Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-627

To:       Distribution

From:     Benson I. Margulies

Date:     07/07/83

Subject:  Subroutines for Generating Object Segments


          create_data_segment_ is capable of generating
          only the  simplest of object  segments.  This
          MTB describes a new subroutine, ou_, which is
          capable  of  generating  any  standard object
          segments.   It  can  handle  arbitrary links,
          definitions,  and  relocation.   Rather  than
          interpreting   a   single,   massive,   input
          structure, it is  called successively to emit
          the various parts of an object segment.  Thus
          translators  can  generate  code  and whatnot
          directly through ou_ if they so choose.

Comments should be sent to the author:

via Multics Mail:
   Margulies.Multics on either MIT Multics or System M.

via US Mail:
   Benson I. Margulies
   Honeywell Information Systems, inc.
   575 Tech Square
   Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

via telephone:
   (HVN) 261-9333, or
   (617) 492-9333


Multics  project  internal  working  documentation.   Not  to  be
reproduced or distributed outside the Multics project without the
consent of the author or the author's management.

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Name:  ou_

     The  ou_  program  provides  a set  of  entrypoints  for the
construction of Multics standard object segments.  The user makes
a series of calls to specify the various components of the object
segment, and then  a final call to put the  result into an output

     Object  segments  generated  with  ou_  are  relocatable  if
correct  relocation  bits are  provided for  the text  and symbol
sections.   Note,  though,  that  in  a multiple-location-counter
segment,  or one  that is non-seperate-static,  a translator that
fails to supply relocation is responsable itself for backpatching
all references to point to the final location of referenced data.
Therefore  we STRONGLY  RECOMMEND that  relocation information be

     Ou_ provides  a standard symbol header,  but no other symbol
table information  as yet.  Translators that  wish to construct a
full runtime symbol table must do so themselves.

     Ou_ provides no support for  obsolete features of the object
segment format,  including links type 2  and 6, defs_in_link, and

     The  documentation that  follows assumes that  the reader is
familiar with the  object segment format as described  in the MPM
reference  guide.  These  should be consulted  for definitions of

      Entries in  ou_ only supply  standard status codes  when an
error condition is possible without a  logic error on the part of
the  caller.  For  example, the  call to  ou_ that  specifies the
output segment pathname may encounter an access control violation
or null link, which the caller of ou_ could not reliably prevent.
Inconsistent or invalid parameters and other errors, however, are
reported  by  the  sub_err_  mechanism.   Callers  of  ou_ should
establish a  handler for the sub_error_  condition, and intercept
signals  with a  "caller name" of  "ou_" if they  want to recover
from such errors.

Sections and Classes

     Object  segments  are  made  up a  several  sections:  Text,
Static,  Linkage, Definitions,  and Symbol.  The  Text and Static
sections  are  unstructured,  and  ou_ entries  simply  allow the
translator to  supply their contents.  While  there is a standard
format for the symbol section, ou_ provides no facilities for its
construction,  and  it  is  treated like  Text  and  Static.  The

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Linkage and Definitions sections are structured, and ou_ provides
entries that  construct their contents.  Translators  call ou_ to
generate segnames, definitions, and links, and ou_ constructs the
appropriate structures.

       To  simplify object  segment construction,  the translator
may  define arbitrary  location counters  within the unstructured
sections.   Location counters  are specified  in calls  to ou_ by
"section indices."  One location counter per unstructured section
is  provided  by default.   The  indices for  these  sections are
defined by named constants  in the include file ou_info.incl.pl1.
Other sections are defined by  calls to ou_$make_section.  When a
section is created, its "class" (Text, Static, or Symbol) must be

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Entry:  ou_$init

     Initializes the ou_ environment,  returning a state pointer.
This  state pointer  identifies a  particular object  segment and
must be passed in all further calls to ou_ for that segment.


