Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

To:        MTB Distribution

From:      Mike Kubicar

Date:      12/20/83

Subject:   The View Manager Facility:  Data Dictionary Interface


This  MTB  describes the  View  Manager's interface  to  the Data
Dictionary.   The  Data  Dictionary  Interface  presents  to View
Manager  a  set of  system  tables which  describe the  data View
Manager is manipulating.

This MTB is only one of a  group of related documents in the View
Manager series.  These documents are

    MTB-641  The View Manager Facility
    MTB-642  The View Manager Facility:  Subroutine Interfaces
    MTB-643  The View Manager Facility:  The View Master Subsystem
    MTB-644  The View Manager Facility:  SQL Parser
    MTB-645  The View Manager Facility:  Data Dictionary Interface

Comments may be made:

     Via forum:
                    >udd>Multics>meetings>End_User_Data_Access (euda)

     Via electronic mail:
                    Kubicar on System M

     Via telephone:
                    (HVN) 357-6647 or (602) 862-6647


Multics  Project  internal  working  documentation.   Not  to  be
reproduced outside the Multics Project.

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin


This mtb describes the prototype version of the view manager data
dictionary interface.  The view manager is a complete replacement
of  the  current  database  management system  on  Multics.  This
document  should  not be  taken as  the final  word on  what this
product will  look like in  its final form.  It  is intended that
only an initial cut will be taken at the design.  Hopefully, much
will  be  learned when  this  initial cut  is implemented  as the
prototype.  A later document will be issued which will define the
final  design of  the data  dictionary interface  and the interim
data  dictionary.   The  final design  will  be used  to  build a
product in the MR12.0 time frame.


Clearly, in order for a database management system to perform its
function, it must  have a great deal of knowledge  of the data it
is  manipulating.    In  a  relational  database,   the  data  is
conceptually stored in  a number of tables.  These  tables can be
viewed in  the same way  that a person  might write a  table on a
piece of paper.   That is, a table would be  a number of rows and
columns.  This is exactly what a  user would see if he were using
a database management system such  as the Multics Relational Data
Store.   Of  course,  the data  is  not  stored this  way  in the
computer.  Usually  the database management  system must reformat
the data to be stored in the computer's file system.

To  perform this  transformation, the  database management system
must keep  track of many  details which are invisible  to the end
user.  The DBMS  must know the names of all  the tables it has at
its  disposal as  well as where  they are  physically stored.  It
must know what  columns are in the table and  the way the data is
stored in the columns.  This is just the tip of the iceberg.  The
DBMS must  remember tens of details  about the characteristics of
the data it is manipulating.

These  characteristics of  the data  are commonly  referred to as
meta-data.  Meta-data means data  about the data.  Every database
has associated with it a large amount of meta-data which the DBMS
uses to  figure out how  to manipulate the data  contained in the
database.  In the case of MRDS, this meta-data is stored in a set
of  special  segments within  the database  directory.  Accessing
this meta-data is  done by getting a pointer to  the start of the
segments  and  using this  pointer  to reference  a set  of based
structures.   In  effect,  these   segments  are  the  MRDS  data

This  meta-data  is  usually  interesting to  people  as  well as
database  management systems.   A person is  very apt  to want to
know what tables are in the database and what the characteristics

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

of those tables  are.  With MRDS, the user  must invoke a special
set of commands to display this meta-data.  These commands have a
completely different syntax from the  commands he uses to display
data in  his database.  The  meta-data display commands  are also
less flexible than the data display commands.

The method used by MRDS is  only one way of storing the meta-data
in the database.  It is not  difficult to see that this meta-data
is just  data and can  be stored in  the database like  any other
data.   That is,  this meta-data  can be  arranged into  a set of
tables.  Given this arrangement,  the meta-data could be accessed
with the standard data manipulation commands of the DBMS.

Other database management systems have  shown that this method of
storing meta-data  is popular with database  users.  They tend to
be more user  friendly than systems that store  meta-data as does

The view manager product will store its meta-data in this manner.
In addition to all the tables  that a user creates, there will be
a  set of  system tables which  will contain  all the information
describing all tables in the table name space.  View manager will
be  able  to  access  and  update  the  tables  through  the data
dictionary   interface   (ddi)  module.    In  addition   to  the
description of every user created table, the data dictionary will
contain descriptions  of all system tables.   Thus, system tables
can be accessed in the same manner as user tables.

This mtb does not describe the design of a data dictionary.  That
product  is  not planned  as part  of the  view manager  end user
facility.   Since   Multics  currently  does  not   have  a  data
dictionary, a makeshift one will have  to be built as part of the
data  dictionary interface.   One of the  assumptions made during
the design of the data  dictionary interface is that Multics will
someday have a real data  dictionary product.  At that time, view
manager  would  have to  start  using the  real  data dictionary.
Thus, the idea of a DDI  was formulated.  All knowledge about the
actual  data  dictionary is  hidden  in the  DDI.  When  the data
dictionary  changes, only  the DDI will  need to  be changed.  In
fact, during  the implementation of the  prototype, it is assumed
that the makeshift data dictionary will change several times.

The makeshift data dictionary will  not be described by this mtb.
One of the purposes of the  prototype is to be able to experiment
with   efficient  ways   of  implementing   this  makeshift  data
dictionary.  Since  the data dictionary  will be at  the heart of
the view manager,  a poorly designed, slow one  will result in an
unusable product.   Experimentation is required in  order to find
out the best method of implementing a data dictionary.

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin


The data dictionary interface is the sole holder of all meta-data
in  the data  environment.  It  is anticipated  that higher level
software  will  call  the   interface  frequently  during  normal
operation.  Because there are two  ways in which the view manager
will want  to access data  in the data dictionary,  there are two
interfaces  to  ddi.   The  first  is  through  the  SQL language
interface when a user requests data from the system tables.  This
interface makes the system tables look like any other table known
to  view  manager.   The  second is  when  system  software (view
manager)  wants   to  request  privileged   information  about  a
particular  table  or update  the  information in  the dictionary
tables themselves.  The second interface is necessary as there is
no way to  update the tables via SQL  statements.  Update via SQL
statements  is  restricted  so  that ddi  can  guarantee internal
consistency of the dictionary tables.

The SQL level  of interface will be provided  by building a Table
Interface Module (TIM) to the  data dictionary.  This module will
have an interface which is identical  to the TIM's of other table
managers.   Since the  TIM's interface  is standard  and the data
dictionary  contains all  information on  data dictionary tables,
system tables can  be referenced in the same  way that non-system
tables  are.  The  TIM for the  ddi will support  only the select
operation.  No modifications can be done through this interface.

The  primary  interface  to  the  data  dictionary  will  be  the
information  retrieval and  update subroutine  requests.  This is
the  only  means of  updating the  information in  the dictionary
tables.  The view manager  will, through the subroutine interface
to  ddi,  request  that specific  actions  be taken.   It  is the
responsibility of ddi to update  the tables in the correct manner
to achieve these actions.  Note  that this has the desirable side
effect of isolating the view  manager from the physical layout of
the  data  dictionary.  In  theory,  view manager  could  get all
meta-data  it requires  through the  SQL interface  to the system
tables.  Since getting information about user tables will be done
frequently,  entrypoint  are  provided to  get  meta-data easily.
This is also more efficient than passing in SQL requests.

