Who is a Multician?
Anybody who contributed to the development and success of Multics,
who advocated it to others and tried to make it better,
who loves the system (with all its faults).
As long as we have Multicians, we have the best part of Multics.
2047 names, 742 mail addresses (128 bounce), 126 home pages (5 404), 118 deceased.
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257 Awards Earned by Multicians
- Abbott, Bill
- Field Engineering (HIS): Bell Canada Hardware Technician
- Abdellatif, Abdelaziz
- User (INRIA): MRDS Multidatabase.
- Abel, Rea
- Marketing Education (HIS)
- Ackerman-Lewis, Grace
- Library (MIT IPC).
[1 MCR, 3 MTBs]
- Adams, Dennis C.
- Site Analyst (Ford).
- Adams, Gary T.
- Operations (AFDSC): Operations [1975-1979]
- Adams, Lynda J.
- System (PMDC): system configuration management, xforum.
[2 MTBs]
- Adams, S. M.
- Student (MIT).
- Adleman, Nathan A.
- System (GE, HIS): 6.36, EPLBSA, EPL, AIM; Site Analyst (BCO); Marketing (HIS): EOPS; Marketing (HIS/FSO): Security kernel report.
[1 MCB, 10 MSPM sections, 10 papers]
- Adsit, Robert J.
- System (PMDC): TTY DIM.
[2 MTBs]
- Agarwal, S. K.
- User (USL): MADAM
[1 paper]
- Agattas, Jerry
- Student (Oakland): '81-'83; User (GM): Application Developer
- Aitkenhead, Paul C.
- Consistent System (RCI).
- Akers, Mary
- User (AFDSC).
- System (HIS): PMDC, GCOS simulator; User (AFDSC).
- Alderman, Miles
- Marketing Education (HIS).
- Aldred, Neil
- Marketing (HISUK): Avon, Brunel, RAE, Cardiff.
- Alfather (nee Ruhl), Melody
- User (Ford): PL/I Programmer/Systems Analyst for several FMC systems.
- Allaire, André
- Education (HISCAN): DND Halifax, Bell Canada, DND Ottawa; Site Analyst (DND Ottawa).
- Allen, Larry
- User (AFDSC)
- Alpert, Elizabeth
- System (BTL): FSIM.
Alvarado, Robert J.
- System (PMDC): SET, GCOS simulator, GTSS.
- Alvaro, Veronique
- User (CICRP): NetAdmin.
- Amaranth, Pat
- User (GM): Created black armbands for HLSUA.
- Amaranth, Paul
- User (OU): KERMIT, HLSUA Multics Task Force.
- Ames, Peter
- Field Engineering (HIS): NWGS support (NWC).
- Ames, Stanley R., Jr.
- Guardian: MITRE security study.
[9 papers]
- Amiet, Bernard
- User (SNEAP): administration
- Ammons, John B.
- Engineering (GE/HIS): CPU.
- Ancona, Enrico I.
- Student (MIT): Initialization, MAD.
[1 MCB, 3 MSPM sections]
- Anderson, Cynthia
- Library (MIT IPC).
[1 MCR]
- Anderson, Diane E.
- Documentation (HIS): PMDC.
[1 paper]
- Anderson, James P.
- Guardian security evaluation.
[2 papers]
- Anderson, O. Ted
- User (MIT); MIT SIPB; Architecture Machine Group Magic 6 OS; Amber team member
- Anderson, Ward
- System (ACTC): Hardcore, Compilers, Commands, Comm, TCP/IP.
- Andersson, Gunnar B. M.
- Marketing (Bull): Sales Scandinavia (sold ASEA/BBC Multics 1979-80)
- Andre, Edouard
- System (CiiHB): UNCP/Multics.
- Andrews, Jerry
- Operations (MIT): Computer Operations
- Andrews, John
- Documentation (CISL).
[1 MSB]
- Angotti, Nancy
- Documentation (BTL).
- Anthony, Charles
- DPS8M Simulator
[1 video, 2 web pages]
- Anundi, Allan
- User (ASEA), Västerås, Sweden
- Aparicio, Luis
- User (PRHA): Director of EDP.
- Armstrong, Michael B.
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (Calgary).
- Armstrong, Rob
- User (Avon): Information Officer (AUCC). User Documentation, Help Information, Newsletter
- Arnwine, Michael P.
- Marketing (HIS/FSO): Site Analyst (AFDSC).
- Aronson, Rob
- User (SJU)
- Arthur, William
- System (GE): FORTRAN.
- Asher, Graham
- User (STC).
- Asher, Jerry
- User: Honeywell TC+SD software.
Asherman, Michael D.
- System (CISL): vfile_.
[25 MCRs, 5 MTBs]
- Asproth, Bob
- SysAdmin (CNO): Site Analyst: Attended Multics Metering & Tuning Seminar, June 78.
- Ata, John
- Marketing (HIS/FSO): Site Analyst (AFDSC, RADC); System (HIS): inner ring NCP-TCP/IP.
- Athané, Jean Michel
- System (CISL): Pascal.
[1 MTB]
- Auerbach, Michael L.
- Marketing (HIS/FSO): Site Analyst (AFDSC, USGS-M); continuum.
- Aulas, J. P.
- User (CICRP): administration
- Authemnent, Ray P.
- Presodent (USL).
- Autier, Guy
- Marketing (CiiHB): CCVR Multics Cray Station.
- Auyang, Y. S.
- Student (MIT).
- Ayers, Al
- Marketing (HIS): PRHA Months of contract negotiations and meetings in San Juan.
- Aziza, Georges
- User (INRIA): administration
- Backs, Joanne
- System (PMDC): End User Services.
- Baeten, Tim
- SysMaint (GM): System programming
- Bahrs, D.
- Engineering (GE).
[1 paper]
- Bahrs, Peter C.
- Student (USL).
- Bailey, M. J.
- System (MIT): CTSS dumper.
[1 MDN]
- Bakal, Janice
- User (Calgary): administration
- Baker, James J.
- Student (USL): BS computer science at USL
- Baker, John
- System (Avon): Algol 68.
- Balacco, Steve
- Marketing (HIS): USGS-R acct.
- Balageas, Pascal
- Field Engineering (CiiHB): Installation, Maintenance of 68 & 8/70M (Renault, INSEE, CNET)
- Baldwin, J.
- User (Cardiff): managed system.
- Baldwin, Lee
- Documentation (CISL): data management docs.
[1 MTB]
- Ball, Allen
- System (CISL): bootload debugger, B2 tests (as student)
- Ball, T.
- Marketing (HIS).
- Banâtre, Jean-Pierre
- User (INRIA): Enchère
[1 paper]
- Banâtre, Michel
- User (INRIA): Enchère
[2 papers]
- Banh, T.
- User (MDA-TA).
[1 paper]
- Baqué, Philippe
- User (CICT): System admin. Wrote or adapted many soft in AI (alouette) graphics (GKS) languages (Pascal) and sure many extension on Emacs and many others.
- Barankewicz, Mike
- Marketing (HIS): SJU acct.
- Barkalow, Tom
- Student (MIT): PAL.
Barker, Deryk G. R.
- System (HISLTD): UK networking support; Site Analyst (STC); xforum.
- Barnecut, Norm
- Site Analyst (Calgary): Chairman HLSUA Multics Task Force; Chairman HLSUA Multics Committee. Multiple Rate Structure Accounting. System Administration.
- Barnes (Hart), Jane
- Documentation (CISL): Everything from l967 to 1972
[4 repository docs]
- Barnes, Richard A.
- System (CISL): PL/I, FORTRAN, language group mgr.
[36 MCRs, 6 MTBs]
- Barr, Susan
- System (CISL): FAST, debug, NSS salvager.
[55 MCRs, 5 MTBs]
- Barre, Jackie
- System (IRIA): UNCP/Multics, CCVR Multics Cray Station.
- Barriga, Conrad
- Operations (HIS): System-M.
Barstad, Ronald A.
- System (PMDC): Commands, Subsystems, GCOS Simulator & GTSS, EMACS support, MOWSE, SQL.
[4 MABs, 4 MTBs]
- Bartlett, Sandy
- User (Bell Canada).
- Bartlett, W. S.
- System (GE): 6.36.
[1 MSPM section]
- Baryza, Greg
- User (Ford); Marketing (HIS): site analyst (Ford); System (CISL): mgr database group, regular expressions, C, commands.
[3 MTBs]
- Bash, Jacquelin L.
- Documentation (CISL).
[2 MSPM sections, 18 repository docs]
- Baskett, Forest W.
- Palyn Report.
- Basnett, Dewayne
- Marketing (HIS): MPO McLean VA, PRHA
- Batlle, Salvador E.
- System (AFDSC): Converting ALL GCOS Systems to Multics.
- Batten, Ian G.
- User (UBCC): Prolog interpreter in PL/I.
- Batts, Jim
- Documentation (CISL): documentation manager.
[1 MTB]
- Bauer, Fred
- Field Engineering (HIS): SJU.
Bawden, Alan
- Staff (MIT AI): MacLisp, Macsyma.
[1 TR]
- Bayles, R. U.
- System (MIT): CTSS, Multics disc/drum strategy.
- Beatson, T. J.
- Engineering (GE).
- Beattie, Arthur E.
- System (PMDC): SET, extended memory for 18x style FNPs, IMFT enhancements.
[2 MTBs]
Beatty, Ron
- Documentation (MIT): security docs.
- Beaume, Bernard
- User (INSEE-P)
- Beazant, Norman
- Marketing (HISLTD): RAE Cray interface.
- Becker, Anthony M
- User (Oakland): Application programming
- Becker, H.
- Engineering (GE).
- Beckles, Deryck
- User (Bell Canada): Bell-M.
- Beecher, Tom
- User (AFDSC): Applications development; Engineering (CISL): Multics maintenance.
- Beeghly, Daniel I.
- Support (Ford): Help Desk, Training.
- Behymer, Jim
- System (CISL).
- Bell, Alan
- Marketing (HIS): branch mgr for Brunel
- Bell, David Elliott
- Guardian: MITRE security study. "Unified Exposition and Multics Interpretation" modeling paper; User(MIT, DOCKMASTER), NSA TCSEC.
[1 interview, 5 papers]
- Bell, Jan
- CiiHB
Bellec, Jean
- User (Paris): L64 architect.
[1 paper, 1 web page]
- Bellusci, Mike
- Documentation (CISL): Multics documentation
- Belmont, Peter A.
- System (GE/CISL): User control, PL/I I/O.
[1 MCR, 6 MSPM sections]
- Benedict, G. Gordon (Llewellyn, David J. R.)
- Student (MIT): APL, some misc utilities
[2 MCRs, 1 paper, 1 TR]
- Benjafield, Gail
- Library (GE): Documentation (GE/CISL). Still alive and well and living back in Canada.
[1 MSPM section, 1 repository doc]
- Benjamin, Arthur
- Student (MIT).
[1 TR]
- Benjamin, Barbara
- Cambridge Project (Harvard): statistics.
Benjamin, Paul W.
- System (PMDC): GTSS, WORDPRO, compose graphics, format_document_, MRDS, DMS; editor, The User Ring.
[2 MABs, 9 MTBs, 1 web page]
- Bennett, Bonnie Holte
- User (CNO): Honeywell Systems and Research Center
- Bennett, Bruce
- Marketing (HIS): branch mgr for NSA
- Bennett, George D.
- Administration (GE).
[1 MCB, 22 MPNs]
- Bensoussan, André
- Designer (GE/CISL): File manager, Initialization, AIM, NSS.
[2 MCRs, 28 MSPM sections, 20 MTBs, 6 papers, 2 repository docs]
- Berglund, Allen A.
- System (BCO, PMDC): Installed BCO and Paris, Mgr MSS Phx.
[2 MCRs]
- Bergman, Haken
- User (ASEA): manager.
- Bergum, David I.
- Site Analyst (CNO)
- Berlent, Lewis
- System (BTL): Disk.
- Berman, Harris A.
- System (MIT IPC): tape.
[1 MSB]
- Berno,
- System (HIS).
- Berrezouga, Skander
- Marketing (CiiHB): Pre-sales & CRAY-Multics project
- Berry, Michael A.
- Marketing (HIS).
- Berson, Joel
- System (HIS): BCO sort/merge.
[2 MCRs, 2 MTBs]
- Berstel, J.
- Author: wrote usage guide in French.
[1 paper]
- Bertonis, Peter
- Field Engineering (RADC).
- Bessodes, Michel
- User (CERT/ONERA): administration
- Bhushan, Abhay K.
- System (MIT): ARPANet, FTP, mail, GIMPSPIF, Graphics.
[1 paper]
- Bianchi, Maurice
- System (GE): 6.36.
[2 MSPM sections]
- Biba, K. J.
- Guardian: MITRE security study.
[3 papers]
- Bibby, Al
- Marketing (HIS): DPO Southern Region marketing director.
- Bier, Alan
- Binder, Fred
- System (PMDC).
- Birnbaum, D.
- User (RADC): Remote Data Entry [Pattern Analysis and Recognition Corp, Rome, NY]
[1 paper]
- Birns, Len
- User (NWGS): CSC Day Zero
- Biron, Gaetan
- User (Bell Canada).
- Bisaga, Gary J.
- User (HIS): hacked on APL at Explorer Post at HIS in Tysons Corner, VA
Bishop, Matt
- User (DOCKMASTER): General user
- Bishop, Peter B.
- Student (MIT): DTSS, LISP.
- Bivens, Charlsie A.
- Support (HIS): Sys-M, Lead Operator..., Camelback Rd Facility, HIS
- Bjorkman, Elizabeth Quisenberry
- System (MIT): Command language.
[12 MSPM sections]
- Blaber, Gina
- Documentation (CISL).
- Black, Eric
- User (MIT): performance metrics; typesetting
- Blackburn, Mark
- Site Analyst (RADC).
- Blacker, Bob
- User (NWGS): CSC, TTGP.
- Blackmore, Henry
- System (ACTC): compilers, commands, active functions.
- Blair, Jean K.
- System (PMDC): mrds_call, executive mail.
[2 MTBs]
- Blais, John
- Marketing (HIS): Sales - Detroit Ford
- Blaizot, F.
- Blake, Ronald "Dutch"
- User (AFDSC): SysAdmin.
- Bleser, Thomas
- User (Mainz): F77 scientific programming and data visualization, Wordpro typesetting.
- Blessin, Ron
- Engineering (HIS).
- Blight, Larry
- Marketing (HIS): Calgary account.
- Blum, Allen H
- Engineering (HIS): "Software Technical Integration" - HW/SW integration w/ GCOS & CP-6
- Bockhausen, Arthur
- Site Analyst (Ford): First Ford Install + All Detroit Area Accounts
Boebert, William Earl
- Administration (GE/HIS): Multics Project Office, DSO: politics, contracts, university & govt relations.
[1 interview, 2 papers]
- Boehm, Susan Stafford
- User (Paris): P6 dev; Marketing (HIS/FSO): Site Analyst (AFDSC).
- Boenighausen,
- MDN.
- Bois, Daniel
- Marketing (Bull GE): Marketing for Bull MarketPlace from 1976 to 1986, in Paris.
- Boissonnet, Valerie
- Marketing (CiiHB): MRDS, Lisp, Kool, AI Tools.
- Bon, Frederic
- User (CICG): EDA.
- Bongiovanni, John J.
- System (CISL): hardcore, scheduler, performance, scavenger, tools.
[9 MTBs]
- Bonnette, Della
- Administration (USL): Head of CS Dept.
- Bonney, Jean
- Administration (MIT IPC): Dir ARCS.
- Bonney, Norman
- User (Brunel): System administration.
- Boone, Ray
- Field Engineering (HIS): GM, Ford.
- Boris, Irwin I.
- Administration (HIS).
- Bos, Peter R.
- System (MIT IPC): Library tools.
- Bouchenez, P.
- Bouchier, Charles
- Marketing (HIS): Was tasked to implement Cobol, Spearheaded talks with NEC to add Multics to 9000 line
- Boudry,
- Site Analyst (CITI)
- Bouhet, Bernard
- User (CICG): EDA.
- Boullier, Pierre
- Bourderon, Jean-Pierre
- website contributor.
- Bourquin, Frank R.
- Field Engineering (HIS).
Bower, Michael F.
- Marketing Education (HIS): Training Programs with Education Phoenix
- Bowers, Graham
- Field Engineering (HIS): Field Service Manager, RADC.
- Bowling, Mike
- Operations (CISL): Operations for the Kendall Square office.
- Boyd, Diana L.
- System (BTL): EPL, 6.36, linker.
[18 MSPM sections]
- Boyd, Donald L.
- User (Sys-M): WELLMADE.
[1 paper]
- Boyd, Toby
- Documentation (CISL).
- Boyle, Helen
- Site Analyst (SCSI).
- Bozich, Terry M.
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (Ford); Marketing (HIS).
- Brady, Diana
- User (GM).
- Brady, Jane
- Marketing (HIS): AFDSC acct.
- Braida, Mary K. (Massey)
- System (CISL): AIM.
[3 MCRs]
- Brandes, John B.
- User (SJU): Educational Applications Support; User (DOCKMASTER)
- Braquet, Craig J.
- Student (USL): learned PL/1 and Pascal on Multics, and worked in Multics I/O room; User (AFDSC): Classified projects while working for CSC.
- Bratt, Richard G.
- System (MIT, CISL): TTY DIM, file system, prelinker, Project Guardian.
[32 MCRs, 4 MTBs, 1 TR]
- Braun, Bonnie
- System (PMDC): commands/tools, analyze_multics, TR management tools, B2 testing.
[3 MTBs]
- Braun, Ronald L.
- System (BTL): printer.
- Braveman, Judy
- Support (CISL): Labor Voucher cartoons.
- Breen, Bill
- AEP (HIS): Kay Carlyle and I had an AEP assignment to write automated test scripts for the ec commands. I also had an assignment on VMM
- Brennand, Paul
- Marketing (HIS): branch mgr for RAE
- Bretagnolle, Bernard
- User (CICG): ported EDA to Multics.
- Bricklin, Daniel
- Student (MIT): LSS, APL.
[1 interview]
- Bridges, Bill
- Site Analyst (SCSI).
- Brinegar, Libbie
- Support (HIS): PMDC.
- Brinegar, Rickie E.
- System (PMDC): LINUS & MRDS
[1 MTB, 1 paper]
- Broadbent, Alan
- User (Brunel): System administrator.
- Brock, Bill
- Field Engineering (HIS): 645/6180 Waltham, Billerica MA [1973-1982]
- Brode, John
- Cambridge Project (MIT): designer, TSP, Datatran.
- Brodell, Mark
- Operations (SJU); Site Analyst (Site-N).
- Bromberg, M. A.
- Student (MIT): Graphics, PDP8.
- Brookes, J.
- User (Avon): managed SWURCC
- Broughton, Jeffrey M.
- User (MIT); MIT SIPB; Student (HIS): probe; Amber team member.
[14 MCRs, 1 MSB, 2 MTBs]
- Broussard, Michael J.
- Site Analyst (HIS): EOP benchmark; Site Analyst (AFDSC).
- Brown, James P.
- Engineering (HIS): online T&D, SysTest.
[3 MTBs]
- Brown, JD
- User (AFDSC)
- Brown, Leroy
- AEP (HIS): MDBM Data Dictionary.
[1 MTB]
- Brown, Les
- Marketing (Bull): promotion in Europe
- Brown, Patricia
- Operations (AFDSC): The classified and unclassified MULTICS systems.
- Brown, Ron
- Marketing (HISCAN): Bell Canada.
- Brown, S.
- website contributor
- Brown, S. S.
- Student (MIT).
- Brown, W. Stanley
- System (BTL): debugging, trap handling.
[1 repository doc]
- Browning, Jim W.
- Administration (USGS): Menlo Park, Denver. SysAdmin, continuum; Site Analyst (ELF).
- Bruce, David M.
- Operations (MIT): Computer Operator
- Bruce, James D.
- User (MIT): EE Dept Dean
- Brunelle, Edward C.
- User (AFDSC): SysAdmin; Marketing (HIS/FSO): Site Analyst (AFDSC); Benchmark Support; System (PMDC): answering service, accounting, MOWSE, DSA.
[3 MTBs]
- Bruton, N.
- User (Avon): technical administrator AUCC.
- Bubric, Richard
- System (ACTC): mail.
- Buczynski, Bob
- Marketing (HIS): SCSI acct.
- Budhani, Farhad
- User (Bell Canada): SOFA II
- Bufton, Alan
- Marketing (HIS): LUT, UBCC
- Bugely, Faith
- System (BTL): IO UIM.
- Bui, Hien
- Support (PMDC).
- Buis, Alain
- User (CULTURE): adminisration; head of French Multics useer group
- Bunza, Geoffrey
- User (MIT): SIPB (MIT), TICS Project
- Burbeck, D. W.
- Engineering (GE).
- Burch, Jim
- Marketing (HIS): sold DCC.
- Bureau, Jean-Claude
- Site Analyst (INSEE-P)
- Burford, Frederick W.
- Site Analyst (HIS): Ford and GM Multics Systems
- Burke, Edmund L.
- Contractor (MITRE): AFDSC sale.
[4 papers]
- Burke, Glenn S.
- Staff (MIT LCS): MacLisp, Macsyma.
[1 TR]
- Burkhardt, David
- Marketing (HIS): PRHA Conversion project
- Burmaster, David
- Administration (MAC): funding; MacAIMS user
- Burner, Weston J.
- Marketing (GE); Administration (MIT IPC): Director, IPC.
[1 paper]
- Burnham, Alf G.
