MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN 616                             page 1

To:       Distribution

From:     James A Falksen, Gary Dixon

Date:     March 9, 1983

Subject:  Date/time system (1) Issues


There is  a long history  of dissatisfaction with  some aspect or
another of the  present abilities on Multics to  input and output
date/time data.

o    Some people  want formats which our  active functions do not
     supply, such as "83-01-05".
o    Others  want to  see dates  in their  own language,  such as
     "Janvier 5, 1983".
o    Still others wish to see things in their own time zone, such
     as "01/05/83  1610.0 cet Wed".
o    They    may    even    want    all    of    them   together:
     "83-01-05  1612.6 cet mer".
o    The  end of  the century is  fast approaching,  which is the
     current  limit on  dates.  People  are starting  to run into
     this as they specify retention dates.
o    There has  long been a need  to have a date  format which is
     readable by people and sortable as an ASCII string:
o    Also  a need  has been  expressed for  the ability  for date
     differences  to be  calculated and  the result  expressed as
o    Then to make things even worse, they want to turn around and
     stuff these strings back into  Multics and have it recognize
     them, i.e.  more flexibility in input formats.

This MTB is the first in a  set of 3 MTBs which describe the work
(past, present,  and future) involved  in bringing Multics  up to
date in this area.  The other 2 are MTB617 and MTB618.

Send comments on the MTB by one of the following means:
     In forum meeting:
     By Multics mail:
        Falksenj.Multics at M
        GDixon.Multics at MIT
     By Telephone:
        HVN 357-6618 or 602-862-6618


Multics Project  working documentation.  Not to  be reproduced or

page 2                       MTB-616


           Problem area                    Solution area(1)
  _____________________________     _____________________________

1. Introduction

2. Outputting date/time data

2.1. Alternate formats

2.1.1. Site perspective           - Site settable standards

2.1.2. User perspective Specify process default  - Process default table
                                  - time_default -KEY value
                                  - [time_default -KEY]
                                  - time_default
                                  - date_time_$set_date_time
                                  - date_time_$set_date
                                  - date_time_$set_time Select any value in an   - [clock control-string ...]
   instance                       - date_time_$format

2.2. Alternate languages

2.2.1. Site perspective Wants "non-standard"     - time_table_|*_names
   language Wants non-English        - "First" Language

2.2.2. User perspective Specify process default  - Process default table
                                  - time_default -language X
                                  - [time_default -language]
                                  - date_time_$set_lang Select any value in an   - [date_time_AF -language X]
   instance                       - date_time_$format(...,

2.3. Alternate time zones


                             MTB-616                       page 3

           Problem area                    Solution area
  _____________________________    _____________________________

2.3.1. Site perspective Define own set of zone   - time_table_|zone_names
   names and abbrevs Specify default          - BOS CLOK config parameter

2.3.2. User perspective Specify process default  - Process default table
                                  - time_default -zone X
                                  - set_time_zone
                                  - date_time_$set_zone Select any value in an   - [date_time_AF -zone X]
   instance                       - date_time_$format(...,

2.4. Sortable format              - [calendar_clock]
                                  - date_time_$request_id_

2.5. Time delta expressed as off- - [interval date1 date2]
   sets                           - date_time_$from_clock_interval

2.6. Obsoleted                    - decode_clock_value_

3. Inputting date/time data

3.1. Alternate formats            - date_time_$extract
                                  - convert_date_to_binary_ (CDTB)

3.2. Alternate languages          - convert_date_to_binary_

3.3. Alternate time zones         - convert_date_to_binary_

3.4. Sortable format              - convert_date_to_binary_

3.5. Time delta expressed as off- - convert_date_to_binary_

3.6. Obsoleted                    - encode_clock_value_
                                  - set_time_zone

4. Dates outside the current cen- - Year limits become 1-9999

5. "Improper" use of date/time

page 4                       MTB-616

           Problem area                    Solution area
  _____________________________    _____________________________

5.1. mm/dd/yy is in info file     - convert them to yyyy-mm-dd
   headers                        - help_

5.2. Login banner                 - answering service

5.3. Bootload Multics             - Operator communication

5.4. substr from result of        - Ask for what is really wanted
   date_time_                     - date_time_$format
                                  - date_time_$format ("date",...)
                                  - date_time_$format ("time",...)

5.5. Day-name and month-name      - Use the date/time system
   tables outside the D/T system

5.6. Conversion outside of the    - Use the date/time system
   D/T system

                             MTB-616                       page 5

1. Introduction

   There has  been a lot of  water under the bridge  and a lot of
   air over  the table regarding this  subject since 1978.  Small
   steps in this direction have been taken as resources permitted
   (none).  This is  not a mere theoretical item,  a "wouldn't it
   be  nice if..."   situation.  There  have been  SCP's and TR's
   (nearly 30) relating directly to  this subject.  Let's look at
   a few.