The  data   dictionary  interface  will   provide  the  following

     This entrypoint will add an entry in the audit table.  These
     entries   can   be  deleted   with   the  delete_audit_trail

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

     This  entrypoint adds  a comment  to the  comment table.  It
     will also replace and delete comments as necessary.

     This entrypoint adds synonyms to the data environment.

     This  entrypoint  will  add  a table  or  view  to  the data
     dictionary  tables.  It  takes as  one of  its parameters an
     info structure which describes the table or view.

     This entrypoint  will close a data  dictionary.  After it is
     called,  the data  dictionary cannot  be referenced.   It is
     called when the  view manager is finished with  a given data

     This entrypoint will create an  index in a given table.  The
     user must have correct permissions to do this.

     This is the only entrypoint that can delete information from
     the audit trail.   The deletion is done on  by the date time
     of the entries.

     This entrypoint is  used to delete a given  index.  The user
     must have correct privileges to do this.

     This  entrypoint  will  delete  a synonym  from  the synonym
     table.   The data  dictionary interface makes  sure that the
     use has enough privileges to do this.

     This  entry will  delete a  table from  the data dictionary.
     The user must  have the correct privilege to  do this or the
     operation will not succeed.   Deleting a table automatically
     deletes any other information  (e.g.  views) that depends on
     its existence.

     This  entrypoint  will return  all  information stored  on a
     table.  No  access checking is performed  (other than by the
     hardware).  If view manager wants the info, it will get it.

     This entrypoint  will create a  link to an  external object.
     Ddi allows links to any object in a foreign data dictionary.

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

     This entrypoint  will lock the  dictionary so that  no other
     process can access it.

     The  information  stored  on  the  given  table  or  view is
     replaced by the information given in the call.

     This entrypoint  initializes a data dictionary  for use.  It
     must be called before any of the other entrypoints.

     This entry  revokes a privilege  on a column to  a user.  It
     will also revoke any privilege granted by that user.

     This  entry revokes  a privilege on  the ddi to  a user.  It
     will also revoke any privilege granted by that user.

     This  entry revokes  a privilege on  a table to  a user.  It
     will also revoke any privilege granted by that user.

     This entry  revokes a privilege  on a tablespace  to a user.
     It will also revoke any privilege granted by that user.

     This entry grants a privilege on a given column to a user.

     This entry grants a privilege on the ddi to a user.

     This entry grants a privilege on a given table to a user.

     This  entry grants  a privilege on  a given  tablespace to a

     This  entrypoint  will remove  a link.   The user  must have
     enough privilege to remove that link.

     This  entrypoint  will unlock  a  locked database.   Until a
     database  is unlocked,  it is  not available  to be  used by
     other users.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645


The  data  dictionary interface  lies  at the  heart of  the view
manager  end user  facility.  It  is the  sole repository  of all
information describing  the data the view  manager has access to.
Therefore, whenever view manager needs a new piece of information
to perform  an operation, it  must access the  data dictionary to
get that information.  To the end user, the meta-data information
will appear to be stored as a set of tables.  If a user wishes to
read the information in the meta-data  tables, he will be able to
do  so  using  normal  SQL statements.   There  will  also  be an
interface available  to return information  to view manager  in a
form more directly suited to its needs.

The  tables have  been designed  so that  they are  easy to query
using  SQL.  Hopefully,  each table is  self contained  in that a
user need not  enter a complicated SQL statement  with many joins
to get  useful information about  his database.  To  achieve this
end,  it  was  necessary to  put  a certain  amount  of redundant
information  in  the data  dictionary  tables.  They  are  not in
standard third normal form.

Since  the  data  dictionary  tables   are  the  sole  source  of
information  about the  contents of  the data  environment, it is
very important that the information  in them be consistent at all
times.   For  this  to  be the  case,  only  the  data dictionary
interface should  be able to  modify the tables.   Nobody will be
allowed to use  SQL statements to modify or  insert data into the
data  dictionary.   Not  even  the data  administrator  will have
privileges to do more than read the system tables.  There will be
a  set of  entrypoints into  the data  dictionary interface which
will  allow  system software  (view  manager) to  request  that a
consistent set of  updates be made to the  data dictionary tables
by  the data  dictionary interface.  To  make sure  that the data
dictionary interface is the only one allowed to update dictionary
tables, all dictionary tables and the interface software will run
in an inner  ring.  There will not be any  gates to enter the ddi
from  the user  ring.  Only system  software can  access the data

Information for all tables in the data environment is recorded in
the  data  dictionary  tables.    The  data  dictionary  is  self
referencing.   That   is,  all  meta-data   concerning  the  data
dictionary tables  is stored in the  data dictionary.  This makes
it  possible,  using  the  SQL  interface,  to  access  the  data
dictionary in a manner identical to that used to access any other
table.   The  initial  set  of   system  tables  is  created  and
initialized when  the data dictionary  is created.  A  blank data
dictionary  contains  only information  about the  system tables.
The only user  registered in a blank dictionary  is the user that
created it.   He is registered as  an administrator.  In addition
to  the  information  needed  to  completely  describe  the  data

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

environment,  each  major  table  in  the  data  dictionary  also
contains creation  information.  This includes  the date/time the
information was added as well as  the userid of the person adding
the information.  This data can be used for auditing purposes.

The  following  tables are  currently  defined to  be  the system
tables of  the data dictionary.   All data dictionary  tables are
prefixed  by the  word "system"  and must  end in  an underscore.
Users should not  create tables with names like  this.  This list
of  tables is  incomplete.  As  the requirements  of higher level
software are  further refined, the system  tables definition will
be updated  to meet its needs.   They should evolve significantly
as prototype implementation proceeds.

     This table contains the data  dictionary audit trail.  It is
     available  to  higher  level   software  to  keep  track  of
     significant events in the data environment.

     This  table  contains   security  information  for  specific
     columns.  Anyone with any  privileges on any specific column
     in  any table  will have an  entry in this  table.  The only
     privilege   available  on   a  specific   column  is  update

     This   table   contains   information   which   defines  the
     characteristics of a  column.  There is one entry  in it for
     each  column of  each table  in the  data environment.  This
     table contains information which is in human readable form.

     This  is  the  companion   table  for  system_columns_.   It
     contains binary data needed by view manager.

     This  table  contains free  text  which usually  is  used to
     describe tables and columns.

     This   table  contains   links  to  tables   in  other  data
     dictionaries.  A link is a reference to an object in another
     data dictionary.

     This table  defines all the  synonyms available in  the data
     dictionary.   A synonym  is an  alternate name  for a table.
     All synonyms in the table are in effect for anyone using the
     data dictionary.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

     This  is the  security information  table.  It  defines what
     privileges users have on the tables in the data environment.
     Privileges  defined  on tables  are select,  insert, delete,
     update, link, null, alter, and index.