- Support (HIS): Site Analyst (Calgary), Cust Support: Bell Canada, MCOIN, DDDS
- Burrus, Phillip F.
- Site Analyst (MDA-TA): SEDACS
[1 paper]
- Burt, Eric
- User (Ford): Systems Support
- Burton, Al
- Operations (RADC).
- Busch, M. D.
- Engineering (GE): 645 online programming system.
- Buser, Jon
- User (NWGS): CSC applications developer (SDF, NWC).
[2 papers]
- Bush, Eric
- System (CISL) PL/I.
[2 MTBs]
- Bush, James A.
- System(PMDC): benchark services; System (CISL): DPS 8/70M kernel drivers, read_tape_and_query, ISOLTS T&D subsystem
[4 MCRs, 6 MTBs]
- Bush, Karen Elizabeth
- Marketing (HIS): Ford and GM. fought to teach Honeywell (and Honeywell Bull) what it was that they were destroying. Primarily
Bushkin, Arthur A.
- Student (MIT): Used as teaching and research platform
- Buzen, Jeffrey P.
- Engineering (HIS): VMM.
- Byneo, Joe
- Operations (CISL).
- Byrd, Ken
- User (OU): System programmer.
- Cadenas, Pedro
- User (USGS)
- Cadenas Jr., Pedro
- Operations (USGS): MULTICS Main Frame
- Cadiou,
- User (INSEE-Aix)
- Cahoon, Gerald L.
- Operations (HIS): System-M.
- Cain, Joseph F.
- User (USGS-R)
- Calavas, Antoinette
- Documentation (MIT IPC).
- Callegher, J. Claude
- Site Analyst (CICG, SUNIST/DBMIST)
- Callen, Joseph J.
- SysAdmin (AFDSC): Operations and SysMaint
- Camara, Tom
- Site Analyst: Attended Multics Metering & Tuning Seminar, June 78.
- Cameron, John
- User (Ford): System administrator.
- Campbell-Grant, Ian R.
- Student (MIT).
- Campbell, Dave
- User (NWGS): CSC, SDF Delran, NJ; SDF Moorestown, NJ
- Campbell, Donald
- System.
- Campbell, Robert H.
- System (MIT): Backup.
- Campo, Charlene
- Marketing (PMDC).
- Canaday, Rudd
- System (BTL): BCPL.
[5 MSPM sections]
- Canali, Francis A.
- System (MIT IPC): TTY dim.
[3 MTBs]
- Cann, Bruce
- Field Engineering (HIS): Ford.
- Caplin, Anne
- Documentation (CISL).
- Capps, Dennis
- System (MIT IPC): Tape, absentee, Operator communication, runoff.
[5 MCRs, 1 MOSN, 5 MTBs]
- Card, Clyde
- Marketing (HIS): AccuRay acct.
- Carey, O. D.
- Support (MIT): MAC.
Cargo, David S.
- User (CNO): Project management, using e-mail, forum, and compose
- Carinhas (Jones), Rose A.
- User (USL): student; Marketing (HIS): LSMS/Phoenix.
- Carlock, J. Stephen
- Site Analyst (SJU, MDA-TA); Marketing (HIS): EOP, Monsanto, NWGS.
- Carlyle, E. Kay
- AEP (HIS); System (HIS): SysTest; Marketing.
[1 MTB]
- Carré, Claude F.
- System (CISL): File system, interprocess communication. (1968)
- Carter, Don
- Marketing (HISCAN): Proposals [Unfortunately]
- Cartney, Mike
- System (AFDSC): Applications for the Secretary of Defense, Program, Analyses, and Evaluation
- Cartofeln, Charles
- Marketing (GE): 1969 tech support for a GE-645 for Météorologie Nationale, never delivered.
Caruso, Joe
- User (Bell Canada): Site support (Bell-T).
- Casaccia, A. J.
- User (Ford).
- Cascini, Vinnie
- Marketing (HIS): SJU conversion.
- Casey, Thomas A., Jr
- System (CISL): GCOS, Accounting, answering service, absentee, process preservation, BCE, hardcore mgr.
[71 MCRs, 9 MTBs]
- Caslake, Joe
- Engineering (HIS).
- Cassell, Robert W.
- Engineering (HIS): Assisted in the Development of the Multics solution for Naval War Gaming.
- Castor, Web
- Marketing (HIS).
- Catherino, John A.
- User (Oakland): Ancient Computer Science Student
- Cavallero, Tony
- User (NWGS): CSC Moorestown, NJ
- Cavender, Debbie
- Marketing (HIS): OU acct.
- Cayrol, Patrice
- Marketing (CiiHB): MGS, PR.
- Cecil, Janice H.
- System (MIT): Command language.
[13 MSPM sections]
- Cerrato, Richard
- Operations (MIT).
- Chakraborty, Meena
- SysAdmin (GM): Site Support for GM Corporate Planning System.
- Challeil, Gilbert
- System (CISL): Bull DSA implementation.
- Chambers, Alan
- System (HISLTD): Bristol net, X25, UK Transport Service.
- Chambon,
- Site Analyst.
- Champel,
- User (SNECMA)
- Chance, J. A.
- GE
- Chandler, Don
- System (Bull).
- Chang, C.
- System (HIS): COBOL.
- Chang, Gabriel D. Y.
- System (GE/CISL): PL/I, FORTRAN.
[3 MCRs, 1 MSPM section, 1 MTB]
- Chapin, Daniel H.
- Marketing Education (HIS): Multics Education
- Charbonneau, Pierre
- Site Analyst (Bell Canada): Bell-M GTSS : GCOS Time Sharing Simulator / GCOS FNPs
- Charton, Yves
- User (CICRP): 1985-88
- Chase (Cerami) (Magee), Roberta
- Support (PMDC).
Chate, Dave
- User (Brunel): System Admin.
- Chavez, V.
- SysMaint.
- Chazel, André
- Cheek, Deja
- User (AFDSC): OSD Financial and Budgeting Systems
- Cheek, Thomas B.
- ESL (MIT): graphics.
- Chen, Henry
- Engineering (GE): 645 processor design.
- Chesnutt, Stan
- Student (USL): various student projects and hacks
- Chessor, Don
- Field Engineering (HIS): Ford.
- Chevalier, Bob
- Marketing (HIS): MIT.
- Chevassus, Madeleine
- System (CISL): Multics DSA project [1984-1985].
- Chicoine, Jacques
- User (Bell Canada).
- Child, Margaret E.
- System (MIT): CTSS.
- Chin, Hon Wah
- User (MIT); MIT SIPB Amber project leader
- Chmura, L. J.
- User (Mitre): Multics security tests
[1 paper]
- Chorley, Will
- System (HISLTD): Bristol net.
- Chouinard, Richard A.
- Benchmark Services (HIS).
- Christenson, Larry
- User (CNO).
- Chrzanowski, John
- Marketing (HIS): SJU.
- Chubb, James
- Site support (Bell-T).
- Church, Alan
- User (Ford): System Support, FNP [1974-1994].
- Churchhouse, John
- Site Analyst (RAE): Multics Cray Station.
- Circello, Joe
- Engineering (HIS): ADP-Multics.
- Clancy, Gerald F.
- System (MIT): CTSS, File system, Initialization, Scheduler.
[22 MSPM sections]
- Clancy, Gerald J.
- User (BCO): A software design and evaluation system.
[1 paper]
- Clark, David D.
- System (MIT): Access control, Project Guardian.
[1 interview, 2 MSPM sections, 3 papers, 8 TRs, 2 videos]
Clark, Douglas G. D.
- User (Avon): user support, documentation, Minitab, Genstat, Glim.
- Clark, F.
- Site Analyst.
- Clark, Greg
- User (Ford): Systems Support.
- Clark, Pat
- Student (USL); User (AFDSC)
- Clark, Wayne
- System Admin (AccuRay).
- Clarke, Dorothea S.
- System: FORTRAN.
- Claussen, Bob
- Engineering (GE): 600 series; Marketing (GE/HIS): Detroit, Ford sale.
- Clavel,
- User (CICB)
- Claveleira, Christian
- User (CICB): TCP/IP port.
- Clegg, Elmer I.
- Administration (HIS): DSO, FSO sales mgr for USGS sale.
- Clement,
- User (CICT)
- Clement, Ken
- Student (USL): Operator and Assorted System Programming including an enhanced "check_em"
- Clingen, Charles T.
- Administration (GE/CISL): Manager, CISL; Manager, Multics.
[1 MAB, 2 MCBs, 3 MCRs, 1 MSB, 5 MTBs, 6 papers, 2 repository docs]
- Cloutier, Rich
- Engineering (HIS): Flower, HIS CCSC Minneapolis.
- Cockburn, Bill
- User (Bell Canada): Bell-T operations.
- Cockrum, Cathy
- -
- Coffin, David R.
- AEP (HIS).
- Cohen, D. E.
- Student (MIT).
Colborne, Graham F.
- User (Brunel): "Converse" discussion software and online diary system
- Cole, Walt
- Field Engineering (HIS): Ford.
- Coleman, Ted
- SysAdmin (Bull): Engineering Operations BCO
- Coley, Roger
- Site Analyst (AUCC, Brunel, Cardiff)
- Colijn, A. W.
- Author: wrote note on Multics command language
[1 paper]
- Collier-Brown, David
- User (CNO): SDE for DPS-6, using (among others) the ADAsil cross-compiler.
[1 paper]
- Collum, Gene
- Engineering (HIS): Librafile.
- Combs, Jim
- Field Engineering (HIS): Sys-M Phoenix, USGS Denver.
- Conover, Al
- Administration (HIS): PMO VP Systems.
- Conti, Glenn T.
- System (AFDSC): Also worked at VPI and the Planning Board for Puerto Rico Govt
- Conwell, Candy LCDR
- User (NWGS): USN TTGP dept head [SPAWAR Point Loma, San Diego]
- Cook, Jim
- User (DCC).
- Cooke, Doug
- Marketing (HISCAN): Bell Canada.
- Cooper, Bill
- Marketing (HIS): USGS Denver.
- Cooper, John
- User (SysM): Explorer.
- Cooper, Robert W.
- User (NWGS): CSC SysAdmin (SDF, NWC, TTGL, TTGP).
- Coppola, Richard L.
- Field Engineering (PMDC): benchmarks, SysMaint, 870-M, Flower.
[1 MTB]
Corbató, Fernando J.
- Administration (MIT); Designer. {Story: Corby.}
[6 interviews, 12 MDNs, 12 MSPM sections, 1 MTB, 14 papers, 8 repository docs, 1 TR, 7 videos, 5 web pages]
- Coren, Robert S.
- System (CISL): IO daemon, TTY DIM.
[58 MCRs, 1 MDD, 3 MOSNs, 4 MSBs, 15 MTBs]
- Corney, David
- User (Avon): wrote enhanced FAST subsystem, 1979.
- Corsi, A. J.
- Engineering (HIS): performance measurement.
- Cote, Gil
- System (NWGS): Applications (NWGS).
- Couleur, John F.
- Designer (GE): 645 CPU architecture.
[1 MDN, 6 papers, 1 repository doc]
- Cousins, David W.
- Site Analyst (AFDSC, NSA).
- Cowin, G.
- MDN.
- Cox, Stan
- Site Analyst (HISCAN): MCHQ; System (CISL): data management, tasking, Message Coordinator.
[2 MTBs]
- Craig, Raymond B.
- User (AFDSC): HQ USAF Manpower data systems: applications and database
- Cramond, Susan
- Site Analyst (STC).
- Cratty, Bill
- Marketing (HIS): AFDSC acct.
- Crawford, Mary
- Documentation (PMDC): Multics DSA manuals.
[3 MTBs]
- Creasy, R. J.
- System (MIT): CTSS.
[1 MDN, 1 paper]
- Cresson, Curtis J.
- Marketing (HIS/FSO): Site Analyst (AFDSC).
- Creste, Jean-Paul
- Site Analyst (ELF, Credit Lyonnais, SNECMA).
- Crisman, Patricia A.
- System (MIT): CTSS: manual; System (MIT): MSPM editor.
[2 MSPM sections, 1 paper]
- Cross, Gary
- Field Engineering (Canada DND): DPS 8/70M DND Halifax
- Crowley, Thomas H.
- Administration (BTL): Multics Project Manager.
- Cummings, Ed
- Marketing (HIS): branch mgr for ASU
- Cummins, Carol L.
- AEP (HIS): TR.
- Cummins, Ron
- Engineering (HIS): Flower, HIS CPSC Minneapolis.
- Cunningham, Maureen
- Support (CISL).
- Cupak, J. J.
- User (RADC): Remote Data Entry [Pattern Analysis and Recognition Corp, Rome, NY]
[1 paper]
- Cuppolero, Ernie
- Engineering (GE).
- Curd, Dan
- Marketing (HIS): DPO branch mgr, Cincinnati, sold IN.
- Curtis, Rusha
- Site Analyst (AFDSC).
- Cushing, Carole A.
- System (MIT): CTSS, File system.
[34 MSPM sections]
- Daggett, Marjorie M.
- System (MIT): CTSS, 6.36.
[2 papers]
- Dahl, James
- Engineering (PMDC): 6180 CPU, Flower.
- Dahm, Dave
- Engineering (GE).
Dahmer, Michael
- User (DOCKMASTER): Systems Associates Inc. NCSC.mil
- Daley, Robert C.
- Designer (MIT): File system, qedx.
[6 MCBs, 6 MDNs, 4 MSBs, 66 MSPM sections, 10 papers, 6 repository docs]
- Dalton, Chris
- System (PMDC).
- Danial, R. G.
- Engineering (GE).
- Dankwardt, Kevin
- Student (USL): student programming. hacking. worked on screen oriented editor on top of 'ted' used widely at USL.
- Darras,
- Site Analyst (CULTURE).
- Daurio, Stan
- User (Bell Canada).
- Davenport, T. L.
- Student (MIT).
David, Edward E., Jr.
- Administration (BTL): Trinity.
[1 paper, 1 repository doc]
Davidoff, Monte N.
- System (CISL): PL/I, format_pl1, TP.
[1 MTB]
Davids, Noah S.
- System (PMDC): xforum, menu mgr, executive service, MRDS, DMS.
[12 MTBs, 2 papers, 1 web page]
- Davies, Neil J.
- System (Avon): Networking software - ring 4 user terminal multiplexer and UK mail standards
- Davis, Charles R.
- System (CISL): Compilers.
- Davis, James R.
- System (CISL): probe, video support, menus.
[8 MTBs]
- Davis, Phil
- Marketing (HIS): Hardware updates to the MIT site
- Davis, R. C.
- User (Mitre): AFDSC security study
[1 paper]
- Dawson, Ree
- Cambridge Project (MIT): statistics and numerics.
- Day, Matthew H.
- System (HIS): COBOL.
- Dayton, Cathy
- Support (PMDC).
- Dean, Albert L.
- Administration (GE): mgr CISL.
[2 MCBs, 2 MSPM sections]
- Dean, Mike
- Marketing (HIS); User (Ford).
- Dearing, Deanne
- User (Calgary): HLSUA presentation.
- Decker, R. A.
- Engineering (GE).
- DeDoes, Steve
- User (Ford): HLSUA presentation.
- Degan, Robert A.
- Operations (MIT).
[6 MCBs]
- Dehn, Joe
- User (MIT).
DeHon, Andre
- User (MIT): user and student; gave out user accounts through MIT SIPB
[1 video]
- Deitel, Harvey
- Student (MIT): User control.
[8 MSPM sections, 2 TRs]
- De Jeu, Francois
- Administration (Honeywell Bull, Paris); manager, Paris 645.
- de Jong, Kees
- Site Analyst (SOZAWE): PL/I course, site support.
- deKersauson, Bertrand
- Site Analyst (CICB)
- de Koning, Gerry
- User(BCO)
- Delcambre, Matthew
- Student (USL).
- Delgado, Jose
- Marketing (HIS): PRHA acct.
- Demchock, T. M.
- Student (MIT).
- Demers, Dick
- System (PMDC): Hardware Development, Flower.
- Dempster, Arthur P.
- User (MIT): Consistent System
[1 paper]
Denning, Peter J.
- Student (MIT): virtual memory, working set model, concept of thrashing.
[1 interview, 7 papers, 2 TRs, 1 web page]
- Dennis, Jack B.
- Designer (MIT): parallel computation and architectures, segmentation.
[1 interview, 4 papers, 1 repository doc, 2 TRs]
Densmore, James E.
- User (AFDSC): AFSA TAC BRAWLER Tactical Air Combat Simulation.
- Dent, Janet M.
- Marketing Education (HIS): Compose, LINUS, MRDS, OS, PL/I.
- Depaix,
- User (CIRIL)
- DeRoma, Leonard J.
- Student (MIT): UROP, worked for Dave Clark on security 72-74.
- Derouen, Max
- Field Engineering (Bull): Installation, Maintenance of GE645 (Paris) and 8/70M (Renault, INSEE)
- DeRoven (Warren), Gail D.
- Marketing (HIS): Ford; Site Analyst (Ford, GMISCA)
- Desch, Matt
- User (AccuRay)
- Deutsch, L. Peter
- Student [Berkeley]: design of qed.
[1 paper]
- DeVaney, David
- User (BCO): A software design and evaluation system.
[1 paper]
- Dewar, Al
- System (HIS).
- Diamond, D. S.
- Student (MIT): pricing models.
[1 paper]
- Diaz, Pedro
- Marketing (HIS): PRHA support manager.
- Dibble, Nancy
- Marketing Education (HIS).
- Dibble, William B.
- Marketing (HIS).
- Dick, David R.
- Student (MIT): translation of "roff" from BCPL to PL/I
- Dickson, Paul
- System (PMDC): Hardcore (B2 Functional Tests, TCP/IP)
[1 MAB, 1 MDD]
- Dildine, Harry
- Site Analyst: Attended Multics Metering & Tuning Seminar, June 78.
- Dillon, Mike
- Operations (CNO): Computer Operator
- Dimercurio, Mary (Prasad)
- HRM/JP (GM): PL/I, MRDS, Janus; User/student/consultant (OU); App Prog (Ford)
- Dinolt, George W.
- User (Ford): Applications Development Tools [1978-1982]
- d'Ippolito, Vincent
- Field Engineering(CiiHB): Multics based on a L66/DPS8 CIIHB mainframe
- Dix, C. Walker
- Administration (HIS): Multics program mgr.
- Dixon, Gary C.
- System (HIS): Library tools; Marketing Education (HIS); System (PMDC): TRCoord, video system, date/time, admin, dump analysis, software design & coding, auditing, security audits of kernel; DPS8M Simulator.
[1 article, 3 MABs, 36 MCRs, 1 MDD, 4 MSBs, 33 MTBs, 1 video, 3 web pages]
- Doane, Bob
- User (RADC): facility manager
- Dobberstein, Riley
- Engineering (HIS): CPU.
- Dobbie, J.
- Engineering (HIS).
- Doenlen, Charlie
- Marketing (HIS): NWGS Sites, CSC Moorestown NJ
- Doherty, Mike
- Marketing Education (HIS): Marketing Education Manager for Multics (and CP6) in Phoenix.
- Doherty, Pat
- User (USGS): author of continuum.
- Dominick, Wayne D.
- User (USL): MADAM
[1 paper]
- Donlevy, Peter
- User (Bell Canada): Bell-T SysAdmin.
- Donner, Eleanor (Stone)
- System (GE/CISL): File system, absentee, commands.
[45 MCRs, 1 MSB, 2 MTBs]
Donofrio, Jerry
- System (GE): System Development Tech GE645 GIOC & teletype adapter cabinet
- Donovan, John J.
- System (MIT): Scheduler.
[2 MSPM sections, 1 paper]
- Donovan, Marc
- Support (Calgary): basic user support
- Doré, Brian K.
- User (USL).
- Dosani, Firoz
- Site support (Bell-T).
Douglas, Richard R.
- Administration (HIS): VP & GM LISD.
- Dowgiallo, Edward A.
- User (NWGS): User language and warfare model maintenance.
- Downer, John
- User (SCSI)
Downey, Peter J.
- System (MITRE): Project ZARF
[4 papers]
- Downie, Robert.
- USAF: Project ZARF.
- Downing, Alan R.
- System (CISL): PL/I runtime, System (PMDC): HEALS.
[2 MCRs, 2 MTBs]
- Downs, Deborah
- User (NSA): B2 evaluator.
- Doyle, Cathy
- Support (MIT): MAC.
- Drake, Stan
- User (Bell Canada).
- Draper,Dave
- System (PMDC): Multics TAC manager.
- Dratel, Pattie
- Support (MIT IPC).
- Dreyer, Phil
- SysAdmin (CNO): Applications developer and one of the Multics SysAdmins for Corporate Honeywell from 1983 until its end.
[1 web page]
- Drown, Paul
- System (HIS): T&D.
- Drumm, William
- Operations (HIS): System-M.
- Drummond, Ronald E.
- System (BTL): BESYS author; Branch Labs Liaison.
- Druon, François
- Marketing (CiiHB): Telecomunication, FNP, DSA.
- Dugal, James
- Site Analyst (USL).
- Dugast, Gérard
- Operations (INRIA).
[1 web page]
- Dumar, Richard
- Field Engineering (HIS): RADC.
- Dumouchel, Guy
- Site Analyst (Bell-M).
Dunn, Carol (Meade)
- Support (HIS): admin, support
- Dunnigan, Terry
- Marketing Education mgr
- Dunten, Stanley D.
- Designer (MIT): CTSS, TTY DIM, File system, Initialization, BOS.
