Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-547, Rev. 1 DM: Record Manager Functional Spec To: Distribution From: Lindsey Spratt and Matt Pierret Date: 04/18/84 Subject: Data Management: Record Manager Functional Specification 1 ABSTRACT This document describes the operations of the record manager which will be used by the relation and index managers. The record manager implements a collection of fixed-format (all records having the same set of fields), variable-length records. Methods of accessing data are described, including the use of search specifications, cursors and record identifiers. Comments should be sent to the author: via Multics Mail: Spratt.Multics on either MIT Multics or System M. via US Mail: Lindsey Spratt Honeywell Information Systems, inc. 4 Cambridge Center Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142 via telephone: (HVN) 261-9321, or (617) 492-9321 _________________________________________________________________ Multics project internal working documentation. Not to be reproduced or distributed outside the Multics project without the consent of the author or the author's management. CONTENTS Page 1 Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 Significant Changes Contained in Revision 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 Storing Records . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 Cursors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6 Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 Description of the Operations . . . 4 record_manager_ . . . . . . . . . . 4 $copy_cursor (unimplemented) . . 5 $create_collection . . . . . . . 6 $create_cursor . . . . . . . . . 7 $delete_record_by_id . . . . . . 8 $delete_records_by_id_list . . . 9 $delete_records_by_spec . . . . 10 $destroy_collection . . . . . . 11 $destroy_cursor . . . . . . . . 12 $get_field_info . . . . . . . . 13 $get_record_by_id . . . . . . . 14 $get_record_ids_by_interval . . 15 $get_record_ids_by_spec . . . . 16 $get_record_count . . . . . . . 17 $get_record_count_by_interval . 18 $get_records_and_ids_by_spec . . 19 $get_records_and_ids_by_interval 20 $get_records_by_id_list . . . . 22 $get_records_by_interval . . . . 23 $get_records_by_spec . . . . . . 25 $modify_record_by_id . . . . . . 26 $modify_records_by_id_list . . . 27 $modify_records_by_spec . . . . 28 $position_cursor . . . . . . . . 29 $put_record_by_id . . . . . . . 30 $put_records_by_id . . . . . . . 32 $put_records_by_spec (unimplemented) . . . . . . . . 34 Appendix A - Specification Structures 35 The specification_head structure . 35 The subset_specification structure 35 The search_specification structure 36 The numeric_specification structure 39 CONTENTS (cont) Page Appendix B - Information Structures . 41 The typed_vector structure . . . . 41 The typed_vector_array structure . 42 The element_id_list structure . . . 43 The id_list structure . . . . . . . 43 The interval_list structure . . . . 44 Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-547, Rev. 1 DM: Record Manager Functional Spec 2 INTRODUCTION The record manager supports the organization of records in a collection. Records are multiple-field, fixed format, varying-length records. That is, many fields are allowed per record, and the fields may be of varying length, but all records must have the same set of fields (fixed format). The record manager may be used with an index manager or alone. Records which are related, as specified by the caller, are kept physically "close" together if possible. Record identifiers are not guaranteed to be unchanging from transaction to transaction, but can be guaranteed to be constant for the duration of a transaction. Identifiers can change when doing a cleanup of the record collection. Records are threaded together in an explicitly defined order, making it possible to use the record manager directly without the aid of an index. This should save on call overhead and I/Os when walking through the entire collection of records. In general however, it is expected that the record manager will be used in concert with an index. 3 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES CONTAINED IN REVISION 1 | Changes made to this MTB for Revision 1 are extensive. | Therefore, no change bar indicators will appear. | The name of the subroutine interface to the Record Manager | has been changed from rcdmgr_ to record_manager_. The following | entry points have been added: | delete_records_by_id_list | get_field_info | get_record_ids_by_interval | get_record_count_by_interval | get_records_and_ids_by_spec | get_records_and_ids_by_interval | get_records_by_id_list | get_records_by_interval | modify_records_by_id_list | put_records_by_id | The following entry points have been renamed: | old_name new_name | delete_record_by_spec delete_records_by_spec | get_id get_record_ids_by_spec | MTB-547, Rev. 1 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Record Manager Functional Spec | get_record_by_spec get_records_by_spec | modify_record_by_spec modify_records_by_spec | put_record_by_spec put_records_by_spec | The calculate_storage entry point has been deleted. | The argument names have been named so that entry points | which pass the same arguments now call them by the same names. | The descriptions of the specification structures and | information structures used by this subroutine have been moved | into Appendix A, and their descriptions updated to reflect the | currently installed code. Descriptions of the | simple_typed_vector, general_typed_vector, and typed_vector_array | structures have been provided. 4 STORING RECORDS Records of a collection are chained together, allowing the record manager to access the records in some order. When adding a record to this chain (i.e. storing a record) the user may specify where in the chain the record should go. With this technique, the user can maintain a meaningful ordering of his/her records. The user also has the option to not care about how the records are ordered, and store them randomly. Whether records are stored randomly or in some meaningful order, they are chained together. Records which are chained near each other are stored physically close to each other, if possible. Performance enhancements can be realised, in terms of number of I/Os generated, under certain common circumstances if the user takes advantage this physical closeness. For instance, if the user knows that the records will very often be searched according to constraints over a particular field or set of fields, storing the records in the order of the values of that field or set of fields would make searching more efficient. Those searches, which were already identified to be the common case, would require only one I/O for several records, rather than the likely I/O for each record if stored randomly. An alternative gain would result if the user could identify sets of records within a collection which would very often be accessed together, i.e. if one of the records is accessed, there is a high probability that the other records of the set will also be accessed very soon. The user could then have those records stored near each other, to reduce on the number of I/Os generated in this type of search. Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-547, Rev. 1 DM: Record Manager Functional Spec As keeping records in some meaningful order requires some effort on the part of the user, the user can opt for storing records without specifying where the records should go. With this random storage, records are still chained together to allow for searches over the collection, but all records are stored at the end of the collection both physically and in the chain of records. 5 CURSORS Cursors are used to maintain a position in a record collection. Record manager cursors contain an indicaton of a position in a collection, as well as such needed information as the file opening identifier and the identifier of the record collection. Users of the record manager never manipulate or even see cursors directly. Users pass pointers to cursors to record manager routines which are responsible for manipulating the value of the cursor. All operations which access the record collection expect a cursor as an input argument, even if the position is not used, because the cursor determines the file opening and record collection identifiers. 6 VECTORS The record and index managers use a common structure to return records and keys. Record and key values are referred to generically as vectors. Vectors are returned to the caller in vector arrays. These vector arrays have built in information about the format of the data, how to display and sort the data, and how to convert the data into a character representation. As a result, tools for displaying and editing vectors need not continually reference header information. Just as a record is composed of fields, a vector is composed of dimensions. In this paper, the terms vector and record, and dimension and field are used interchangeably. For a more complete description of vectors and vector arrays and the tools used to manipulate them, see "The Data Vector - A General Data Management Tool", MTB-999. MTB-547, Rev. 1 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Record Manager Functional Spec 7 DESCRIPTION OF THE OPERATIONS Name: record_manager_ The record_manager_ subroutine manages records in a record collection. The records may have multiple fields of varying length and mixed data types. All records must have the same set of fields. Positioning in record collections is done with the aid of search specifications -- structures which describe records or record positions. A specification can be numeric positioning or search on values. It can be absolute, done by starting at the beginning or end of the index, or relative, done by starting at a position specified by a cursor. See Appendix A for a description of the specification structures. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$copy_cursor (unimplemented) Makes a copy of a cursor. The new cursor has the same position as the template cursor from which it was copied. Usage dcl record_manager_$copy_cursor (unimplemented) entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$copy_cursor (unimplemented) (input_cursor_ptr, work_area_ptr, output_cursor_ptr, code); where: input_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to the cursor to be copied. work_area_ptr (Input) is a pointer to the area in which the new cursor is to be allocated. output_cursor_ptr (Output) is a pointer to the new cursor. code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$create_collection Creates an empty record collection in the given file with the specified fields. An identifier is assigned for referencing this collection, or rather the header of the collection. The header is filled with information about the format of the records and the location of the first control interval of the collection. Usage dcl record_manager_$create_collection entry (bit(36) aligned, ptr, ptr, ptr, bit(36) aligned, fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$create_collection (file_opening_id, typed_vector_array_ptr, cism_info_ptr, esm_info_ptr, record_collection_id, code); where: file_opening_id (Input) is the opening identifier of the file of interest. typed_vector_array_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a typed_vector_array structure, the dimension table of which is used to define the fields of the colleciton. In operations where the fields are referred to, either explicitly or implicitly, the array index of the field in the dimension table is its identifier. cism_info_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a structure which defines the Control Interval Storage Method. Currently, only the Unblocked CISM is supported. The structure used is unblocked_cism_info, declared in dm_cm_cism_info.incl.pl1. esm_info_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a structure which defines the Element Storage Method. Currently, only the Basic ESM is supported. The structure used is basic_esm_info, declared in dm_cm_esm_info.incl.pl1. record_collection_id (Output) is a record collection identifier which serves as an index to the record collection's header. code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$create_cursor Allocates a cursor structure in the provided work area. This cursor is tailored for the record collection with which it is to be used. Its initial position is at the beginning of the collection. Usage dcl record_manager_$create_cursor entry (bit(36) aligned, bit(36) aligned, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$create_cursor (file_opening_id, record_collection_id, work_area_ptr, record_cursor_ptr, code); where: file_opening_id (Input) is the opening identifier of the file in which the record collection resides. record_collection_id (Input) is a record collection identifier. work_area_ptr (Input) is a pl1 area defined by the caller. record_cursor_ptr (Output) is a pointer to a data structure used to identify a position in a record_collection. It is managed entirely by the record manager. The cursor contains the file_opening_id, the record_collection_id, the work_area_ptr (to facilitate freeing), the value of the record which is the current position, and the "address" of the record which is the current position. The address is to provide swift access, the value is to verify that the address is still valid. The address and value (the current position) are "undefined" when the cursor is created. It becomes "defined" when given as input to any absolute positioning operation (modify_records_by_spec, delete_records_by_spec, get_records_by_spec, get_record_id, or position_cursor with an "absolute" specification). code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$delete_record_by_id Deletes the record specified by record_id. Usage dcl record_manager_$delete_record_by_id entry (bit(36) aligned, ptr, fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$delete_record_by_id (record_id, record_cursor_ptr, code); where: record_id (Input) is the identifier of the record to delete. record_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a record cursor. code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$delete_records_by_id_list Deletes the records specified by the record_id_list. The cursor is positioned to the record following the last record deleted. Usage dcl record_manager_$delete_records_by_id_list entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35), fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$delete_records_by_id_list (element_id_list_ptr, record_cursor_ptr, number_of_records_processed, code); where: element_id_list_ptr (Input) is a pointer to an element_id_list structure containing the identifiers of the records to delete. record_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a record cursor. number_of_records_processed (Output) is the number of records deleted. code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$delete_records_by_spec Deletes the records identified by the search specification. Usage dcl record_manager_$delete_records_by_spec entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35), fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$delete_records_by_spec (specification_ptr, record_cursor_ptr, number_of_records_processed, code); where: specification_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a search_specification or numeric_specification structure. record_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a record cursor. After the deletion, the cursor is set to the position of what was the "next" record, or to a special value indicating that the end of the collection has been reached. number_of_records_processed (Output) is the number of records which were deleted. code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$destroy_collection Destroys a record collection, freeing its associated storage. Record collection identifiers may be re-used by the "create_collection" operation. Usage dcl record_manager_$destroy_collection entry (bit(36) aligned, bit(36) aligned, fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$destroy_collection (file_opening_id, record_collection_id, code); where: file_opening_id (Input) if the opening identifier of the file in which the record collection resides. record_collection_id (Input) is the identifier of the record collection to be destroyed. code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$destroy_cursor Destroys a cursor, freeing its storage. Usage dcl record_manager_$destroy_cursor entry (ptr, fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$destroy_cursor (record_cursor_ptr, code); where: record_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to the record cursor to be destroyed. code (Output) is standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$get_field_info Returns information about the fields of the specified record. Usage dcl record_manager_$get_field_info entry (bit(36) aligned, bit(36) aligned, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$get_field_info (file_opening_id, record_collection_id, work_area_ptr, typed_vector_array_ptr, code); where: file_opening_id (Input) is the opening identifier of the file in which the record collection resides. record_collection_id (Input) is the identifier of the record collection. work_area_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a pl1 area defined by the caller in which to return the array of information. typed_vector_array_ptr (Output) is a pointer to a typed_vector_array structure which contains the field information. code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$get_record_by_id Gets the desired fields of the record identified by record_id. Usage dcl record_manager_$get_record_by_id entry (bit(36) aligned, ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$get_record_by_id (record_id, id_list_ptr, work_area_ptr, record_cursor_ptr, simple_typed_vector_ptr, code); where: record_id (Input) is the identifier of the desired record. id_list_ptr (Input) is a pointer to an id_list structure containing the identifiers of the fields to be retrieved. work_area_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a pl1 area defined by the caller in which to place the retrieved records. record_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a record cursor. simple_typed_vector_ptr (Output) is a pointer to a simple_typed_vector structure containing the retrieved record. code (Output) is standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$get_record_ids_by_interval This entry returns the record identifiers of the records specified. Selection is based on three things: a list of record identifiers, a search_specification, and an interval_list structure. Usage dcl record_manager_$get_record_ids_by_interval entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$get_record_ids_by_interval (input_element_id_list_ptr, search_specification_ptr, interval_list_ptr, work_area_ptr, record_cursor_ptr, output_element_id_list_ptr, code); where: input_element_id_list_ptr (Input) is a pointer to an element_id_list structure containing the ids of the records to which the search_specification and interval are to be applied. search_specification_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a search_specification to be applied to the records listed in the record element_id_list structure. interval_list_ptr (Input) is a pointer to an interval_list structure. It identifies records satisfying the constraints in the and_group which pertain to the fields present in the index. work_area_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a freeing area in which the output typed_vector_array is to be allocated. record_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a record cursor. The position is left unchanged by this operation. output_element_id_list_ptr (Output) is a pointer to an element_id_list structure which contains the record identifiers of the selected records. code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$get_record_ids_by_spec Gets the identifiers of the records identified by the specification. Usage dcl record_manager_$get_record_ids_by_spec entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$get_record_ids_by_spec (specification_ptr, work_area_ptr, record_cursor_ptr, element_id_list_ptr, code); where: specification_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a search_specification or numeric_specification structure. work_area_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a pl1 area defined by the caller in which to place the returned identifiers. record_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a record cursor. After the operation, the cursor is set to the position of the record corresponding to the last id retrieved. element_id_list_ptr (Output) is a pointer to an element_id_list structure containing the record identifiers selected. code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$get_record_count Returns the count of records in the collection that satisfy the search specification. Usage dcl record_manager_$get_record_count entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35), fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$get_record_count (specification_ptr, record_cursor_ptr, number_of_records_processed, code); where: specification_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a search_specification or numeric_specification structure. record_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a record cursor. The position is not changed. number_of_records_processed (Output) is the number of records selected. code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$get_record_count_by_interval This entry returns the count of records that meet a selection criteria based on a list of record identifiers, a search specification, and an interval list structure. Usage dcl record_manager_$get_record_count_by_interval entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35), fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$get_record_count_by_interval (input_elment_id_list_ptr, search_specification_ptr, interval_list_ptr, work_area_ptr, record_cursor_ptr, record_count, code); where: input_element_id_list_ptr (Input) is a pointer to an element_id_list structure containing the ids of the records to which the search_specification and interval are to be applied. search_specification_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a search_specification to be applied to the records listed in the element_id_list structure. interval_list_ptr (Input) is a pointer to an interval_list structure. It identifies records satisfying the constraints in the and_group which pertain to the fields present in the index. work_area_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a freeing area in which the output typed_vector_array is to be allocated. record_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a record cursor. The position is left unchanged by this operation. record_count (Output) is a count of the number of records in the record element_id_list which satisfied the constraints of the search_specification applied in the fashion specified by the interval_list. code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$get_records_and_ids_by_spec This entry returns a set of records and their identifiers that meet the search specification. Usage dcl record_manager_$get_records_and_ids_by_spec entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$get_records_and_ids_by_spec (specification_ptr, id_list_ptr, work_area_ptr, record_cursor_ptr, element_id_list_ptr, typed_vector_array_ptr, code); where: specification_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a search_specification or numeric_specification structure. id_list_ptr (Input) is a pointer to an id_list structure containing the field identifiers of the fields to be returned. work_area_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a freeing area in which the output typed_vector_array is to be allocated. record_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a record cursor. The position is left unchanged by this operation. element_id_list_ptr (Output) is a pointer to an element_id_list structure which contains the record identifiers of the selected records. typed_vector_array_ptr (Output) is a pointer to a typed_vector_array structure which contains the selected records. code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$get_records_and_ids_by_interval This entry returns a set of records and their identifiers that meet a selection criteria based on three things: a list of record identifiers, a search_specification, and an interval_list structure. Usage dcl record_manager_$get_records_and_ids_by_interval entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35), ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$get_records_and_ids_by_interval (input_element_id_list_ptr, id_list_ptr, search_specification_ptr, interval_list_ptr, work_area_ptr, typed_vector_array_version, record_cursor_ptr, output_element_id_list_ptr, typed_vector_array_ptr, code); where: input_element_id_list_ptr (Input) is a pointer to an element_id_list structure containing the ids of the records to which the search_specification and interval are to be applied. id_list_ptr (Input) is a pointer to an id_list structure containing the field identifiers of the fields to be returned. search_specification_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a search_specification to be applied to the records listed in the input_element_id_list structure. interval_list_ptr (Input) is a pointer to an interval_list structure. It identifies records satisfying the constraints in the and_group which pertain to the fields present in the index. work_area_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a freeing area in which the output typed_vector_array is to be allocated. typed_vector_array_version (Input) is the version of the typed_vector_array structure to use. The current version is TYPED_VERSION_ARRAY_VERSION_2. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ record_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a record cursor. The position is left unchanged by this operation. output_element_id_list_ptr (Output) is a pointer to an element_id_list structure which contains the record identifiers of the selected records. typed_vector_array_ptr (Output) is a pointer to a typed_vector_array structure which contains the selected records. code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$get_records_by_id_list Gets the desired fields of all of the records identified by the record id list. Usage dcl record_manager_$get_records_by_id_list entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$get_records_by_id_list (element_id_list_ptr, id_list_ptr, work_area_ptr, record_cursor_ptr, typed_vector_array_ptr, code); where: element_id_list_ptr (Input) is a pointer to an element_id_list structure, containing the record identifiers of each record to get. A scalar can be provided; it will be interpreted as an array of one element. id_list_ptr (Input) is a pointer to an id_list structure containing the identifiers of the fields to be retrieved. work_area_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a pl1 area defined by the caller in which to place the retrieved records. record_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a record cursor. typed_vector_array_ptr (Output) is a pointer to a typed_vector_array structure containing the retrieved records. code (Output) is standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$get_records_by_interval This entry retrieves a set of records identified by three things: a list of record identifiers, a search_specification, and an interval_list structure. Each "interval" of the interval list identifies a span of record identifiers in the list of record identifiers and one or more and_groups from the search_specification. All of the records in an interval which satisfy one or more of the and_groups associated with that interval are returned. This entry is primarily for use in conjunction with the index_manager_. Usage dcl record_manager_$get_records_by_interval entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35), ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$get_records_by_interval (element_id_list_ptr, id_list_ptr, search_specification_ptr, interval_list_ptr, work_area_ptr, typed_vector_array_version, record_cursor_ptr, typed_vector_array_ptr, code); where: element_id_list_ptr (Input) is a pointer to an element_id_list structure containing the ids of the records to which the search_specification and interval are to be applied. id_list_ptr (Input) is a pointer to an id_list structure containing the field identifiers of the fields to be returned. search_specification_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a search_specification to be applied to the records listed in the element_id_list structure. interval_list_ptr (Input) is a pointer to an interval_list structure. It identifies records satisfying the constraints in the and_group which pertain to the fields present in the index. work_area_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a freeing area in which the output typed_vector_array is to be allocated. typed_vector_array_version (Input) _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ is the version of the typed_vector_array structure to use. The current version is TYPED_VERSION_ARRAY_VERSION_2. record_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a record cursor. The position is left unchanged by this operation. typed_vector_array_ptr (Output) is a pointer to a typed_vector_array which contains the results of the search. code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$get_records_by_spec Gets the desired fields of the records identified by the search specification. Usage dcl record_manager_$get_records_by_spec entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$get_records_by_spec (specification_ptr, id_list_ptr, work_area_ptr, record_cursor_ptr, typed_vector_array_ptr, code); where: specification_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a search_specification or numeric_specification structure. id_list_ptr (Input) is a pointer to an id_list structure, containing identifiers of the fields to be returned. work_area_ptr (Input) is a pl1 area defined by the caller, in which storage for the retrieved records is allocated. The area can be of any type, but if the caller expects to be handling large amounts of data, the area should be extensible. For efficiency reasons, the caller should set the zero_on_alloc and zero_on_free flags off if dealing with large amounts of data. record_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a record cursor. After the operation, the cursor is set to the position of the last record retrieved. typed_vector_array_ptr (Output) is a pointer to a structure containing an array of pointers to simple_typed_vector structures, each of which holds a record value retrieved, now placed in the storage allocated in work_area. code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$modify_record_by_id Modifies the fields specified to have the values given in the general_typed_vector, for the record identified by record_id. Usage dcl record_manager_$modify_record_by_id entry (bit(36) aligned, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$modify_record_by_id (record_id, general_typed_vector_ptr, record_cursor_ptr, code); where: record_id (Input) is the identifier of the record to be modified. general_typed_vector_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a general_typed_vector structure containing the new values of the fields to be modified. record_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a record cursor. code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$modify_records_by_id_list Modifies the specified fields to have the values given in the general_typed_vector, for all of the records identified by the record_id_list. Usage dcl record_manager_$modify_records_by_id_list entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35), fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$modify_records_by_id_list (element_id_list_ptr, general_typed_vector_ptr, record_cursor_ptr, number_of_records_processed, code); where: element_id_list_ptr (Input) is a pointer to an element_id_list structure, identifying each record to be modified. A scalar may be passed by value rather than an array, and it will be interpreted as an array of one element. general_typed_vector_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a general_typed_vector containing the new values of the fields to be modified. record_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a record cursor. The cursor is positioned to the last record modified. number_of_records_processed (Output) is the number of records modified. code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$modify_records_by_spec Modifies the specified fields to have the values given in the general_typed_vector structure, for all of the records identified by the search specification. Usage dcl record_manager_$modify_records_by_spec entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35), fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$modify_records_by_spec (specification_ptr, general_typed_vector_ptr, record_cursor_ptr, number_of_records_processed, code); where: specification_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a search_specification or numeric_specification structure. general_typed_vector_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a general_typed_vector