any library other than >sl3p. 2. May not conform to Multics coding standards. Conformance to standards is recommended but not required. If at all possible a coding standards manual should be made available to third party software vendors. 3. Software will not undergo MCR Board scrutiny or review. Installation authorization requires only a signed contract AND approval of Director, Multics Development Center and Director, Multics Program Office or their designees. To ensure proper recording and execution of each installation request, the vendor of third party software will be required to fill out and submit standard software installation forms (Multics Software Change Request). 4. May not conform to Documentation Standards. Special instructions for the setup or use of a package is the responsibility of the vendor. Special installation instructions, must appear either as an online info segment installed in the info directory of the package itself, or as an appendix in the Users' Guide for the package. See Appendix A of the Forum Users' Guide (CY74) for a documentation example. Special installation instructions may not appear in the Installation Instructions SRB for a General Release. Installation Instruction SRBs will not be produced for Self-Contained Software. 5. Should conform to Packaging Standards as outlined in item 5 for Integrated Software. Conformance to these standards guarantees uniqueness of module names and therefore avoids problems with conflict of reference names. Conformance, to the packaging standard, is not required but is recommended for purposes of efficiency, ease of use, ease of installation and ease of maintenance. Software running in inner rings or gates will not be acceptable under any circumstances for Self-Contained Software products. Software submitted for installation in the >sl3p hierarchy will be installed as is, with the exception of adding protection notices or STIs. Source will not be recompiled. All software submitted for installation will be considered part of the third party package. Therefore, vendors not desiring to ship source to customers should submit for installation only source that they wish to be distributed. - 5 - MAB-064 Third Party Software 6. Software Support (problem reporting) will be performed via the TR System. The TR System will be used to route trouble reports to the proper developer. The developer will be the vendor of the package, unless a separate contractural agreement has been executed. TR investigation, response and resolution will be performed within guidelines outlined in MAB-044. 7. Software is distributed solely by the CSD Software Distribution Library and only when a request for distribution appears on the CSD Ship Schedule. Procedures exist for exceptions to this rule in the case of corrections to fix critical software problems, and release of software to Beta Test Sites or Controlled Release Sites. The latter two examples require separate agreements to be signed between the customer and Honeywell. Third party agreements should include verbiage which permits these alternate methods of distribution. 8. Must conform to Honeywell IS-14 and Software Technical Identifier (STI) standards. All third party software must contain protection notices and STIs as specified in MAB-052. The MDC Software Integration Project has responsibility for ensuring proper placement of protection notices and STIs in software. Therefore, there is little a third party vendor need to know about them other than that they must exist. It is up to the third party vendor to supply the text for the desired protection notice. The protection notice must be in Multics standard format to permit verification and checking by existing tools. The name to be entered on the protection notice identifies ownership of the product. Three examples of standard format protection notices are: Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1984 Copyright, (C) Honeywell Limited, 1983 Copyright (c) 1980 by Centre Interuniversitaire de Calcul de Grenoble and Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique 9. Qualification of third party software is the responsibility of the vendor (owner) of the software. It is the responsibility of the vendor to ensure the software package continues to run from release to release and is, as much as possible, release independent. Limited resources will be provided, on System M, to provide a vehicle for software qualification by the vendor. - 6 -