SCP #6117
Title:    Remove 20th century limitation on dates.

       Dates  on  Multics are  artificially limited  to dates
       within the  20th century.  For  most applications this
       is OK.  However,  since we are within 20  years of the
       next century,  and at least a  few of our applications
       do 20 year projections, it would be nice to be able to
       specify and  store dates in the  next century.  As far
       as I can  tell the 72 bits a clock  value takes up has
       more than enough space to add another century or two.

SCP #6131
Title:    Rationalization of date_time_ strings

       To those  sites outside the United  States, the extent
       to which the convoluted "mm/dd/yy" date string is used
       throughout  Multics presents  confusion and annoyance.
       The  problem  is  not  so  much  associated  with  the
       "date_time_" subroutine, which  can always be replaced
       by those  sites which find it  offensive, but with the
       fact that  many system modules depend  on knowledge of
       the  internal format  of the  string returned  by this
       subroutine.    A   brief   list   would   include  the
       "date_time"   active  functions,   "audit_*"  modules,
       "general_ready", and parts of "forum".

       This SCP suggests changes to system code and to system
       standards, as follows:
       1:  The  "date_time_" routine  should be  used only in
           those  situations  where   the  entire  string  is
           required; substrings should  not be extracted from
           it, but may be extracted from "decimal_date_time_"
           (or a  suitable substitute) whose  internal format
           is standardized and not subject to dispute.

       2:  New entry  points should be  added to "date_time_"
           corresponding to available active function entries
           in the  "date_time" command.  These  would include
           "day_",     "month_",     "year_",    "day_name_",
           "month_name_", etc.   Any program wishing  to know
           the  month   could  use  either   a  substring  of

page 6                       MTB-616

       3:  All current violations of the above standard, (1),
           should  be corrected  as soon as  practical in the
           normal maintenance process.

       4:  The "login"  process should be revised  to use the
           non-ambiguous  "long_date"  format, as  it  is one
           area where individual users have no opportunity to
           replace  the  date  routines  with  others  in the
           format (or  language) of their  choice.  A similar
           change should  be instituted in  the date-stamp at
           the  beginning  of  "help"  segments,  although  a
           "yymmdd" format might be more appropriate here.

SCP #6141
Title:    Foreign entry points

       French  language entry  points have been  added to two
       general purpose programs, as follows:
        - cv_$francs    is an adaptation  to cv_$mwvf to edit
                        a  float  bin  number  in  the format
                        ",xx F"
        - date_heure_   is an entry point in, and addname to,
                        date_time_.   The  date and  time are
                        edited in the following format:
                   dd/mm/yy zone Dayname
                        where Dayname is in French.

       In countries other than the  USA, we have to edit with
       foreign money and other conventions of date and time.

TR 7378 suggests that we will be moving into the 21st century
       and had better think  about being viable there.  Added
       info from AFDSC states that we are there already since
       they have been trying  to specify downgrading dates 20
       years in the future and are having trouble.

   Let's examine these and related points in more detail.

2. Outputting date/time data

   Outputting of data  refers to converting a clock  value into a
   character string.  This may be done within a procedure, or may
   be asked for via a command/AF.   There are several areas to be

2.1. Alternate formats

     Multics supplies ways of getting dates in these formats:
       "01/20/83  0906.2 mst Thu"
       "January 20, 1983"

                             MTB-616                       page 7

     British and French interpret this form as dd/mm/yy.  We have
     no  straightforward way  of getting  dates in  such forms as
     83-01-20 (yy-mm-dd), 20JAN83 (ddmmmyy), or 83020 (yyddd).

2.1.1. Site perspective

       From  the  site's  point  of view,  the  default date/time
       formats supplied by HIS may not be acceptable.

     What can we do about it?

       - Site settable standards
         Build a system structure containing these elements:
         These    are    control    strings    for    use    with
         date_time_$format.   The   site  may  change   these  in
         time_table_.cds,  generate new  system time  tables, and
         then generate a new hardcore tape.

2.1.2. User perspective

       The user  may wish to  have date/time info  displayed in a
       format which differs from the site default. Specify process default

         The user may  wish to have defaults set  for the life of
         his process.

       What can we do about it?

         - Process default table
           Build  a table  containing the default  values for the
           current process.  These 3  fields will contain control
           strings which specify in which  manner 3 key pieces of
           date/time info will be formatted.
           These  elements  will be  initialized from  the system
           defaults upon first reference.