structure. The dimension id identifies the fields to be modified, and the dimension value is the value to set the field to. Modifications must involve a replacement of the entire field at this time. record_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a record cursor. After the modification, the cursor is set to the position of the last record modified. number_of_records_modified (Output) is the number of records which were modified. code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$position_cursor Sets the value of the cursor to be the given position in the specified collection. If the specification identifies more than one record, the cursor points at the first of these. Usage dcl record_manager_$position_cursor entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$position_cursor (specification_ptr, record_cursor_ptr, code); where: specification_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a search_specification or numeric_specification structure. record_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to the record cursor to be positioned. code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$put_record_by_id Puts a record into the record collection. If possible, it is put in the same control interval as the related record specified by the caller. Usage dcl record_manager_$put_record_by_id entry (bit(36) aligned, ptr, fixed bin(35), ptr, bit(36) aligned, fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$put_record_by_id (related_record_id, simple_typed_vector_ptr, minimum_free_space, record_cursor_ptr, record_id, code); where: related_record_id (Input) is the identifier of the record which is to be previous to the record being "put", referred to as the related record. If the value of related_record_id is "0"b, the new record will be inserted randomly. simple_typed_vector_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a simple_typed_vector structure which is used to represent the value of the record. minimum_free_space (Input) is the minimum amount of space in bits that must be left free in the control interval in which the record is put. Normally this value is zero, meaning the control interval can be packed full. At times, such as during loading a file or garbage collecting, the caller may wish to leave some space free to allow for growth of records and insertion of new records. record_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a structure which maintains the current position in the record collection. It also contains the file opening id and record collection id. After the put operation, it is set to the position of the newly put record. record_id (Output) is the identifier of the record that was put into the collection. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$put_records_by_id Puts a set of records into the record collection. If possible, they are put in the same control interval as the related record specified by the caller. Usage dcl record_manager_$put_records_by_id entry (bit(36) aligned, ptr, fixed bin(35), ptr, bit(36) aligned, fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$put_records_by_id (related_record_id, typed_vector_array_ptr, minimum_free_space, record_cursor_ptr, element_id_list_ptr, code); where: related_record_id (Input) is the identifier of the record which is to be previous to the records being "put", referred to as the related record. If the records are threaded, the related record is previous to the first of the new records in the chain of records in the collection, and the record manager will try to put the new records in the same control interval as the related record. Otherwise, in either the following control interval or a newly allocated control interval. If the value of related_record_id is "0"b, the new records will be inserted randomly. typed_vector_array_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a typed_vector_array structure which is used to represent the values of the records. minimum_free_space (Input) is the minimum amount of space in bits that must be left free in each control interval in which the records are put. Normally this value is zero, meaning the control interval can be packed full. At times, such as during loading a file or garbage collecting, the caller may wish to leave some space free to allow for growth of records and insertion of new records. record_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a structure which maintains the current position in the record collection. It also contains the file opening id and record collection id. It is set to the position of the last record _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ put. element_id_list_ptr (Output) is a pointer to an element_id_list structure containing the record ids of the newly put records. code (Output) is a standard system status code. _______________ _______________ record_manager_ record_manager_ _______________ _______________ Entry: record_manager_$put_records_by_spec (unimplemented) Puts a given set of records into the record collection at the location indicated by the specification. Usage dcl record_manager_$put_records_by_spec (unimplemented) entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35), ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); call record_manager_$put_records_by_spec (unimplemented) (specification_ptr, typed_vector_array_ptr, minimum_free_space, record_cursor_ptr, element_id_list_ptr, code); where: specification_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a search_specification or numeric_specification structure. typed_vector_array_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a typed_vector_array structure, containing an array of pointers to simple_typed_vectors which are used to represent record values. minimum_free_space (Input) is the minimum amount of free space in bits that must be left in each control interval in which records are put. record_cursor_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a structure which maintains the current position in the record collection. It also contains the file opening id and record collection id. After the put operation, it is set to the position of the newly put record. If more than one record is put, it is set to the position of the last record. element_id_list_ptr (Output) is a pointer to an element_id_list structure, containing an array of identifiers of the newly put records. code (Output) is a standard system status code. Appendix A - Specification Structures The specification_head structure The following structure is used in specifying keys. It is declared in the dm_specification_head.incl.pl1 include file: dcl 1 specification_head based (sh_ptr) aligned, 2 version fixed bin(35), 2 type fixed bin(17) unal, 2 pad bit(18) unal, 2 