I have had the privilege of working with some of the finest people in the world on some of the most interesting projects in computing.
What I always say is, "You learn something every day, unless you're careful."
Computer security, software engineering, and web applications.
Essays on software quality and engineering. (05/24/24, 25 files)
How the Air Force broke Multics security in the early 70s. (10/14/02)
Timing Channels. Covert channels are a concern in the design of secure operating systems; they allow information to leak between security domains. In 1990, I wrote a short paper about a 1976 exploitation of a timing channel, and some thoughts on the star property. (05/90)
Project names and Borges numbers. Since we're talking about security, you may enjoy this anecdote from Project MAC. (02/05/95)
Home Computer Security Advice The bare minimum that everybody should do. Version 23. (01/28/25)
How I Filter Spam It takes some work, but it's worth it. And a lot of spam is security attacks. Version 12. (03/02/25)
Expandfile A command line program that expands text templates. Useful for many purposes, including enhancing HTML. Version 6.03. (03/21/25) updated
Password Generator in JavaScript: Generate random pronounceable passwords locally in your browser. Includes some history and general advice. (11/08/23)
iPhone Password Generator Web App: Generate pronounceable passwords locally on your iPhone using JavaScript. (09/04/19)
JavaScript Pie Chart: Useful data display in JavaScript. (11/08/23)
Diskpie: Display a directory's disk usage using the pie chart. (11/08/23)
Globe in JavaScript: JavaScript program to display the globe from any viewpoint. Port of a 60-year-old 7094 program. (11/08/23)
Customizable HTML calendar in JavaScript. Port of a 45-year-old Multics program. (11/08/23)
Super Webtrax Prepares a daily usage report from web server logs. Version 17. (11/08/23) New: log4j attacks report
Timeline Chart in JavaScript JavaScript program to generate a graphic timeline chart. (07/15/24)
How I Prepare Pictures for the Web With Affinity Photo What I've learned so far. Version 4. (09/01/24)
High DPI Pictures Making pictures look sharp on smartphones and Retina screens. (01/14/25)
Using CSS Sprites Speeding up web page display using a packed sprite graphic. (03/02/25)
Creating Computer History Web Sites Information for computer history web site creators. (02/03/25)
I worked on the Multics operating system for almost 16 years in the 60s and 70s, and edit a web site describing the system, its history, and its builders.
"The Multics System Programming Process"
Charlie Clingen
and I wrote an invited paper (06/78) for COMPCON 78 about our team's
development process.
It was reprinted in the IEEE Tutorial on Software Maintenance.
How I got started in computers .. in a suburban basement in the 1950s (1995)
1401s I have known. Includes HELLO WORLD (2002)
The IBM 7070. An interesting and little-known machine (1996)
The IBM 7094 and CTSS. MIT's two 7094s, and the first time-sharing utility (02/07/25)
The IBM 360/67 and CP/CMS. My experiences with the ancestor of VM/370. (12/15/10)
The History of Electronic Mail. Early electronic mail and instant messaging. (03/23/24)
"Ojos Numerosos (for George Oppen)," a poem by Mark Mendel, painted on walls in Cambridge MA in 1975. (1997)
Software Engineering Comix. Seven b&w comic strips for programmers. (07/24/95)
Mulvaney on Bomb Disposal. World War II humor (11/08/23)
Home Terminals. Fifty years of logging in from home. (12/14/98)
Borges and I. How I learned to appreciate the master. (2012)
The 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake. Tuesday, October 17, 1989, at 5:04 PM. (07/04/97)
You never know when you might need to know some of this stuff.
The Figures of the Syllogism .. as described by Petrus Hispanius. (2010)
Borges' Animals .. a classification as good as any. (2006)
Index Gallery (11/08/23)
Famous Van Vlecks (10/16/24)
Favorite Places on the Web (11/13/24)
Feijoada (1980)
Venice (11/08/23)
Mushroom Hunting (11/08/23)
The Funnies (11/08/23)
I was interviewed by Jeffrey Yost of the Charles Babbage Institute
for the NSF History of Computer Security project.
(10/24/12, 175K PDF)
© Tom Van Vleck 2025-03-21