Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 654

To:        MTB Distribution

From:      N.S.Davids

Date:      04/23/84

Subject:   Extensions to menu_

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Multics  Project  internal  working  documentation.   Not  to  be
reproduced outside the Multics Project.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 654


          INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
          PROBLEMS TO BE ADDRESSED. . . . . . . . . . 1
          No prompt line, no default option. . . . .  1
          Fixed sized of menus. . . . . . . . . . . . 1
          Display of menus already responded to. . .  1
          SOLUTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2
          Add prompt line and default. . . . . . . .  2
          Create dynamically sized menus. . . . . . . 2
          Example of dynamically sized menu, prompt
               line, and a default. . . . . . . . . . 4
          Suppress menu display on valid type ahead.  5
          IMPLEMENTATION OF SOLUTIONS. . . . . . . .  6
          Changes to the menu_format structure. . . . 6
          Changes to menu_$create. . . . . . . . . .  8
          Changes to menu_$display. . . . . . . . . . 8
          Changes to menu_$get_choice. . . . . . . .  9
          A new entry: menu_$display_and_get_choice.  9
          MENU_ DOCUMENTATION CHANGES. . . . . . . . 10
          menu_$create. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
          menu_$display_and_get_choice. . . . . . . .10
          menu format structure. . . . . . . . . . . 11
          menu requirements structure. . . . . . . . 13
          Notes on Dynamic Sizing. . . . . . . . . . 14
          COMMAND DOCUMENTATION CHANGES. . . . . . . 15
          menu_create (new control arguments). . . . 15
          menu_create (changes to existing control
               arguments). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
          menu_display_and_get_choice. . . . . . . . 16
          Notes on Dynamic Sizing. . . . . . . . . . 17
          FT_MENU_ DOCUMENTATION CHANGES. . . . . .  19
          ft_menu_$create. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
          ft_menu_$describe. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
          ft_menu_$set_prompt. . . . . . . . . . . . 20
          ft_menu_$set_default. . . . . . . . . . .  21
          ft_menu_$display_and_get_choice. . . . . . 22
          Notes on Dynamic Sizing. . . . . . . . . . 24
          CB_MENU_ DOCUMENTATION CHANGES. . . . . .  26
          cb_menu_$create. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
          cb_menu_$describe. . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
          cb_menu_$set_prompt. . . . . . . . . . . . 27
          cb_menu_$set_default. . . . . . . . . . .  28
          cb_menu_$display_and_get_choice. . . . . . 29
          Notes on Dynamic Sizing. . . . . . . . . . 31

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 654


   The   development   and   investigation   of   menu   oriented
applications has  made it apparent that  the menu_ interface must
move toward a menu_manager_ interface.  This is needed to:
   o  eliminate the  need for essentially duplicate  code in each
   o  allow  functionality  that  cannot  be  provided  with  the
      current menu_ interface
   o  guarantee a uniform display to the user

   The  migration  path  from  menu_ to  menu_manager_  will span
several releases.  This MTB presents the steps for MR11.0


No prompt line, no default option
   human factors guidelines(1) for presenting menus indicate that
   a prompt should appear under  the menu.  This prompt indicates
   how the user  should make a selection and  a default value (if

Fixed size of menus
   Currently menus are a fixed sized which must be no larger than
   the window  they are to  be displayed in.   This requires that
   the applications determine the size  of the display window and
   break  up  large  menus  into  multiple  sub-menus.   It  also
   requires that the applications give the user the capability of
   moving  through these  multiple sub-menus  (usually by  way of
   function keys).   An application's function  menus are usually
   small enough that a minimum  window size can be determined for
   running  the  application.   However  a  minimum  window  size
   approach  is  not possible  for "data"  menus, i.e.   lists of
   segments in a directory, mail in  a mail box, components in an
   archive.  Currently an application  that presents "data" menus
   to the user  must implement its own special  handling of these

Display of menus already responded to
   When a user becomes familiar  with the menus he/she can select
   the desired  choices before the menu  is displayed.  There may
   be no  point in then  displaying the menu and  making the user
   wait for the display to complete.


(1) Human Factors Guidelines for  Terminal Interface Design, CACM
    Vol 26 #7 July 1983

MTB 654                                Multics Technical Bulletin


   The following  solutions must be implemented  in a manner that
allows the current menu_ behavior  to be maintained.  Any changes
in behavior  will be accomplished via  changes in versions and/or
new entry points.

Add prompt line and default
   add to  the definition of a  menu a prompt line  and a default
   option.   The prompt  line will  appear below  the menu (right
   above the  first trailer) separated  from the menu  by a blank
   line.  Prompting will be optional.  A default prompt of:
              Press number or letter indicating choice
   may  be used.   The default option  will be flaged  by the ">"
   character to the  left of the option key in  the menu, it will
   also  appear  on  the  prompt line  and  will  be  selected by
   pressing the return key.
        Press number or letter indicating choice (default X)
   The default option is also optional.

   The prompt line should only appear  when the user must enter a
   menu option, i.e.  a call  to get_choice.  Until that time the
   line containing  the prompt text should  be blank.  Also after
   the  user  enters a  valid  option the  prompt line  should be
   blanked, the option the user selected will be indicated via an
   * as is currently done.

   The inclusion of the default in the menu definition means that
   it cannot  be dynamically changed, i.e.   it cannot be updated
   to  the  users  last response  to  the menu.   However,  it is
   thought  that the  easier to remember  static definition makes
   the default more useful.

Create dynamically sized menus
   a  dynamically  sized menu  would be  automatically fragmented
   into  sections  that could  fit  in the  display  window.  The
   original menu is fragmented when a  call is made to display it
   and the  first sub-menu is  actually placed on  the screen.  A
   call  to get  a choice  then internally  processes the options
   that call for  the next or previous sub-menu  to be displayed.
   When the user finally makes a selection the selection index is
   translated  back into  an index corresponding  to the original
   large menu.