subset_specification_ptr ptr; where: version is the version of the structure. The current version is a static variable named SPECIFICATION_VERSION_4. type is the type of the specification. There are four types for record_manager_; absolute numeric positioning, relative numeric positioning, absolute (from the "root") searching, and relative (from the current position indicated by a cursor) searching. These constants are defined in dm_specification_head.incl.pl1. pad must be "0"b. subset_specification_ptr is a pointer to a subset_specification structure. This structure is used to constrain selected keys to either be members of a subset or not be members of a subset. (See below for the documentation of this structure.) Any of the following structures can be used for specifying positions, each of which use specification_head as a header. The subset_specification structure Following is the structure to specify subset indices and their relation to a specification of keys. It is declared in dm_subset_specification.incl.pl1. dcl 1 subset_specification based (subset_specification_ptr), 2 version char (8), 2 number_of_subsets fixed bin, 2 subset (ss_number_of_subsets refer (subset_specification .number_of_subsets)), 3 id_list_ptr ptr, 3 is_member bit(1) unaligned, 3 pad bit(35) unaligned, 3 cursor_ptr ptr; where: version is the version of the structure. The version is given by the internal static constant SUBSET_SPECIFICATION_VERSION_1. number_of_subsets is the number of subsets used in defining the specification. Subsets may be used in either numeric or value, and absolute or relative positioning. subset.id_list_ptr is a pointer to a id_list structure which defines the relationship of the fields of the subset index to the index being searched. is the identifier of the field in the index being searched which is associated with the I'th field of the subset index. subset.is_member if on, indicates that keys which this specification identifies must be found in this subset. For a subset to have a (source index) key as a member, the subset index must contain as a key the data which is found in the attendant data fields of the source index key. This is a special case of the more general subset "membership" definition which allows the caller to define the way in which data from the source index is to match data in the subset index. This special case is useful for the relation manager. subset.pad must be "0"b. subset.cursor_ptr is a pointer to a cursor for the subset index. The search_specification structure This structure is used when a search for keys with particular values is to be done. It is declared in dm_specification.incl.pl1. dcl 1 search_specification based (ss_ptr), 2 head like specification_head, 2 maximum_number_of_constraints, fixed bin(17) unal, 2 range, unal, 3 type fixed bin(17), 3 size fixed bin(17), 2 number_of_and_groups fixed bin(17) unal, 2 and_group (ss_number_of_and_groups refer (search_specification .number_of_and_groups)), 2 number_of_constraints fixed bin(17) unal, 3 constraint (ss_maximum_number_of_constraints (refer search_specification .maximum_number_of_constraints)), 4 field_id fixed bin(17) unal, 4 operator_code fixed bin(17) unal, 4 value_field_id fixed bin(17) unal, 4 pad bit(18) unal, 4 value_ptr ptr unal; where: maximum_number_of_constraints is the number of field specifications to be allocated for each and_group. range.type is the type of range of the specified keys desired: 0 - all 1 - top 2 - bottom Constants for these values are defined in dm_range_constants.incl.pl1. range.size is the size of the range. If the type is "all" (or 0), then the size is ignored. If the type is "top" and the value of size is N, then the highest N keys of the keys selected are returned. In the case of "bottom", the lowest N keys of the keys selected are returned. number_of_and_groups is the number of and_groups used in the search_specification. The elements satisfied by each and_group are joined by union to obtain the complete set to satisfy the search_specification. and_group.number_of_constraints is the number of constraints actually in use for this and_group. Each constraint of the and_group must be satisfied in order for an element to be a member of the and_group. and_group.constraint.field_id is the id for the field being constrained. and_group.constraint.operator_code is the relationship the value of the desired keys must have to the value specified in this constraint. The operator codes can be dealt with as either fixed binary number or as a bit string (which must be converted to a fixed binary number). When considered as a bit string the meaning of the bits are "or"ed together. The right-most bits are given the following meaning: "00001"b - = (equals) "00010"b - > (greater than) "00100"b - ^ (not) "01000"b - regular expression match "10000"b - field may be absent. An "absent" field always compares to false for any of the other four comparisons. If this bit is on, an "absent" field will compare "true" and a "present" field will compare false. Some combinations of operators "bits" are not defined to have any meaning, e.g. "regular expression match" or'ed with "greater than". The complete definition of the meanings of all of the combinations of the 5 right-most operator bits follows: 1 - "00001"b - = 2 - "00010"b - > 3 - "00011"b - >= 4 - "00100"b - ^ 5 - "00101"b - ^= (><) 6 - "00110"b - ^> (<=) 7 - "00111"b - ^>= (<) 8 - "01000"b - regular expression match 9 through 15 - undefined 16 - "10000"b - field is absent from key 17 - "10001"b - field is absent or = 18 - "10010"b - field is absent or > 19 - "10011"b - field is absent or >= 20 - "10100"b - field is not absent 21 - "10101"b - field is absent or ^> (<=) 22 - "10110"b - field is absent or ^= 23 - "10111"b - undefined 24 - "11000"b - if field is present, regular expression match 25 through 31 - undefined and_group.constraint.value_field_id specifies intra-key/record compares. and_group.constraint.pad must be "0"b. and_group.constraint.value_ptr is a pointer to the value to be compared with the values in the database. The value must be allocated according to the DM data types. The numeric_specification structure This structure is used when a search for keys with a particular numeric position is to be done. It is declared in dm_specification.incl.pl1. dcl 1 numeric_specification based (nss_ptr), 2 head like specification_head, 2 range_size fixed bin(35) aligned, 2 position_number fixed bin(17) unal, 2 pad bit(18) unal; where: range_size is the number of keys to be returned including the key identified by position_number, below. If the range_size is negative, it indicates that the keys desired precede the specified key. If it is positive, the keys are to be the ones immediately following the