     This   table   contains   information   which   defines  the
     characteristics of  a table.  There  is one entry  in it for
     each  table in  the data  environment.  This  table contains
     information which is in human readable form.

     This is the companion table for system_tables_.  It contains
     binary data needed by view manager


Another  function  of the  data dictionary  interface is  to keep
track of  all the security information  for the data environment.
Entries  in  data dictionary  tables  define what  operations are
allowed on  data contained in the  total environment.  The system
security       tables       are      system_dictionary_security_,
system_table_security_,      system_tablespace_security_      and
system_column_security_.    To  access   anything  in   the  data
environment,  a  user must  have an  entry in  one of  the system
security tables.  Note  however, that this is true  only if there
are  no  links from  other  data dictionaries  to objects  in the
current environment.  If  an object is linked to,  and anyone has
any  grant with  grant permission,  it is  no longer  possible to
control external  access to the data  dictionary.  Users external
to the dictionary are not  required to have "access" privilege on
the dictionary in order to use tables contained in it.

The  data  dictionary interface  does not  have control  over the
physical security  of a table.   In can only  inform higher level
software (view manager) of the security state of the table.  That
is, it will return in the table information the privileges of the
user  making  the call.   In the  case of  view manager  making a
request to grant  or revoke privileges, ddi will  check to see if
the operation is permitted and  abort it if necessary.  The rules
data  dictionary interface  follows to  determine this  are those
defined by the SQL language.

Data  environment privileges  fall into  one of  four categories:
those defined on a particular  table, those defined on a specific
column of a table, those  which pertain to tablespaces, and those
which  are  global  to  the  whole  environment.   The  following
privileges are global to the whole environment:

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

     The user  is allowed access to  information contained in the
     data dictionary.

     The  user   is  a  data   environment  administrator.   This
     privilege implies all other privileges on all objects in the
     data environment.

     The  user may  add a synonym  to the  data dictionary system

     The  user  is allowed  to  add new  tablespaces to  the data

     The user is allowed to add new views to the data dictionary.
     Note that he must have  appropriate privileges on any tables
     or views used in the new view.

     The  user may  remove a link  from the  data dictionary.  He
     must be an administrator or the creator of the link.

     The  user   may  remove  a  foreign   table  from  the  data
     dictionary.  He  must be an administrator  or the person who
     registered the table.

     The user may drop any synonym from the data dictionary which
     he has created.

     The  user  is  allowed  to drop  tablespaces  from  the data
     dictionary.  He  must be an administrator  or creator of the
     tablespace he is dropping.

     The user may drop an existing table.  To drop a table a user
     has to be an administrator or the creator of the table.

     The user may drop a view from the data dictionary.  In order
     to  drop a  view, the user  must be an  administrator or the
     creator of the view.

     The  user may  create a link  in the  data dictionary.  Note

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

     that he must have appropriate  privilege in the foreign data
     dictionary to the table he is adding.

     The  user may  register a foreign  table type  into the data

     The user has no privilege whatsoever on the data dictionary.

The following privileges are defined for tables:

     The user may perform SQL SELECT statements on the table.

     The user may insert rows into the table.

     The user may delete rows from the table.

     The user may update columns in the table.

     The user may alter tables.

     The user may  create an index on one or  more columns in the

     The  user  may  link  to  the  table  from  a  foreign  data

     The user has no privilege on the table at all.

The following privileges are permitted on specific columns:

     The user may update the value of this column.

     The user may not update the value of this column.

The following privileges are permitted on tablespaces:

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

     The user is allowed to  change the amount of quota allocated
     to a tablespace.

     The user is allowed to create tables in the tablespace.

     The user is allowed to drop tables from the tablespace.

     The user has no privileges on the tablespace.

The  user  may be  given  grant permission  on  any of  the above
privileges except  null.  This means  that in addition  to having
the  specified  privilege, the  user may  give this  privilege to
other  with  or  without  grant.  If  the  user  ever  loses that
privilege, the data dictionary  interface will insure that anyone
who  was  granted  the privilege  by  that user  will  have their
privilege revoked too.  The sole exception to this revoke rule is
in the case where the user  loses privilege to something which he
has  created.   In  that  case,  only  he  will  lose  privilege.
Everyone  that  he  has  granted privilege  to  will  retain that
privilege.  This feature  is present so that people  can pass the
control of  objects to other administrators  without deleting all
access  to them.   For example,  if the  creator of  an important
database  should  leave the  company,  revoking his  access would
effectively  revoke  everyone's  access   to  everything  in  the

When the data  dictionary is created, the default  access is that
the creator is an administrator.   He will have all privileges on
all user tables  in the data environment and  select privilege on
all  the  system  tables.    Non-administrators  using  the  data
environment  will have  all table  privileges on  any tables they
created.  Other privileges are as defined in the system privilege
tables.   An  administrator  has  all  privileges  on  all tables
irregardless of information in the security system table.


One of the main features provided  by the data dictionary will be
the ability to link to  objects in other data dictionaries.  This
capability is one which is often asked for by people who use MRDS
databases.   Like a  Multics file system  link, a ddi  link is an
entry  which describes  where the  physical object  can be found.
Ddi links however, strive to maintain complete consistency in the
linked data  dictionaries.  With a Multics  file system link, the
link can point to something which no longer exists or the user no
longer has  any acls for.   The ddi will guarantee  that the link

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

will always  reflect the current  state of the  linked-to object.
This may mean that, if a  table is deleted or privileges changed,
that a link  in a foreign data dictionary may  be deleted or that
privileges in a foreign data dictionary will be updated.

The data dictionary software will implement this linking facility
by  keeping  a record  of  external data  dictionaries  that have
linked  to  objects  in  the  current  one.   That  is,  if  data
dictionary A has  a link to an object in  data dictionary B, then
data  dictionary  B  will  have a  entry  that  states  that data
dictionary A has linked to it.  When an operation is performed on
the object in data dictionary  B, ddi will chase backward through
these backward links in order to update information in the linked
dictionaries.   It  will do  so  in such  a  way as  to guarantee
consistency among all data  dictionaries involved.  It will chase
links as far as necessary.   Circular links will not be possible.
A circular link is where a link references only other links.

One  implication of  this feature is  that, if there  are a large
number of  links, any operation  on a data  dictionary may affect
many  data  dictionaries.   Another  is  that  the  physical data
dictionary may  be referenced by any  Multics user.  The physical
Multics acl on the segments which are the data dictionary must be
rw *.*.*.  Of  course, they will be protect  by nature of running
in an inner ring.