   The last option on the first sub-menu will be:
                            (>) MENU X+1
   The first option on the last sub-menu will be:
                            (<) MENU X-1
   All  other  sub-menus  will  have both  of  the  above options

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 654

   The  sub-menus  will  have  the  same  headers,  trailers, pad
   characters,  and  prompt line  as the  original menu  with the
   following 2 exceptions.  The string:
                            menu X of Y
   will  be appended  to the first  header of  all the sub-menus.
   The  character X  will contain the  index of  the current menu
   while Y  will contain the  total number of  menus the original
   menu was  divided into.  If  no header is defined  one will be
   created.   All  sub-menus which  do  not contain  the original
   menu's default option will have as their default either > or <
   depending  on whether  they are  before or  after the sub-menu
   containing the default option.  If  the original menu does not
   have a default defined then none  of the sub-menus will have a
   default defined.

MTB 654                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Example of dynamic menu display, use of a prompt and a default(1)

                     Choices (menu 1 of 3)
 (1) Abel                                   (5) Carson
 (2) Anderson                               (6) Crawford
 (3) Baker                                  (7) Dunn
 (4) Brown                                 >(>) MENU 2

        Select a name by entering its index (default >)

                     Choices (menu 2 of 3)
 (<) MENU 1                                 (4) Lynch
 (1) Fisher                                >(5) Pace
 (2) Gordon                                 (6) Schmidt
 (3) Harvey                                 (>) MENU 3

        Select a name by entering its index (default 5)

                     Choices (menu 3 of 3)
>(<) MENU 2                                 (2) Zinn
 (1) Tang

        Select a name by entering its index (default <)



(1) Dashes indicate the extent of the display window.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 654

Suppress menu display on valid type ahead
   The  display  mechanism can  determine if  there is  any input
   pending before it starts to display the menu.  If there is and
   the input is valid, i.e.  it  corresponds to a valid option or
   function key  then the menu  display can be  suppressed.  Also
   since the input has already been checked for and validated, it
   makes sense to return it immediately instead of having to call
   menu_$get_choice.  The menu_$display  routine does not include
   arguments  for  function_key definition  or for  returning the
   users selection.  A new entry is therefore indicated.

   There  are two  ways to  handle the  menu display suppression.
   The first is  to always or never suppress  the display for any
   valid input, the second is to  allow a decision to be made for
   each  valid  input.  The  first  is simpler;  the  second more
   powerful.  I  think in this  case that the extra  power is not
   called for  and therefore the simpler  approach is best.  Note
   that it is user interface simplicity  that is of concern - not
   implementation  simplicity.   The relative  complexity  of the
   second approach  stems from where  to put the  suppress flags.
   The flags  associated with the  menu options can  be placed in
   the menu  definition.  However, there  would still need  to be
   flags associated  with the function keys.   These function key
   flags could  be a separate  array or part of  the function key
   definition structure that is passed  in.  However, if they are
   part of the structure then a translation from the function key
   structure returned  by the ttt_info_ call  would be needed.  A
   simpler approach might be to keep  all the suppress flags in a
   separate  array  that is  passed  in.  The  problem  with this
   approach is the maintenance of  keeping the array in sync with
   the current menu  or maintaining a set of  arrays each matched
   to one menu.

MTB 654                                Multics Technical Bulletin


Changes to the menu format structure
   The current structure of menu_format is:

            01 menu_format
             02 version                   fixed bin,
             02 constraints,
              03 max_width                fixed bin,
              03 max_height               fixed bin,
             02 n_columns                 fixed bin,
             02 flags,
              03 center_headers           bit (1) unal,
              03 center_trailers          bit (1) unal,
              03 pad                      bit (34) unal,
             02 pad_char                  char (1);


   1.   version
             must be menu_format_version_1

   2.   max_width
             is  the  width  of  the  window  the  menu  will  be
             displayed  on.   This  value is  used  for centering
             headers and aligning columns.

   3.   max_height
             is the maximum height of the window, in lines.

   4.   n_columns
             is the  number of columns  to be used  in displaying

   5.   center_headers
             if  set,  header lines  will  be centered  using the
             window  width supplied  above.  If not  set they are
             flush left with the left edge of the window.

   6.   center_trailers
             same as center_headers, but for trailers.

   7.   pad
             must be "0"b;

   8.   pad_char
             is the  character used for  centering headers and/or

   The addition  of a new  field is needed to  define the default

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 654

             02 default_option            fixed bin;


   9.   default_option
             is the option index  identifying the default option.
             A default option is  selected by pressing the return
             key.   The option  index corresponds  to the default
             option's INDEX  in the choice  array not to  the key
             used to select the  option.  The default option will
             be flaged  by the ">"  character to the  left of the
             option key in the menu, it will also be indicated in
             the prompt line by the string:
                                 (default X)
             where X corresponds to the  KEY that must be pressed
             to select the default  option.  Note that defining a
             default option does not require the use of a prompt.
             A  value  of 0  indictes that  no default  option is

   The addition of a new  substructure is needed for defining the
   prompt text.

            02 prompt,
             03 use prompt               bit (1) unal,
             03 center_prompt            bit (1) unal,
             03 pad2                     bit (34) unal,
             03 prompt_text              char (80) var,

   10.  use_prompt
             if set to "1"b it indicates that the menu is to have
             a prompt  string.  If set to  "0"b it indicates that
             the menu will not have a prompt string.  If the menu
             does not  have a prompt  string the two  extra lines
             which  the prompt  requires will not  be included in
             the menu.

   11.  center_prompt
             same as  center_headers but for  prompt.  This field
             is  ignored  if the  value of  use_prompt is  set to

   12.  pad2
             must be "0"b

   13.  prompt_text
             is a prompt that will  be output after the last line
             of  the menu.   It will  be separated  from the last
             menu  line by  a blank  line.  The  prompt line will
             remain blank until a call which requires the user to
             select  a  menu option  is made.   At that  time the
             prompt  text  will be  written  on the  prompt line.