[2 MDNs, 42 MSPM sections, 2 papers, 2 repository docs]
- Dupuis, Al
- System (HISCAN): GTSS; Marketing (HIS); System (PMDC): database, report writer, MOWSE.
[9 MTBs]
- Durand, Nazrat
- System (ACTC): vfile_.
- Durio, Bryan
- Marketing Education (HIS): User (USL); Marketing (HIS/FTO): SCSI NRS; SCSI ARS; Marketing (HIS/FSD): education.
- Dustin, M.
- -
- Dyar, J. D.
- User (RADC): Remote Data Entry [Pattern Analysis and Recognition Corp, Rome, NY]
[2 papers]
- Dyke, A. E. J.
- User (Avon): computer manager AUCC.
- Dylnicki, Stan P.
- Benchmarks (Bell Canada): Replacing GCOS TSS with Multics & Benchmarking Evaluations.
- Eachus, Robert I.
- System (BCO): LALR.
- Eastman, Dave
- Field Engineering (HIS): NWGS support (NWC).
Eastwood, Douglas E.
- System (BTL): Command language.
[4 MSPM sections]
- Eaton, Bill
- website contributor.
[1 web page]
- Eaton, Larry
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (RADC); Marketing (HIS).
- Eckert, Jerry
- User (VPI): System Programmer, SysAdmin
- Edwards, Daniel J.
[1 interview, 4 MSPM sections]
- Edwards, Eugene
- Support (AFDSC): Systems Support; PRHA, Batch Conversion Manager (HIS)
Edwards, Ken R.
- User (Ford): Quality Indicator System
- Ehrler, Timothy J.
- User (ASEA): User (IN/ASEA), H/W Devel.; CAD (DLS/Sim) S/W Engr. (Honeywell, Bull)
- Eichele, Derek
- System (PMDC): MOWSE.
[1 MTB]
- Eicher,
- System (CISL).
- Elefante, Don
[1 paper]
- Elhard, Dean
- System (ACTC): binder, dynamic linker, KERMIT, object MSFs.
[2 MTBs]
- Eliasz, Jeff
- System (Ford): CENSUM product dev appl and other applications
- Elkin, Robert M.
- Student (MIT): MacAIMS.
- Elliot, Bern
- Engineering (HIS): OPUS.
- Ellis, Bill
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (DCC).
- Ellis, Calvin
- Marketing (HIS): EOP, Monsanto benchmarks.
- Elson, J. D.
- Engineering (GE).
- Elston, Gil
- User (NWGS): CSC, Delran, NJ; Moorestown, NJ
- Eng, Sylvia
- User (Bell Canada).
- Engleman, Paul
- User (AFDSC): 1ISG.
- Enkler, Ingemar
- User (ASEA): consultant.
- Epperson, Dave
- User (USL): Grad student, Operations/UserServices. [1976-1979]
- Epstein, I.
- Engineering (GE/HIS).
- Erickson, Cecile D.
- Documentation (CISL); Documentation (CNO).
[1 MAB, 5 MTBs]
- Ernestus, Hans
- Marketing (Bull): Relational databases
- Estfan, W.
- Engineering (GE).
- Evans, Arthur, Jr.
- System (MIT): clock, EPL, PAL. ("THE Art of Computer Programming" -- Don Knuth)
[44 MSPM sections, 6 repository docs, 2 TRs]
- Evans, David C.
- Administration (ARPA): ARPA advisory panel.
- Evans, Lyle
- SysAdmin (VPI): Systems Administration
- Ex, Barbara
- System (CISL).
- Facetti, Mario
- System (GE).
- Fahrlander, Frank
- Engineering (GE): System simulation of 645/GIOC, associative memory models.
- Fakoury, Richard
- Field Engineering (HIS); T&D, COLTS, BCE.
[1 MOSN, 3 MTBs]
- Falksen, James A.
- System (PMDC): database manager, MRPG, photocomposition, date/time; User (NWGS): CSC SysAdmin (NWC).
[13 MTBs]
Fano, Robert M.
- Administration (MIT): Director, Project MAC.
[2 articles, 3 interviews, 7 papers, 2 videos, 1 web page]
- Faraci, Larry
- User (NWGS): Sims Hall
- Faraday, Ron
- Site Analyst (Bell-T).
- Farber, David J.
- System (BTL): EPL, T&D.
[1 repository doc]
- Farley, Paul
- System (PMDC): hardcore, BCE save/restor, MCA support.
[1 MDD, 2 MTBs]
- Farrell, Jim
- System (HISUK): X25 Connection Management
- Fasbinder, Steve
- User (OU)
- Fateman, Martha Nelson
- Documentation (MIT): MAC.
[1 MCB, 1 MSPM section]
- Fawcett, Rich
- Field Engineering (HIS); Benchmark Services (HIS); System (PMDC): disk ctl, IMU support.
[4 MTBs]
- Federman, Nancy
- System (MIT): ARPANet.
- Feiertag, Laurie Haron
- Documentation (MIT, CISL).
- Feiertag, Richard J.
- System (MIT): Command language, IOS, Guardian.
[14 MSBs, 22 MSPM sections, 6 papers]
- Feldman, Norman N.
- Administration (HIS): VP LISD, VP PMO.
- Feldman, Stuart I.
- System (BTL): IOS.
[16 MSPM sections]
- Fellinger, Bill
- Engineering (HIS): security.
- Felthouse, Gordon
- System Admin (HIS): Sys-M.
Fenichel, Robert R.
- System (MIT): 6.36, GEBUG, reserver design.
[14 MSPM sections, 1 paper]
Fenton, Jim
- Student (MIT): SIPB
[1 web page]
- Ferrara, Michael R.
- User (RADC): Explorer post 500, Hacked emacs, apl, lisp and graphics
- Fetter, Robert J.
- User (GM): timesharing support; User (HFSI): applications
- Fidler, Ardis
- Support (HIS).
- Fidler, Don
- Operations (CISL).
- Filichia, Lilli
- Documentation (CISL).
- Fillat, A. I.
- User (MIT): early relational database
[1 TR]
- Finch, Prof. J.
- User (Avon): managed Bath resources
- Finn, Michael S.
- SysAdmin (GM): site support.
- Fischer, Dieter
- Site Analyst: Attended Multics Metering & Tuning Seminar, June 78.
- Fischer, Michael
- System.
- Fishburn, George
- Marketing (HIS): GM acct.
- Fisher, Dave M.
- User (Avon)
- Fisher, Dick
- Engineering (GE/HIS): System Tech 645, 6080, 6100 designer cache, assoc. memories. [1971-1984]
- Fisher, Jim
- User (USGS): user assistance, Reston, Site Analyst (USGS-R).
- Fitch, John
- User (Avon): Director of Computing, University of Bath.
- Flach, Coen
- General (Bull NL): Education
- Flanagan, Ann
- Site Analyst (NWGS-NWC)
Flass, Peter
- website contributor.
[1 web page]
- Flegel, Mike
- System (ACTC): MOWSE, emacs.
[2 MTBs]
Fleming, Kevin P.
- System (PMDC): Hardcore (functional tests), documentation.
[1 MTB]
- Flemming, Simon P.
- Engineering (GE): Drum design.
[1 paper]
- Foote, Jim
- User (GM): Mgr Time Sharing Services. Spoke at HLSUA XXV.
- Formoy, Mike
- User (Brunel).
Forsdick, Harry
- Student (MIT): User Control.
[1 TR]
- Forsyth, Jim
- User (MCHQ): SysMaint.
- Forzani, Bob
- Administration (HIS): PMO Director of Strategic Planning.
Foss, Alan P.
- Engineering (STC): The Level 68 and installed its replacement the DPS8/70M
- Foss, Charles H.
- User (AFDSC): office chief, AFDSC systems group.
- Foster, R. M.
- Engineering (GE): RAID.
[1 repository doc]
- Fournier, Robert
- System (Grenoble): UNCP/Multics.
- Fox, Julie
- Documentation (CISL).
- Franklin, A. Craig
- System (MIT IPC): PL/I.
- Franklin, Elaine
- Cambridge Project (MIT): utilities, quality control.
- Franklin, Robert W.
- System (HIS): Terminal Drivers
[1 MCR, 4 MTBs]
- Frankston, Charles B.
- User (MIT); MIT SIPB; Amber team member
Frankston, Robert M.
- Student (MIT): LSS, Core metering.
[1 article, 1 interview, 1 MCR, 2 papers, 2 TRs]
- Frazier, Bruce
- User (Bell Canada).
- Frazier, Col. Herb
- User (AFDSC)
- Fredenucci, Sigrun
- SysAdmin (CICG): Connection of an attached processor FPS-264 to the DPS8-70/Multics.
- Fredkin, Ed
- Administration (ARPA): ARPA advisory panel; Administration (MAC): Director.
[1 video, 1 web page]
- Freedman, Dan
- Support (Calgary): Applications programming, and command interpreter
- Freiburghouse, Robert A.
- System (GE/CISL): PL/I, languages mgr.
[1 interview, 3 MCRs, 14 MSBs, 4 MSPM sections, 4 MTBs, 7 papers, 8 repository docs, 1 video, 2 web pages]
- Freilich, Mona
- User (NWGS): Sims Hall
- Frewin, Peter
- User (Brunel).
- Frick, Harlow E.
- System (GE): T&D, Scheduler.
[13 MSPM sections]
- Friesen, Oris D.
- System (HIS): MRDS Database Manager architect
[4 MCRs, 5 MTBs, 3 papers]
- Frink, Bill
- Administration (HIS): Palyn committee; Product management; System (PMDC): software technologies.
- Frommer, Raphael
- System (HIS); Marketing Education (HIS).
- Frost, Victor S.
- User (RADC).
[1 paper]
- Fry, Don
- Engineering (GE): project leader for Project MAC 645.
- Frye, Steve
- System (PMDC).
- Fudge, Dan
- Site Analyst (ACTC).
- Funk, Emily
- Cambridge Project (MIT): utilities, commands, Janus.
- Futas, George
- Engineering (GE): 645 System Design, Integration, Proj. Mgmt.
[1 paper]
- Gadde, Terrill
- Documentation (CISL).
- Gagliardi, Ugo
- Administration (HIS): chose Multics for BCO NPL sw factory.
- Gaines, R. Stockton
- Palyn Report.
- Gaines, Warren M.
- Administration (HIS).
- Galcik, Tony
- Engineering (HIS).
Gall, Nicholas
- AEP (BCO): Prolog interpreter for Multics. Ada compiler testing.
- Gallagher, Robert
- -
- Galler, Bernard A.
- System (MIT): CTSS: MAD.
- Gallizzi, Edmund L.
- User (USL): Graduate Student
- Gandy, Haywood
- System (PMDC).
- Gangwere, S. G.
- Engineering (GE).
- Garboll, Barb
- User (Bell Canada).
- Garcia, Jerry
- Documentation (CISL): terminal operator.
Gardner, Richard
- Documentation (MIT): MAC.
[1 MSPM section, 4 repository docs]
- Garman, Charles C.
- System (MIT): 6.36, EPL runtime, Commands.
[3 MCBs, 1 MOSN, 42 MSPM sections]
- Garner, Mike
- Site Analyst (RAE)
- Garriott, Grant
- Support (CNO): Administration, Corporate Liaison with divisions, Multics R&R band MidLife Crisis
- Garrison, Jim
- Documentation (CISL).
[1 MTB]
- Garrison, Mike
- Student (USL): 1977-79 Various graduate student projects
- Garthe, Larry L.
- System (GE): FL.
[8 MSPM sections]
Gasser, Morrie
- Contractor (MITRE): Multics Security Enhancements, password generator
[3 papers]
- Gatha, Arun
- Administration (ACTC): director.
- Gaumetou, Pierre
- System (CISL): Multics DSA project lead [1983-1985].
- Geary, Mike
- User (AFDSC): SysAdmin, 1ISG.
- Gee, Jim
- System (ACTC): MOWSE.
[1 MTB]
- George, Bill
- System (PMDC).
- George, Ron
- User (Calgary): director.
- Gerassimenko, Teresa
- System (HIS): COBOL.
[2 MCRs]
- Giani, Aleardo
- User (HIS): Distributed System Architecture - HIS [Pregnana Milanese, Italy]
- Gibson, Tammy
- User (NWGS): SDF applications programming.
- Gifford, David K.
- Student (MIT): hardware monitor.
[1 MSB, 1 paper, 1 TR]
- Gilbert, John P.
- User (MIT): Consistent System
[1 paper]
- Gilbert, Peter N.
- Student (OU); User (GM): Application Programmer on CPS; User(Ford): Application Programmer on MATS.
- Gilcrease, George
- Marketing (HIS); Site Analyst (VPI); System (PMDC): commands, Multics TAC.
[1 MDD]
- Gildersleeve, James L.
- System (HIS): System Engineering.
[1 MCR]
- Gillard, Pete
- User (STC): database design group, ported Logica's Rapport RDBMS; Logica: Rapport Multics installations at French Ministry of Agriculture, Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs, and the Pentagon.
- Giller, Sue
- Consistent System (RCI).
- Gilliand, Jerry
- System (PMDC).
- Gillmore, Fred
- Marketing (HIS): San Juan PR branch marketing manager.
- Gilson, John
- Marketing (HIS) documentation, administration; Marketing (HIS/FSO): security documentation.
[3 papers]
- Gimbel, Bill
- System (CISL): hardcore group.
- Gimpel, James F.
- System (BTL): EPL.
[8 MSPM sections, 4 repository docs]
Gintell, John W.
- Administration (CISL): Manager, Multics System Development.
[3 MABs, 1 MCB, 17 MCRs, 2 MOSNs, 16 MSBs, 14 MSPM sections, 5 MTBs, 2 papers, 2 repository docs, 2 videos, 3 web pages]
Glaser, Edward L.
- Designer (MIT): 645 CPU architecture, GIOC.
[2 MDNs, 2 MSPM sections, 6 papers, 2 repository docs, 1 web page]
- Gleason, Bob
- User (Bell Canada): district mgr.
- Gligor, Virgil
- User (NSA): B2 evaluator.
- Godefroy, A. F.
- Engineering (GE).
- Godsell (Baust), Susan
- Cambridge Project (MIT): utilities, commands, Consistent System, ANSI tape labelling software.
- Goel, Manju
- User (AFDSC)
- Goff, Jim
- Field Engineering (GE): MIT and BTL 645 Green Beret.
- Goldberg, Barbara P.
- System (BTL): EPL.
[6 MSPM sections]
- Goldberg, I. Bennett
- System (BTL): EPL math library.
[3 MSPM sections, 1 repository doc]
- Goldberg, Jeffrey
- Student (MIT)
[3 MCRs]
- Goldberg, Robert P.
- Engineering (HIS): VMM.
- Goldman, Jay
- User (MIT): MIT EE dept RDMS Relational Data Management System, command line processor, auto dial.
[5 MCRs, 1 MTB, 1 paper]
- Goldstein, A. Jay
- System (BTL): Page scheduler.
- Goldstein, Robert C.
- User (MIT): MacAIMS relational data management design.
[1 paper]
- Goltz, Gary
- Marketing (HIS): RADC, MIT, ACD accts.
- Gonzalez, Hipolito (Polo)
- System Admin (PRHA) 1980-84; HIS (Marketing) 86-93
- Gonzalez W. Lastarria, Raul F.
- User (EPSHOM)
- Good, Andrew (then known as Barry)
- SysAdmin (Brunel): Third Party Software Installation and Support
- Goodwin, Jerry
- User (VPI): System programmer, multilevel daemon.
- Gordon, Dave
- User (Avon): Student hacker, University of Bath
Gordon, John C.
- User (AFDSC): Developer - HQ Air Force Budget - ABIDES / F&FP
Gosling, James
- System (Calgary): Pascal compiler.
- Gotch, Leslie
- SysAdmin (NSA): Marketing (HIS, HFSI): Site Analyst (NSA): DOCKMASTER
[1 paper]
- Goudy, Maxon L.
- Documentation (CISL): many documents
[10 MOSNs, 1 repository doc]
- Gowans, Bill
- Site Analyst: Attended Multics Metering & Tuning Seminar, June 78.
- Grado, Sandy
- User (USGS): user assistance, Menlo Park.
- Grady, Michael J.
- System (CISL): Tapes, TTY DIM, MCS, Hardcore
[56 MCRs, 2 MOSNs, 2 MSBs, 3 MTBs]
- Graham, Harry
- AEP (HIS).
- Graham, Nancy L.
- System (BTL): EPL runtime.
- Graham, Patrick
- Marketing (HIS, HFSI): System Operator: USGS; Site Analyst (Site-N, DOCKMASTER).
Graham, Robert M.
- Designer (MIT): call/save/return, languages.
[6 MDNs, 84 MSPM sections, 8 papers, 8 repository docs, 6 TRs, 1 web page]
- Gram, G. J.
- Engineering (GE).
- Granata, Joseph A.
- Site Analyst (AFDSC): Systems Analysis and maintenance at (SJU, AFDSC, NSA)
- Grant, Prof. A. R.
- User (Avon): managed Bristol resources
- Gray, James E.
- System (HIS): MDBM.
[5 MTBs]
Gray, James N.
- System (BTL): I/O driver.
- Gray, John Richard (Rick)
- System (ACTC): TR admin, compilers, ALM, commands.
[4 MTBs]
- Gray, Marion C.
- System (BTL): Numerical analysis.
- Grayce, Christopher J.
- Student (MIT) documentation; student consultant
- Graziano, Sarah E.
- Documentation (CISL).
- Grebert, Alain P.
- System (GE).
Green, David M.
- SysAdmin (MCHQ): MCOIN - SysAdmin and SysMaint, Multics DAT Backup System
- Green, Paul A.
- System (MIT, CISL): PL/I, APL, AIM, User control.
[49 MCRs, 8 MTBs, 3 papers, 1 video, 4 web pages]
- Greenbaum, Howard
- Student (MIT).
[1 TR]
Greenberg, Bernard S.
- System (CISL): Page control, NSS, LISP, I/O, Emacs, AN61, interpret_fdump.
[96 MCRs, 14 MTBs, 5 papers, 1 repository doc, 1 TR, 4 web pages]
- Greenberg, Howard
- Student (MIT).
- Greenberg, Joseph H.
- System (HIS): AEP
- Greene, Bob
- Marketing (HIS): Florida Large Scale marketing mgr, PRHA sale.
- Greening, Pamela
- User (Ford).
- Greenwald, Irwin
- Palyn committee.
- Greenwald, Michael
- System (MIT, CISL): Internet protocols, Dover printer support.
- Greenway, R. D.
- Engineering (GE).
- Grems, Mandalay
- Grenda, Emil
- Field Engineering (GE): GECOS Support at CISL.
Grider, T. Allen
- Marketing (HIS/FSO): EOP benchmark; Site Analyst (Site-N, NCSC, AFDSC, SEDACS, DOCKMASTER).
- Grieco, Angelo
- Operations (CISL).
- Grimes, Nick
- User (NWGS): CSC applications developer (NWC).
- Grimes, Robert J.
- System (HIS): GTSS, Multics Proj Mgr.
- Griswold, Ralph E.
- System (BTL): SNOBOL.
Grochow, Jerrold M.
- System (MIT): User control, binder.
[26 MSPM sections, 4 papers, 2 TRs, 2 web pages]
- Gross, J.
- -
- Gross, M.
- Student (MIT).
- Grout,
- Site Analyst.
- Gueniot, Yves
- User (IRT)
- Guerstein,
- User (Dir.Prevision)
- Guilford, Jim
- Engineering (HIS).
- Guinaudeau, Louis
- Support (CiiHB): support of Bull French customers.
- Gumpertz, Richard H.
- Student (MIT): ARPANet, ALM, TECO, page multilevel, ABSI; Engineer (Honeywell Bull, Paris).
[1 paper]
- Gunderson, Patrice
- User (MIT): EECS database administrator; User (USGS): Contractor, USGS-D, Potomac Research, PL/I and APL, rock sample analysis.
- Gusenius, Del
- System (PMDC): Primarily testing.
- Gutman, W.
- MDN.
- Guy, John T.
- Operations (MIT)
- Haas, R. M.
- Student (MIT).
- Haber, Peter M.
- System (GE/CISL): GCOS, message segments.
[15 MCRs, 5 MTBs]
- Hacker, Thomas J.
- SysAdmin (Oakland): system programmer.
- Haddad, William
- Field Engineering (GE).
- Haga, Bill
- User (OU): System programmer.
- Haggett, Allan G.
- User (Calgary): GENIE; Site Analyst (Canada DND, CIRCE): Calgary, France, DND, CSORT, DAT-tape, Y2K conversions, & "Typed last 'shut' command on Multics."
[1 paper]
- Haider, Karen
- System (HIS): Documentation.
- Haig, Henry C.
- System [Weather Bureau].
[1 repository doc]
- Halani, Mansur
- User (Bell Canada): SOFA II
- Hale, Carol Moeller
- Marketing Education (FSO): McLean VA.
- Haley, Cornelius
- User (NSA): B2 evaluator.
- Halladay, Wallace G.
- Marketing Education (HISCAN): MCHQ.
- Halter-Kertzner, Jana
- Support (CISL).
Hamill, Mark D.
- Site Analyst (AFDSC): Mostly PDS [Program Data System]
- Hamilton, Patricia A.
- System: Command language.
- Hamm, Kurt
- Student (USL): Programming and Gaming as a Computer Science student at USL
- Hamming, Richard W.
- System (BTL): Numerical analysis.
- Haney, Gordon
- Engineering (HIS).