The  linking  feature in  effect  allows users  to  connect their
individual data  dictionaries together to form  a larger, central
data dictionary.  If  all the data dictionaries on  a system were
linked to other data dictionaries,  the effect would be identical
to  having  a  single,   central,  system-wide  data  dictionary.
Naturally, the  choice is left  up to the  user.  In a  manner of
speaking,  ddi  will have  to do  distributed management  of data
dictionaries  as  they can  reside anywhere  in the  Multics file

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

                           Appendix A

This  appendix contains  all the  entrypoint defined  in the data
dictionary interface.  This does not include the SQL interface to
the  system  tables.  This  interface  is a  standard  TIM (Table
Interface Module) which is described in the view manager mtb.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

Entry:  ddi_$add_audit_entry

This  entrypoint will  add an  entry into  the system  log table.
This  table  contains  a  record  of  events  which  higher level
software  believes is  significant.  Most  of the  parameters are
free form text and can be defined by higher level software.


declare ddi_$add_audit_entry (char (32), char (*), char (*), char
(*), char (*), fixed bin (35), char (*));

call   ddi_$add_audit_entry  (dd_id,   object_type,  object_name,
operation, comment_text, code, err_msg);


     The id of the data dictionary to be used.  (Input)

     Free form text field describing the type of the object being
     manipulated.   (Input)  This  will  probably  some  standard
     object that is managed by view manager (e.g.  column, table,
     index, etc.).   Only the first  32 characters of  the string
     will be stored in the data dictionary.

     The particular instance of the object being logged.  (Input)
     Only the first 32 characters of the string will be stored in
     the data dictionary.

     This is the operation that has just been formed.  (Input) It
     will  likely   be  something  like   create_index,  open_dd,
     grant_privilege, etc.   Only the first 32  characters of the
     string will be stored in the data dictionary.

     Any  arbitrary string  of text  which further  describes the
     operation.   (Input) Only  the first  500 characters  of the
     string will be stored.

     Standard error code.  (Output)

     Additional information if error.  (Output)

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Entry:  ddi_$add_comment

This entrypoint  will add a comment  to a table or  column.  If a
comment already exists for that  table or column, the new comment
will replace  the old.  A  blank comment will  delete the comment
entry for the table or column.   If the comment string exceed 500
characters, only the first 500 will be stored.


declare  ddi_$add_comment entry  (char (32), char  (*), char (*),
char (*), char (10), fixed bin (35), char (*));

call  ddi_$add_comment (dd_id,  table_name, column_name, comment,
version, code, err_msg);


     The identifier of the data dictionary to use.  (Input)

     The table the comment will be applied to.  (Input)

     The  column  in  the  table  which  th  comment  applies to.
     (Input).  If blank, the comment is for the table itself.

     The comment.  (Input).  Only the  first 500 characters of it
     will be stored.

     The version number of the comment.  (Input)

     Standard error code.  (Output)

     Additional information if error.  (Output)

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

Entry:  ddi_$add_synonym

This entry will  add a synonym to the  data dictionary.  The user
must have add_synonym privilege.   Synonyms must be unique within
a data dictionary.


declare  ddi_$add_synonym entry  (char (32), char  (*), char (*),
fixed bin (35), char (*));

call  ddi_$add_synonym  (dd_id,  table_name,  synonym_name, code,


     The identifier of the data dictionary to be used.  (Input)

     The name of the table to be synonymed.  (Input)

     The synonym for that table.  (Input)

     Standard error code.  (Output)

     Additional information if error.  (Output)

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Entry:  ddi_$add_table

This entrypoint adds  a table to the data  dictionary.  A call to
this  entrypoint  will  fail if  the  user does  not  have enough
privilege to add a table to the data environment.


declare ddi_$add_table (char (*), ptr, fixed bin (35), char (*));

call ddi_$add_table (table_name, table_info_ptr, code, err_msg);


     The table to add to the  data dictionary.  It must be unique
     in the data environment.

     Pointer  to the  table info structure  describing the table.
     See ddi_$get_table_info for the structure definition

     Standard error code.

     Additional information if error.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

Entry:  ddi_$close_dictionary

This  entrypoint will  close the  data dictionary,  releasing all
temporary structures needed by the ddi.  Once the data dictionary
is closed, no further references to it can be made.


declare  ddi_$close_dictionary (char  (32), fixed  bin (35), char

call ddi_$close_dictionary (dd_id, code, err_msg);


     The identifier of the data dictionary to user.  (Input) This
     must  identify a  data dictionary which  has previously been

     Standard error code.  (Output)

     Additional information if error.  (Output)

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Entry:  ddi_$create_index

This entrypoint will create an index using the given columns.

USAGE:   declare ddi_$create_index  entry (char  (32), ptr, fixed
bin (35), char (*));

call   ddi_$create_index  (dd_id,   create_index_info_ptr,  code,


     The identifier of the data dictionary to use.  (Input)

     Pointer to  the structure defining the  index to be created.
     (Input).  The create index structure look like this:
          1 create_index_info based (create_index_info_ptr),
            2 version char (8),
            2 index_name char (32),
            2 table char (32),
            2 number_of_columns fixed bin (35),
            2             columns             (0            refer
            create_index_info.number_of_columns) char (32);

          The version number of the structure.

          The name of the index to be created.

          The table the index is to be created on.

          The number of columns in the index.

          An array containing the names  of the columns making up
          the index.

     Standard error code.  (Ouput)

     Additional information if error.  (Output)

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

Entry:  ddi_$delete_audit_trail

This entrypoint is  used to delete entries from  the system audit
trail  table.   Currently, the  only  way to  delete  audit trail
entries is  by date-time.  All  audit entries that  were enter on
that date-time or before are  removed from the audit table.  This
entrypoint is the only way to remove audit trail entries when the
audit table becomes too large.  It is anticipated that it will be
used infrequently.


declare ddi_$delete_audit_trail (char (32),  char (8), char (10),
fixed bin (35), char (*));

call ddi_$delete_audit_trail (dd_id, date, time, code, err_msg);


     The identifier of the data dictionary to be used.  (Input)

     The date  before which entries are  to be deleted.  (Input).
     The date must be a character string in the form "MM/DD/YY".

     The time  before which entries are  to be deleted.  (Input).
     The time must be a character string in the form "HH:MM:SS.T"

     Standard error code.  (Output)

     Additional information if error.  (Output)

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Entry:  ddi_$drop_index

This  entrypoint  is  used  to  remove  an  index  from  the data
dictionary.  The user must have index permission on the table and
the entry must exist in the data dictionary.


declare  ddi_$drop_index (char  (32), char (32),  fixed bin (35),
char (*));

call ddi_$drop_index (dd_id, index_name, code, err_msg);


     The identifier of the data dictionary to use.  (Input)

     The name of the index to be dropped.  (Input)

     Standard error code.  (Output)

     Addition information if error.  (Output)

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

Entry:  ddi_$drop_synonym

This entrypoint removes a synonym  from the data dictionary.  The
synonym  must  exist  and the  user  must have  the  drop synonym


declare ddi_$drop_synonym  (char (32), char (*),  fixed bin (35),
char (*));

call ddi_$drop_synonym (dd_id, synonym_name, code, err_msg);


     The identifier of the data dictionary to use.  (Input)

     The synonym to drop.  (Input)

     Standard error code.  (Output)

     Additional information if error.  (Output)

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Entry:  ddi_$drop_table

This  entrypoint will  delete a  table from  the data dictionary.
The user must have enough privilege to drop the named table.