     dcl ou_$init entry (pointer, pointer);

     call ou_$init (info_ptr, state_ptr);


       info_ptr                     (Input)
            is  a  pointer  to  a  structure  specifying  initial
            information about the object segment.  The structure,
            ou_init_info,   is   found   in   the   include  file

            declare   1 ou_init_info aligned based (ou_init_info_ptr),
                        2 version char (8) aligned,
                        2 primary_segname character (32) unaligned,
                      /** this segname is the one that "symbol_table" for
                          the main segment will be hung off of. */
                        2 short_translator_name char (8) unaligned,
                        2 translator_version fixed bin,
                        2 translator_birthday fixed bin (71),
                        2 long_translator_version aligned like long_string,
                        2 translator_comment aligned like long_string;

            declare   1 long_string aligned based,
                        2 s_ptr pointer unaligned,
                        2 s_length fixed bin (21);

            declare   long_translator_version_string character
                 based (ou_init_info.long_translator_version.s_ptr);

            declare   translator_comment_string character
                 based (ou_init_info.translator_comment.s_ptr);

            declare   OU_INIT_INFO_V_1 char (8) aligned internal
                       static options (constant);

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       version                      (Input)
            is the version number of  this structure, and must be
            set to OU_INIT_INFO_V_1.

       primary_segname              (Input)
            This is the first segname of the object segment.  The
            required  definition "symbol_table"  will be attached
            to this  segname.  In general, this  will be the same
            as the  file system entryname of  the object segment.
            All definitions specified for  the object segment are
            associated with this segname by default.

       short_translator_name        (Input)
            Is a short name of the generating translator.

       translator_version           (Input)
            is  an integer  version of  the translator generating
            the object segment.

       translator_birthday          (Input)
            is a  standard clock value of  the date-time when the
            current version of the translator was created.

       long_translator_version      (Input)
            Is a long string  (max 255 characters) describing the
            translator  version.   See  the  description  of  the
            long_string substructure below.

       translator_comment           (Input)
            Is  a  long  string (max  255  characters) describing
            compilation options  or anything else  the translator
            wishes to leave as a note.

       text_section_mod             (Input)
            If this  value is nonzero, the  binder will place the
            text   section   of   this   segment  on   a   0  mod
            text_section_mod boundary in the bound segment.  This
            value may not be odd.

       static_section_mod           (Input)
            is  the   same  as  text_section_mod,   but  for  the

       long_string.s_ptr            (Input)
            is  a pointer  to a  character string  of length less
            than or equal to 255 characters.

       long_string.s_length         (Input)
            is the length of the character string.

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       state_ptr                    (Output)
            is a  pointer to a  state information for  the object
            segment.  The contents of this data structure are not
            available to the caller.  This pointer must be passed
            into  all  further  calls  to  ou_  for  this  object

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Entry:  ou_$definition

     creates a definition in the object segment.  The location of
the  object  defined  relative  to  a  location  counter  must be


     dcl ou_$definition entry (ptr, char (), char (), bit (),
          fixed bin, fixed bin (18) unsigned returns (fixed bin
          (18) unsigned));

            definition_loc = ou_$definition (state_ptr, segname,
                           flags, section, location);


       state_ptr                    (Input)
            is a state pointer obtained from ou_$init.

       segname                      (Input)
            is  the  segname  to  which this  definition  will be
            attached.   If it  is "", the  primary_segname in the
            ou_$init call  will be used.  This  segname must have
            been  previously   defined,  either  in   a  call  to
            ou_$segname, or as the primary segname.

       entrypoint                   (Input)
            is the name of this definition.  The linker will find
            this definition as "segname$entrypoint".

       flags                        (Input)
            (Input) are bit flags.  Only one is defined:
            declare OU_IGNORE_DEFINITION bit (1) init ("1"b)
            if this  bit is set,  the ignore flag will  be set on
            the definition, causing the  linker to ignore it when
            searching the object segment.
            This constant is defined in ou_info.incl.pl1.

       section                      (Input)
            specifies  the  location  counter  within  which this
            definition will point.  It  must have previously been
            defined,  either as  one of the  default sections, or
            with a call to ou_$make_section.

       location                     (Input)
            is  the location  within the location  counter of the

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            object defined.  It will  ordinarily be obtained from
            a call to ou_$emit or ou_$reserve.

       definition_loc               (Output)
            is  the location,  within the  definition section, of
            the  definition.    This  is  useful   when  defining
            entrypoints,   which   require  a   pointer   to  the

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Entry:  ou_$segname

     defined  additional segnames  within the  object segment, or
synonyms to segnames already defined.


     dcl ou_$segname entry (ptr, char (), char ());

     call ou_$segname (state_ptr, segname, syn_to_segname);


       state_ptr                    (Input)
            is a state pointer from ou_$init.

       segname                      (Input)
            is  the  segname  to  be defined.   Segnames  must be
            unique  within an  object segment.   It must  be less
            than or equal to 32 characters long.

       syn_to_segname               (Input)
            (Input) if  this argument is not  "", segname will be
            associated   with   syn_to_segname   as   a  synonym.
            syn_to_segname must have been previously defined.