- Hangartner, Dave
- Site Analyst (UK).
- Hanko, Valoran P.
- Operations (USGS): Multics Honeywell System - Computer Operator in Menlo Park CA
- Hanna, Mary E.
[1 paper]
- Hanners, Wayne
- Marketing (HIS): AccuRay acct.
- Hannigan, James
- System Admin: BCO; Flower program manager.
[2 MCRs]
- Hanouer, Bob
- Operations (RADC).
- Hansen, Gwen
- System (BTL): GIM.
- Hansen, S. M.
- Student (MIT).
- Hanson, Larry
- Site Analyst (USGS-D)
- Harari, Albert
- Marketing (CiiHB): System, Security, SysAdmin for first 645 in Gambetta, Paris for software factory of the 64, DPS/64, DPS/7.
- Harding-Jones, Peter
- Marketing (HISLTD).
- Hardy, Norm
- website contributor
- Harike, Robert
- User(SCSI).
- Harkins, James D.
- System (GE).
[8 MSPM sections]
- Harris, Bill
- User (Bell Canada).
- Harris, G.
- Student (MIT).
- Harris, Steve
- Site Analyst (Calgary)
- Harris, Tom
- Field Engineering (HIS): Ford.
- Harrison, Jim
- User (AFDSC)
- Harrison, Marcia
- User (AFDSC)
- Harrison, Ray W.
- User (HLR): MRDS
- Hart, Robert G.
- Administration (MIT): User registration and billing
- Hartogs, Mike
- System (PMDC): Hardcore bug fixes summers 1985 and 1986
- Harvey, John
- Site Analyst (NSA): Site Support (Site-N), developed Virtual Forms (vform_), modified GCOS Simulator, various applications.
[1 manual]
- Harvey, Ronald B.
- System (PMDC): Data Base Access.
[3 MTBs]
Haskell, J. Thomas
- HIS National Systems Mgr/Marketing/Benchmarks
- Haskins, Diane London
- Documentation (CISL): production supervisor.
- Hassan, Fouad
- User (Bell Canada): Bell-T operations.
- Hastings, Thomas N.
- System (MIT): CTSS: scheduler.
- Hattey, Steven F.
- User (GM): 1977-83; Operator, Student (OU); 1979-85: Application Development(GM) supporting SofTech package called ORAS
- Haugh, Dennis
- User (Sys-M): GCOS TSS development
- Hawkins, Douglas
- Haworth, Robert
- AEP (HIS).
- Hayes, J.
- System (HIS): COBOL.
- Hayes, John
- Documentation (HIS): release bulletin.
- Haynes, James H.
- Engineering (GE Schenectady): 645 hardware prototype.
- Hazelton, Lyman R.
- System (MIT): qedx, email, security, courses (taught at MIT, AFDSC, Bell Canada, Canada DND, USGS)
[1 MCR]
- Hebert, Harry J.
- System: Command language.
[6 MSPM sections]
- Heffner, William
- System (GE).
Heiby, Ronald W.
- User (CNO): Various tools for Honeywell Avionics and Honeywell CSFC.
- Heiney, Bob
- User (Ford): Customer management.
- Heinz, Ray
- User (NWGS): USN/CSC
- Heitt, Don
- Marketing (FSO): USGS sale.
- Hellwig, Jessica D.
- System (MIT): CTSS.
[1 paper]
- Helwig, Frank C., Jr.
- System (HIS): COBOL.
[3 MTBs]
- Hemes, Dick
- Support (Bull): Multics OS and MCS Software support
- Henderson, H.
- Considered port of Multics to U. Texas SDS Sigma 7
[1 paper]
- Henderson, Russ
- Marketing (HIS): VP DPO eastern ops.
- Henk, Brian
- Student (OU): 1979-81; User (Ford): 81-83; User (GM): 83-85; User (HIS): 85-86 DOCKMASTER; User (GM/EDS): 86-92, apps & 3270 screen connection
- Hennessy, John L.
- Palyn committee
- Hennette, Michel K.
- Marketing (CiiHB): France, Europe [1979-1982].
- Henningan, K. B.
- User (MIT): Guardian subverter
[1 paper]
- Henry, Chuck
- Site Analyst (AFDSC). graduate of Honeywell Multics Academy
- Henry, Craig
- User (AFDSC): Site Analyst.
- Henry, J. J.
- Engineering (GE).
- Hensley, Mary Lou
- Marketing (HIS): NSA acct.
- Herbst, Steve
- System (CISL): command shell, exec_com, debug, RDBMS, commands
[306 MCRs, 15 MTBs]
- Hergert, John
- User (Ford): MRDS Compiled Selection Expression, SQL parser
[1 MTB]
- Higgerty, Wayne
- User (Bell Canada): Bell-T provisioning mgr.
- Hignett, Gary E.
- User (AFDSC): Chief, Multics SysOps
- Hildebrand, Jim
- Marketing (HIS): Part of the sales and support team for USL. Made original MULTICS presentations for the field and then supported Phoenix Technicians after the sale.
- Hildebrand (Bender), Susan
- Marketing Education (CNO): Worked on Multics both at CNO in support & Mkt Ed in Phoenix
[1 MTB]
- Hill, K. H.
- Student (MIT).
- Hill, Richard H.
- Administration (HIS): Multics Program Manager, 1974-76
[1 web page]
- Hill, S.
- User (Avon): operations supervisor AUCC.
- Hills, Gerry
- Marketing (HIS): MCOIN
- Hillyer, Guy K.
- User (DCC): Operations
- Hinatsu, Carol
- System (ACTC).
- Hine, Cmdr Ray
- User (NWGS-NWC)
- Hines, Howard
- Operations (HIS): System-M: CRF 3d shift.
- Hinrichs, Tom
- Marketing (HIS): OU acct.
- Hirneisen, Joe
- System (PMDC): System Administration.
- Hirsch, Tom
- System (CISL).
- Hobbs, R. J.
- Engineering (GE): RAID.
[1 repository doc]
- Hodges, Marilyn S.
- Support (CISL).
[38 MTBs]
- Hodson,
- Engineering (HIS).
Hoffman, Carl W.
- Student (MIT): Emacs, MacLisp, Macsyma
[1 TR]
- Hoffman, Robert
- Marketing (HIS): MIT account manager.
- Holden, Iain
- Marketing (HIS): RAE
- Holmstedt, Richard A.
- System (PMDC): System Maintenance
[3 MABs, 3 MTBs]
- Hom, Wally
- Marketing (HIS): LSMS/Phoenix.
- Homan, Jim
- System (MIT IPC): Accounting; PRHA conversion; Site Analyst (USGS, INSEE-Aix, CICB, CERT, CCVR, CNET, SEP); Multics education (Cii Paris, Mainz, EDS, Ford); System (MIT): HASP; CSORT; DND DAT tape.
[15 MADs, 4 MCRs, 2 MTBs]
- Hoover, Harold
- System (Calgary, ACTC): FORTRAN, PL/I.
[4 MTBs]
- Hopkins, Ronald E.
- Operations (AFDSC): Operations (USGS-R)
Hopkins, Steve
- Site Analyst (CiiHB): French sites; System, PL/I, Lisp, Emacs, fancy drivers.
- Hornig, Charles A.
- System (CISL): MCS, tasking, IOM management.
[5 MTBs]
Horton, Ken
- Student (USL): USL user, Honeywell Intern Summer 77 -PRHA Conversion.
[1 web page]
- Hoskin, Roger W.
- Field Engineering (USL): Hardware Maintenance
- Hoss, Christopher
- Student (USL): 1972-76.
- Houck,
- System (CISL).
- Houery, Nicolas
- User (CNET)
- Housley, Russ
- User (AFDSC).
- Houston, Liz
- Support (CISL).
- Houston, Melba L.
- Site Analyst (AFDSC).
- Howe, Douglas G.
- System (ACTC): C Compiler, CURSES port.
[8 MTBs]
- Hrydziuszko, George R.
- Administration (GM): Systems software support manager
- Huber, Andrew
- Student (MIT): Project Guardian.
[1 TR]
- Huen, Susanna
- System (ACTC): forum, commands, compilers.
- Huet, Gérard
- User (INRIA): adapted ML to Maclisp on Multics, added compiler, did Mergenthaler driver for compose.
- Hughes, Barbara
- System (MIT IPC): olc.
- Hughes, Glenda Schroeder
- System (MIT): CTSS, Command language.
[10 MSPM sections]
- Humbert, Don
- User (NWGS): CSC SysAdmin Delran, NJ
- Hunt, Bob
- Planning (HIS): Multics Product Mgr.
- Hunt, Douglas H.
- Student (MIT): Project Guardian.
[1 MCR, 1 MTB, 3 papers, 3 TRs]
- Hunter, John
- System (PMDC): TCP/IP implementation
[1 MTB]
- Huntley, Daniel G.
- Engineering (HIS).
- Hurst,
- Site Analyst.
- Hurst, Daiyu (f/k/a Quebbeman, Douglas)
- website contributor, DPS8M Simulator
- Hussein, Alfred
- System (Bull); ACTC C Compiler.
Husson, Patrice A.C.
- User (CiiHB): Datanet DSA300
- Huston, Gail
- Hwang, Tony
- Field Engineering (Bull): Calgary, Bell-T, DND-H.
- Hyde, John P.
- System (BTL): EPL runtime library.
[1 repository doc]
- Hyde, Thomas G.
- User (USGS).
- Hyland, Tim
- Student (MIT): SIPB.
- Hylton, Gary
- Marketing (HIS): DPO branch mgr, Columbus, sold IN.
- Ignagni, Rinaldo (Ron)
- System (CISL): xmail.
- Ikeda, Katsuo
- Visiting Scientist (MIT); wrote book on Multics.
[1 paper]
- Ingram, Peter
- Site Analyst (UBCC, LUT).
- Inman, Jack
- Irish, Geraldine
- Documentation (PMDC).
- Irving, Anthony C.
- Site Analyst (AFDSC); Developer at Dockmaster. Graduate of the Honeywell Multics academy.
- Itani, Mazen
- System (ACTC); vfile_.
- Iuorno, Rocco F.
- User (RADC): RADC/Multics evaluation (1971).
- Ives, Jeffrey D.
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (DCC); System (CISL): data management after journal.
[3 MTBs]
- Ivie, Evan L.
- System (BTL): IOS, code conversion.
[8 MSPM sections]
- Jackson, Isaiah
- Marketing (HIS).
- Jackson (Sibert), Julie
- User (USL); Support, Training (HIS): PRHA conversion, Bell Canada installs, Multics TAC, Multics education (USAF, Mainz).
[1 web page]
- Jackson, R.
- User (RADC): Remote Data Entry [Pattern Analysis and Recognition Corp, Rome, NY]
[1 paper]
- Jackson, Rich
- System (RADC): ISFO Support Staff
- Jackson, Steve
- User (AFDSC)
- Jagernauth, Jagdish C. C.
- System (HIS): LINUS.
[1 MTB]
- Jameson, Kevin
- SysAdmin (Calgary): Communications code, X.25
- Janka, Bob
- User (AFDSC): 1ISG.
- Janson, Phillipe A.
- Student (MIT): Guardian.
[1 MCR, 1 MTB, 3 papers, 3 TRs]
- Jardin,
- Site Analyst.
- Jaroslav, Jay L.
- User (MIT): Project MAC/AI Group.
- Jarreau,
- User (AFDSC): 1ISG.
- Jarrell, Ron
- Marketing (HIS): Virginia; Sys-M user, Explorer.
- Jarretts, Professor Peter
- User (UBCC)
- Jarvis, Michael
- Marketing (HIS): Ford Sales Manager
- Jarzombek,
- Field Engineering (GE).
- Jastrebski, Linda
- User (SJU): SysAdmin.
- Jeffords, Judy
- Support (HIS).
- Jenkins, David
- System (Avon): Algol 68.
- Jennings, P.
- Engineering (GE).
- Jensen, Craig L.
- System (CISL).
- Jerritts, Steve
- Administration (HIS): VP/GM USISG
- Joel, David E.
- System (GE): 6.36.
[2 MDNs, 18 MSPM sections, 2 repository docs]
- Johnson, Bruce
- Marketing (HIS): CNO acct.
- Johnson, Dan
- Student (VPI): Sys-M user: EP692 [w/ gratitude to EHR, RAV et al at FSO]; VPI: EP777, undergrad classwork
- Johnson, Donald H.
- System (NSA): 6.36.
[30 MSPM sections]
- Johnson, Gary E.
- Documentation (CISL); SysAdmin(PMDC): System Integration, System Test, System Release
[1 MTB]
- Johnson, Jeffrey H.
- System Admin (ban.ai).
- Johnson, Lacy E.
- System Admin (PMDC): MCC.
- Johnson, Larry E.
- System (CISL): MCS.
[65 MCRs, 3 MTBs]
- Johnson, Maceo
- System (PMDC).
- Johnson, Paul
- Administration (HIS): Marketing.
- Johnson, Stan
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (Avon, RAE).
- Johnson, Steve
- System (PMDC): Finance.
- Johnson, Susan Grayson
- Support: FSO.
- Johnson, Warren P.
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (USL, Avon, IRIA, RAE); CCVR Cray station.
[16 MADs, 1 MTB]
- Johnston, Bob
- Engineering (HIS).
- Jolley, Cynthia L.
- Documentation (CISL).
- Jones, Bill
- User (RADC).
Jones, Chester
- System (BTL): Fault handling, Drum DIM.
[12 MSPM sections]
- Jones, Christopher L.
- System (CISL) video, I/O, tapes, reconfiguration, message facility.
[1 MDD, 4 MTBs]
- Jones, Dorothy L.
- Documentation (MIT).
[1 MOSN, 1 MSB]
- Jones, Doug
- User (Brunel): Deputy Head of the Computing Service.
- Jones, Keith
- User (Brunel).
- Jones, Malcolm M.
- Administration (MIT): Asst. Director, Project MAC; MIT Faculty (Sloan): MacAIMS design.
[2 papers, 1 TR]
- Jones, Stephen
- DPS8M Simulator: Living Computer Museum simulator display.
[1 video]
- Jones, S. W.
- System (BTL): Device Utility Package.
[1 MSPM section, 1 repository doc, 1 web page]
- Jordan, Bob
- System (PMDC).
- Jordan, David M.
- System (MIT, HIS): Library tools; Site Analyst (USGS); Supervisor, Multics Services (CNO).
[9 MCRs, 3 MOSNs, 2 MTBs, 1 paper, 1 web page]
- Jordan, Mike
- System (CISL): GCOS environment, I/O
[3 MCRs, 2 MTBs]
- Jouett, Randall G.
- Student (USL): "Wizards" MUD [Multi-User Dungeon] ; TVI 912 Emulaltor for C64 to run TVI TED from home @ 300 BAUD; PL/1, COBOL & FORTRAN homework
- Jouyaux, M.
- Marketing (HIS): CCVR
- Jurgenowski, Klaus
- Marketing (Bull): BULL Germany International Training, Network Support and Services, supported Mainz networking.
- Juul, Martin C.
- System (AFDSC): Air Staff Applications
- Kaczor, Gene
- Site Analyst (DDDS/ORAE); software ports, user support.
- Kaiman, Arthur
- System (BTL): EPL I/O, edit.
[1 repository doc]
- Kaiser, Grace
- User (SJU): SysOps.
- Kaiser, Kay
- Operations (HIS): System-M; Marketing (HIS): LSMS.
- Kaiser, W. Garry
- System (PMDC): Data Base Manager; Marketing Education (HIS); Marketing (HIS): Multics Marketing Manager.
- Kallman, D. K.
- Guardian: MITRE security kernel validation.
[1 paper]
- Kallstrom, Kristen
- User (Calgary); Support (ACTC): Operating System.
- Kalyncz, John
- User (RADC).
- Kamat, Prakash
- User (Bell Canada): Bell-T SysAdmin.
Kamerman, Bernard H.
- Field Engineering (HIS): Multics Central System Hardware Support 1972 - 76, Phoenix.
- Kane, Norm
- Marketing (HISCAN): Bell Canada sale.
- Kanodia, Rajendra K.
- System (MIT): ARPANet.
[6 MCRs, 1 MOSN, 1 paper]
- Kaplow, Roy
- User (MIT): metallurgy prof, wrote TICS subsystem
[1 paper]
- Karagianis, Paul
- User (SJU): SysAdmin; Support: VPI
[1 web page]
Karger, Paul A.
- Student (MIT): XPL, DTSS, BASIC, commands; User(RADC): Project ZARF, AIM, Project Guardian; User(AFDSC, Sys-M).
[8 papers, 1 TR]
- Kase, Mike
- Field Engineering (HIS); Site Analyst (EDS).
- Kasiowniak, Dolores (Dee)
- Operations (GM).
[1 web page]
- Kayden, David A.
- Site Analyst (MIT): Gcos Simulator
[3 MCRs, 2 MTBs]
- Keeton-Williams, J. G.
- Guardian: MITRE Security kernel paper.
[1 paper]
- Keim, J. M.
- Engineering (HIS): performance measurement.
- Keller, Jayne A.
- Kelley, Anne
- Support (CISL).
- Kelley, Brenton C.
- User (SJU): Academic Computer Lab Assistant, PL/I Programmer
- Kelley, Peter B.
- Library (MIT IPC).
[16 MCRs, 3 MTBs]
- Kelley, Verna M.
- Kelly, Criss
- Field Engineering (HIS): ASU initial install.
- Kelly, Capt E. J.
- User (DND-MCOIN)
- Kelly, Jerry J.
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (Calgary) 79-80; site support (Bell-T, Bell-M) 81-84.
- Kelly, John
- User (Cardiff): User Support and System Work.
- Kemp, Malcom
- Marketing (HIS).
- Kenan, Larry
- Engineering (GE): Test & Diagnostics
- Kendall, Gary F.
- Student (VPI): "Push/Pop working directory" utility
- Kennerly, David
- Documentation (CISL).
Kenny, Kevin B.
- User (HIS); Student (ASU): Motorola 68000 assembler, GCOS 8 architecture
- Kent, Stephen T.
- Student (MIT): encryption, security analysis and dial system re-write
[1 TR]
- Kepner, Allen N.
- System (HIS): GTSS.
- Kerber, David A.
- System (GE).
Kernighan, Brian W.
- Student (MIT): MRGEDT; System (BTL): 6.36, BCPL, TTY DIM.
[2 MSPM sections]
- Kerr, Betsy L.
- Support (CISL); Documentation (CISL).
[17 MTBs]
- Kertzner, Peter
- System (CISL).
- Khan, Kamil
- User (Bell Canada).
- Khan, Umar
- User (AFDSC): Master Multician in the Pentagon [1982-1990].
- Kidd, Steven
- System (MIT): 6.36, GEBUG, EPL runtime.
[1 MSPM section]
- Killian, Earl A.
- User (MIT); MIT SIPB; Amber team member
Kindel, William (Bill)
- Marketing (HIS): Denver.
- King, Steven E.
- System (HIS): GTSS.
- Kinhan, Thomas A.
- System (GE): FL.
- Kinnaman, C. J.
- System (GE): Simulator.
- Kisling, Allen
- Kissel, Katie
- Documentation (CISL).
[1 MTB]
- Kissel, Richard J. C.
- System (CISL): RCP, tapes, DSA.
[5 MCRs, 9 MTBs]
- Kitching, Stanley C.
- System (PRHA): Multics Conversion [1978], Junte de Plannes InfoSystem [1979-1981]
- Kitson, Dave
- Site Analyst (UK).
- Kittlitz, Edward N.
- System (CISL).
- Kleinow, Eugene
- Field Engineering (GE/HIS): MIT site.
- Klensin, John C.
- Cambridge Project (MIT): commands, Consistent System dir, KERMIT.
[1 MCR, 2 papers]
- Kliman, Edith
- System (MIT): CTSS: Documentation.
- Klimann, Carlos
- Support (INRIA): Support, Courses and Programming
- Klinger, Ross E.
- System (MIT IPC): tapes.
[20 MCRs, 9 MTBs]
- Knappen, Jörg
- User (Mainz): F77, PASCAL programming
- Knobbe, Bob
- User (NWGS): CSC, Delran, NJ
- Knol, Tjibbe L.
- Support (SOZAWE): Education Multics users.
- Ko, Alec
- User (Bell Canada): Bell-T customer service.
- Kobos, Mitzi
- User (RADC): Consistent System.
- Kobziar, Andrew M.
- System (GE/CISL): File system, NSS salvager.
[72 MCRs, 1 MOSN, 1 MSB, 4 MTBs, 3 papers]
- Korn, Lyndalee K.
- System (MIT): CTSS
[1 paper]
- Koscheleff, Catherine
- Marketing (CiiHB): MRDS, Lisp, AI Tools.
Kovalcik, Rick
- System (HIS): UDP/TCP/IP.
- Kramarich, Kenneth L.
- System (AFDSC): Manpower Systems
- Kramek, Robert
- User (Ford): Various application development projects at Ford.
- Kraning, A. L.
- User (MIT): early relational database
[1 TR]
- Krause, Raymond
- User (AFDSC): Project Admin, Generalized Software, support for Milton Bryce&Assoc Data Dict.
- Krause, Robert L.
- User (GM); System Admin for OU, VW, Ford, Cable and Wireless
- Krekeler, George B.
- System (GE): File system.
[2 MSPM sections]
- Krenn, H.
- MDN.
- Kress, Robert W.
- Documentation (PMDC).
- Krummeck, Gerald
- Student (Mainz): Port of EGS [Erlanger Grafik System], benchmarks
- Krupansky, Michael J.