USAGE  declare ddi_$drop_table  (char (*),  fixed bin  (35), char

call ddi_$drop_table (table_name, code, err_msg);


     The table to be deleted.

     Standard error code.

     Additional information if error.  (Output).

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

Entry:  ddi_$get_table_info

This  entrypoint  will  return   information  associated  with  a
particular table.


declare  ddi_$get_table_info  entry  (char (32),  char  (*), ptr,
fixed bin (35), char (*));

call  ddi_$get_table_info   (dd_id,  table_name,  table_info_ptr,
code, err_msg);


     The id of the data dictionary to be used.  (Input)

     The  name  of the  table for  which information  is desired.

     Pointer  to the  table info  structure.  (Input).   The data
     returned depends on  whether the table is a  base table or a
     view.  See below for structure definition.

     Standard error code.  (Output)

     Additional information if error.  (Output)

If the object being looked up is a table, the following structure
is returned:

dcl 1 vm_table_desc aligned,
     2 version char (8),
     2 type fixed bin unaligned,
     2 mbz bit (18) unaligned,
     2 dd_path char (168) unaligned,
     2 unique_table_id char (15),
     2 permissions,
          3 select bit (1) unaligned,
          3 insert bit (1) unaligned,
          3 delete bit (1) unaligned,
          3 update bit (1) unaligned,
          3 alter bit (1) unaligned,

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

          3 index bit (1) unaligned,
          3 null bit (1) unaligned,
          3 unused bit (30) unaligned,
     2 table_path char (168) unaligned,
     2 table_man_name char (32) unaligned,
     2 reference_name char (32) unaligned,
     2 name char (32) unaligned,
     2 number_columns fixed bin (17) unaligned,
     2       column_info       (vtd_number_of_columns       refer
     (vm_table_desc.number_columns)) aligned,
          3 c_name char (32) unaligned,
          3 c_descriptor bit (36) aligned,
          3 null_values_sw bit (1) unaligned,
          3 c_permissions,
               4 update bit (1) unaligned,
          3 mbz bit (34) unaligned;

Where the fields in the structure are defined as follows:

     Version number of the structure.

     The  type of  the structure.   Possible values  are 1  for a
     table and 2 for a view.

     The pathname of the data dictionary containing the table.

     Unique table identifier used to  determine if the table info
     has been modified since cql was generated using this table.

     The permissions the user has  to the table.  "1"b means that
     the user has  the privilege.  "0"b means that  the user does
     not have the privilege.

     The absolute pathname where the table resides.

     Name of the table manager for this table.

     Reference name for table.

     The actual name of the table.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

     The number of columns in the table.

     The name of a table column.

     The Multics descriptor of the column's data type.

     On if null values are allowed for the column.

     On if update privilege is allowed on the column.

If the object is a view, the following structure is returned:

dcl 1 vm_view_desc aligned,
     2 version char (8), /* Current version */
     2 type fixed bin unaligned, /* 2 = view */
     2 mbz bit (18) unaligned, /* Unused */
     2 dd_path char (168) unaligned, /* Dictionary path */
     2 unique_view_id  char (15), /* Unique  view identifier used
     2 permissions, /* ON = Permission allowed
          3 select bit (1) unaligned,
          3 insert bit (1) unaligned,
          3 delete bit (1) unaligned,
          3 update bit (1) unaligned,
          3 alter bit (1) unaligned,
          3 index bit (1) unaligned,
          3 null bit (1) unaligned,
          3 unused bit (30) unaligned,
     2 number_of_columns fixed bin,
     2       column_info       (vvd_number_of_columns       refer
     (vm_view_desc.number_columns)) aligned,
          3 view_name char (32) unaligned,
          3 base_column_name char (32) unaligned,
          3 base_name char (32) unaligned,
          3 c_permissions,
               4 update bit (1) unaligned,
               4 pad bit (35) unaligned;
     2 select_cql aligned,
          3 cql_length fixed bin (35) aligned,
          3         cql_data         (vvd_cql_length        refer
          (vm_view_desc.select_cql.cql_length) fixed bin (35));

Where the fields are defined as follows:

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

     Version number of the structure.

     The  type of  the structure.   Possible values  are 1  for a
     table and 2 for a view.

     The pathname of the data dictionary containing the view.

     Unique view  identifier used to determine  if the table info
     has been modified since cql was generated using this view.

     the permissions the  user has to the view.   "1"b means that
     the user has  the privilege.  "0"b means that  the user does
     not have the privilege.

     The number of columns in the view.

     Name of the column in the view.

     Name of the column in the base table or view.

     Name of the base table or view.

     If on, the user has update permission on the column.

     The length of the select cql in words.

     Cql which defines the view.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

Entry:  ddi_$link

This entrypoint  is used to  link to a  object in a  foreign data
dictionary.  The ddi will check  all access on the foreign object
and will not link to it  unless the user has proper privileges on
the object  and the data  dictionary.  Any object  in the foreign
data dictionary's table namespace may  be linked to.  A link does
not  create an  entry for the  object in the  data dictionary but
merely  a pointer  to the definition  of the  foreign object.  In
addition  to privileges  to access  the foreign  object, the user
must have "link" privilege on the object.


declare  ddi_$link entry  (char (32),  char (32),  char (*), char
(32), fixed bin (35), char (*));

call ddi_$link (dd_id,  link_name, foreign_dd, object_name, code,


     The identifier of the data dictionary to be used.  (Input)

     The link name to be  entered in the current data dictionary.
     (Input).   This   name  must  be  unique   within  the  data
     dictionary's table namespace.

     The  Multics  pathname  of   the  foreign  data  dictionary.
     (Input).  This  is the dictionary which  contains the object
     being linked to.

     The object  in the foreign data  dictionary being linked to.

     Standard error code.  (Output)

     Additional information if error.  (Output)

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Entry:  ddi_$lock

This entrypoint will  lock the data dictionary so  that it cannot
be  read  or written  by  other users.   Until the  dictionary is
unlocked  by  the  user, it  will  be unavailable.   If  the data
dictionary is already locked by another user, the entrypoint will
wait  lock_wait_time milliseconds  before giving  up the attempt.
If  lock_wait_time  is -1,  the entrypoint  will wait  forever if
necessary.  If the dictionary is  already locked by the user, the
dictionary will remain  locked and a non-zero error  code will be
returned.   If the  dictionary is locked  by a  dead process, the
dictionary  will be  lock by the  user and a  non-zero error code


declare  ddi_$lock (char  (32), fixed  bin (35),  fixed bin (35),
char (*));

call ddi_$lock (dd_id, lock_wait_time, code, err_msg);


     The identifier of the data dictionary to use.  (Input)

     The amount of  time to wait before the  locking operation is
     considered to  have failed.  (Input).  Until  this amount of
     time  has passed,  the locking  operation will  wait for the
     data dictionary to become unlocked by other processes.