MTB 654                                Multics Technical Bulletin

             After the user makes a  selection the prompt text is
             deleted.  The  selected option's key  is replaced by
             an  *.   This  field  is  ignored  if  the  value of
             use_prompt is  set to "0"b; If  use_prompt is set to
             "1"b and  this field is blank  a default prompt text
                   Press number or letter indicating choice
             will be used.

   The OK to dynamically size a  menu will be flagged by slightly
   changing the meaning of the max_height element.  This was done
   instead  on creating  a new flag  because it  was a reasonable

   3.   max_height
             is the  maximum height of the  window, in lines.  If
             the value  of max_height is  zero it means  that the
             menu  should be  dynamically sized to  the height of
             the window it is being displayed in.

   Finally  the  version of  the  structure would  be  changed to
   version 2.

Changes to menu_$create
   It will  be modified to  create a new version  menu which will
   incorporate the  new attributes in  the version 2  menu format
   structure.   It  will  continue  to support  version  1 format
   structures for  compatibility.  There will be  no limit to the
   number of  options in a dynamically  sized menu.  In addition,
   the  keys  argument will  be ignored  for a  dynamically sized

   Ignoring the keys argument for a dynamically sized menu is not
   ideal.  However, the alternative is  to create a special entry
   for  dynamically sized  menus.  This  new entry  would have to
   ignore  the max_height  element of  the menu_format structure.
   Of  course,  a  new  dynamic_menu_format  structure  could  be
   defined  which  does not  have  the max_height  element.  This
   gives us two entries and 2 structures for doing almost exactly
   the  same thing.   This is less  ideal than having  1 entry, 1
   structure, and ignoring one of  the arguments to that entry in
   certain circumstances.

Changes to menu_$display
   It will continue to display  old version menus and display new
   version  menus  as in  the  above example.   It  will fragment
   dynamically sized  menus into sub-menus whose  size depends on
   the display window  and put the first sub-menu  in the window.
   A sub-menu will not have more than 61 options in it, (keys 1-9
   A-Z a-z).  A  "window too small" error will  occur only if the

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 654

   window is so small that  each sub-menu cannot contain at least
   1 option from the original menu.

Changes to menu_$get_choice
   It will  continue to support  old version menus  and will also
   support the new  version menu.  It will cause  the prompt text
   to  be displayed  in the menu  and allow the  selection of the
   default (provided one is defined)  by pressing the return key.
   In  addition, the  user will  be able  to display  the various
   pages of a dynamically sized menu.

A new entry:  menu_$display_and_get_choice
   This entry  will both display  the menu and  return the user's
   selection.   Its  calling  sequence  will  look  exactly  like
   menu_$get_choice  except for  the addition  of a suppress_flag
   following  the  function_key_info argument.   If  the suppress
   flag is set, a check is  made before the menu is displayed for
   pending  input.   If  the  input  is  valid  the  menu  is not
   displayed  and the  selection is return  to the  user.  If the
   input is invalid the bell is  rung, all other pending input is
   purged, the  menu is displayed,  the prompt (if  there is one)
   output,  and  the system  waits for  the user  to enter  a new
   selection.  If the flag is not  set the menu will be displayed
   and the prompt  (again, only if there is  one) output, and the
   system will wait for the user to enter a selection.

MTB 654                                Multics Technical Bulletin


   Where possible,  only changes from  existing documentation are

   1.   choices (Input)
             is an array of the  names of the options.  Menus may
             be dynamically sized or  fixed at creation time (see
             Dynamic  Sizing below).   There is  no limit  to the
             number  of  options  of  a  dynamically  sized menu.
             Fixed sized  menus have a limit  of 61 options.  The
             error   code   menu_et_$too_many_options   will   be
             returned  if  a fixed  size  menu has  more  than 61

   5.   keys  (Input)
             is ignored  if the menu is  to be dynamically sized.
             <rest of existing documentation>


   Entry:  menu_$display_and_get_choice

        This entry displays a menu  and returns the users choice.
   If a  menu is to  be dynamically sized, the  first sub-menu is


        declare  menu_$display_and_get_choice  entry  (ptr,  ptr,
             ptr,  bit (1)  aligned, bit (1)  aligned, fixed bin,
             fixed bin (35));

        call menu_$display_and_get_choice      (window,     menu,
             function_key_info, suppress, fkey, selection, code);


   1.   window (Input)
             is a pointer to the IOCB  for the I/O switch used to
             display the menu.

   2.   menu  (Input)
             is the menu object to be displayed and responded to.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 654

   3.   function_key_info (Input)
             is  a  pointer to  a  data structure  describing the
             function keys available on  the terminal.  This data
             structure  is  obtained  by   the  caller  from  the
             ttt_info_$function_key_data  subroutine.    If  this
             pointer is null no function keys are used.

   4.   suppress (Input)
             if set a check is  made before the menu is displayed
             for pending  input.  If input  is pending and  it is
             valid the display of the  menu is suppressed and the
             input is  returned.  If the input  is not valid then
             all pending  input is purged, the  bell is rung, the
             menu  is  displayed, the  prompt  (if there  is one)
             output, and the system waits for the user to enter a
             new selection.  If suppress  is not set this routine
             functions    like    the    sequence    of    calls:
             menu_$display, menu_$get_choice.

   5.   fkey  (Output)
             returns a  value of "1"b  if a function  key was hit
             instead of a menu selection.

   6.   selection (Output)
             gives  the  option  number  or  function_key  number
             chosen by the  user.  For an option, it  is a number
             between 1 and the highest defined option, inclusive.
             For a function key, it is the number of the function

   7.   code  (Output)
             is a standard error code.

The menu format structure

   A  menu is  described by  the "menu_format"  structure.  It is
   declared in menu_dcls.incl.pl1

   dcl 1 menu_format         aligned based (menu_format_ptr),
        2 version            fixed bin,
        2 constraints,
         3 max_width         fixed bin,
         3 max_height        fixed bin,
        2 n_columns          fixed bin,
        2 flags,
         3 center_headers    bit (1) unal,
         3 center_trailers   bit (1) unal,
         3 pad               bit (34) unal,
        2 pad_char           char (1);
        2 default_option     fixed bin,

MTB 654                                Multics Technical Bulletin

        2 prompt,
         3 use_prompt         bit (1) unal,
         3 center_prompt      bit (1) unal,
         3 pad2               bit (34) unal,
         3 prompt_text        char (80) var;


   1.   version
             may     be    either     menu_format_version_1    or

   2.   max_width
             is  the  width  of  the  window  the  menu  will  be
             displayed  on.   This  value is  used  for centering
             headers and aligning columns.