- User (Ford): Various application development projects.
- Krupp, Peter C.
- System (CISL): PL/I.
[1 MTB]
- Krusemark, Keith A.
- System (HIS).
- Kruzona, CDR
- Kubicar, Michael S.
- System (PMDC): Data Base Access.
[5 MTBs]
- Kuo, Sze-Ping
- Student (MIT): grad student, MAC, 1972 video.
[2 videos]
- Kuppersmith, Aron
- User (MIT): Performance metrics as part of the UROP program
- Kurth, Dave
- Field Engineering (GE/HIS): RADC.
- Kvilekval, Axel
- System (GE): PL/I.
[1 MCB]
- Kyle, Jim
- User (HIS): OKC peripherals manual publishing.
- Kyzivat, Paul H.
- User (Ford); OA apps (Honeywell)
Labalme, Fen
- Student (MIT): Emacs
- LaCasse, Chuck
- System (PMDC): software technologies.
- Lackey, Chip
- System (PMDC); Marketing (HIS): GM as the customer
[2 MCRs]
- Lackey, Roger D.
- System (PMDC): database manager.
[10 MTBs, 1 paper]
- Lacy, Don
- Engineering (GE): I/O Hardware Design
Ladick, Bill
- Engineering (HIS).
- Laforge, Francois
- User (CICRP): NetAdmin.
- Lagrecca, Carl
- Marketing (HIS).
- Lalot, Dominique
- SysAdmin (CICRP): system admininstrator / bug correction / porting C compiler from MR12 to Multics Release 11
- Lamballais, Didier
- Site Analyst (CiiHB): SysMaint, CIRCE.
- Lambert, Leo J.
- System (GE): Drum DIM.
[14 MSPM sections]
Lambert, Yves
- User (CICT): i was a student
- LaMonica, Frank S.
- User (RADC): RADC/Multics evaluation (1971).
[1 paper]
- Lampson, Butler W.
- Administration (ARPA): ARPA advisory panel.
[1 paper]
- Lamson, Richard
- Student (MIT): APL; System (MIT): RDMS Relational Data Management System, MacLisp, Emacs, network, system library.
- Lance, Godfrey N.
- User (Avon): director AUCC.
- Lancendorfer, Bob
- Engineering (HIS).
- Landry, Steve
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (USL).
- Landweber, L. H.
- System (GE): PL/I I/O.
- Lane, John R.
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (GM, Ford).
- Lange, Caroline
- Cambridge Project (MIT): documentation.
- Lange, Ron
- System (PMDC): Hardware Development, Flower.
- Langenberg, Peter
- User (Bell Canada): Bell-T mgr, provisioning group.
- La Padula, Leonard J.
- Guardian: MITRE security study.
[3 papers]
- Lapalme, Guy
- User (INRIA): Enchère
[1 paper]
- LaPedes, Doug
- Marketing (HIS): Detroit regional mgr.
- Larimore,
- Larmat, J. P.
- Site Analyst (CERAM, INSEE-Aix)
- Larsen, Louise
- Support (CISL).
- Larsson, Åke
- Site Analyst (ASEA): System maintenance and support
- Lasalle,
- Site Analyst (CIRIL)
- Lass, Tim
- Site Support (HISCAN): MCHQ and DDDS.
- Laubscher, Karl F.
- Administration (HIS): Director, Multics Marketing, 1986.
- Lavaud,
- Site Analyst (CCVR)
- Lawrence, David
- User (AFDSC)
Lawson, Harold W. "Bud"
- Inventor of PL/I pointer variables
- Layher, Tom
- User (Ford): Customer management.
- Lea, Paul
- Field Engineering (GE).
- Leagus, Dolores C.
- System (BTL): EPL.
- Leatherman, Paul
- System (PMDC): hardcore.
- Leban, Roy
- Site Analyst (Ford): fx, emacs, etc.
- Lebarbier, Dominique
- Site Analyst (CICT, SNEAP)
- LeBourhis, Gy
- System (CISL).
- Le Chenadec, Philippe
- User (INRIA): video interfaces to ML.
- Lee, H. P.
- Engineering (GE).
- Lee, Ivy
- User (Bell Canada)
- Lee, John
- User (NWGS): Sims Hall Database Division
- Lee, J. A. N.
- User (VPI): CS Professor
[2 articles, 2 interviews, 2 local docs, 6 papers]
- Lee, Randy
- Site Analyst (CNO, SOZAWE).
- Lefebvre, Robert
- Site Analyst (Bell Canada).
- Legg, Helen
- Marketing (HIS): AccuRay acct.
- Le Guigner, Jean-Paul
- User (CICB): TCP/IP port; System (CISL): DSA.
- Lehman, Richard A.
- System (HIS): Multics COBOL Compiler
Lehotsky, Alan P.
- other (MIT): MIT EE RDMS Relational Data Management System
- Leonard, Earl
- User (AccuRay)
- Leong, F. Wah
- User (AFDSC): AFDSC setup and security.
- Leong, P.
- User (RADC).
[1 paper]
- Leroux, Marcel
- User (INRA)
- Leskiw, Dave
- System (ACTC): MOWSE.
- Lettvin, Jonathan D.
- User (MIT):"PROBOSCIS" Emacs probe interface; "FORSE" Emacs FORTRAN/TEX parser/generator; Tokomak design in FORTRAN.
- Leuchte, Paul
- System (CISL): program manager.
- Levette, Neil
- User (DDDS): SysMaint.
- Levin, David S.
- System (CISL): FORTRAN.
[21 MCRs]
- Levinson, David A.
- System (BTL): 6.36, IOS.
[16 MSPM sections]
- Levites, David M.
- Site Analyst (GM): GMISCA
- Lewis, Odel
- User (Bell Canada)
[4 MCRs]
- Lewitt, Miles
- User (Sys-M)
- Licata, Bernard M.
- Marketing (HIS): Sales to Ford Motor Co, GM, and others
- Licklider, Joseph C. R.
- Administration (ARPA): Director IPTO; Administration (MIT): Director, Project MAC.
[1 interview]
- Liebling, Norman H.
- System (GE): FIM.
[1 MSPM section]
- Ligeret, Marie-France
- Operations (CiiHB): Pre and Post Sales Support, Client training
- Liggett, Chuck
- User (NWGS): CSC SysAdmin Delran, NJ
- Lima, Jerry
- User (NWGS): USN NWC
- Lipner, Steven B.
- User (MITRE): AFDSC security design and testing; Project Guardian. NSA TCSEC.
[1 interview, 3 papers]
Lippard, Jim
- System (PMDC): commands, B2, hardcore, MRDS.
[1 MDD, 2 MTBs]
- Litwin, Wittold
- User (INRIA): MRDS Multidatabase.
- Lloyd, E. L.
- Student (MIT)
- Loeffler, David D.
- User (CNO): VLSI Design software.
- Loepere, Keith P.
- Site Analyst (RADC); System (CISL): BCE, B2, file system; Opus architect
[6 MTBs, 2 papers, 1 web page]
- Longanecker, Al
- Palyn committee.
Longmore, Conrad
- User (UBCC): Studenty hacking stuff!
- Lorho, Bernard
[1 paper]
- Loux, Marc
- Marketing (Bull): Paris 645.
- Love, John M
- Student (USL): CS Undergrad
Love, J. Spencer
- System (MIT): TCP/IP, RDMS Relational Data Management System, x9700, emacs, olc, forum, exec_com, etc.
- Loveday, Stuart
- Marketing (HIS): branch mgr for AUCC, Cardiff
- Low, David N.
- User (Sys-M): Explorer Post 414.
- Luconi, Fred
- Student (MIT): brailler.
- Luderer, Gottfried
- System (BTL).
- Luebke, Richard G.
- System (HIS): System, MRDS
[4 MCRs, 3 MTBs]
- Lugo, Marcus
- Marketing (HIS): PRHA acct.
- Lukacs, John
- User (Ford).
- Lumsden, Elmer
- User (AFDSC)
- Lundgren, Robert E.
- Site Analyst (AccuRay)
- Luniewski, Allen W.
- Student (MIT): Multics security kernel project, system initialization
[1 TR]
- Lupo, Joe
- User (SJU): SysAdmin.
- Luse, Alan J.
- User (MIT): vclock fix, commercial applications
- Lyle, Jim
- User (Bell Canada); site support (Bell-T).
- Lynott, Thomas
- User (SJU): SysOps.
- Lyon, Jennifer
- Site Analyst (AFDSC).
- Lyon (Hymel), Patricia L.
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (AFDSC, GM); Marketing (HIS): USL acct.
[1 MTB]
- Mabee, Robert F.
- System (MIT): ALM, BCPL, PAL, runoff, ARDS.
[6 MCRs, 3 MTBs, 2 TRs]
- Mabey, Michael
- System (ACTC): FORTRAN.
[1 MTB]
- MacDougall, Glenn
- Site Analyst (MCOIN)
- MacIsaac, Gary
- Support (Calgary): Systems,MRDS
- MacKenzie, Jim
- Site Analyst (HIS): Site Analyst (ASEA, CCVR, CICRP, IRT).
- Mackenzie (Margulies), Karen
- Documentation (CISL).
[4 MTBs]
- MacLaren, M. Donald
- System (CISL): PL/I I/O.
[13 MCRs, 1 MSB, 6 MTBs, 1 paper]
- Maddox, Alice M.
- User (AFDSC): DoD Budget programs (the FYDP). 1ISG.
- Madigan, Jim
- Operations (GM).
- Maeda, Ken-ichi
- SysAdmin (Toshiba): pattern recognition and tools development, Toshiba R&D, Kawasaki.
Maggio, Albert B.
- Marketing (HIS): SJU.
[1 web page]
- Maglione, Tom
- Site Analyst (HIS): SJU
- Magnuski, Henry S.
- Student (MIT): brailler; System (BTL).
[1 MSPM section, 1 repository doc]
- Mahon, Jim
- Site Analyst (AFDSC): Systems D, H, M, Z, T, U
- Maillot, Bernard
- User (CICG): EDA.
- Main, Inge
- User (Bell Canada): Bell-T operations.
- Maisonneuve, Julien
- User (INRIA).
- Mallmes, Maureen
[2 MTBs]
- Maloney, Dr. Mary
- User (SJU): VP of Computer Operations
- Mammel, Wanda L.
- System (BTL): Numerical analysis.
- Mandel, Wilf
- Administration (Bell Canada): MULTICS timesharing system at Bell in the Toronto Datacentre, replacing GCOS timesharing system.
- Mangino, John
- System (PMDC).
- Manji, Alnoor
- User (Bell Canada): SOFA II
- Mann, George A.
- User (Sys-M): GCOS III, GCOS 4 (definition only).
- Manning, Eric G.
- System (MIT): Fault tolerance for GE 645 / Multics; User (BTL).
[1 web page]
- Manning, Lonnie
- SysAdmin (GM): sysadmin on multics-[abc]; 'gmnet'; scheduler; e-mail; etc. ('79-'83)
- Manno, Eugene
- Administration (HIS): VP Office Systems Div, included Multics 1985.
- Mannoni, Bruno
- Site Analyst (Bull): CICRP, MINEFI, INSEE, SNECMA, Culture
- Marceau, Carla M.
- System (MIT): Command language, User control.
[74 MSPM sections, 1 TR]
- Marcum, Alan M.
- User (MIT)
- Margolin, Barry
- Student (MIT): finger database; System (CISL): Emacs, echo negotiation, mail system, BCE, Inquire.
[3 MTBs]
- Margulies, Benson I.
- System (MIT); Marketing (CiiHB); System (CISL): PL/I compiler, Answering Service, B2 security
[1 MAB, 2 MDDs, 25 MTBs, 2 papers]
- Marietta, Kala
- System (HIS): DSA.
[1 MTB]
- Marker, Charley
- System (HIS): I/O Daemon, Networking Daemons.
- Markowitz, Joe
- Cambridge Project (MIT): CS design, management.
- Marks,
- Engineering (HIS).
- Marney, Steven
- User (OU): Scientific Programmer: Pascal Compiler, PL/I xref utility, Multics Mail Autoreply; User (GM/EDS): Developed decision support systems.
Marraccini, Jeffrey D.
- Operations (Oakland): Network management, Remote access, PC front-end, VAX/VMS automated file transfers
- Marsack, Sherman
- Systems (GM): SysMaint, SysAdmin, SysProg, TelMi, TRIPS, misc other apps.
- Marsh,
- Field Engineering (GE).
- Marshall, Tony
- User (USGS): SysMaint, Menlo Park.
- Marteau, Francois
- Support (CiiHB): French National Support Louveciennes [1979-1981, 1983-1986]
Marten, Jonathan
- User (Avon): Student hacker, ECAP electronic circuit analysis
- Martin, Ava M.
- Operations (AFDSC): All of them.
- Martin, Craig J.
- Student (USL): PL/I, MACSYMA, Multics Graphics System, and MRDS user.
- Martin, David James
- Marketing (CiiHB): System, PL/I, Lisp, Benchmark; Site Analyst (Renault).
- Martin, Gery L.
- Operations (AFDSC): All systems
- Martin (Switzer), Karolyn J.
- System (MIT): Command language, Initialization.
[1 MCB, 102 MSPM sections]
- Martin, Thomas J.
- User (MIT): MIT EE dept relational data management.
- Martin, Warren G.
- Marketing (HIS): manager of Multics marketing, Multics Flying Squad, ASU account.
- Martine, Michele
- Marketing (CiiHB): Secretary.
- Martinson, Frank W.
- System (PMDC): Site support, hardcore mgr.
[5 MABs, 3 MCRs, 4 MTBs]
- Marton, Richard A.
- Field Engineering (HIS): SysMaint TCO, BCO, FNP specialist.
- Marx, Colin
- User (Calgary): Director of Computer Services.
- Marx, Stephen B.
- Marketing (HIS): Denver.
- Mason, Andrew H. (Drew)
- Student (MIT): virtual memory, kernel simplification, linker.
[3 MCRs, 1 TR]
Massimini, Esther Marx
- User(AFDSC): software
- Matern, Robert A.
- User (NWGS): CSC development, System Admin
[2 web pages]
- Mathis, Roland
- User (Bell Canada): Bell-T customer service manager.
- Matthews, Harley D.
- System (GE): Diagnostic Programs
[1 repository doc]
- Maurice, Lionel
- User (CCVR)
- Mawhinney, Robert E.
- Marketing (HIS): EOP benchmark.
- May, G William (Bill)
- System (PMDC): Field Support; pipes, command processor, applications environment, tape subsystems, B2 security team Multiple HLSUA presenter, OU student.
[1 MTB]
- May, Robert M. (Bob)
- System (PMDC): GCOS TSS Simulator, COBOL Communications (TP) Runtime
[16 MCRs, 3 MTBs]
- Maynard, Dennis
- User (RADC): facility manager
- Mazariegos, Erick
- User (SJU).
- McBride, Louis
- User (AFDSC)
- McCabe, Edward J.
- Cambridge Project (MIT): Project Diana, Janus
- McCabe, Harold
- user (AccuRay): 1980-82.
- McCabe, H. Arthur
- Administration (HIS) manager at PMDC.
- McCarthy, Cathy
- System (PMDC).
- McCarthy, Kevin
- Consistent System (RCI).
- McCarthy, Noreen
- User (Bell Canada): Bell-T/Bell-M provisioning group.
- McCauley, Robert
- User (RADC): RADC/Multics evaluation (1971).
[1 paper]
- McChesney, Bill
- Administration (USGS): Multics O/S User Training and Development
- McClure, R. M.
- TMG designer.
[1 paper]
- McConnell, Jim
- User (AFDSC)
- McCord, Mike
- User (NWGS): System admin
- McCue, Jim
- Marketing (HIS): systems mgr on PRHA sale
- McDonald, Ricarda
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (Calgary).
- McDuffy, Jesse
- Marketing (HIS/FSO): AFDSC sale.
- McFadden, John
- User (Calgary): GENIE; Site Support (HISCAN) : MCHQ, DDDS : TeX.
[1 paper]
- McFadyen, Jay T.
- User (Ford): CAFE Database [MRDS], CLIC [Retargetable user interface]
- McFall, Bill
- Field Engineering (HIS).
- McGary, Txom
- System (MIT IPC): RDMS Relational Data Management System.
[5 MCRs, 1 MTB]
- McGeachie, John S.
- Engineering (GE): 645 online programming system.
- McGee, R. C.
- Engineering (GE/HIS); VMM.
[1 paper, 15 repository docs]
- McGillivray, Joseph
- Operations (MIT).
- McGlothin, Dan
- User (USGS)
- McGowan, Janet
- graduate of Honeywell Multics Academy
- McGuire, Mary
- System (ACTC): compilers
McIlroy, M. Douglas
- System (BTL): EPL.
[4 interviews, 4 MDNs, 26 MSPM sections, 4 repository docs]
McKenney, Roland F.
- System (HIS): Opus.
- McLaughlin, John
- Operations (BCO): Systems support. Built a Min-Multics
- McLeod, John W.
- Support (MCHQ): Application support, using MRPG
- McMains, Wren
- Cambridge Project (MIT): Overlap Project, Discourse.
[1 paper]
- McMullan, Jay
- User (NWGS): Sims Hall
- McNair, Michael
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (USGS-R, AFDSC, SCSI).
- McNamara, Richard
- Operations (MIT).
- McQuilkin, J. L.
- Engineering (HIS): performance measurement.
- Meade, Stephen A.
- User (AFDSC): Project Administration, Generalized Software, Configuration Management, Database Administration
- Meer, Moseley A.
- System (GE/CISL): FL, File system, Backup.
[21 MCRs, 1 MOSN, 2 MSBs, 4 MSPM sections]
- Mekota, John
- System (HIS): Guardian.
- Mellinger, Bill
- Operations (GM).
Mellon, Larry
- User (Calgary): Applications for University researchers, benchmarks
- Mengel, Donald R.
- System (HIS); Site Analyst (CNO), Site Analyst (SOZAWE), Site Analyst (Brunel, Cardiff, Birmingham).
- Mercer, Christopher R.
- System (NSA): IO.
- Mercuri, George
- System (HIS): COBOL.
- Merner, J.
- MDN.
- Méron, Michel
- Multics Education at CiiHB.
- Merritt, Larry
- Marketing (HIS): USL acct.
Mery, Panda
- Student (CICRP)
- Metcalfe, Bob
- User (MIT)
[1 article]
- Metcalfe, I. J.
- User (Avon): systems programmer AUCC.
- Mettewie, Tony
- Site Analyst: Attended Multics Metering & Tuning Seminar, June 78.
- Meunier, G.
- User (Grenoble).
[1 paper]
- Meyazaki, M.
- Student (MIT).
Meyer, Edwin W.
- System (MIT): ARPANet, Graphics, 6.36.
[1 MOSN, 44 MSPM sections]
- Meyer, Isabel
- Marketing Education (FSO): McLean VA.
- Meyer, Jerry
- Administration (HIS): HIS Systems Executive VP, owned Multics group 1984.
- Meyer, Mike
- Administration (HIS): User (HIS/FSO): data dictionary prototype.
- Meyers, J.
- System (GE/HIS): 6.36.
[1 MSPM section]
- Meyerson, James L.
- AEP (HIS).
[1 MTB]
- Michelman, Eric
- Student (MIT): UROP developer at CISL on AWARE
- Michelsen, Christie D.
- User (USL): MADAM
[1 paper]
- Michon, Benoit
- Marketing Education (CiiHB): customer training
- Migues, Samuel
- Student/Consultant (USL): System (AFDSC): B2 evaluator; User (DOCKMASTER).
- Mikosinski, Casey
- User (AFDSC)
- Mikus, Kathy L.
- Engineering (GE).
- Mikus, Leonard E.
- Designer (GE): I/O.
[1 paper, 2 repository docs]
- Millen, Jon
- User (MITRE): Guardian: MITRE security kernel paper.
[1 paper]
- Miller, Dan'l
- website contributor.
- Miller, Gary
- Engineering (GE).
- Miller, John
- Miller, John (#2)
- User (STC): graphical tool to allow analysts to create and amend SSADM drawings on line.
- Miller, Steven J.
- Operations (GM).
- Miller, Tom
- Field Engineering (GE).
- Mills, Bob
- Marketing (HISUK): DSA, TCP/IP IETF, ITAEGS, secure systems, X/Open, Open Group
Mills, James D.
- System (MIT): EPLBSA; System (GE/CISL): PL/I, Fortran, v1 APL.
[6 MCBs, 26 MSPM sections, 1 web page]
- Mills, John
- System (CISL): comm & networking group, HDSA.
- Mills, Richard G.
- Administration (MIT): Asst Director Project MAC, Director IPS.
[2 papers]
- Minafri, Ron
- User (HLR).
- Minniti, John C.
- Documentation (CISL): Documentation Manager
- Minoui, Hamid R.
- SysAdmin (Ford): Devices, Emacs [Extensions], PL/1, etc
- Mitchell, Danny P.
- Operations (GM).
- Mitchell, Pamela
- System (HIS): AFDSC support; also USAF contract for PRC.
- Mitchell, Ralph
- SysAdmin (Brunel): Multics support
- Miyazaki, M.
- Student (MIT).
[1 repository doc]
- Moberg, Bert
- User (Ford): System Support, Many MRDS changes and bug fixes, Linus, O/S
- Mobley, Jess
- Marketing (HIS): Memphis branch mktg mgr, sold DCC.
- Mockapetris, Paul
- User (MIT).
- Moffitt, Robert
- Site Analyst (Cardiff); Site Analyst (Avon).