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Entry:  ou_$link

     emits an  ordinary link.  Links are  automatically merged --
multiple links to the same external name are combined.


     dcl ou_$link entry (ptr, char (), char (), fixed bin, fixed
          bin, bit (6)) returns (fixed bin (18) unsigned));

           link_relp = ou_$link (state_ptr, segname, offsetname,
          sectionx, expression,


       state_ptr                    (Input)
            is a state pointer from ou_$init.

       segname                      (Input)
            is the symbolic segname.  If its first character is a
            "*", it  is a symbolic reference  to a section within
            the   object  segment   containing  the   link.   The
            following symbolic sections are permitted:
                 SECTION_TEXT init ("*text")
                 SECTION_STATIC init ("*static")
                 SECTION_LINKAGE init ("*link")
                 SECTION_SYMBOL init ("*symb")
                 SECTION_DEFINITION init ("*defs")
                 SECTION_SYSTEM init ("*system")

       offsetname                   (Input)
            is  the symbolic  definition name  to which  the link
            will  point.   If  it  is  "",  the  link  target  is
            determined   entirely   by   the   segname   and  the

       sectionx                     (Input)
            if nonzero,  specifies a location  counter within the
            segment being generated to which the link will point.
            For  example, if  a location counter  within the text
            section is supplied, then  the segname will be forced
            to "*text".  It is an error for segname to be unequal
            to "" if this argument is nonzero.

       expression                   (Input)
            is  a signed  offset from the  location determined by
            the segname and offsetname fields.

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       modifier                     (Input)
            is  the indirect  modifier for the  snapped link.  It
            will normally be  "n", or ""b.  A snapped  link is an
            ITS pointer,  and this becomes the  modifier (NOT the
            tag) field of that pointer.

       code                         (Input)
            is a standard system status code.

       link_relp                    (Output)
            is  a  offset, relative  to the  base of  the linkage
            section,  of  this  link.   For  non-separate  static
            segments, this value is  only meaningful if stored in
            this object segment with a relocation code of rc_lp15
            or rc_lp18.   This is because the  actual location of
            the  link is  not known  until the  static section is
            inserted  in the  object segment.  At  that time, all
            relative    pointers    to   links    are   relocated
            automatically by ou_.

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Entry:  ou_$link_trap

     this  entrypoint  is identical  to  ou_$link except  that it
associated a link  trap with the link.  All  arguments not listed
are identical to ou_$link.


     dcl ou_$link_trap entry (ptr, char (), char (), fixed bin,
          fixed bin, bit (6), fixed bin (18) uns, fixed bin (18)
          uns) returns (fixed bin (18) uns));

            link_relp = ou_$link_trap (state_ptr, segname,
          offsetname, expression,
              sectionx, modifier, trap_call_relp, trap_arg_relp,


       trap_call_relp               (Input)
            is  a relative  pointer in  the linkage  section to a
            link to the procedure to  be called when this link is

       trap_arg_relp                (Input)
            is  a relative  pointer in  the linkage  section to a
            link to an argument to  the trap procedure.  The trap
            procedure is called as follows:

                 call trap_proc (addr (arg_ptr));

            so as to  avoid snapping the arg link  until the trap
            procedure referenced through it, if ever.

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Entry:  ou_$link_init

     generates  *system  links  with  initialization information.
Any arguments not specified are as documented for ou_$link.


     dcl ou_$link_init entry (ptr, char (), fixed bin, bit (6),
          ptr returns (fixed bin (18) uns));

              link_relp = ou_$link_init (state_ptr, offsetname,
          expression, modifier,


       info_ptr                     (Input)
            is   a   pointer  to   a  structure   describing  the
            initialization  to  be  done  with  this  link.   The
            structure    is   found    in   the    include   file

            declare   init_info_ptr       pointer;
            declare   1 init_info_header  aligned based (init_info_ptr),
                        2 n_words         fixed bin,
                      /* Zero for NO_INIT */
                        2 init_type       fixed bin;

            declare   1 init_no_init      aligned based (init_info_ptr),
                        2 header          aligned like init_info_header;
               /* type = INIT_NO_INIT */
               /* or INIT_DEFINE_AREA */

            declare   init_info_n_words   fixed bin;
            declare   1 init_copy_data    aligned based (init_info_ptr),
                        2 header          aligned like init_info_header,
                        2 data            (init_info_n_words
                        refer (init_copy_data.header.n_words)) bit (36) aligned;

            declare   (
                      NO_INIT             init (0), /* No initialization data */
                      COPY_DATA           init (3), /* Template present */
                      DEFINE_AREA         init (4)  /* Make an area */
                      )                   fixed bin int static options (constant);

            These structures are identical to the init structures documents in the
            reference guide.