   3.   max_height
             is the  maximum height of the  window, in lines.  If
             the value  of version is  menu_format_version_2 then
             the value  of max_height may  be 0 which  means that
             the menu  should be dynamically sized  to the height
             of  the  window it  is being  displayed in.   If the
             value  of version  is menu_format_version_1  and the
             value of max_height is 0 an error will be returned.

   4.   n_columns
             is the  number of columns  to be used  in displaying

   5.   center_headers
             if  set,  header lines  will  be centered  using the
             window  width supplied  above.  If not  set they are
             flush left with the left edge of the window.

   6.   center_trailers
             same as center_headers, but for trailers.

   7.   pad
             must be "0"b;

   8.   pad_char
             is the  character used for  centering headers and/or

   9.   default_option
             Is    used    only    if   version    is    set   to
             menu_format_version_2.   It  is   the  option  index
             identifying the default option.  A default option is
             selected  by  pressing the  return key.   The option
             index corresponds  to the default  option's INDEX in
             the choice array  not to the key used  to select the

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 654

             option.   The default  option will be  flaged by the
             ">" character to  the left of the option  key in the
             menu, it  will also be indicated  in the prompt line
             by the string:
                                 (default X)
             where X corresponds to the  KEY that must be pressed
             to select the default option.  It is legal to have a
             default  option  defined without  defining  a prompt
             string.  Also a value of  0 indictes that no default
             option is defined.

   10.  use_prompt
             if set to "1"b it indicates that the menu is to have
             a prompt  string.  If set to  "0"b it indicates that
             the menu will not have a prompt string.  If the menu
             does not  have a prompt  string the two  extra lines
             which  the prompt  requires will not  be included in
             the menu.

   11.  center_prompt
             same as  center_headers but for  prompt.  This field
             is  ignored  if the  value of  use_prompt is  set to

   12.  pad2
             must be "0"b

   13.  prompt_text
             is a prompt that will  be output after the last line
             of  the menu.   It will  be separated  from the last
             menu  line by  a blank  line.  The  prompt line will
             remain blank until a call which requires the user to
             select  a  menu option  is made.   At that  time the
             prompt  text  will be  written  on the  prompt line.
             After the user makes a  selection the prompt text is
             deleted.  The  selected option's key  is replaced by
             an  *.   This  field  is  ignored  if  the  value of
             use_prompt is set to "0"b.   If use_prompt is set to
             "1"b and  this field is blank  a default prompt text
                   Press number or letter indicating choice
             will be used.

The menu requirements structure

   2.   lines_needed (Output)
             is  the  number of  lines  required.  A  value  of 0
             indicates that the menu  is to be dynamically sized.
             If non-zero and the window does not have this number
             of lines, menu display will fail.

MTB 654                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Notes on Dynamic Sizing

   A  dynamically  sized  menu is  automatically  fragmented into
   sub-menus that  will fit in the  display window.  The original
   menu is fragmented  when a call is made to  display it and the
   first sub-menu  is actually placed  on the screen.   A call to
   get a  choice then internally processes  the options that call
   for the next  or previous sub-menu to be  displayed.  When the
   user  finally  makes  a  selection,  the  selection  index  is
   translated  back into  an index corresponding  to the original
   large menu.

   The last option on the first sub-menu will be:
                            (>) MENU X+1
   The first option on the last sub-menu will be:
                            (<) MENU X-1
   All  other  sub-menus  will  have both  of  the  above options

   The  sub-menus  will  have  the  same  headers,  trailers, pad
   characters,  and  prompt line  as the  original menu  with the
   following 2 exceptions.  The string:
                            menu X of Y
   will  be appended  to the first  header of  all the sub-menus,
   where X  is the index of  the current menu and  Y is the total
   number of sub-menus the original menu was divided into.  If no
   header is defined one will be created.  All sub-menus which do
   not contain  the original menu's  default option will  have as
   their  default either  > or  < depending  on whether  they are
   before  or after  the sub-menu containing  the default option.
   If the original menu does not have a default defined then none
   of the sub-menus will have a default defined.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 654


   Where possible,  only changes from  existing documentation are

menu_create (new control arguments)

   -prompt STR, -pmt STR
        specifies a prompt line that  will be displayed after the
        last  line of  the menu.  It  will be  separated from the
        last menu line by a blank line.  A default prompt of:
                Press number or letter indicating choice
        will be used if STR is a null string.  The prompt will be
        displayed only when a call is made that requires the user
        to  select  a  menu  option.   After  the  user  makes  a
        selection  the  prompt  text  is  deleted.   The selected
        option's key is replaced by an *.

   -no_prompt, -npmt
        indicates that  there should be no  prompt line.  This is
        the default.

   -default_option STR, -dopt STR
        specifies  the  default  option   which  is  selected  by
        pressing  the  return  key.   If STR  contains  blanks or
        special  characters  it  must  be  quoted.   If  multiple
        default_options  are specified  the last  one becomes the
        default,  the  others  are  just  regular  options.   The
        default option will be flaged by the ">" character to the
        left of the option key in  the menu, it is also indicated
        to the user by the string
                               (default X)
        appended to  the prompt.  X  corresponds to the  KEY that
        must  be pressed  to select  that default  option.  It is
        legal to have a default option defined without defining a
        prompt string.

   -no_default_option, -ndopt
        indicates that  there should be no  default option.  This
        is the default.

   -center_prompt, -cep
        causes the prompt to be centered.