- Mogul, Jeff
- User (MIT): Homework for Barbara Liskov's class
- Moles, David
- -
- Monaco, Peter
- Operations (MIT).
- Mondy, Michael
- User (USL): Classwork. Writing games and toys; DPS8M Simulator.
- Mone, Hans
- Marketing (HIS): SOZAWE
- Montagnon, Jean-Antoine
- Benchmarks (Bull): Ran benchmarks to buy Multics
- Montalbano, Nick
- Operations (RADC).
- Montee, Robert F.
- Administration (HIS): North American Operations director of Multics.
[1 paper]
- Montgomery, Michael
- Site Analyst: Attended Multics Metering & Tuning Seminar, June 78.
- Montgomery, S.
- Student (MIT).
- Montgomery, Warren A.
- Student (MIT).
[1 paper, 1 TR]
- Moon, David A.
- Student (MIT): APL, MACLISP.
[1 MCR, 1 paper]
- Moore, G. L.
- User (Avon): systems administrator AUCC.
- Moore, Richard
- Operations (MIT).
Moreau, Dennis
- User (USL): Multics Graphics System, Applications [PL/I], ALM tinkering
[1 paper]
- Morel, B.
- User (Grenoble).
[1 paper]
- Morell, Brian
- User (MCHQ): SysAdmin.
- Morelli, Mary
- Documentation (PMDC).
- Morgan, Bob
- User (NWGS): CSC, Delran, NJ; Moorestown, NJ
- Morgan, D.
- User.
[2 papers]
- Morgan, Dave
- Engineering (HIS): online T&D.
- Morgan, Sam
- Administration.
- Morice, Michel
- Marketing (CiiHB).
- Morlock, Blair
- User (Bell Canada).
- Morr, S. C.
- Student (MIT).
Morris, Noel I.
- System (MIT, CISL): MRGEDT, 6.36, EPL runtime, File system, FIM, Initialization, BOS, FDUMP, Phase One, ESD, Backup, Printer DIM, Tape DIM, Disk DIM, NSS, MPC loading, EPLBSA, reconfiguration.
[146 MCRs, 19 MOSNs, 6 MSBs, 40 MSPM sections, 10 MTBs]
- Morris, Robert
- System (BTL): EPL.
[4 MDNs, 4 MSPM sections]
- Morrison, John
- Marketing (HISCAN): Bell Canada acceptance.
- Morrison, R. H.
- System (PMDC).
[23 MCRs, 2 MTBs]
- Morrogh, William
- User (HLR) and Site SA
- Mortara, M.
- User (RADC).
[1 paper]
Morton, Lewis
- User (MIT): Technical Information Project (TIP); Software Development
- Moses, Timothy
- Site Analyst (AFDSC): patches, user registration, fault analysis, user tech support
- Mote, Dave
- System (HISUK): X25 FEP
- Mottorn, Dave
- Engineering (HIS).
- Mounier,
- Site Analyst (SHOM).
- Mudd, Gregory L.
- User (CRF, CNO): Honeywell TC&SD software, Green Language [ADA] evaluation, DPS-6 development
- Mueller, Jim
- User (USGS): Menlo Park chief of computer center.
- Muirhead, Hilary
- User (Avon): selection committee.
- Mulheron, Dave
- User (NWGS): Sims Hall Database Division
- Mullen, Liz H.
- Marketing Education (HIS).
- Mullen, Robert E.
- System (CISL): Core dump, Scheduler, edm, I/O, merge_ascii, Transaction proc, performance, covert channels.
[37 MCRs, 5 MTBs, 1 paper, 2 web pages]
- Murphy,
- Murphy, Pat
- User (USGS): tools developer, Menlo Park.
- Murray, George
- Administration (GE): at BTL.
- Musto, Marion
- User (NWGS): CSC, Moorestown, NJ
- Myers, J.
- Engineering (GE): 6.36
[2 MDNs]
- Myers, Tim
- User (DOCKMASTER): Class C2 TCSEC & TNI Evaluations of Novell NetWare
- Myers, Wade H.
- System (GE): Productization
- Myszka, T. S.
- System.
- Nadolnly, Bill
- Field Engineering (GE).
- Navarette, C.
- Engineering (HIS).
- Neale, Roy L.
- User (CNO): Site Administrator, Honeywell IAC, Ft. Washington, PA.
- Negaret, Roger
- System (CISL): DSA.
- Neilson, Hans
- Engineering (HIS).
- Nelson, Bill
- Site Analyst (STC)
- Nelson, Donn L.
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (NPT).
- Nelson, Gary
- System (HIS).
- Nemmer, Anthony
- User (AFDSC): created some cool fractals on a Tektronix 4014 terminal using recursive Multics pl/1 programs!
- Nestor, Frank
- Field Engineering (HIS): original GM installation.
Neumann, Peter G.
- Designer (BTL): File system.
[2 interviews, 2 MDNs, 26 MSPM sections, 7 papers, 4 repository docs, 2 videos, 1 web page]
- Neuville, Paul
- System (Oakland): Support & Programming
- Newcomb, Lee A.
- Marketing (HIS/FSO): Site Analyst (AFDSC); System (CISL): Data management, development tools.
[5 MTBs]
- Newman, Otto
- System (HIS): COBOL.
[1 MCR]
- Newsted, Peter R.
- User (Calgary): GENIE
[1 paper]
- Newton, Dorothy
- Support (GE).
- Nguyen, Tai
- System (PMDC): Commands.
- Nguyen, Thanh
- System (HIS): benchmark services; System (PMDC): MRDS.
[1 MTB]
- Nguyen, Van Binh
- System (GE): Initialization, 6.36.
[4 MSPM sections, 1 repository doc]
- Nichol, Alex
- User (Avon): Director of Computing, University of Bath, selection committee
Nicholls, Joe
- System (CISL): MCS.
- Nickerson, Rosemary A.
- Student (OU): 1979-1986; Marketing (HIS): 1981; User (VW): 1982; User (GM): 1982-1984; User (GM/EDS): 1985-1992.
- Niles, Suzanne E. W.
- Student (MIT): MacAIMS; System (MIT): MacAIMS.
- Nilsen, Hans
- System (PMDC).
- Nissen, Walter
- User (MIT).
- Nivelet, Bernard
- User (INRIA): Head of Computer Center
- Nokes, Steve
- System (HISLTD): Bristol net.
- Nolan, Andy
- User (GM): User Support
- Nolan, Laurel
- User (Bell Canada).
- Noll, J. Crawford
- System (BTL): File System, Disk, Tape.
[1 MSPM section]
- Norland, Kenneth E.
- Administration (HIS).
- Normand, Frederick A.
- User (RADC): RADC/Multics evaluation (1971).
- Norris, Herb
- -
- Noseworthy, Gordon
- Operations (MIT).
- Nourse, A.
- Student (MIT).
- Novak, Gregory C.
- AEP (HIS).
- Nowak, Paul A.
- Site Analyst (RADC): H6180 dual [ALM, FORTRAN, GES].
- Nowicki, Mark
- Marketing (HIS, HFSI): Site Analyst (Site-N).
- Noxon, Chuck
- Site Analyst (RADC); Marketing (HIS).
- Nye, Henry
- Marketing (GE/HIS): FSO.
- O'Callahan, Daniel T.
- User (NWGS): Moorestown.
O'Connell, Jamie
- Consistent System (MIT): Janus, MJDT; Systems Programmer: Renaissance Computing, Inc.
- O'Connor, Patrick M.
- User (Oakland): System Programmer; User (GM): App programmer [MRDS, PL/I]
- O'Connor, Thomas J.
- System (BTL): documentation
- Oda, Kazuhiro
- Student (MIT): Visited MAC spring 1973, studied with Saltzer.
[1 paper, 1 web page]
- O'Dell, Jim
- Student (MIT): MACSYMA.
- Ohayon, Solomon
- System (MIT): Commands.
[2 MSPM sections]
- Ohlin, James R.
- Engineering (GE/HIS); System (HIS): SysTest.
[2 MOSNs, 3 MTBs]
- Ohlin, Thomas R.
- Engineering (HIS): Gateway, SCU & Clock Hardware Design.
- Okamoto, Makoto
- System (PMDC).
- Oke, Tom
- System (Calgary, Bull, ACTC): disk DIM, PL/I, FORTRAN, C, Manager of Multics Software Maintenance.
[4 MTBs, 1 paper, 2 web pages]
- Oliver, G. A.
- Engineering (GE): segmentation design.
[1 paper, 2 repository docs]
- Olmsted, Coert D.
- System (MIT): IOCT.
[4 MSPM sections]
- Olsson, Magnus
- started alt.os.multics.
- O'Neil, J.
- System (HIS): COBOL.
- O'Neill, Mary
- System (HIS): Documentation.
- O'Neill, W.
- System (HIS): COBOL.
[4 MCRs]
- Oppert, Donald E.
- System (MIT).
[1 repository doc]
- Orcel, Pierre
- Operations (Systeme X): Bull Multics support team.
- O'Reilly, Michele
- Support (CISL): human resources.
- Orenstein, R.
- System (MIT): CTSS.
[1 paper]
Organick, Elliott I.
- System (MIT): Documentation, wrote The Multics System, an Examination of Its Structure.
[4 papers, 7 repository docs]
- Orgill, Dawn E.
- Support (HIS).
- Orre, Roland
- Enthusiastic User at ASEA, Sweden
- Osborn, Dale
- User(BCO): NPL sw factory ("HRS") development
Ossanna, Joseph F.
- Designer (BTL): I/O.
[62 MSPM sections, 6 papers, 2 repository docs]
- Ottavj,
- User (CERAM)
- Otto, D. C.
- User (Ford).
- Owen, E. W.
- Marketing (HIS): branch, mgr, sold DCC.
- Owen, Robert
- Marketing (HIS): SCSI acct, branch mgr for USL.
- Owens, Richard C.
- Student (MIT): MacAIMS [Masters Thesis: MAC-TR-89].
- Oyagi, Randy
- SysAdmin (Bell-T): You know, general SysAdmin-just-about-everything
- Pacelli, Mauro
- Administration (HIS): mgr PMDC.
Padlipsky, Michael A.
- System (MIT): Documentation, MSPM editor, ARPANet, Graphics.
[1 MCB, 1 MCR, 1 MOSN, 8 MSBs, 82 MSPM sections, 1 MTB, 10 papers, 1 web page]
- Paillous, Francois
- User (CICRP): SysAdmin.
- Pajunen, Jyki
- User (Bell Canada).
- Palinkas, Les
- User (NWGS): CSC, SDF Delran, NJ
- Palter, Gary M.
- System (MIT IPC, CISL): mail, comm, HASP, IMFT, B2, tasking, metering, subsystem utils.
[8 MTBs]
- Pandolfo, Michael A.
- Marketing Education (HIS); Site Analyst (STC): MultiCalc, xforum; System (CISL): data mgt, hardcore, file system extension.
[1 MDD, 2 MTBs, 1 paper, 1 video, 1 web page]
- Pank, Raghbir
- User (Brunel).
- Pape, William H.
- User (SJU): Mgr of Comp Ops, Administrative Duties
- Papi, Tiziana
- User (Bell Canada).
- Paradis, Amy
- User (Bell-M)
- Paradise, A. James
- System (CISL): TP.
- Paradiso, Joe
- User (SJU): SysAdmin (DOCKMASTER): Supported Dockmaster site and implementation of security devices in conjunction with Multics
- Parfenuk, Walter
- SysAdmin (BCO): System administration & communications
- Paris, Jean-Pierre
- User (Renault)
- Parisek, Doug
- System (PMDC): AZM, commands, active functions
- Park, Alex
- User (STC): CFO, bought system.
- Parks, Lee S.
- User (MIT); MIT SIPB; Architecture Machine Group Magic 6 OS; Amber team member
[1 paper]
- Parquier, Pierre
- User (Rennes, Sys-M, BCO): PhD on Natural Language Processing
- Parsons, Roger
- User (Bell Canada): initial negotiations.
- Parsons, Tom
- User (Bell Canada).
- Pasquale, Serge
- Management of Support Group at CiiHB (Louveciennes).
- Passage, Lillian
- Support (HIS): PMDC.
- Pathak,
- Site Analyst.
- Patterson, Dave
- Site Analyst (SCSI).
- Patterson, Gregory J.
- Marketing (HIS): Technical Sales Support, Benchmarks [CMU, Westinghouse]
- Patterson, Timothy
- Operations (SJU): General Operations.
- Pattin, Jay
- User (MIT): MIT SIPB; Amber team member; System (MIT): forum, extended objects, RDMS Relational Data Management System, olc.
[2 MTBs]
- Pease, Clem F.
- System (BTL): TMG.
- Peck, Wayne
- Field Engineering (GE/HIS): RADC.
- Pense, Joachim
- User (Mainz): CERNlib Implementation, Musical Score Analysis.
- Pepin, Randy
- Site Analyst (Bell-T, Bell-M).
- Perez, Manuela
- System (PMDC): System Integration.
- Perks, Dave
- User (Bell Canada): Bell-M.
- Perna, Don
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (RADC).
- Perrin, L. S.
- Student (MIT).
Perrine, Tom
- AEP (HIS): Explorer.
- Perrot, J.-F.
- Author: wrote usage guide in French.
[1 paper]
- Perry, Dale
- User (Bell Canada): Bell-T operations.
- Perry, Ed
- AEP (HIS).
[1 MTB]
- Peskin, Gary L.
- Student (MIT): Student access.
- Pestel,
- Site Analyst.
- Peters, A. John
- Support (other): WELLMADE, engineering support, for Honeywell Corporate computer Science Center
- Peticolas, Penny J.
- System (BTL): supervisor, Post Mortem and Salvage.
- Petrowski, Bob
- AEP (Calgary): Sales, Compilers, Mathpac
- Petts, James
- User (Avon): General usage, and system hacking.
- Pfenning, Dwight
- System (BTL): EPL I/O.
- Phifer, Molly Sherrick
- User (NWGS): CSC applications developer (SDF).
- Phillipps, Janice O'Connor
- System (MIT IPC): Dartmouth, ANSI tapes, User control.
[11 MCRs, 6 MTBs]
- Phillips, Dick
- Marketing (HIS): Southern Region Marketing Support Director.
- Phillips, Jorge V.
- Student (MIT): MAC CSG
- Piacentini, Paul E.
- User (BCO): System Admin.
- Pickett, Dave
- Field Engineering (HIS): NWGS, Moorestown, NJ
- Pickett, Mark
- User (Bell-T): SysAdmin.
- Pickus, Michael A.
- Marketing (FSO): YARDS [Yet Another Relational Database System]; Site Analyst (Grenoble, NSA).
- Picone, John
- System (HIS): GCOS (co-op).
- Pierce, Tom
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (VPI).
- Pierret, Matthew Clement
- System (CISL): Data Management
[11 MTBs]
- Pietras, Lori
- User (Bell Canada).
- Pillard, Bruno
- SysAdmin (INRIA): System Software maintenance and user support.
- Pillsbury, George J.
- Documentation (CISL).
[1 MTB]
- Pineda, J.A.
- Student (MIT).
- Pinson, Elliott N.
- System (BTL): Scheduler.
- Piper, Derrell D.
- User (DOCKMASTER): NCSC TCSEC evaluation for VMS [C2/B1]
- Pitcher, Terry
- Field Engineering (GE/HIS): RADC.
- Pitman, K. M.
- User (MIT): MACLISP manual
[1 TR]
- Pitts, Nancy
- Library (MIT IPC).
- Pizzarello, Antonio
- User (Sys-M): WELLMADE
[1 paper]
Planalp, Roy P.
- System (HIS): GTSS; SiteSA: Attended Multics Metering & Tuning Seminar, June 78; benchmarks.
[3 MCRs, 1 MTB]
- Planes, Martine
- User (INRIA)
- Platon, Dominique
- Site Analyst (CICT, ELF).
- Ployette, Florimond
- User (INRIA): Enchère
[2 papers]
- Plum, Jerry
- Operations (GM): operations mgr.
- Poage, James F.
- Administration (BTL): Holmdel Coordinator.
- Podlaska-Lando, S.
- User (USGS).
[1 paper]
- Poduska, J. William
- System (MIT): EPLBSA.
[1 interview, 1 MSPM section, 1 paper, 1 repository doc]
- Pogran, Kenneth T.
- System (MIT): Graphics, ARPANet, ARPANet email
[1 interview, 18 MCRs]
- Pollock, Phillip A.
- User (HIS): Inter-networking GRTS/NPS GCOS (HIS/ISOS)
- Polonsky, Ivan P.
- System (BTL): SNOBOL.
- Ponville, Paul R.
- System (HIS): COBOL.
- Poole, Andy
- Marketing (HIS): branch mgr for STC
- Pope, Ken
- User (USGS): SysMaint, Menlo Park.
- Popek, Gerald J.
- USAF: Project ZARF; Palyn Report.
[1 paper]
- Porter, William L.
- Cambridge Project (MIT): PI, Overlap Project; Discourse.
[1 paper]
- Potts, John
- Field Engineering (HIS): Bell-T, 1979-82; Administration (Wang): DND-H support.
[1 web page]
- Pouzin, Louis
- System (MIT): CTSS; User (CNET).
[1 interview, 3 MDNs, 1 paper, 1 web page]
- Powell, Kit
- User (Avon): Bath; selection committee.
[1 paper]
- Powroz, Norman E.
- User (Canada DND): SysAdmin and site manager for DDDS (DND Ottawa); HLSUA Multics Technical Task Force; wrote Multics Agenda (personal calendar management system); planned and specified DNDH system (initially as GCOS [WWMCCS], then Multics) up until 1981; various other bits and pieces.
- Pozzo, Maria
- User (NSA): B2 evaluator, System (CISL): hardcore, RCP, B2 security, configuration management.
[1 MDD, 3 MTBs, 2 papers]
- Prange, Pat
- System (HIS): LALR.
[1 MTB]
- Prentice, F. A.
- System.
- Presser, Marshall
- System (CISL): Fortran compiler, PL/I macro processor
[2 MTBs]
- Price, Philip
- Student (VPI).
- Price, W. R.
- Guardian: MITRE security study.
[1 paper]
- Prigent,
- Site Analyst.
- Prior, John
- Field Engineering (GE/HIS).
- Proctor,
- Site Analyst.
- Pryor, Andy
- User (Avon): SWURCC Algol.
- Pugh (Topham), Linda
- System (HIS): Customer Support. Multics TAC.
- Puma, Carmen
- Marketing (HIS): SJU Sale & Installation
- Putt, Stewart
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (Bell Canada).
- Quackenboss, Harry V.
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (GM); Marketing (PMDC).
[1 web page]
- Quick, Don
- Marketing (HIS): sold IN.
- Quinlan, Cian
- User (HIS): used Sys-M for doc processing.
- Quinn, R. A.
- Engineering (HIS): performance measurement.
- Quinones, E. Ricardo
- Cambridge Project (MIT): Utilities
- Qureshi, Bilal
- User (Bell Canada).
- Rabilloud, Guy
- Site Analyst (CiiHB)
- Raffray-Favrot, Gerard
- Marketing (HIS): CERT, CNET, INRA, INRIA, ONERA; Site Analyst (INRIA).
- Rairigh, Will
- System (PMDC).
- Rakip, Ronald B.
- Library (MIT).
[1 MSB]
- Ramirez, Carol Pam
- Marketing (HIS/FSO): Site Analyst (AFDSC).
- Ramirez, Willard A.
- Marketing (HIS/FSO): AFDSC setup.
- Rammi, P. J.
- System.
- Rampy, Bob
- FSD (HIS): Honeywell Benchmarks and FSD guy...enjoyed those HLSUA Multics Happy Hours...
- Randal, Ron
- User (NWGS): CSC, Delran, NJ; Moorestown, NJ
- Randle, John
- User (AFDSC): System Operations Management Level 68 Pentagon 1987
- Ranzan, Patti
- User (Bell Canada): Bell-T customer service.
- Ranzenbach, Edward A.
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (RADC, NWGS, ASEA); System (CISL): System Console Interface, B2 Testing.
[1 MTB, 3 web pages]
- Rapacchi, Bernard
- User (CICG): EDA.
- Rappaport, Robert L.
- System (MIT): Scheduler.
[90 MSPM sections, 2 TRs]
Ratazzi, Paul
- User (RADC): Circuit Simulations & Data Analysis [PL/I, SPICE]
- Ratcliff, L. Braxton
- System (BTL): BSA, 6.36, Commands.
[16 MSPM sections]
- Rathbun, Robert K.
- System (BTL): printer, Drum DIM, IMCV.
[10 MSPM sections, 2 repository docs]
- Ratliff, Tommy J.
[1 MTB]
- Raunikar, F.
- MDN.
- Rauschelbach, Paul
- System (HIS): Hardcore, bug fixes, resource tools
- Rawson, Mark L.
- Support (SCSI): Nuclear Records Management
Razdow, Allen
- User (MIT)
- Reardon, Edward T.
- Operations (MIT).
- Reed, David P.
- Student, Research Staff (MIT): MACLISP, Macsyma, security hole analysis, threads package.
[1 MCR, 1 MTB, 2 TRs]
- Reed, Harry
- User (SDC): 1985-87; DPS8M Simulator
- Rees, Jeff
- System (Avon): Algol 68.
- Reeves,
- MDN.
- Reeves, Ray
- System (HIS): SysMaint: snobblocks.
- Regan, Bob
- User (SJU): PL/I systems programming.
- Reimer, Ernie
- Field Engineering (HISCAN): Bell Canada.