         - time_default -KEY value
           This  command (tdft)  sets the  users default formats.
           The KEY may be  either "date", "time", or "date_time".
           If value is "system_KEY"  or "", the indicated process
           default is reset to the system default.
            For example:  time_default -time system_time

         - [time_default -KEY]

page 8                       MTB-616

         - time_default
           This  command displays  all the  time related defaults
           when called with no arguments.

         - date_time_$set_date_time

         - date_time_$set_date

         - date_time_$set_time
           These entries set the process default values. Select any value in an instance

         In a given instance, the user may need to have complete-
         ly different format.

       What can we do about it?

         - [clock control-string ...]
           This AF  returns date/time info  in a format  which is
           determined  by an  ioa-like control-string  which con-
           tains intermixed literal data and date/time selectors.
           There are  also keywords which may  be used.  See next

         - date_time_$format
           This is the subroutine  which does the formatting work
           for the clock AF.  The control string may consist of a
           keyword instead of a formatting specification.

           A keyword  is recognized by the  fact that it contains
           no date/time selectors.  These keywords are known:
             date_time          date          time
             system_date_time   system_date   system_time
           The  first  3  request  that  the  time_default_ which
           corresponds  to  them is  to  be used.   The  second 3
           request that  the system default  which corresponds to
           them  is  to be  used.   This support  is,  of course,
           reflected out to the clock AF.
             For example:  clock date_time
           prints  the  current   date/time  in  the  per-process
           default format.

2.2. Alternate languages

     Users and sites exist all  over the world.  Multics supplies
     date/time info in English only.

2.2.1. Site perspective

       The site may  need to change this.  There  has been no way

                             MTB-616                       page 9 Wants "non-standard" language

         A site may wish to add or delete languages from the ones
         supplied by HIS.

       What can we do about it?

         - time_table_|*_names
           Elements within this table  contain all day/week names
           (long and  short), offset names, etc.   needed to deal
           with  date/time info.   The site  may change  these in
           time_table_.cds   and   generate   new   system   time
           tables.(1) Wants non-English default

         A site  may wish to  have the default  language on their
         systems be different than that supplied by HIS.

       What can we do about it?

         - "First" Language
           The  default  is controlled  by whichever  language is
           first in the time_table_.  The site may change this in
           time_table_.cds and  generate new system  time tables.
           The  administrator  will  specify a  list  of language
           names which  show the order which  should be used when
           CDTB is looking up  keywords to solve an ambiguity.(2)
           The first one on the list will be the site default.

2.2.2. User perspective

       The user may wish to have his date/time language different
       from the site default. Specify process default

         The user may  wish to have defaults set  for the life of
         his process.

       What can we do about it?

         - Process default table
           There  will be  a table containing  the default values
           for the current process.

(1) The cds program  will have to examine all  the names given in
    the  different languages  and set  an ambiguity  flag for any
    words which are identical in ASCII but different in meaning.

(2) The cds program  will order the elements of  the structure to

page 10                      MTB-616

           Upon first  reference, these will  be initialized from
           the system defaults.

         - time_default -language X
           This command sets the  process default language.  If X
           is "system_language",  or "", the default  is reset to
           the system default.

         - [time_default -language]
           This AF returns the process default language.

         - date_time_$set_lang
           This subroutine sets the process default. Select any value in an instance

         The  user  may  sometimes  need  to  have  the  language
         different than the default.

       What can we do about it?

         - [date_time_AF -language X]
           All  of  the  AFs  will include  a  control  arg which
           specifies which language to use for that invocation.

         - date_time_$format(..., lang,...)
           This  subroutine (and  any others which  need it) will
           have  an  argument which  specifies which  language to
           use.  If the value is "", the process default is used.

2.3. Alternate time zones

     The time_table_ supplied by HIS  will contain many time zone
     values around the world, mostly stated in English.  (This is
     because  we  haven't  been  able  to  pry  information about
     foreign language zone names out of anyone.)

2.3.1. Site perspective

       The site  may not wish  to use these as  supplied.  On one
       side of the  world, BST is Bering Standard  Time, while on
       the other side it is British Summer Time. Define own set of zone names and abbrevs

         A  site  may wish  to  add, delete,  or change  the zone

                             MTB-616                      page 11

       What can we do about it?

         - time_table_|zone_names
           Elements within this table  contain the zone abbrevia-
           tions, their offset values, and their long names.  The
           site may change these  in time_table_.cds and generate
           new system time tables. Specify default

         The site needs to supply the offset and name under which
         the system is running.