     Standard error code.  (Output)

     Additional information if error.  (Output)

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

Entry:  ddi_$modify_table

This entrypoint  will modify an existing  table definition in the
data  dictionary.   It will  replace the  current data  with that
contained  in  the info  structure.   The user  must  have enough
privilege to modify the table.


declare  ddi_$modify_table (char  (*), ptr, fixed  bin (35), char

call   ddi_$modify_table   (table_name,   table_info_ptr,   code,


     The name of the table to be modified.

     Pointer   to   the   table   information   structure.    See
     ddi_$get_table_info for the structure definition.

     Standard error code.

     Additional information if error.

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Entry:  ddi_$open_dictionary

This  entrypoint  must  be   called  before  any  operations  are
performed  on  a  data  dictionary.  The  user  must  have access
permission  on the  data dictionary  in order  to open  it.  This
entrypoint will ready  the data dictionary for future  use by the
user's process.


declare  ddi_$open_dictionary entry  (char (*),  char (32), fixed
bin (35), char (*));

call ddi_$open_dictionary (dd_pathname, dd_id, code, err_msg);


     The Multics pathname of  the data dictionary.  (Input).  The
     pathname must describe a valid data dictionary.

     The identifier that will be used in all future references to
     the  data  dictionary.   (Input/Output).    It  may  be  any
     sequence  of  ascii characters.   It must  be unique  in the
     sense that there must be  no other data dictionaries open in
     the process  with that name.   If dd_id is  blank, ddi_ will
     generate a unique name and return it to the user.

     Standard error code.  (Output)

     Additional information if error.  (Output)

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

Entry:  ddi_$reset_column_privilege

This entrypoint will revoke update  privilege to a specified user
on a column.   The user calling this entrypoint  must have enough
privilege to grant  update on the column.  If  the user had grant
with  grant  permission,  any  other  user  who  he  granted  the
permission to will also have the permission revoked.


declare ddi_$reset_column_privilege  (char (32), char  (32), char
(32), char (32), fixed bin (35), char (*));

call ddi_$reset_column_privilege (dd_id, table_name, column_name,
user_name, code, err_msg);


     The identifier of the data dictionary to use.  (Input)

     The name  of the table which  contains the column.  (Input).
     This table must  be within the table name  space of the data

     The  column to  which privilege is  being revoked.  (Input).
     This must be a valid column within "table_name".


     The user  having "update" privilege  revoked.  (Input).  The
     name  must   be  a  valid   Multics  user-id  of   the  form
     person.project.tag.  Starnames are permitted.

     Standard error code.  (Output)

     Additional information if error.  (Output)

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Entry:  ddi_$reset_dd_privilege

This entrypoint will revoke privileges to a specified user on the
data  dictionary.   The user  calling  this entrypoint  must have
enough privilege to grant the  requested privileges.  If the user
had  grant  with  grant  privilege,  any  other  user  he granted
privilege to will also have it revoked.


declare ddi_$reset_dd_privilege  (char (32), char  (32), bit (36)
aligned, fixed bin (35), char (*));

call ddi_$reset_dd_privilege (dd_id, user_name, privileges, code,


     The identifier of the data dictionary to use.  (Input)

     The user having the  privileges revoked.  (Input).  The name
     must   be   a   valid    Multics   user-id   of   the   form
     person.project.tag.  Starnames are permitted.

     The  privileges to  be revoked.   (Input).  See  the "Notes"
     section below.

     Standard error code.  (Output)

     Additional information if error.  (Output)


The bits in the privileges bit string mean the following:

dcl 1 privileges aligned based,
     2 access bit (1) unaligned,
     2 administrator bit (1) unaligned,
     2 create_synonym bit (1) unaligned,
     2 create_tablespace bit (1) unaligned,
     2 create_view bit (1) unaligned,
     2 deregister_link bit (1) unaligned,
     2 deregister_table bit (1) unaligned,

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

     2 drop_synonym bit (1) unaligned,
     2 drop_tablespace bit (1) unaligned,
     2 drop_view bit (1) unaligned,
     2 register_link bit (1) unaligned,
     2 register_table bit (1) unaligned,
     2 null bit (1) unaligned,
     2 mbz bit (23) unaligned;


The structure  elements correspond to privileges.   If the bit is
on, the privilege is being revoked.

     The user may access the data dictionary.

     The user is a data dictionary administrator.

     The user may create a synonym in the data dictionary.

     The user may create a new tablespace in the data dictionary.

     The user may create a view in the data dictionary.

     The user may remove a link from the data dictionary.

     The user may remove the registration of a foreign table from
     the data dictionary.

     The user may drop a synonym from the data dictionary.

     The user may drop a tablespace from the data dictionary.

     The user may drop a view from the data dictionary.

     The user may create a link to another data dictionary.

     The  user  may  register  a  foreign  table  into  the  data

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

     The user has no permissions to the data dictionary.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

Entry:  ddi_$reset_table_privilege

This entrypoint will  revoke privileges to a specified  user on a
table in  the data dictionary.  The  user calling this entrypoint
must  have enough  privilege to revoke  the requested privileges.
If the user had grant with grant privilege, any other granted the
privilege by them will also have it revoked.


declare  ddi_$reset_table_privilege (char  (32), char  (32), char
(32), bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35), char (*));

call    ddi_$reset_tablespace_privilege    (dd_id,    table_name,
user_name, privileges, code, err_msg);


     The identifier of the data dictionary to use.  (Input)

     The  table  to  which  the  privileges  are  being  revoked.

     The user having the  privileges revoked.  (Input).  The name
     must   be   a   valid    Multics   user-id   of   the   form
     person.project.tag.  Starnames are permitted.

     The  privileges to  be revoked.   (Input).  See  the "Notes"
     section below.

     Standard error code.  (Output)

     Additional information if error.  (Output)


The bits in the privileges bit string mean the following:

dcl 1 privileges aligned based,
     2 select bit (1) unaligned,
     2 alter bit (1) unaligned,
     2 delete bit (1) unaligned,

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

     2 index bit (1) unaligned,
     2 insert bit (1) unaligned,
     2 update bit (1) unaligned,
     2 null bit (1) unaligned,
     2 mbz bit (32) unaligned;


The structure  elements correspond to privileges.   If the bit is
on, the privilege is revoked.

     The user is allowed to select rows from the table.

     The  user  is allowed  to alter  the characteristics  of the

     The user is allowed to delete rows from the table.

     The user is allowed to add indices to the table.

     The user is allowed to add new rows to the table.

     The user is allowed to modify columns in the table.

     The user has no permissions to the tablespace.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

Entry:  ddi_$reset_tablespace_privilege

This entrypoint will  revoke privileges to a specified  user on a
tablespace  in  the  data  dictionary.   The  user  calling  this
entrypoint  must have  enough privilege  to revoke  the requested
privileges.   If  the user  had grant  with grant  privilege, any
other user he granted the privilege to will also have it revoked.


declare  ddi_$reset_tablespace_privilege  (char (32),  char (32),
char (32), bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35), char (*));

call  ddi_$reset_tablespace_privilege   (dd_id,  tablespace_name,
user_name, privileges, code, err_msg);


     The identifier of the data dictionary to use.  (Input)

     The  tablespace to  which the privileges  are being revoked.