- Reinis, George
- User (NWGS): CSC, SDF Delran, NJ
- Renier, Jim
- Administration (HIS): VP HIS; Administration (Honeywell): CEO.
- Reynolds, G. E.
- User (Mitre): Guardian security evaluation.
[1 paper]
- Rhoads, Kevin G.
- Student (MIT): Framework of IBM 360 simulator in PL/I.
- Rhodes, John K.
- System (HIS): online T&D.
[7 MCRs, 1 MTB]
- Rice, Edward Hart
- Marketing (HIS/FSO): Site Analyst (AFDSC); USGS Benchmark and Proposal Coord., FSO MPO.
- Rice, T.
- System (HIS): COBOL.
- Richards, Martin
- Visiting professor (MIT): BCPL.
[1 TR]
- Richardson, Jim
- User (CNO).
- Richardson, Robert R.
- User (GM): IRIS (Industrial Relations Interactive System), ERIS [Employment Relations Interactive System]
- Richie, C.
- User (Brunel): managed system.
- Richmond, Golden
- Marketing (HIS)
- Ricks, Jeffrey, Lt. USAF
- User (AFDSC): PDS Software.
- Ridgeway, John A.
- System.
[1 MSPM section]
- Ridgeway, William C., III
- Administration (BTL): Whippany Coordinator.
- Riedesel, Ronald R.
- Marketing (HIS): Multics Flying Squad.
[1 MTB, 8 web pages]
- Riesenberg, D. J.
- System (GE): FL assembler.
[2 repository docs]
- Riley, Rick
- AEP (HIS): TR.
- Ring, Jack
- other (HIS): Planning (HIS): Multics Product Director.
- Riordan, Walter B.
- Engineering (GE): processor design, design specifications EPS-control unit [1965-1968]
- Rios, Efrain
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (PRHA).
- Rioux,
- Site Analyst.
Ritchie, Dennis M.
- System (BTL): BCPL.
[18 MSPM sections, 4 papers]
Ritzert, Beate
- User (Mainz): F77 numerical modelling and data visualisation
- Roach, Roger A.
- Administration (MIT IPC): IPC.
[12 MCRs, 5 MOSNs, 11 MTBs]
- Robb, Howard
- User (Bell Canada).
- Robert, Lane A.
- User (USL).
- Roberts, Daniel
- System (AFDSC): USAF Budget System
- Roberts, Dick
- Marketing (PMDC): marketing support.
- Roberts, Lawrence G.
- Administration (ARPA): ARPANet program manager; ARPA Multics evaluation.
- Robertson, Dave
- User (NWGS): CSC maybe at Delran, certainly at Moorestown SDF
- Robertson, J.
- Engineering (GE).
- Robinson, Doug
- System (ACTC): C Compiler.
[1 MTB]
- Robinson, Jim
- User (Avon): selection committee.
- Rochlis, Jon
- System (HIS): Video System.
[2 MTBs]
- Rodriguez, Tony (Humberto)
- Student (MIT): measurement.
[1 TR]
- Roe, Cameron
- System (ACTC): PC Support.
- Roeber, Frederick G. M.
- User.
- Rogers, Mike
- User (Avon): University of Bristol, selection committee.
- Rogers, Paul L.
- Student (USL): runoff enhancements, Pascal-S maintenance
- Rohmer, Jean
- Applications (Bull): manager of CEDIAG, Bull AI tools group.
- Rohs, Charles
- System (ACTC): MOWSE.
[1 MTB]
- Rolla, Bob
- User (MIT): SIPB subsystem.
- Rollow, David
- Documentation (CISL): Commands, Subroutines, FORTRAN UG/TR, MulticsMan T-shirts
Ronayne, Michael
- Administration (HLR): Applications
- Rose, Ed
- User (NWGS): CSC took over from George Reinis
- Rosenbaum, Susan L.
- System (MIT): SMM; Marketing (HIS): NCB.
[1 MCB, 34 MSPM sections]
- Rosenberg, David M.
- Rosin, Ward
- User (Calgary, ACTC): operations, SysAdmin.
- Rossman, George
- Palyn Report.
- Rotenberg, Leo J.
- Student (MIT): MAC-TR-123.
[1 TR]
- Rothel, Richard
- User (SJU).
- Roulin, Annick
- Marketing (CiiHB): System, Office Automation, PR.
- Roulin, Noel
- User (USGS).
- Rouse, Paul
- System (Avon): Algol 68.
- Rousseau, Real
- User (Bell-M): SysAdmin.
- Rovansek, Shawn
- User (NSA).
[1 paper]
- Rubin, Don
- Cambridge Project (Harvard): statistics.
- Rubin, Paul
- User (NWGS): CSC, Delran, NJ
[2 papers]
- Ruiz, Abelardo "Pin Pin"
- Marketing (HIS): sold PRHA system.
- Russ, Doris
- Support (PMDC).
- Russell, Les
- User (STC).
- Rustum, Ed
- Marketing (HIS): HLR acct.
- Rutemiller, John O.
- SysAdmin (DOCKMASTER): General system support and administration
- Ruth, Richard
- Engineering (GE): 6180 IOM design.
[1 paper]
- Rutkin,
- Documentation.
- Ryan, Leo J.
- Operations (MIT).
[1 MOSN]
- Rybicki, Frank
- User (NWGS): CSC, Delran, NJ; Moorestown, NJ
- Rykken, Thomas R.
- Administration (HIS): Technical project manager, Flower
[1 web page]
- Rzepka, Bill
- User (RADC): RADC/Multics evaluation (1971).
[1 paper]
- Sabelete, Gerard
- SysAdmin (CNET): User support
- Sabonnadiere, J.
- User (Grenoble).
[1 paper]
- Sacco, Tony
- User (NWGS): CSC, SDF Delran, NJ; SDF Moorestown, NJ
- Sadowski, Ken
- Operations (AFDSC): Multics system operations
- Saidzadeh, Iraj
- User (Brunel).
Saltzer, Jerome H.
- Designer (MIT): CTSS, RUNOFF, Scheduler, security, clock, Project Guardian.
[2 interviews, 1 MCB, 10 MDNs, 12 MSBs, 96 MSPM sections, 2 MTBs, 39 papers, 12 repository docs, 32 TRs, 2 videos, 5 web pages]
- Salzedo,
- User (CIRCE)
Sanders, Rex
- User (USGS): USGS-Menlo Park, PL/1 and FORTRAN programmer, computer mapping (pre-GIS)
[1 web page]
- Sanderson, Bruce
- User (Ford): Systems Support.
- Sanderson, Ed
- Marketing (HIS): GM
- Santiago-Chinea, Hector
- User (PRHA)
- Sarokin, Jerry
- Marketing (HIS): OU acct.
- Sasaki, Akio
- Visiting Scientist (MIT).
[2 MSPM sections]
- Sassenfeld, Helmut M.
- Administration (GE).
- Saunders, Randy
- User (CNO): Software CM in Ring-5
[1 web page]
- Sauvagnat, Gilles
- Support (CiiHB): Site Analyst (Systeme X): Bull Multics support team.
- Sawada, Jim
- User (Bell Canada).
- Sawatzky, Don L.
- User (USGS).
[1 paper]
- Sawyer, Alan B.
- User (Bell-T): SOFA II development.
[1 web page]
- Scarafino, Vince
- User (Ford): HLSUA Multics Task Force, systems analyst, application development.
[1 web page]
- Schabacker, Kathy
- User (USGS): SysMaint, Reston.
- Schaefer, Marv
- User (DOCKMASTER): NCSC, Multics B2 evaluation.
- Schafer, Dave
- User (AFDSC): AFDSC setup.
- Schauble, Paul L.
- System (HIS): Emacs Fortran mode.
- Schecter, Joel
- Engineering (GE).
Scheffler, Lee J.
- System (MIT, CISL): disk and drum performance optimization, security auditing
[24 MCRs, 2 MOSNs, 1 MSB, 3 MTBs, 1 paper, 1 web page]
- Schelin, Don
- Marketing Education (FSO).
- Schell, Roger R.
- Student (MIT): Dynamic reconfiguration; USAF: ZARF, Guardian; NSA: director NCSC.
[1 article, 3 interviews, 2 MOSNs, 9 papers, 1 TR]
- Scherer, Arlene
- Library (MIT IPC).
[18 MCRs, 1 MSB, 1 MTB]
- Scheske, Vern
- Field Engineering (HIS): original GM installation.
- Schiavon, Steve
- Marketing (HIS): HLR acct.
- Schiber, Larry R.
- Benchmark Services (HIS) K82.
- Schicker, Peter
- System (MIT): Scheduler, FIM.
[5 MSPM sections]
Schiller, Jeff
- System (MIT): forum.
- Schiller, W. Lee
- Guardian: MITRE security study.
[5 papers]
- Schimke, David J.
- System (PMDC): end user services, executive mail.
[2 MTBs]
- Schindler, Robert J.
- Operations (SJU)
- Schnakenberg, Richard L.
- Marketing (HIS): Trying to convince Marketing Management it would never work
- Schneider, David
- User (MIT): metallurgy, TICS subsystem
[1 paper]
- Schoeman, Roy
- System (CISL): PL/I I/O.
[18 MCRs]
- Scholtz, Jean
- System (BTL): EPL runtime.
[4 MSPM sections]
- Schomburg, Wayne
- User (USGS): SysMaint, Denver.
- Schöpf, Rainer
- User (Mainz): REDUCE
[1 web page]
- Schramm, Paul L.
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (IN); Program Office; Site Analyst (Systeme X); Support (Bull): Multics Support Europe, closed door and shut out lights for last time in 1992
Schroeder, Michael D.
- Student (MIT): Designed processor ring protection hardware, Project Guardian.
[2 MSPM sections, 2 MTBs, 5 papers, 3 TRs]
- Schroth, Dave
- User (Calgary); Site Analyst (HISCAN): MCHQ; System (ACTC): hardcore, emacs 8bit charset, site support, MOWSE.
Schulke, Duane A
- SysAdmin (AFDSC): Monitored system performance parameters, Capt/Maj
- Schuller, Terry
- Site Analyst (CNO).
- Schulz, Bill
- Marketing (HIS): BCA Benchmark, Multics Sales campaigns
[1 web page]
- Schulz, Russell
- User (Calgary)
- Schupp, Roderich
- Student (Mainz): Emacs, Pascal compiler, TeX
- Schwartz, Ron
- Marketing (HIS): branch mgr for AccuRay
- Schwenk, H.
- Engineering (HIS).
[1 paper]
- Scott, G.
- -
- Scott, Joan Archer
- Support (CISL).
[35 MTBs]
- Scott, John
- Marketing (HIS): branch mgr for LUT, UBCC
- Scott, Richard K.
- Cambridge Project (MIT): utilities, LP, Janus; System (MIT): documentation.
- Scott, Robert H.
- Administration (MIT IPC): Director, IPS.
- Scriver, Bob
- Engineering (HIS).
- Seaman, Janice P.
- Documentation (CISL, PMDC).
[1 MTB]
- Sebring, Michael M.
[1 paper]
- Segar, Cliff
- Field Engineering (HIS): ASU.
- Seidler, Monty
- User (AFDSC)
- Seigneur, W. Fred
- User (RADC): Telecommunications Engineering
- Seim, Emerson
- System.
- Sekino, Akira
- Student (MIT).
[2 papers, 1 TR]
- Selfridge, Oliver
- Cambridge Project (MIT): Consistent System design, mgt.
- Selwyn, Lee L.
- System (MIT): CTSS resource admin; Flexowriter procedures.
[2 MSPM sections, 3 papers, 2 repository docs]
- Sendelbach, Richard F.
- Site Analyst (SCSI).
- Senelart, Michel
- Marketing (CiiHB): CCVR Multics Cray Station.
- Senft, Craig
- Engineering (PMDC): Benchmark manager, Manger End-User products, Emacs Device Drivers
[1 MTB]
- Serafin, Delores
- Documentation (CISL).
- Serido, Judy
- Documentation (BTL).
[3 repository docs]
- Sestak, R. J.
- Marketing (HIS/FSO): Security kernel report.
[2 papers]
- Seymour, Terone
- Support (MIT).
- Shaffer, Jim
- Site Analyst (GM, AccuRay).
- Shank, M. Paul
- User (Ford): Project returning Multics to Ford in 1978.
- Shannon, Larry L.
- Shao, T. S.
- System: Numerical analysis.
- Sharp, David
- Field Engineering (HIS): RADC.
- Sharpe, Ed
- Site Analyst (CNO): System (CISL): hardcore, volume management, B2, Opus.
[4 MDDs, 2 MTBs]
- Sharpe, Maggie
- System (CISL): data management, message coordinator.
[1 MTB]
- Shavatt, Art
- User (AFDSC)
- Sheehan, Lee E.
- Administration (HIS).
- Sheffield, Robert
- Marketing (HIS): AFDSC technical contact.
- Shellhouse, Eric W.
[1 paper]
- Shepherd, Richard
- Marketing (HIS): STC
- Shepp, C. Andrew
- User (USGS): Contractor, USGS-D, Potomac Research, PL/I and APL, rock sample analysis.
- Sheppard, Myra
- Support (GE).
Sheppard, Scott
- Student (USL): Wrote various pl1 programs for classes.
- Shetron, Richard
- Site Analyst (RADC): National Software Works
- Shields, Joan
- User (AFDSC): Head of System Support.
- Shih, Ke
- System (GE): FORTRAN.
[4 MSPM sections]
- Shingles (Crotty), Carol
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (GM).
- Shipley, Dale
- GCOS-4 developer. Palyn committee.
- Shirley, W.
- MDN.
- Shoemaker, Bob
- Marketing (HIS): AFDSC sale.
- Shoesmith, Nefeli
- Marketing (HIS): NWGS.
- Shpiz, Leo
- System (GE).
[1 MSPM section]
- Shriver, A. Richard
- GE
- Shriver, Bruce
- User (USL): CS Professor
- Shy, Izhar
- Administration (GE).
[4 MCBs, 1 MSPM section, 1 repository doc]
- Sibert, W. Olin
- System (MIT IPC): SNOBOL; System (CISL): security, HASP, subsystem utils, DND DAT tape. B2 evaluator.
[1 MAB, 1 MDD, 9 MTBs, 2 papers, 9 web pages]
- Sibson, Robin
- User (Avon): University of Bath.
- Siegel, Howard J.
- Student (MIT): MacAIMS.
- Silver, Bill
- System (CISL): CPU Tests, BOSS, Operator Console, Tape Drivers, RCP, WORDPRO.
[36 MCRs, 2 MOSNs, 1 MSB, 17 MTBs]
- Silverman, Jim
- User (Ford): CTS; President, Inner Ring Software.
- Simmons, L. V.
- Site Analyst.
- Simpson, Iain
- Site Analyst (STC, Birmingham); Multics Algol 68.
- Sinz, Patrick
- User(INRIA): Project SOL [Unix Clone in Pascal].
- Siret, Yves
- User (CICG)
- Sitko, Christine
- User (GM): HLSUA Languages committee.
- Siwila, James E.
- Documentation (CISL): online documentation.
[3 MTBs]
Skinner, Thomas P.
- System (MIT): 6.36, Tapes, Initialization, ARPANet.
[24 MSPM sections]
- Slatin, Paul W.
- User (Ford): Engineering Applications; HLSUA Multics Group Manager
- Slosberg, David H.
- System (GE): 6.36.
[3 MSPM sections, 1 repository doc]
Smee, Paul E.
- System (CISL): search, FORTRAN; Support (HISLTD): UK file transfer and RJE.
[1 MTB]
- Smeeman, Bert
- Site Analyst (SOZAWE): System administrator
- Smith, Arthur A.
- Student (MIT): I/O design.
[1 TR]
- Smith, Don
- Field Engineering (GE): GE 645 lead hardware engineer RADC [1969-1974].
- Smith, Frank C.
- System (MIT IPC): Accounting, network mail.
[11 MCRs, 1 MTB, 1 paper]
- Smith, Kevin
- Site Analyst (RADC).
- Smith, Maxim G.
- System (GE/CISL): APL
[20 MCRs, 1 MSB, 1 MTB]
- Smith, Patricia E.
- System (MIT): Commands.
[11 MSPM sections]
Smith, Rick
- User (CNO): Corporate Computer Science Center.
- Smith, Robert (Bob)
- Site Analyst (RAE): Cray Station
- Smith, William
- Documentation (CISL).
- Smitley, Bob
- SysAdmin (AFDSC): 18-85; User (GM) 85-87: MRDS applications; SysMaint, SysProg, SysAdmin (GM) 87-90: system migration, Bisync 3270.
- Snyder, Richard B.
- System (CISL): TTY DIM, Bulk Store DIM, GCOS simulator.
[44 MCRs, 6 MOSNs, 2 MSBs, 1 MTB]
- Sobeck, Lenora
- Field Engineering (HIS): Ford.
- Sobecki, Robert J.
- System (BTL): Command language, IOS.
[14 MSPM sections]
- Soderholm, Soren
- User (ASEA): manager.
- Soley, Richard
- System (MIT, CISL): Emacs.
- Solomita, Michael V.
- Operations (MIT).
[9 MCBs]
- Somani, Sultan
- User (Bell Canada): ZBSA
- Somyak, Michael A.
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (OU).
- Sonnier, Robert J.
- Support (USL): Graphics, Data Base, Backup software, etc.
- Sorel, Toni
- Marketing (PMDC): marketing support.
- Sorensen, Lars G.
- Administration (SJU): Sys op from 87 to 90. Don't forget the ESD and so forth...
- Sorenson, Gene
- Documentation (HIS): WORDPRO User Guide.
- Sorrell, Debbie
- Marketing (HIS): SCSI acct.
- Sorrentino, Robert
- Cambridge Project (MIT): utilities, commands.
- Southworth, William H.
- System (MIT): backup, initialization, command language.
[10 MSPM sections]
- Sowers, Joe
- User (NWGS): CSC applications developer.
- Spacholtz, Dick
- Marketing (HIS): USGS acct.
- Spall, Judith W.
- Library (MIT IPC).
[61 MCBs, 1 MSPM section]
- Spangle, Clarence W. "Clancy"
- Administration (GE, HIS): head of GE Computer Division.
- Specht, Yves
- User (INSEE): System Programmer and Fanatic User
- Speck, Deborah Clark
- Marketing (HIS): Detroit.
Spector, David
- System (CISL): Commands, PL/I.
[2 MTBs]
- Spencer, David
- User support (Cardiff): languages, graphics
- Spencer, Doug
- User (Bell Canada).
- Spencer, Edson
- Administration (Honeywell): CEO.
- Spencer, Joel R.
- User (Bull): used Multics "forum" to coordinate the Telecom EFTPOS project [1985-1991]. It also provided us with email and consistent comms between Melbourne, Sydney, Phoenix, Toronto and Boston.
- Spicer, Robert A.
- User (USGS).
[1 paper]
- Spier, Michael J.
- System (MIT): Scheduler, binder, User control.
[2 MSBs, 72 MSPM sections, 2 papers, 2 repository docs]
- Spiewack, Rick
- User (Ford): Project Administrator, Custom & Special Products group. DPS-6 X-25 remote batch.
- Spitzer, Charles M.
- Marketing (HIS): EOP benchmark; Support (ASEA); System (PMDC): commands, MRDS model manager.
[2 MTBs]
- Spitzer, Randolph
- Marketing (HIS): AFDSC sale.
- Sprague, Sherman D.
- Field Engineering (HIS): operator console support.
[1 MTB]
- Spratt, Lindsey Leroy
- System (CISL): Data Management, Commands.
[14 MTBs, 1 paper]
- Spulick, Ron
- SysAdmin (AFDSC): Operations and SysMaint
- Srodawa, Ronald J.
- User (Oakland): Taught courses to students who used Multics for their problem assignments. I used Multics personally for all my writings and research.
- Stachour, Paul
- User (CNO).
[1 paper, 1 web page]
- Stackhouse, Roger
- Field Engineering (HIS): GM.
- Stafford, Johnie
- User (USL).
- Staggs, James O.
- System (HIS): EP414 Documentation; Data Base; User
- Stallings, M. A.
- Student (MIT).
- Stambler, Henry
- System (MIT): I/O, on loan from US Weather Bureau.
- Stamen, Jeff
- Cambridge Project (MIT): Janus designer.
[2 papers]
- Stanek, Carl
- Marketing (HIS): USGS Benchmark.
- Stanke, Edward C., II
- User (RADC): Staran.
[1 paper]
- Stansbury, Joseph M.
- System Admin: Sys-M; System (PMDC): software program mgr, MOWSE.
[3 MABs, 1 MTB]
- St. Cyr, Barry
- User (USL): Student Programs;later Computer Center Employee user
- Steckler, Darrell L.
- SysAdmin (AFDSC): Worked at Honeywell Federal Systems, Inc, HFSI, supporting Pentagon
- Stein, Howard
- User (SJU): SysOps.
- Steinberg, Joseph R.
- Administration (MIT IPC).
- Steiner, William L.
- System (GE): BSA.
- Stensrud, William R.
- User (MIT): metallurgy, TICS subsystem
[1 paper]
- Stephens, James
- User (GM): Email and HR systems
Stephens, Jim
- User (USL): Support of site as University Employee, wrote early Star Trek
- Stephenson, Dave
- User (NWGS): CSC from Day 1 but office always in Moorestown
- Stern, Jerry A.
- System (CISL): AIM, I/O Daemon.
[2 MCBs, 32 MCRs, 8 MTBs, 3 papers, 1 TR]
- Stevens,
- Engineering (HIS).
- Stibbards, James W.