       What can we do about it?

         - BOS CLOK config parameter
           This  contains  information which  the system  uses to

2.3.2. User perspective

       The user may  be living in a different  time zone than the
       system  which she  is using.  She  would then  like to see
       dates in her time, not that of the system. Specify process default

         The user may  wish to have defaults set  for the life of
         her process.

       What can we do about it?

         - Process default table
           There  will be  a table containing  the default values
           for the current process.
             time_defaults_|zone_delta   - offset from GMT
             time_defaults_|zone_index   - index into time_zones_
             time_defaults_|zone_short   - short (3-4 char) name
             time_defaults_|zone_long    - long name
           Elements  in  this  will  be  initialized  upon  first
           reference from the system  defaults.  Given the index,
           all  other  values  can be  accessed  from time_zones.
           However, it is more efficient  to have a process local
           copy to access (without subscripting).

         - time_default -zone X
           This command  sets the process default  zone.  If X is
           "",  or  "system_zone", the  default  is reset  to the

page 12                      MTB-616

         - set_time_zone
           This command (OBS) sets the process default zone.

         - date_time_$set_zone
           This subroutine sets the process default. Select any value in an instance

         Sometimes,  the user  may need  to use  a zone differing
         from the current default.

       What can we do about it?

         - [date_time_AF -zone X]
           All  of  the  AFs  will include  a  control  arg which
           specifies which zone to use for that invocation.

         - date_time_$format(..., zone,...)
           This  subroutine (and  any others which  need it) will
           have  an argument  which specifies which  zone to use.
           If the value is "", the process default is used.

2.4. Sortable format

     Usual date/time formats are not simple to sort.  Users often
     wish to have  their info organized so that  it may easily be

   What can we do about it?

     - [calendar_clock]
       This AF returns date/time in this form:
       This has all fields in decreasing  order of size so that a
       simple compare  will determine ordering of  2 times.  This
       form is also easily read by a person.

     - date_time_$request_id_
       This function  returns a char(19)  value which is  a clock
       value, to the microsecond, less  the century.  This is the
       This is the format of request  ids as used by ear and eor.
       It  is easy  to compare  for one  of them  being before or
       after another.  This  value is yymmddHHMMSS.SSSSSS.  Thus,
       a person can figure it out if they can think in GMT.

2.5. Time delta expressed as offsets

     People would  like to be able  to get a string  which is the

                             MTB-616                      page 13

   What can we do about it?

     - [interval date1 date2]
       This  AF  returns the  difference  between 2  date values,
       relative to the first, in offset terms:
         "-2 days -6 hours -4 seconds"
       There  are control  args which  allow the  user to specify
       that only certain units be  used in expressing the result.
       The user  has control over what  happens to the fractional
       part of the smallest unit to  be used:  1) display it with
       a specified  picture, or 2)  discard it.  In  either case,
       the user can specify in  what manner interval is to arrive
       at the displayed value:   round, ceiling, or floor.  There
       is   a  control   argument  which  selects   the  long  or
       abbreviated forms  of the unit names  being output.  Units
       which have  zero amounts may be  suppressed in the output.
       And, of course, the language of output may be selected.

       When no limit is given for units, this set is used:
          years months days hours minutes seconds

       CDTB will accept offsets in this format.

     - date_time_$from_clock_interval
       This is  the subroutine which does  all the dirty-work for
       interval AF.

2.6. Obsoleted

   - decode_clock_value_
     This is replaced by date_time_$from_clock.

3. Inputting date/time data

   Inputting of data refers to converting a character string into
   a clock value.  This may be a value that was output by Multics
   at some  time, or it may  be "raw" from a  user.  All the same
   areas need to be considered as for outputting.

3.1. Alternate formats

     Multics  needs  some  way   to  recognize  more  formats  of
     date/time than before.

   What can we do about it?

     - date_time_$extract
       This  is the  inverse of  date_time_$format.  It retrieves
       the  date info  from a string  by using  the format string
       which created  it.  Some formats will  yield results which
       cannot be  "unpacked", such as  concatenating year, month,

page 14                      MTB-616

       routine  should  be able  to  cover many  cases  which are
       ambiguous to CDTB, such as dd/mm/yy.

     - convert_date_to_binary_ (CDTB)
       This will recognize  a few more formats than  in the past.
       CDTB already recognizes  the {yy}yy-mm-dd format specified
       by ISO.

3.2. Alternate languages

     The  variety of  languages which  are defined  on the system
     have to be valid for date/time entry.

   What can we do about it?