     The user having the  privileges revoked.  (Input).  The name
     must   be   a   valid    Multics   user-id   of   the   form
     person.project.tag.  Starnames are permitted.

     The  privileges to  be revoked.   (Input).  See  the "Notes"
     section below.

     Standard error code.  (Output)

     Additional information if error.  (Output)


The bits in the privileges bit string mean the following:

dcl 1 privileges aligned based,
     2 alter_tablespace bit (1) unaligned,
     2 create_table bit (1) unaligned,
     2 drop_table bit (1) unaligned,

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

     2 null bit (1) unaligned,
     2 mbz bit (32) unaligned;


The structure  elements correspond to privileges.   If the bit is
on, the privilege is revoked.

     The user may change the quota allowed in the tablespace.

     The user may create tables in the tablespace.

     The user may drop tables  in the tablespace.  They must also
     have correct privilege on the table they wish to drop.

     The user has no permissions to the tablespace.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

Entry:  ddi_$set_column_privilege

This entrypoint  will grant update privilege  to a specified user
on a column.   The user calling this entrypoint  must have enough
privilege to grant update on the column.


declare  ddi_$set_column_privilege  (char (32),  char  (32), char
(32), char (32), bit (1), fixed bin (35), char (*));

call  ddi_$set_column_privilege (dd_id,  table_name, column_name,
user_name, with_grant, code, err_msg);


     The identifier of the data dictionary to use.  (Input)

     The name  of the table which  contains the column.  (Input).
     This table must  be within the table name  space of the data

     The  column to  which privilege is  being granted.  (Input).
     This must be a valid column within "table_name".


     The  user being  granted "update"  privilege.  (Input).  The
     name  must   be  a  valid   Multics  user-id  of   the  form
     person.project.tag.  Starnames are permitted.

     If "1"b,  the user is  allowed to grant  update privilege on
     the column to others.  (Input)

     Standard error code.  (Output)

     Additional information if error.  (Output)

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Entry:  ddi_$set_dd_privilege

This entrypoint will grant privileges  to a specified user on the
data  dictionary.   The user  calling  this entrypoint  must have
enough privilege to grant the requested privileges.


declare  ddi_$set_dd_privilege  (char (32),  char (32),  bit (36)
aligned, bit (1), fixed bin (35), char (*));

call   ddi_$set_dd_privilege   (dd_id,   user_name,   privileges,
with_grant, code, err_msg);


     The identifier of the data dictionary to use.  (Input)

     The user  being granted the privileges.   (Input).  The name
     must   be   a   valid    Multics   user-id   of   the   form
     person.project.tag.  Starnames are permitted.

     The  privileges to  be granted to  user_name.  (Input).  See
     the "Notes" section below.

     If  "1"b, the  user is  allowed to  grant the  privileges to
     others.  (Input)

     Standard error code.  (Output)

     Additional information if error.  (Output)


The bits in the privileges bit string mean the following:

dcl 1 privileges aligned based,
     2 access bit (1) unaligned,
     2 administrator bit (1) unaligned,
     2 create_synonym bit (1) unaligned,
     2 create_tablespace bit (1) unaligned,
     2 create_view bit (1) unaligned,

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

     2 deregister_link bit (1) unaligned,
     2 deregister_table bit (1) unaligned,
     2 drop_synonym bit (1) unaligned,
     2 drop_tablespace bit (1) unaligned,
     2 drop_view bit (1) unaligned,
     2 register_link bit (1) unaligned,
     2 register_table bit (1) unaligned,
     2 null bit (1) unaligned,
     2 mbz bit (23) unaligned;


The structure  elements correspond to privileges.   If the bit is
on, the user is granting that privilege.

     The user may access the data dictionary.

     The user is a data dictionary administrator.

     The user may create a synonym in the data dictionary.

     The user may create a new tablespace in the data dictionary.

     The user may create a view in the data dictionary.

     The user may remove a link from the data dictionary.

     The user may remove the registration of a foreign table from
     the data dictionary.

     The user may drop a synonym from the data dictionary.

     The user may drop a tablespace from the data dictionary.

     The user may drop a view from the data dictionary.

     The user may create a link to another data dictionary.

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

     The  user  may  register  a  foreign  table  into  the  data

     The user has no permissions to the data dictionary.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

Entry:  ddi_$set_table_privilege

This entrypoint  will grant privileges  to a specified  user on a
table in  the data dictionary.  The  user calling this entrypoint
must have enough privilege to grant the requested privileges.


declare  ddi_$set_table_privilege  (char  (32),  char  (32), char
(32), bit (36) aligned, bit (1), fixed bin (35), char (*));

call ddi_$set_tablespace_privilege (dd_id, table_name, user_name,
privileges, with_grant, code, err_msg);


     The identifier of the data dictionary to use.  (Input)

     The  table  to  which  the  privileges  are  being  granted.

     The user  being granted the privileges.   (Input).  The name
     must   be   a   valid    Multics   user-id   of   the   form
     person.project.tag.  Starnames are permitted.

     The  privileges to  be granted to  user_name.  (Input).  See
     the "Notes" section below.

     If  "1"b, the  user is  allowed to  grant the  privileges to
     others.  (Input)

     Standard error code.  (Output)

     Additional information if error.  (Output)


The bits in the privileges bit string mean the following:

dcl 1 privileges aligned based,
     2 select bit (1) unaligned,

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

     2 alter bit (1) unaligned,
     2 delete bit (1) unaligned,
     2 index bit (1) unaligned,
     2 insert bit (1) unaligned,
     2 update bit (1) unaligned,
     2 null bit (1) unaligned,
     2 mbz bit (32) unaligned;


The structure  elements correspond to privileges.   If the bit is
on, the user is granting that privilege.

     The user is allowed to select rows from the table.

     The  user  is allowed  to alter  the characteristics  of the

     The user is allowed to delete rows from the table.

     The user is allowed to add indices to the table.

     The user is allowed to add new rows to the table.

     The user is allowed to modify columns in the table.

     The user has no permissions to the tablespace.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

Entry:  ddi_$set_tablespace_privilege

This entrypoint  will grant privileges  to a specified  user on a
tablespace  in  the  data  dictionary.   The  user  calling  this
entrypoint  must  have enough  privilege  to grant  the requested


declare ddi_$set_tablespace_privilege (char (32), char (32), char
(32), bit (36) aligned, bit (1), fixed bin (35), char (*));

call   ddi_$set_tablespace_privilege   (dd_id,   tablespace_name,
user_name, privileges, with_grant, code, err_msg);


     The identifier of the data dictionary to use.  (Input)

     The  tablespace to  which the privileges  are being granted.

     The user  being granted the privileges.   (Input).  The name
     must   be   a   valid    Multics   user-id   of   the   form
     person.project.tag.  Starnames are permitted.

     The  privileges to  be granted to  user_name.  (Input).  See
     the "Notes" section below.