   -no_center_prompt, -ncep
        causes the prompt to be flush left.  This is the default

   -dynamic, -dyn
        causes  the  menu  to  be dynamically  sized  when  it is
        displayed.   This  means that  if  the display  window is

MTB 654                                Multics Technical Bulletin

        smaller than  the menu the  menu will be  fragmented into
        several  sub-menus for  display purposes.   See "Notes on
        Dynamic Sizing".

   -no_dynamic, -ndyn
        requires that the menu be displayed as one unit.  This is
        the default.

menu_create (changes to existing control arguments)

   -option_keys STR, -okeys STR
        specifies  the keystrokes  to be  used with  each option.
        Each   character   in   STR   is   associated   with  the
        corresponding  option,  so  that  if  it  is  typed,  the
        corresponding option is selected.  There must be at least
        as many characters in STR  as there are options.  If this
        control    argument    is   not    given,    the   string
        "123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"   is   used.   This
        control  argument  is  ignored  if  the  menu  is  to  be
        dynamically sized.


   Name:  menu_display_and_get_choice

        The  menu_display_and_get_choice  command,  given  a menu
   name, will display that menu and gets the user choice.


        menu_display_and_get_choice menu_name {-control_args}

   Syntax as an Active Function

        [menu_display_and_get_choice menu_name {control_args}]


   1.   menu_name
             is the  name assigned that was  assigned to the menu
             to be displayed when it  was stored.  If the menu is
             to  be  dynamically  sized  the  first  sub-menu  is

   2.   control_args

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 654

             may be chosen from

             -pathname PATH, -pn PATH
                  is the  name of the value  segment in which the
                  menu  has  been  stored.  The  value  suffix is
                  assumed.  If this  control argument is omitted,
                  the  user's default  value segment  is searched
                  for the menu.

             -io_switch STR, -is STR
                  where STR  is the name  of an I/O  switch for a
                  window.  The default is user_i/o.

             -default_fkeys STR, -dfkeys STR
                  specifies the  keys to be used  if the terminal
                  does not have function  keys or if the terminal
                  does not have the  proper set of function keys.
                  See "Notes on Function Keys" below.

             -function_keys STR, -fkeys STR
                  specifies  the  keys  to  be  used  to simulate
                  function  keys.   This  control  overrides  any
                  function  key  definitions  already established
                  for the terminal.  See "Notes on Function Keys"

             -suppress, -sup
                  indicates that a check is to be made before the
                  menu  is displayed  for any  pending input.  If
                  input is pending and it is valid the display of
                  the  menu  is  suppressed   and  the  input  is
                  returned.  If  the input is not  valid then all
                  pending input is purged,  the bell is rung, the
                  menu is displayed, the prompt (if there is one)
                  output,  and the  system waits for  the user to
                  enter a new user selection.

             -no_suppress, -nsup
                  indicates that this  command will function like
                  the   sequence   of   commands:   menu_display,
                  menu_get_choice.  This is the default.

Notes on Dynamic Sizing

   A  dynamically  sized  menu is  automatically  fragmented into
   sub-menus that  will fit in the  display window.  The original
   menu is fragmented  when a call is made to  display it and the
   first sub-menu  is actually placed  on the screen.   A call to
   get a  choice then internally processes  the options that call
   for the next  or previous sub-menu to be  displayed.  When the

MTB 654                                Multics Technical Bulletin

   user  finally  makes  a   selection  the  selection  index  is
   translated  back into  an index corresponding  to the original
   large menu.

   The last option on the first sub-menu will be:
                            (>) MENU X+1
   The first option on the last sub-menu will be:
                            (<) MENU X-1
   All  other  sub-menus  will  have both  of  the  above options

   The  sub-menus  will  have  the  same  headers,  trailers, pad
   characters,  and  prompt line  as the  original menu  with the
   following 2 exceptions.  The string:
                            menu X of Y
   will  be appended  to the first  header of  all the sub-menus.
   The  character X  will contain the  index of  the current menu
   while Y  will contain the  total number of  menus the original
   menu was  divided into.  If  no header is defined  one will be
   created.   All  sub-menus which  do  not contain  the original
   menu's default option will have as their default either > or <
   depending  on whether  they are  before or  after the sub-menu
   containing the default option.  If  the original menu does not
   have a default defined then none  of the sub-menus will have a
   default defined.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 654


   Where  possible, only  changes from  exiting documentation are

   1.   choices (Input)
             is  an array  of character  variables which  are the
             text of the options that  the user wishes to display
             in the menu.  n1 is the length in characters, of the
             longest character  string comprising the  text of an
             option.  m1  is the extent  of the array,  i.e.  the
             number of options in the menu being described.  This
             array   must    be   at   least    extent   1.    If
             menu_format(max_height)  (see  item 4  below)  has a
             value  of  0  there is  no  limit to  the  number of
             options  that the  menu may  have.  If  the value is
             non-zero there may be at most 61 menu options.

   4.   menu_format (Input)
             is an array, which specifies  the format of the menu
             being created.   Prior to calling  this entry point,
             the  FORTRAN programmer  is responsible  for setting
             the following variables:

             menu_format(menu_version) = version  number  of menu
                       format.  May be 1 or 2.  If 2 the menu may
                       have  a prompt  text and  a default option
                       defined.   See   ft_menu_$set_prompt,  and
             menu_format(max_width) = maximum width of the window
                       on which the menu will be displayed.
             menu_format(max_height) = maximum  height  of window
                       on  which  menu  will  be  displayed.   If
                       menu_format(menu_version)  is  equal  to 2
                       then  this may  be equal  to 0  which will
                       indicate   that   the   menu   is   to  be
                       dynamically sized.  See  "Notes on Dynamic
                       Sizing" below.
             menu_format(no_of_columns) = number of columns to be
                       used  by the  menu manager  to display the
             menu_format(center_headers) = 0  or 1;  0 =  no, 1 =
             menu_format(center_trailers) = 0 or  1; 0 =  no, 1 =

   6.   keys  (Input)
             is  an  array that  identifies  the keystroke  to be
             associated with each choice.   This array must be at

MTB 654                                Multics Technical Bulletin

             least as long as the  number of choices in the menu.
             Each  element  in  the  array  must  be  unique.  If
             menu_format(max_height)   is   is  zero   then  this
             argument is ignored.