     - convert_date_to_binary_
       This  will be  extended to use  time_names_ when comparing
       keywords.  If only 1 keyword is found and it is ambiguous,
       it  has to  consider the  string untranslatable.   If more
       than 1 keyword  is found in a string, they  must all be in
       the same language.

3.3. Alternate time zones

     All of the  time zones which the system  knows about must be
     acceptable on input.

   What can we do about it?

     - convert_date_to_binary_
       This  is  extended  to   use  time_zones_  when  comparing
       keywords.  It is  not intended that the long  form of time
       zone  be recognizable.   The long  forms are  available so
       that the user may ask of  the system "What does BST really

3.4. Sortable format

     People would  think that the 2  forms mentioned under output
     should be acceptable to feed back in.

   What can we do about it?

     - convert_date_to_binary_
       This already accepts output of calendar_clock.  This is to
       accept the output of  date_time_$request_id_.  It will not
       accept a  subset of a  request id.  The user  must not get
       the mistaken impression that  the string which follows -id
       in a car  command is a request id.  If  it is less than 19
       characters long,  it is merely a  string which MATCHES one

                             MTB-616                      page 15

3.5. Time delta expressed as offsets

     The  output  of  the  interval  AF  should,  in  general, be
     acceptable as input.

   What can we do about it?

     - convert_date_to_binary_
       This procedure will use  time_names_ when comparing offset

3.6. Obsoleted

   - encode_clock_value_
     This is replaced by date_time_$to_clock

   - set_time_zone
     This is replaced by time_default -zone.

4. Dates outside the current century

   People are  already trying to use  dates outside this century.
   There also is a controversy as  to whether 2000 is in the 20th
   or  21st  century.  The  software doesn't  seem to  agree with

 What can we do about it?

   - Year limits become 1-9999
     The  conversion  algorithms  in  convert_date_to_binary_ and
     date_time_$from_clock will be expanded.   In the process, it
     won't  make much  difference what the  software thinks about
     the year 2000 because it will just be handled.

     This implies a point at  which the calendar change occurred.
     The fact is ignored that  various countries converted to the
     Gregorian calendar at different times.  The changeover point
     is  from Julian  1582-10-05 to Gregorian  1582-10-15 at mid-
     night GMT.

5. "Improper" use of date/time data

   There  are many  places around  the system  where knowledge of
   format, language, and/or zone is  locked in.  We have to track
   them down.

5.1. mm/dd/yy is in info file headers

     This  does  not mean  the same  thing to  all people  in the

page 16                      MTB-616

   What can we do about it?

     - convert them to yyyy-mm-dd
       This  format is  very unlikely  to be  confused as  to its

     - help_
       Modify to find these dates  in the header and process them
       thru date_time_$format ("date",...)  before printing.

5.2. Login banner

     This is  another place where language,  zone, and format are

   What can we do about it?

     - answering service
       Tie  this in  with the  upgraded date/time  functions.  It
       cannot,  obviously,  be  congizant  of a  user's  wish for
       non-standard conversions.

5.3. Bootload Multics

   What can we do about it?

     - Operator communication
       This will be aided with by more flexible date/time I/O.

5.4. substr from result of date_time_

     This is a nasty one to find thruout the system.

   What can we do about it?

     - Ask for what is really wanted
       Call the  routine which gives  the data needed  instead of
       "knowing"  that the  4th and 5th  characters of date_time_
       output is the day.

     - date_time_$format ("date_time",...)

     - date_time_$format ("date",...)

     - date_time_$format ("time",...)
       These  should  be  called  as  appropriate.   For example,
       "print" shows  a date_time in its  header, this should use

                             MTB-616                      page 17

5.5. Day-name and month-name tables outside the D/T system

     Various routines  have had arrays of  day and/or month names
     which they  used to display  some date/time info.   When the
     problem  of  language arose,  these  were not  in  very good

   What can we do about it?

     - Use the date/time system
       Call  the routine  which gives  the data  needed and which
       will use the proper language and time zone.

5.6. Conversion outside of the D/T system

     Some  routines  read  the  clock  and  then  do  conversions
     themselves.   When  a  wider  range  of  dates  needs  to be
     handled, they may be in trouble.

   What can we do about it?

     - Use the date/time system
       Give the clock value to the system routine which does what
       is needed.
            breaks a  clock value down into  years, months, days,
            hours, etc.
            breaks the  difference between two  clock values down
            into seconds, minutes, hours, etc.
            forms a  clock value from  a set of  valid year, day,
            hour, etc.  values
            forms  a clock  value by  adding an  arbitrary set of
            year,  month,  day,  etc.   values to  a  given clock

5.7. Not following site standard

     This means  commands such as print  call date_time_, instead