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Entry:  ou_$emit

     supplies data for the unstructured sections of the object segment.


     dcl ou_$emit entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin (18) unsigned, fixed bin returns (fixed bin (18) uns));

             section_relp = ou_$emit (state_ptr, data_ptr, reloc_ptr, n_words,


       state_ptr                    (Input)
            is a state_ptr from ou_$init.

       data_ptr                     (Input)
            is a  pointer to data  to be placed  in the specified

       reloc_ptr                    (Input)
            is a  pointer to an array  of relocation information.
            If it is null,  absolute relocation will be supplied.
            The  pointer  should  point  to  an  array structures
            unaligned  like  ou_relocation,   of  dimension  2  *

            declare   1 ou_relocation based,
                        2 reloc_type bit (6) unaligned,
                        2 sectionx fixed bin (12) unsigned unaligned;

       reloc_type                   (Input)
            is a relocation code from relocation_bits.incl.pl1.

       n_words                      (Input)
            is the number of words of  data to be put in the text

       sectionx                     (Input)
            if nonzero,  specified a location  counter within one
            of the unstructured sections.

       relp                         (Output)
            is a relative pointer in the section to the beginning
            of the data.

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Entry:  ou_$set_segment_info

     specifies  the   pathname  of  the  object   segment  to  be
generated, and  some per-segment information for  the object map.
This entrypoint may be  called any time before ou_$finish_segment
is called.  If  it returns an error code, it  may be called again
after the error is corrected.


     dcl ou_$set_segment_info entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35));

     call ou_$set_segment_info (state_ptr, segment_info_ptr,


       state_ptr                    (Input)
            is a state pointer from ou_$init.

       info_ptr                     (Input)
            is  a   pointer  to  the   ou_segment_info  structure
            declared in ou_info.incl.pl1.

            declare   ou_segment_info_ptr      pointer;
            declare   1 ou_segment_info        aligned based (segment_info_ptr),
                        2 version              char (8) aligned,
                        2 dir_name             char (168) unaligned,
                        2 entryname            char (32) unaligned,
                        2 flags                aligned,
                          3 separate_static    bit (1) unal,
                          3 procedure          bit (1) unal,
                          3 perprocess_static  bit (1) unal,
                          3 standard           bit (1) unal,
                          3 relocatable        bit (1) unal,
                          3 bound              bit (1) unal,
                        2 entry_bound          fixed bin (18) unsigned,
                        2 mode                 bit (3) aligned;

            declare   OU_SEGMENT_INFO_V_1      char (8) aligned int static
                      options (constant);

       version                      (Input)
            is the version number of  this structure.  It must be

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       dir_name                     (Input)
            is the  directory name of the  pathname of the object
            segment to be generated.

       entryname                    (Input)
            is the entryname of the generated segment.

       separate_static              (Input)
            If  this  is "1"b,  the  object segment  will  have a
            separate  static  section.    Otherwise,  the  static
            section  will be  combined with  the linkage section.
            For a non-seperate-static  segment, ou_ automatically
            redirects all references to the static section to the
            appropriate part of the linkage section.

       procedure                    (Input)
            this flag  is reflected in the  procedure flag of the
            object map, and is respected by the linker and binder
            when snapping links.

       perprocess_static            (Input)
            this flag is reflected  in the preprocess_static flag
            of the object map.

       standard                     (Input)
            indicates  that  the  object segment  is  in standard
            format.   If it  is "0"b,  most system  routines will
            refuse to  have anything to do  with the segment.  It
            should only be set off if for some reason you wish to
            generate a standard object  segment that will only be
            examined  by  your own  routines,  and is  not  to be
            considered an object segment by system routines.