   7.   menu_needs (Output)
             an array  that contains menu  related information on
             successful execution of call.

             Returned information:

             menu_needs(lines_needed)   the   number   of   lines
                       required to display the  menu.  A value of
                       0  indicates  that  the   menu  is  to  be
                       dynamically sized.
             menu_needs(width_needed)   the  number   of  columns
                       required to display the menu.
             menu_needs(no_of_options)  the  number   of  options
                       defined in the menu.


   2.   menu_needs (Output)
             an  array  into  which menu  related  information is

             Returned information:

             menu_needs(lines_needed)   the   number   of   lines
                       required to display the  menu.  A value of
                       0  indicates  that  the   menu  is  to  be
                       dynamically sized.
             menu_needs(width_needed)   the  number   of  columns
                       required to display the menu.
             menu_needs(no_of_options)  the  number   of  options
                       defined in the menu.


   Entry:  ft_menu_$set_prompt

        Sets  the  prompt line  for  a menu  created with  a menu
   format version equal  to 2.  An error will  be returned if the
   indicated menu was created with a menu format version equal to
   1.  The prompt line will be  output after the last line of the
   menu and be separated from that line by a blank line.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 654



        integer       menu_id
        character*80  prompt_string
        integer       no_prompt
        integer       center_prompt
        integer       code

        call    ft_menu_$set_prompt    (menu_id,   prompt_string,
        no_prompt, center_prompt, code)


   1.   menu_id (Input)
             the menu  identifier returned by  ft_menu_$create or

   2.   prompt_string (Input)
             a new  prompt string.  A null  string will cause the
             default prompt:
                   Press number or letter indicating choice
             to be used.  The prompt line will remain blank until
             a  call  which requires  the user  to select  a menu
             option is  made.  At that time  the prompt text will
             be written on the prompt line.  After the user makes
             a  selection  the  prompt   text  is  deleted.   The
             selected option's key is replaced by an *.

   3.   no_prompt (Input)
             a non-zero value indicates  that the menu should not
             have a  prompt text defined.   The prompt_string and
             center_prompt  arguments  are   ignored.   If  0  it
             indicates  that  the  menu's  prompt  text  and  the
             prompts  centering  attribute are  to be  defined by
             this call.
   4.   center_prompt (Input)
             a value of 0 indicates  that the prompt should start
             at  the  menu's  left   margin.   A  non-zero  value
             indicates that the prompt should be centered.

   5.   code  (Output)
             return code (see Appendix B.)


   Entry:  ft_menu_$set_default

MTB 654                                Multics Technical Bulletin

        Sets the  default option for  a menu created  with a menu
   format version equal  to 2.  An error will  be returned if the
   indicated menu was created with a menu format version equal to
   1.  The default option is selected by pressing the return key.
   It is  flaged by the ">"  character to the left  of the option
   key  in the  menu, and  is also indicated  to the  user by the
   string "(default  X)" on the  prompt line.  X is  the key that
   would be pressed to select the default option.  It is legal to
   have  a  default  option  defined  without  defining  a prompt
   string.  Also a default option  of 0 indicates that no default
   option is to be definded for the menu.



        integer       menu_id
        integer       default_option
        integer       code

        call ft_menu_$set_default (menu_id, default_option, code)


   1.   menu_id (Input)
             the menu  identifier returned by  ft_menu_$create or

   2.   default_option (Input)
             The index of the default option in the choices array
             that  was used  to create  the menu.   A value  of 0
             indicates that no default option is to be defined.

   3.   code  (Output)
             return code (see Appendix B.)


   Entry:  ft_menu_$display_and_get_choice

        This entry displays a menu  and returns the users choice.
   If  a menu  is to be  dynamically sized the  first sub-menu is


Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 654


        character*n1  function_key_info
        integer       window_id
        integer       menu_id
        integer       suppress
        integer       fkeys
        integer       selection
        integer       code

        call ft_menu_$display_and_get_choice (window_id, menu_id,
        function_key_info, suppress, fkeys, selection, code)


   1.   window_id (Input)
             a  window identifier  returned by ft_window_$create.
             If  usage_mode =  0 this  argument will  be ignored.
             (see ft_menu_$init2).

   2.   menu_id (Input)
             the menu  identifier returned by  ft_menu_$create or

   3.   function_key_info (Input)
             a  character  variable  (n1  as  required)  used  to
             specify the role of function keys (if they exist for
             the  terminal being  used) or  an equivalent  set of
             escape  sequences  if  the  terminal  does  not have
             function keys  or not the function  keys required by
             the  application.   The  objective  is  to  let  the
             application  use  the  terminal's  function  keys if
             possible, else  specify key sequences to  be used to
             simulate  function  keys.   Each  character  in  the
             string  corresponds  to  one function  key.   If the
             character is a space, then it is not relevant if the
             corresponding  function key  exists or  not.  If the
             character  is not  a space,  that character  will be
             used to simulate a function key if the terminal does
             not  have function  keys.  If the  terminal does not
             have a function key for every non-space character in
             the   string,  then   the  function   keys  will  be
             simulated.  Thus, the string  " ?p q" means that the
             caller  does  not  care  whether  the  terminal  has
             function keys 0 or 3 but the caller does wish to use
             function  keys  1,  2, and  4.   If any  of  these 3
             function keys  is not present on  the terminal, then
             esc-?  will substitute for F1, esc-p will substitute
             for F2 and esc-q will substitute for F4.

   4.   suppress (Input)

MTB 654                                Multics Technical Bulletin

             if  non-zero  a check  is  made before  the  menu is
             displayed  for pending  input.  If  input is pending
             and  it is  valid input the  display of  the menu is
             suppressed and the input  is returned.  If the input
             is not  valid then all pending  input is purged, the
             bell is rung, the menu  is displayed, the prompt (if
             one is defined) is output,  and the system waits for
             the user  to enter a new  selection.  If suppress is
             set  to  0  then  this  routine  functions  like the
             sequence      of      calls:       ft_menu_$display,

   5.   fkeys (Output)
             if fkeys =  1 user entered a function  key or escape
             sequence if fkeys = 0 user selected an option.