- Site Analyst (VPI, NWGS, USGS).
- StJohns, Michael C.
- System (AFDSC): Multi-level Security
- Stokes, Carl
- User (NWGS): contractor TTGP
- Stoller, Gerald S.
- System (GE): 6.36.
[1 MCB, 6 MSPM sections, 2 repository docs]
- Stone, Dave (or David)
- Site Analyst (Canada DND): Supporting the MCOIN system in Halifax, Nova Scotia on behalf of HISCAN; Support (HISUK).
- Stone, David L.
- System (BTL, GE): 6.36, GIM, printer DIM.
[2 MCBs, 60 MSPM sections]
- Stone, Rick
- Marketing (HIS): CNO acct.
- Stonebraker, Mike
- Palyn Report.
- Stotz, Robert H.
- ESL (MIT): graphics.
- Stout, Jeffery
- User (USL)
- Strachey, Christopher
- System (MIT): CTSS GPM; Canonical form.
[2 MSPM sections, 1 paper]
- Strayhorn, John M.
- Student (MIT): copy, BASIC, GCOS; System (HIS): PRHA; Cambridge Project (MIT): utilities, commands, graphics, Janus; Renaissance Computing: Consistent System.
- Strickler, Walter R.
- System (MIT): IO.
[24 MSPM sections]
- Strnad, A. L.
- User (MIT): early relational database, MacAIMS design.
[1 paper, 1 TR]
- Stromberg, Ian
- User (Bell Canada).
- Strome, Rick
- Field Engineering (HIS): Ford.
- Stuebinger, Alex
- Student (Mainz): tutored Multics and Cobol course
- Stutler, Joe
- User (RADC): hacked on various things with Explorer Post 500 at RADC in Rome, NY [Griffiss AFB]
- Sullivan, Drew
- User (CNO): SDE for DPS-6.
- Sullivan, Gene
- Marketing (HIS): SJU acct.
- Suman, Mike
- User (NWGS): CSC Site Manager.
- Sunguroff, Alexander
- Staff (MIT LCS): MacLisp I/O system.
[1 MCR]
- Sutherland, Ivan E.
- Administration (ARPA): director IPTO.
- Swenson, Eric J.
- SysMaint (AFDSC): B2 evaluator; System (CISL): Hardcore, Answering Service, B2 Security; DPS8M Simulator.
[1 MCR, 1 MDD, 5 MTBs, 8 simulator documents]
- Swernofsky, Steven A.
- System (CISL)
[1 MCR]
- Tada, Akio
- System (PMDC).
- Tague, Berkeley A.
- System (BTL).
[8 MSPM sections, 5 repository docs]
- Tague, R. Michael
- System (CISL): Development mgr, Opus mgr, answering service, data management.
[1 MDD, 4 MTBs]
- Tague, Steven
- User (BCO): Hardware Design Level 6, used Multics as development tool for firmware; wrote "The Multics TED Programmers' Reference Manual"
- Tan, Swan
- Marketing (HISCAN): GTSS.
- Tanner, Bob
- System (PMDC): Multics Operations Director.
- Tatum, Ron
- website contributor
Tavares, Christopher D.
- System (MIT, HIS): Network, Graphics; Site Analyst (AFDSC).
[8 MCRs, 8 MTBs, 2 web pages]
- Tawse, Bill
- User (Bell Canada): mgr.
- Taylor, Glenn
- User (Site-N): User consulting, MRDS and applications programming.
- Taylor, Robert W.
- Administration (ARPA): Director IPTO.
- Taylor, Tony
- Field Engineering (HISCAN): MCHQ.
- Tepper, A. S.
- System (MIT): miscellaneous utilities [1970-1972]
- Terrazas, Bob
- User (USGS): SysMaint, Denver. Attended Multics Metering & Tuning Seminar, June 78.
- Terrebonne, Ed
- System (AFDSC): Consulting, Site_Status
- Terry, James
- System (Bull): SysAdmin for Sys-M.
- Tessmer, Jim
- Field Engineering (HIS): Ford.
- Testa, Antonetta G.
- Support (MIT): MAC.
- Texada, Gregory A.
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (OU); System (PMDC): commands, performance.
[2 MTBs]
- Thayer, Susan E.
- User (USL): Student.
Thelen, Edward S.
- Engineering (GE): 645 General I/O Controller - diagnostics
- Theophilis, Mark
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (RADC).
- Thibodeaux, Tony
- Marketing (HIS, HFSI): Site Analyst (DOCKMASTER).
- Thirlby, Ron
- User (LUT): Computer Centre, Loughborough University of Technology.
- Thomas, Elaine
- Student (MIT).
- Thomas, Martyn
- System (Avon): Algol 68
- Thomas, Robert H.
- System (MIT): binder, ARPANet.
[12 MSPM sections]
- Thomas, Roger
- User (GM): Industrial Relations Interactive System (IRIS), Affirmative Action Monitoring (AAPMon) - both MRDS
- Thompson, Charlie
- Marketing (PMDC): marketing support.
- Thompson, Colin T.
- Marketing (HIS): Sales Mgr, HIS, Baton Rouge, LA. Sold Multics to Univ SW LA, 1974.
- Thompson, David M.
- User (AFDSC)
- Thompson, J. David
- Marketing (HIS): Technical Sales Support; CMU, benchmarks
- Thompson, Kenneth L.
- System (BTL): QED, IOS.
[8 MSPM sections, 2 repository docs]
Thompson, Mary R.
- System (MIT): File system, Initialization.
[1 MCB, 22 MSPM sections]
- Thornton, Mike
- System (MIT).
Thrasher, Harwell
- Student (MIT): enhanced Runoff word processing capability
- Tierney, Don
- Marketing (HIS): NSA.
- Tilden, Richard A.
- System (MIT IPC): olc.
[1 MOSN, 1 MSB]
- Tilton, Kathleen A.
- Support (PMDC).
- Timmer, Case
- User (Bell Canada): Manager at Bell-M.
- Tims, Bill
- User (USL): student; Marketing (HIS): PRHA conversion.
- Tims, Mary
- User (USL): student.
- Tofil, Frank
- Site Analyst (GM, Ford, Site-N).
- Tomasch, Ed
- Marketing (HIS/FSO): Site Analyst (DOCKMASTER, NWGS); User (NWGS): CSC applications (NWC).
- Totaro, Michael W.
- Student (USL)
- Toussaint, Mike
- System (HIS): Customer Support, Multics TAC.
- Townsend, David R.
- User (GM): EDS/GM Corporate Planning System, 3270 Screen System, and Other Decision Support Systems
- Townsend, Martin A.
- Student (USL)
- Trader, W. Craig
- SysAdmin (AFDSC): Systems Operator/Programmer (USAF)
- Tran,
- Site Analyst.
- Tran, H.
- User (MDA-TA).
[1 paper]
- Travers, Jacquie
- Site Analyst (AFDSC).
- Travnicek, Mil
- Marketing (HISCAN).
- Triantafyllopoulos, Spiros
- Student (USL); User (GM).
[1 paper]
- Troupe, Calvin B.
- Marketing (PMDC).
- Troupe, Ed
- Multics Education at CiiHB.
- Trowbridge, B. G.
- System.
- Troxel, Richard T.
- System (AFDSC): Manpower.
- Tsoucalas, Greg
- User (AFDSC): AFDSC systems group.
- Tucker, Brian
- Marketing (HIS): AUCC, Cardiff
- Tung, Sing
- User (Bell Canada): Bell-T FNP expert.
- Turbiner, Sheila
- System (GE): 6.36.
[1 MSPM section]
- Turckes, Joseph
- User (Ford): Application Development, Application Tools Development, System Device Drivers [TTY & Graphic]
- Turner, J. L.
- Site Analyst.
- Turner, R.
- MDN.
- Turner, Richard
- Student (USL).
[1 paper]
- Turnquist, Mary C.
- System (MIT): File system.
[5 MSPM sections]
Ulmann, Bernd
- User (Mainz).
- Underwood, Michael P.
- SysAdmin (AFDSC): All systems (M, D, H, Z, T)
- Urban, Joseph E.
- User (USL): MADAM
[1 paper]
- Vance, E. R.
- Administration (GE, HIS).
- Van der Lee, Ton
- SysAdmin (Bull): SoZaWe the Netherlands: system administrator
- Vanderschooten, Gerard
- Field Engineering (CiiHB): Multics field support manager for Europe from 1980 to 1986
[1 web page]
- van der Veer, Henk Paul
- SysAdmin (SOZAWE): System Administrator
- VanHausen, J. David
- System (BTL) card reader
[1 MSPM section]
- Van Horn, Earl C.
- Student (MIT): multiprogramming design.
[2 TRs]
- Van Sant, Harold
- Operations (HIS): System-M.
Van Vleck, Thomas H.
- System (MIT, CISL, PMDC): FIM, Initialization, BOS, Phase One, ESD, User control, Message Coordinator, Accounting, printer, NSS, data management; Palyn committee.
[4 interviews, 6 MCBs, 152 MCRs, 10 MOSNs, 20 MSBs, 38 MSPM sections, 63 MTBs, 8 papers, 2 repository docs, 86 web pages]
- Varian, Lee C.
- System (MIT): 6.36.
- Vedder, Lynne
- User (NWGS): USN, Newport, RI; contractor TTGP
- Vedder, Steve
- User (NWGS): USN Newport RI, CSC TTGP
- Vestal, Stan
- Site Analyst (RADC); Marketing (HIS); Palyn evaluation.
[2 MCRs, 2 MTBs, 3 papers]
- Vigraham, Barry
- Marketing (HIS): Tech Advisor, New York region, late 60s to 80s; supported HLR.
- Vinograd, David R.
- System (GE/CISL): salvager, RJE, backup, data comm mgr, NSS volume backup.
[9 MCRs, 5 MOSNs, 1 MSPM section, 5 MTBs, 1 paper, 3 web pages]
- Vogt, Suzanne Krupp
- Documentation (CISL); System (CISL): mail, video, menu, tape, Opus, X25.
[4 MTBs]
- Von Seeburg, Roger
- Administration (HIS).
[1 MAB]
- Voth, Tony
- System (PMDC): mgr.
- Voydock, Victor L.
- System (MIT): Command language, IOS.
[6 MSBs, 3 MSPM sections, 1 TR]
- Vu, Phuong
- System (ACTC): PL/I, hardcore.
- Vyssotsky, Victor A.
- System (BTL): I/O.
[2 MDNs, 22 MSPM sections, 4 papers, 7 repository docs]
- Waclawski, John W.
- Operations (MIT, GM).
[5 MOSNs]
Wada, Eiiti
- Visiting Scientist (MIT): Prof. of computer science, University of Tokyo. IPC.
- Wade, W.
- User (RADC).
[1 paper]
Wagner, Donald B.
- System (MIT): CTSS, GEBUG, EPL, PL/I specifications, modifications of EPLBSA for multiple address counters, ghost writing, general fireman.
[106 MSPM sections, 4 repository docs, 1 web page]
- Wagner, Grant
- User (NSA): B2 evaluator.
- Wagner, Larry
- Marketing (HIS): SJU.
- Wagner, Mary R.
- System (BTL): File system, Tape, IOS.
[16 MSPM sections]
- Wales, Leigh Howard (Quackenboss)
- Marketing (HIS): Detroit.
- Walker, Bruce (Nemnich)
- System (MIT): TeX, emacs
- Walker, Mel
- User (Bell Canada): user migration from GCOS. Trained as SA for Multics.
- Walker, R. Barry
- SysAdmin (MCHQ): IOM reconfig, MRDS transaction logging, System Support.
- Walker, Robert K.
- Engineering (GE); User (RADC): Consistent System.
- Walker, Terry
- User (USL): Chairman, Computer Science Department
- Wallace, Bob
- User (MIT): Cambridge Project: commands, Janus, manager.
[1 paper]
- Wallace, Marla A.
- User (HIS): BCO; wrote "The Multics TED Programmers' Reference Manual"
- Wallman, Edwin B.
- System (PMDC): compose, commands, MOWSE terminal emulator, search facility.
[1 MCR, 15 MTBs]
- Wang, Clem
- User (MIT); User(BCO).
- Wantman, Mayer E.
- System (MIT): probe.
[3 MSPM sections]
- Warburton, Dave
- User (NWGS): Sims Hall
- Ward, David B.
- System (HIS): GTSS, PL/I macro proc, LRK, GCOS simulator.
[2 MTBs]
- Ward, John E.
- ESL (MIT): administration.
Ward, Mary E.
- User (USGS): SysMaint, Reston; Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (AFDSC).
- Ward, Rosalie
- Documentation (CISL).
- Warley, David
- User (STC): SysAdmin, Graphic Tools development
- Warme, Dave
- User (VPI).
- Warren, John
- Marketing (GE).
- Waters, Dick
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (IN).
- Waters, Rob
- System (ACTC): FORTRAN, PL/I
- Watkins, Onita
- AEP (HIS).
- Watson, Russ
- Field Engineering (RADC).
- Watson, Vern
- Marketing (HIS): ASU acct.
- Watt, William S.
- Site Analyst (OU): System programmer.
- Watts, Millie H.
- Documentation (HIS).
- Wawers, Theo
- User (Mainz): F77 Programming, Scientific modeling, Tutor
- Weaver, Melanie B.
- System (CISL): linker, binder, error signalling/handling, Basic, transaction processing, other language runtime support
[66 MCRs, 1 MDD, 2 MOSNs, 3 MSBs, 10 MTBs]
- Webber, Muriel F.
- Support (MIT).
- Webber, Nancy
- Support (HIS).
- Webber, Steven H.
- Designer (MIT, CISL): File system, NSS, edm, debug, cache, languages, Picnics.
[1 interview, 5 MABs, 167 MCRs, 3 MOSNs, 14 MSBs, 22 MSPM sections, 24 MTBs, 2 papers, 2 videos]
- Weber, Dick
- Administration (HIS): VP PMO.
- Weeldreyer, James A.
- System (HIS): MRDS Data Base Manager architect.
[3 MCRs, 6 MTBs, 2 papers]
- Wegener, Terry
- Site Analyst (AFDSC).
- Weil, John
- Engineering (GE): initial Trinity member.
- Weiner, Joe M.
- Site Analyst (RADC, HLR): System Administration, System Tools, User Environments
- Weingartner, Kati L.
- SysAdmin (ASU): Level 6880, MR 9-11
- Weinreb, Daniel L.
- User (MIT); MIT SIPB; Amber team member
- Weiss, Howard J.
- System (BTL): Disk.
- Weiss, John
- Site Analyst. graduate of Honeywell Multics Academy
- Weiss, Ruth A.
- System (BTL): EPL runtime.
[6 MSPM sections]
- Weizenbaum, Joe
- MIT faculty (MAC).
[1 paper]
- Weizenbaum, Pm
- Documentation (CISL).
[1 paper]
- Wells, Douglas M.
- Student (MIT); User (MIT): MacAIMS; System (MIT): ARPANet, DN355, security.
[37 MCRs, 2 MOSNs, 1 TR, 2 web pages]
- Wells, Jim "Don"
- Site Analyst (OU): In support of the Honeywell sales force I helped convinced OU to buy the system. Then I worked on system installation and conversion of existing applications.
- Welsh, Robert
- Field Engineering (AFDSC): 1973-1975
- Wendland, Richard
- System (Avon): Algol 68.
Werbos, Paul J.
- Cambridge Project (MIT): Consistent System, TSP, backprop
- Wesley, Tony
- User (Ford): Ford prototype scheduling system, MATS, others.
- Wessler, Barry D.
- System (MIT).
- Westcott, Brian
- System (Calgary, Bull): ACTC FORTRAN, MOWSE.
[1 MTB]
- Wexelblat, Richard L.
- System (BTL): PL/I compiler & test suite
[1 repository doc]
- Whatley, Adrian M.
- Student (Avon).
- White, Bill
- User (AFDSC)
- White, Bruce
- User (Bell Canada): Bell-T district mgr, provisioning group.
- White, Douglas
- User (RADC): RADC/Multics evaluation (1971).
[1 paper]
- White, Eugene
- Engineering (GE): Trinity member.
- White, James A.
- Engineering (HIS): Flower, HIS SSED.
- Whitehead, Lonnie
- System (BTL): Drum DIM.
[1 MSPM section, 1 repository doc]
- Whitehead, Ralph
- Marketing (HIS): Detroit, GM acct.
- Whitehurst, R. Alan
[1 paper]
- Whitford, Jackie
- Documentation (HIS): All documentation and other miscellaneous projects
- Whitmore, Jerold C.
- System (CISL): AIM; Marketing (HIS/FSO): security kernel report.
[32 MCRs, 20 MTBs, 3 papers]
- Wiatrowski, Eugene
- System (CISL): ALM
[3 MCRs]
- Widrig, Donald R.
- System (MIT): CTSS, GIM, Initialization, 6.36.
[2 MCBs, 40 MSPM sections, 2 repository docs]
- Wiesen, Ray
- Cambridge Project (MIT): CS design, management.
[1 paper]
- Wiesner, Jerome B.
- Administration (MIT): President.
- Wiessing, Chretienne
- User.
- Wilkie, Bruce
- User (MCHQ).
- Wilkinson, Lee
- Administration (HIS).
- Wilkinson, Richard N.
- Marketing (HIS): Site Support
- Williams, Alan H.
- System (HISLTD): UK file transfer protocol.
- Williams, Ben
- -
- Williams, George T.
- Library (MIT IPC).
[1 MCR, 4 MTBs]
- Williams, J. B. Jr.
- -
- Williams, J. D.
- Student (MIT).
- Williams, Mike
- User (UC).
- Williamson, Dave
- Benchmark Services (HIS) K82.
- Willins, John
- User (Bell Canada).
- Willis, Keith
- System (MIT IPC): User Control.
- Wilson, Bev
- Marketing (HIS): account manager for Bull UK Multics sites.
- Wilson, John
- System (CISL): TeX.
- Wilson, Mel P.
- System (HISCAN): GTSS.
- Winett, Joel
- User (MIT): INFO - Documentation System
- Winikoff, Arnold W.
- System (BTL): IOS.
- Winkler, John E.
- Engineering (HIS): SSED: Flower.
- Winslow, Ed
- Operations (CISL).
- Winstead, Tony
- Marketing (HIS): USGS acct.
Withington, P. Tucker
- Guardian: MITRE Security Study
[2 papers]
- Wolf, Sandra
- System.
- Wolman, Barry L.
- System (GE/CISL): PL/I, BASIC.
[2 MCBs, 34 MCRs, 12 MSPM sections, 1 MTB, 2 papers]
- Wolman, Eric
- System (GE): Scheduler.
- Wong,
- MTR.
- Wong, Betty
- System (ACTC): compilers, LALR, math routines.
[2 MTBs]
- Wong, Wilson
- System (CISL): Security docs.
- Wood, Paula
- Marketing (PMDC); Planning (HIS).
Woodka, Donna
- AEP (HIS): MRDS development.
Woods, Greg A.
- User (Calgary): a great fan of Multics Emacs!
- Woodward, J. P. L.
- Guardian: MITRE Security Study
[1 paper]
- Woolf, Ashby M.
- User (GM): Manager, GM Corporate site.
- Wright, Helen
- User (GM): original GM installation.
- Wright, Otis
- System (MIT): RTTS
- Wright, Ron
- System (ACTC).
- Wu, Fred
- User (Bell Canada).
- Wulf, Jurgen
- User (Bell Canada).
- Wyatt, R.
- System (BTL): EPL.
[2 MCBs]
- Wyman, Irma
- Administration (HIS): Palyn Report fallout.
- Yates, Robert A.
- System (BTL): SNOBOL.
- Yip,
- Site Analyst.
- Yntema, Douwe B.
- Administration (MIT): Director, Cambridge Project.
[2 papers]
- Yochelson, Jerome C.
- Student (MIT).
[2 papers]
- Yoeung, May
- -
- York, William M.
- System (CISL): APL, Emacs, video system.
[1 MTB]
- Yoshida, Nobuhiro
- Site Analyst (Toshiba).
- Young, Bill
- Marketing (HIS): DCC sale.
- Young, Elien
- User (HLR)
- Young, Judith
- Marketing Education (HIS).
- Yuniskis, Don
- website contributor
- Zaharov, Basil
- User (Avon): selection committee.
Zanarotti, Stan
- Explorer(Sys-M); System (CISL): Opus.
[1 video]
- Zbikowski, Mark
- User (Ford): 1974; User (GM): 1976-1978.
- Zemmin, Frederick L.
- Marketing (HIS): Site Analyst (GM).
- Zender, Tom
- Marketing (HIS): Multics Marketing
- Zethraeus, Cal
- System (PMDC).
[1 MCR]
- Zettlemoyer, Scott
- User (SJU).
- Ziegler, Guy G.
- System (GE): IO, 6.36.
[4 MDNs, 20 MSPM sections, 2 repository docs]
- Ziegler, Jim
- User (DCC): Championed installation of system.
- Ziller, R. J.
- Marketing (HIS/FSO): Security kernel report.
[3 papers]
- Zimmerman, Louis V.
- System (ACTC): commands/active functions, forum, Pascal, Xmail, etc...
- Zona, John P.
- Field Engineering (GE/HIS); Site Analyst (DCC).
- Zornes, Frank
- Field Engineering (PMDC): LS TAC.
- Zuerner, Eckhard
- Marketing (Bull): Germany, Bull project manager for University of Mainz; Site Analyst (Mainz).
- Zwick, Doug
- System (ACTC): Hardcore, Opus simulator, Unix migration I/O [1984-1990].
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