       relocatable                  (Input)
            indicates that appropriate relocation information has
            been supplied  by the translator to  allow binding of
            the  object   segment.   Note,  though,   that  in  a
            multiple-location-counter  segment,  or  one  that is
            non-seperate-static,  a  translator   that  fails  to
            supply   relocation   is   responsable   itself   for
            backpatching  all  references to  point to  the final
            location of  referenced data.  Therefore  we STRONGLY
            RECOMMEND that relocation information be supplied.

       bound                        (Input)
            indicates that the segment  is a bound segment.  This
            bit should only be set on if the translator has put a
            correct bind_map  into the symbol  section.  The only
            effect of  the bound bit  is to inform  display tools
            that a segment has  a bind map.  Duplicate definition

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            resolution works with or without the bound flag.

       entry_bound                  (Input)
            is  the segment  entry bound.   If this  is set  to a
            value other  than zero, the  entry_bound attribute of
            the segment  will be set  to it, and  the file system
            entry bound as well.

       mode                         (Input)
            is  the  file  system  access mode  that  the calling
            process  will  be given  when  the object  segment is
            finished.     Values    may    be    obtained    from

       code                         (Output)
            is a  standard system status code,  which will be set
            if  initiate_file_$create is  unable to  initiate the
            segment with write and read access.

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Entry:  ou_$make_section

     defines  a  new  location  counter  within  an  unstructured


     dcl ou_$make_section entry (ptr, char (), fixed bin returns
          (fixed bin));

               sectionx = ou_$make_section (section_name, class);


       section_name                 (Input)
            is  the  name  of  the  new  location  counter  to be
            created.  Location counters must be uniquely named.

       class                        (Input)
            is the  section of the object  segment into which the
            location   counter   will   be   put.    If   may  be

       sectionx                     (Output)
            is the  index for this  location counter that  may be
            passed to other ou_ entries.

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Entry:  ou_$reserve

     reserves  a block  of space  in a  section, to  be filled in


     dcl ou_$reserve entry (ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin (18) uns
          returns (fixed bin (18) uns));

               location = ou_$reserve (state_ptr, sectionx,


       state_ptr                    (Input)
            is a state pointer from ou_$init.

       sectionx                     (Input)
            identifies  the  location  counter  within  which the
            space will be reserved.

       size                         (Input)
            specifes the number of words to reserve.

       location                     (Output)
            is  the offset,  within the section,  of the reserved
            space.   The tuple  of (sectionx,  location) uniquely
            specifies a location.

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Entry:  ou_$get_backpatch_ptr

     obtains a pointer  to space that has been  either emitted or
reserved previously.   Such a pointer is  not valid across future
reserve  or  emit calls  within  the same  segment.   This entry,
together with  ou_$backpatch_relocation, allow the  translator to


     dcl ou_$get_backpatch_ptr entry (ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin
          (18) unsigned returns (pointer));

              backpatch_ptr = ou_$get_backpatch_ptr (state_ptr,

     call ou_$get_backpatch_ptr (IGNORE THIS);


       state_ptr                    (Input)
            is a state pointer from ou_$init.

       sectionx                     (Input)
            identifies the section  withing which backpatching is

       location                     (Input)
            is the location within the section.

       backpatch_ptr                (Output)
            is a pointer  to an array of bit  (36) aligned words,
            which the  caller may set as  needed.  Note that this
            pointer MAY NOT be used after ou_$emit or ou_$reserve
            has     been     called     for     this     section.
            ou_$get_backpatch_ptr  MUST be  called again  in this

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Entry:  ou_$backpatch_relocation

     changes  the relocation  for one  or more  half-words in the
text  or  static  sections  after  they  have  been  defined with
ou_$emit or ou_$reserve.


     dcl ou_$backpatch_relocation entry (ptr, fixed bin, fixed
          bin (18) uns, bit (1) aligned, fixed bin, ptr);

     call ou_$backpatch_relocation (state_ptr, sectionx,
          location, right, n_halves, relocs_ptr);


       state_ptr                    (Input)
            is a state pointer from ou_$init.

       sectionx                     (Input)
            identifies the  section within which  backpatching is
            to be done.

       location                     (Input)
            identifies the first word for whom relocation will be

       right                        (Input)
            specifies the  first half-word to be  changed.  If it
            is "1"b, the right half-word is the first one.  If it
            is "0"b, the left half-word is used instead.

       n_halves                     (Input)
            is  the  number  of  half-word  for  whom  relocation
            information is changed.

       relocs_ptr                   (Input)
            points  to  an  array  of  unaligned  structures like
            ou_relocation, from ou_info.incl.pl1.