   6.   selection (Output)
             is  an integer  representing the choice  made by the
             user.  If the  user has chosen an option,  it is the
             number between 1 and the highest defined option.  If
             the  user  has  entered  a function  key,  or escape
             sequence simulating a function key, it is the number
             associated with the function key.

   7.   code  (Output)
             return code (see Appendix B.)

Notes on Dynamic Sizing

   A  dynamically  sized  menu is  automatically  fragmented into
   sub-menus that  will fit in the  display window.  The original
   menu is fragmented  when a call is made to  display it and the
   first sub-menu  is actually placed  on the screen.   A call to
   get a  choice then internally processes  the options that call
   for the next  or previous sub-menu to be  displayed.  When the
   user  finally  makes  a  selection,  the  selection  index  is
   translated  back into  an index corresponding  to the original
   large menu.

   The last option on the first sub-menu will be:
                            (>) MENU X+1
   The first option on the last sub-menu will be:
                            (<) MENU X-1
   All  other  sub-menus  will  have both  of  the  above options

   The  sub-menus  will  have  the  same  headers,  trailers, pad
   characters,  and  prompt line  as the  original menu  with the
   following 2 exceptions.  The string:
                            menu X of Y

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 654

   will  be appended  to the first  header of  all the sub-menus,
   where X  is the index of  the current menu and  Y is the total
   number of sub-menus the original menu was divided into.  If no
   header is defined one will be created.  All sub-menus which do
   not contain  the original menu's  default option will  have as
   their  default either  > or  < depending  on whether  they are
   before  or after  the sub-menu containing  the default option.
   If the original menu does not have a default defined then none
   of the sub-menus will have a default defined.

MTB 654                                Multics Technical Bulletin


   Where  possible, only  changes from  exiting documentation are

   1.   choices_table (Input)
             is a  table of elementary  data items which  are the
             text of the options that  the user wishes to display
             in the  menu.  n1 is  the length, in  characters, of
             the longest character string  comprising the text of
             an option.  m1 is the extent of the table, i.e.  the
             number of options in the menu being described.  This
             table must  be at least of  extent 1.  If max_height
             (see  item 4  below) has  a value  of 0  there is no
             limit  to the  number of  options that  the menu may
             have.  If the value is non-zero there may be at most
             61 menu options.

   4.   menu_format (Input)
             is  a  group item  defining the  format of  the menu
             being created.

             In the  COBOL program the caller  is responsible for
             setting the following elementary data items:

             menu_version      The  version  of the  menu format.
                       May be 1  or 2.  If 2 the  menu may have a
                       prompt   text   and  a   default  optioned
                       defined.    See   cb_menu_$set_prompt  and
             max_width         maximum  width  of  the  window on
                       which the menu is to be displayed.
             max_height        maximum  height  of the  window on
                       which  the  menu is  to be  displayed.  If
                       menu_version is  equal to 2  then this may
                       be equal to 0 which will indicate that the
                       menu  is  to  be  dynamically  sized.  See
                       "Notes on Dynamic Sizing" below.
             no_of_columns     number  of columns  to be  used to
                       display the options.
             center_headers    0 or 1; 0 = no, 1 = yes
             center_trailers   0 or 1; (same as center_headers)

   5.   keys_table (Input)
             is  a  table  that  identifies the  keystroke  to be
             associated with each choice.   This table must be at
             least as long as the  number of choices in the menu.
             Each  element  in  the  table  must  be  unique.  If
             max_height is 0 this argument is ignored.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 654

   6.   menu_needs (Output)
             a group item that  contains menu related information
             on successful execution of call.

             Returned information:

             lines_needed   the  number  of   lines  required  to
                       display the menu.  A  value of 0 indicates
                       that the menu is to be dynamically sized.
             width_needed   the  number  of   columns  needed  to
                       display the menu.
             no_of_options  the number of  options defined in the


   2.   menu_needs  (Output)  a  group  item  that  contains menu
             related information on successful execution of call.

             Returned information:

             lines_needed   the  number  of   lines  required  to
                       display the menu.  A  value of 0 indicates
                       that the menu is to be dynamically sized.
             width_needed   the  number  of   columns  needed  to
                       display the menu.
             no_of_options  the number of  options defined in the


   Entry:  cb_menu_$set_prompt

        Sets  the  prompt line  for  a menu  created with  a menu
   format version equal  to 2.  An error will  be returned if the
   indicated menu was created with a menu format version equal to
   1.  The prompt line will be  output after the last line of the
   menu and be separated from that line by a blank line.



        77  menu_id        USAGE IS COMP-6
        77  prompt_string  PIC X(80)

MTB 654                                Multics Technical Bulletin

        77  no_prompt  PIC 9(1)
        77  center_prompt  PIC 9(1)
        77  ret_code       USAGE IS COMP-6

        call "cb_menu_$set_prompt"  USING menu_id, prompt_string,
        no_prompt, center_prompt, ret_code.


   1.   menu_id (Input)
             the menu  identifier returned by  cb_menu_$create or

   2.   prompt_string (Input)
             a new  prompt string.  A null  string will cause the
             default prompt:
                   Press number or letter indicating choice
             to be used.  The prompt line will remain blank until
             a  call  which requires  the user  to select  a menu
             option is  made.  At that time  the prompt text will
             be written on the prompt line.  After the user makes
             a  selection  the  prompt   text  is  deleted.   The
             selected option's key is replaced by an *.

   3.   no_prompt (Input)
             a non-zero value indicates  that the menu should not
             have a  prompt text defined.   The prompt_string and
             center_prompt  arguments  are   ignored.   If  0  it
             indicates  that  the  menu's  prompt  text  and  the
             prompts  centering  attribute are  to be  defined by
             this call.