specified key. position_number is interpreted according to the absolute or relative nature of the specification. If absolute, it is the position_number'th key of the index to which the position is moved. If position_number is negative, the keys are counted backwards from the end of the index for position_number keys. If position_number is positive, the keys are counted forward from the beginning of the index. If the type is relative, it is the position_number'th key from the current position to which the position is moved. If position_number is negative, the position is moved backwards from the current position; if it is positive, it is moved forwards from the current position. If position_number moves the cursor beyond the index, i.e. it is either too large or too small, then the cursor is moved to the beginning or end of the index as appropriate and error_table_$beginning_of_index or error_table_$end_of_index is returned. pad must be "0"b. Appendix B - Information Structures The typed_vector structure There are two formats for the typed_vector, the simple_typed_vector and the general_typed_vector. Both are defined in vu_typed_vector.incl.pl1. In the simple_typed_vector there is only a pointer for each dimension value, no dimension identifier is provided. It can be used when all of the dimensions in a typed_vector_array are present in the typed_vector. The dimensions would be assumed to be in the order defined by the dimension_table of the typed_vector_array. In the general_typed_vector, any subset of the defined dimensions may be present, hence the dimension.identifier is required. dcl 1 simple_typed_vector based (simple_typed_vector_ptr), 2 type fixed bin (17) unal, 2 number_of_dimensions fixed bin (17) unal, 2 dimension (stv_number_of_dimensions refer (simple_typed_vector .number_of_dimensions)), 3 value_ptr ptr unal; dcl 1 general_typed_vector based (general_typed_vector_ptr), 2 type fixed bin (17) unal, 2 number_of_dimensions fixed bin (17) unal, 2 dimension (gtv_number_of_dimensions refer (general_typed_vector .number_of_dimensions)), 3 identifier fixed bin (17) unal, 3 pad bit (18) unal, 3 value_ptr ptr unal; where: type indicates the type of the vector structure. 2 indicates the general_typed_vector and 3 indicates the simple_typed_vector structure. number_of_dimensions is the number of dimensions present in the vector. dimension.identifier is the index in the dimension_table of the typed_vector_array of the dimension. dimension.pad must be "0"b. dimension.value_ptr is a pointer to the value of the dimension. The typed_vector_array structure The typed_vector_array structure (in vu_typed_vector_array.incl.pl1) is: dcl 1 typed_vector_array based (typed_vector_array_ptr) aligned, 2 version fixed bin (35), 2 number_of_dimensions fixed bin (17), 2 number_of_vectors fixed bin (17), 2 number_of_vector_slots fixed bin (17), 2 maximum_dimension_name_length fixed bin (17), 2 dimension_table (tva_number_of_dimensions refer (typed_vector_array .number_of_dimensions)), 3 name char ( tva_maximum_dimension_name_length refer (typed_vector_array .maximum_dimension_name_length)) varying, 3 descriptor_ptr ptr, 3 cv_to_print entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35), char(*) varying, fixed bin(35)), 3 cv_to_typed entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)), 2 vector_slot (tva_number_of_vector_slots refer (typed_vector_array .number_of_vector_slots)) ptr; where: version is the version of this structure, currently TYPED_VECTOR_ARRAY_VERSION_2. number_of_dimensions is the number of dimensions in the dimension table. maximum_dimension_name_length is the maximum length of any of the dimensions named in the dimension table. number_of_vectors is the number of vector slots actually used to point at vectors. number_of_vector_slots is the number of vector slots allocated. is the name of the dimension. dimension_table.descriptor_ptr is a pointer to standard Multics data type descriptor. dimension_table.cv_to_print is an entry for converting from typed format data to print format. dimension_table.cv_to_typed is an entry for converting from print format data to typed. vector_slot is a pointer to a typed_vector structure. The element_id_list structure Contains an array of "bit(36) aligned" identifiers to be used as record ids, tuple ids, key ids, or element ids. Its declaration follows, and it can be found in dm_element_id_list.incl.pl1. dcl 1 element_id_list aligned based (element_id_list_ptr), 2 version fixed bin(35), 2 number_of_ids fixed bin(17), 2 id (eil_number_of_ids refer (element_id_list.number_of_ids)) bit(36) aligned; where: version is the version of the structure, currently ELEMENT_ID_LIST_VERSION_1. number_of_ids is the number of identifiers. id is an array of element identifiers. The id_list structure The id_list structure contains an array of "fixed bin(17)" identifiers, which are used to identify attributes and fields. The declaration follows, and it is found in dm_id_list.incl.pl1. dcl 1 id_list aligned based (id_list_ptr), 2 version fixed bin(35), 2 number_of_ids fixed bin(17), 2 id (il_number_of_ids refer (id_list.number_of_ids)) fixed bin(17); where: version is the version of the structure, ID_LIST_VERSION_1. number_of_ids is the number of identifiers. id is an array of identifiers, used to identify attributes and fields. The interval_list structure The interval_list structure, declared in dm_interval_list.incl.pl1, is used in conjunction with a search_specification to identify partially processed and_groups with which records were found to satisfy those constraints in the and_group which pertain to the fields present in the index. Constraints for fields not present in the index have field_ids less than zero. dcl 1 interval_list based (interval_list_ptr), 2 version fixed bin(35), 2 number_of_intervals fixed bin(17) unal, 2 pad bit(18) unal, 2 interval (intl_number_of_intervals refer (interval_list .number_of_intervals)), 3 low_vector_idx fixed bin(35), 3 high_vector_idx fixed bin(35), 3 and_group_id_list_ptr ptr; where: version is the current version. It must be set to INTERVAL_LIST_VERSION_1. number_of_intervals is the number of intervals in the interval list. It is set by the refer option at allocation time. pad must be "0"b. interval.low_vector_idx is the index into the associated typed_vector_array of the first record of the interval. interval.high_vector_idx is the index into the associated typed_vector_array of the last record of the interval. and_group_id_list_ptr is a pointer to an id_list structure (declared int dm_id_list.incl.pl1) which contains a list of ids of the and_groups to be applied to this interval of records. These and_group ids are indices into the and_group array of the associated search_specification.