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Entry:  ou_$set_mod

     advances  a location  counter so  that a  subsequent call to
ou_$emit or  ou_$reserve emits data  on a particular  boundary in
the final  object segment.  The  entire location counter  will be
placed in the segment on the boundary demanded by the largest mod
called out  in any call  to ou_$set_mod.  Thus  data with extreme
alignment requirements (like pages)  should be placed in location
counters of their own.


     dcl ou_$set_mod entry (ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin);

     call ou_$set_mod (state_ptr, sectionx, mod);


       state_ptr                    (Input)
            is a state pointer from ou_$init.

       sectionx                     (Input)
            identifies a location counter to be advanced.

       mod                          (Input)
            is the modulus that the  location counter will be set

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Entry:  ou_$add_source

     adds a source file to the  source map of the object segment,
returning its zero-based "file number."


     dcl ou_$add_source entry (pointer, char (), bit (36)
          aligned, fixed bin (71) returns (fixed bin));

               file_number = ou_$add_source (state_ptr, pathname,
          UID, DTCM);

     call ou_$add_source (IGNORE THIS);


       state_ptr                    (Input)
            is a state pointer from ou_$init.

       pathname                     (Input)
            is a source file  absolute pathname.  No restrictions
            are placed upon the content of this string.

       UID                          (Input)
            is the file system UID of the source file.

       DTCM                         (Input)
            is the file system date-time contents modified of the
            source file.

       file_number                  (Output)
            is the file number, suitable for use on a source_map,
            of  this  source  file.   File  numbers  are assigned
            sequentially from zero.

___                                                           ___

ou_                                                           ou_
___                                                           ___

Entry:  ou_$fr_trap

     adds a  first-reference trap to the  segment.  A segment may
have any number of first-reference traps.


     dcl ou_$fr_trap entry (ptr, fixed bin (18) unsigned, fixed
          bin (18) unsigned);

     call ou_$fr_trap (state_ptr, call_link_relp, arg_link_relp);


       state_ptr                    (Input)
            is a state pointer from ou_$init.

       call_link_relp               (Input)
            is the offset of a link to the procedure to be called
            when the  generated segment is first  referenced in a
            process.  It should be obtained from ou_$link.

       arg_link_relp                (Input)
            is  a  link  to  information  to  be  passed  to  the
            procedure specified by the  call link.  The procedure
            is called as follows:

                 call trap_proc (addr (arg_ptr));

            so the procedure should be coded as follows:

            fr_trap_proc: procedure (arg_ptr_ptr);

            dcl arg_ptr_ptr pointer;
            dcl arg_ptr pointer based (arg_ptr_ptr);
            dcl .... arg .... based (arg_ptr) ...

            The variable arg_ptr is actually THE arg_link ITSELF.
            Thus, until referenced through, it will have a TAG of
            "46"b3  rather than  "43"b3.  This  allows the called
            procedure  to analyze  the link  without snapping it.
            This is only appropriate in ununual circumstances.

___                                                           ___

ou_                                                           ou_
___                                                           ___

Entry:  ou_$finish

     finishes the  process of generating an  object segment.  The
location counters are packed  into the appropriate sections.  All
words with  relocation information specifying  translator defined
location counters are relocated to reflect their placement within
the object segment.  All definitions  and links are threaded, and
duplicate name  information is generated as  neccessary.  The ACL
of the  segment is set as  specified in ou_segment_info.mode, and
the entry_bound is set if neccessary.  The segment is terminated.


     dcl ou_$finish entry (ptr);

     call ou_$finish (state_ptr);


       state_ptr                    (Input/Output)
            is a state pointer from  ou_$init.  It is nulled when
            the object segment is complete.

___                                                           ___

ou_                                                           ou_
___                                                           ___

Entry:  ou_$cleanup

     frees  all  storage associated  with  an ou_  state pointer.
This  entrypoint  should be  called  in the  cleanup  handlers of
translators calling ou_.


     dcl ou_$cleanup entry (ptr);

     call ou_$cleanup (state_ptr);


       state_ptr                    (Input/Output)
            is a state_ptr from ou_$init.  It is nulled.