   4.   center_prompt (Input)
             a value of 0 indicates  that the prompt should start
             at  the  menu's  left   margin.   A  non-zero  value
             indicates that the prompt should be centered.

   5.   ret_code (Output)
             return code (see Appendix B.)


   Entry:  cb_menu_$set_default

        Sets the  default option for  a menu created  with a menu
   format version equal  to 2.  An error will  be returned if the
   indicated menu was created with a menu format version equal to
   1.  The default option is selected by pressing the return key.
   It is  flaged by the ">"  character to the left  of the option

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 654

   key  in the  menu, and  is also indicated  to the  user by the
   string "(default  X)" on the  prompt line.  X is  the key that
   would be pressed to select the default option.  It is legal to
   have  a  default  option  defined  without  defining  a prompt
   string.  Also a default option  of 0 indicates that no default
   option is to be definded for the menu.



        77  menu_id         USAGE IS COMP-6
        77  default_option  USAGE IS COMP-6
        77  ret_code        USAGE IS COMP-6

        call      "cb_menu_$set_default"      USING      menu_id,
        default_option, ret_code


   1.   menu_id (Input)
             the menu  identifier returned by  cb_menu_$create or

   2.   default_option (Input)
             The index of the default option in the choices array
             that  was used  to create  the menu.   A value  of 0
             indicates that no default option is to be defined.

   3.   ret_code (Output)
             return code (see Appendix B.)


   Entry:  cb_menu_$display_and_get_choice

        Returns  the  choice made  by  the user,  i.e.,  a number
   representing either  the menu item chosen  or the function key
   (or its equivalent escape sequence)  entered.  If a menu is to
   be dynamically sized the first sub-menu is displayed.



MTB 654                                Multics Technical Bulletin

        77  function_key_info  PIC X(n1)
        77  window_id          USAGE IS COMP-6
        77  menu_id            USAGE IS COMP-6
        77  suppress            USAGE IS COMP-6
        77  fkeys              USAGE IS COMP-6
        77  selection          USAGE IS COMP-6
        77  ret_code           USAGE IS COMP-6

        call  "cb_menu_$display_and_get_choice"  USING window_id,
        menu_id,  function_key_info, suppress,  fkeys, selection,


   1.   window_id (Input)
             a  window identifier  returned by cb_window_$create.
             If  usage_mode =  0 this  argument will  be ignored.
             (see cb_menu_$init2).

   2.   menu_id (Input)
             the menu  identifier returned by  cb_menu_$create or

   3.   function_key_info (Input)
             a  character  variable  (n1  as  required)  used  to
             specify the role of function keys (if they exist for
             the  terminal being  used) or  an equivalent  set of
             escape  sequences  if  the  terminal  does  not have
             function keys  or not the function  keys required by
             the  application.   The  objective  is  to  let  the
             application  use  the  terminal's  function  keys if
             possible, else  specify key sequences to  be used to
             simulate  function  keys.   Each  character  in  the
             string  corresponds  to  one function  key.   If the
             character is a space, then it is not relevant if the
             corresponding  function key  exists or  not.  If the
             character  is not  a space,  that character  will be
             used to simulate a function key if the terminal does
             not  have function  keys.  If the  terminal does not
             have a function key for every non-space character in
             the   string,  then   the  function   keys  will  be
             simulated.  Thus, the string  " ?p q" means that the
             caller  does  not  care  whether  the  terminal  has
             function keys 0 or 3 but the caller does wish to use
             function  keys  1,  2, and  4.   If any  of  these 3
             function keys  is not present on  the terminal, then
             esc-?  will substitute for F1, esc-p will substitute
             for F2 and esc-q will substitute for F4.

   4.   suppress (Input)

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 654

             if  non-zero  a check  is  made before  the  menu is
             displayed  for pending  input.  If  input is pending
             and  it is  valid input the  display of  the menu is
             suppressed and the input  is returned.  If the input
             is not  valid then all pending  input is purged, the
             bell is rung, the menu  is displayed, the prompt (if
             one is defined) is output,  and the system waits for
             the user  to enter a new  selection.  If suppress is
             set  to  0  then  this  routine  functions  like the
             sequence      of      calls:       cb_menu_$display,

   5.   fkeys (Output)
             if fkeys =  1 user entered a function  key or escape
             sequence if fkeys = 0 user selected an option.

   6.   selection (Output)
             is  an integer  representing the choice  made by the
             user.  If the  user has chosen an option,  it is the
             number between 1 and the highest defined option.  If
             the  user  has  entered  a function  key,  or escape
             sequence simulating a function key, it is the number
             associated with the function key.

   7.   code  (Output)
             return code (see Appendix B.)

Notes on Dynamic Sizing

   A  dynamically  sized  menu is  automatically  fragmented into
   sub-menus that  will fit in the  display window.  The original
   menu is fragmented  when a call is made to  display it and the
   first sub-menu  is actually placed  on the screen.   A call to
   get a  choice then internally processes  the options that call
   for the next  or previous sub-menu to be  displayed.  When the
   user  finally  makes  a  selection,  the  selection  index  is
   translated  back into  an index corresponding  to the original
   large menu.

   The last option on the first sub-menu will be:
                            (>) MENU X+1
   The first option on the last sub-menu will be:
                            (<) MENU X-1
   All  other  sub-menus  will  have both  of  the  above options

   The  sub-menus  will  have  the  same  headers,  trailers, pad
   characters,  and  prompt line  as the  original menu  with the
   following 2 exceptions.  The string:
                            menu X of Y

MTB 654                                Multics Technical Bulletin

   will  be appended  to the first  header of  all the sub-menus,
   where X  is the index of  the current menu and  Y is the total
   number of sub-menus the original menu was divided into.  If no
   header is defined one will be created.  All sub-menus which do
   not contain  the original menu's  default option will  have as
   their  default either  > or  < depending  on whether  they are
   before  or after  the sub-menu containing  the default option.
   If the original menu does not have a default defined then none
   of the sub-menus will have a default defined.