     If  "1"b, the  user is  allowed to  grant the  privileges to
     others.  (Input)

     Standard error code.  (Output)

     Additional information if error.  (Output)


The bits in the privileges bit string mean the following:

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

dcl 1 privileges aligned based,
     2 alter_tablespace bit (1) unaligned,
     2 create_table bit (1) unaligned,
     2 drop_table bit (1) unaligned,
     2 null bit (1) unaligned,
     2 mbz bit (32) unaligned;


The structure  elements correspond to privileges.   If the bit is
on, the user is granting that privilege.

     The user may change the quota allowed in the tablespace.

     The user may create tables in the tablespace.

     The user may drop tables  in the tablespace.  They must also
     have correct privilege on the table they wish to drop.

     The user has no permissions to the tablespace.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

Entry:  ddi_$unlink

This entrypoint will remove a link from the data dictionary.  The
entrypoint  cannot  be used  to  drop objects,  it only  works on
links.    To   use   this   entrypoint   the   user   must   have
"deregister_link"  privilege on  the data  dictionary.  Note that
anything in any  data dictionary that uses the  link will also be


declare ddi_$unlink entry (char (32),  char (32), fixed bin (35),
char (*));

call ddi_$unlink (dd_id, link_name, code, err_msg);


     The identifier of the data dictionary to use.  (Input)

     The name of the link to be removed.  (Input)

     Standard error code.  (Output)

     Additional information if error.  (Output)

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Entry:  ddi_$unlock

This  entrypoint  is  used  to unlock  a  previously  locked data
dictionary.  Once a data dictionary  is unlocked, it is available
for use by  other users.  If this entrypoint is  called on a data
dictionary that  is already unlocked, the  dictionary will remain
unlocked and an error code returned.


declare ddi_$unlock (char (32), fixed bin (35), char (*));

call ddi_$unlock (dd_id, code, err_msg);


     The identifier of the data dictionary to use.  (Input)

     Standard error code.  (Output)

     Additional information if error.  (Output)

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

                           Appendix B

This appendix  describes the system tables  available in the data
dictionary.  The implementation of  these tables will most likely
be  done  with  some  form   of  relational  data  manager.   The
descriptions presented here will be the actual definitions of the
tables.   That  is,  they  might  map  directly  into  a relation
definition in a cmdb source segment.

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Table:  Audit trail table

Name:   system_audit_

This table  contains an audit  trail of actions  performed by the
view manager  software.  It is  free form in the  sense that view
manager can insert an entry any  time that it feels a significant
event  has occurred.   Access to this  table should  only be done
through system software.  This table may be viewed by anyone with
"select" privilege on system_audit_.


object_type - char (32)
     The type of  the object to which the  comment applies.  This
     may include  the type view, table,  column, data dictionary,
     or any other type which higher level software defines.

object_name - char (32)
     The name of the object to which the comment applies.

operation - char (32)
     The operation  applied to the object.   This will be defined
     by  higher level  software but  may include  update, select,
     create, etc.

comment - char (500)
     Any  arbitrary  text that  higher  level software  wishes to
     apply to the audit entry.

person_id_entering - char (22)
     The personid  of the user  who entered the  audit entry into
     the table.

project_id_entering - char (9)
     The projectid of  the user who entered the  audit entry into
     the table.

tag_entering - char (1)
     The  tag of  the user who  entered the audit  entry into the

time_entered - char (10)
     The time the audit entry was entered into the audit table.

date_entered - char (8)
     The date the audit entry was entered into the table.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

dd_version - char (8)
     The version number of the  system software putting the entry
     into the table.

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Table:  System security information for columns

Name:   system_column_security_

This  table   contains  all  the  privileges   set  in  the  data
environment for  columns.  This table overrides  the more general
information  kept in  the table  security table.  Administrator's
privilege  is  independent  of  the privileges  recorded  in this
table.  The rules governing additions  and deletion to this table
are  those of  the SQL  grant and  revoke requests.   Whether the
addition or  change is permitted depends  on the current contents
of the set of security tables.  Anyone with "select" privilege on
system_column_security_ can read the table.


table_name - char (32) - first field of unique key
     The table  which the security information  applies to.  This
     must be a valid table or view in the data environment.

column_name - char (32) - second field of unique key
     The column which the  security information applies to.  This
     must be a valid column in the named table.

person_id - char (22) - third field of unique key
     The personid of the  userid the security information applies
     to.  This can be *.

project_id - char (9) - fourth field of unique key
     The projectid of the userid the security information applies
     to.  This can be *.

tag - char (1) - fifth field of unique key
     The  tag  field  of  the Multics  userid  that  the security
     information applies to.  It may be any legal value and *.

update_privilege - char (5)
     Defines  whether  the  userid  has update  privilege  on the
     column.  This is in addition to any privilege the userid may
     have  on the  table.  Possible  values are  "yes", "no", and
     "grant".  If it is "grant",  the userid has update privilege
     and can grant this privilege to others.

null_privilege - char (5)
     Defines whether  the userid has no  privilege on the column.
     Possible  values are  "yes" and  "no".  This  overrides more
     general privilege in the same way that Multics acls do.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

person_id_entering - char (22)
     The personid of the user who entered the security entry into
     the table.

project_id_entering - char (9)
     The  projectid of  the user  who entered  the security entry
     into the table.

tag_entering - char (1)
     The tag of the user who  entered the security entry into the

time_entered - char (10)
     The time the security entry was entered into the table.

date_entered - char (8)
     The date the security entry was entered into the table.

dd_version - char (8)
     The version number of the  system software putting the entry
     into the table.

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Table:  Column definition table

Name:   system_columns_

This table  contains the definition  of all columns  known in the
data environment.  There  is one entry in it  for every column in
every table or view in the data environment.  Columns residing in
links  are not  kept in  this table.   Every column  in any given
table or  view must be unique.   This table may be  viewed by any
user  with "select"  privilege on system_columns_.   The table is
modified  whenever any  user creates  or drops  a table,  adds an
index  to  a table,  or adds  a column  to a  table.  There  is a
companion  table,  system_columns_binary_, which  contains binary
information about each column.


column_name - char (32) - first field of unique key
     The  name  of  a  column  in a  table.   This  name  must be
     different from every other column in that table.

table_name - char (32) - second field of unique key
     The table  in which the  column is defined.   The table name
     must be a valid table or view in the data environment.

data_type - char (32)
     The data type  of the column.  This may be  any of the valid
     data types allowed by the view manager.

data_length - fixed bin (35)
     The length of the data field.  Note that this column may not
     be meaningful if the data type implies a single length.

indexed - char (3)
     Defines whether the column is  indexed or not.  The value of
     this column can be either "yes" or "no".

null_allowed - char (3)
     Defines  whether  the  column  can  contain  a  null  value.
     Possible values are "yes" or "no".

person_id_entering - char (22)
     The personid of  the user who entered the  column entry into
     the table.

project_id_entering - char (9)
     The projectid of the user  who entered the column entry into
     the table.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

tag_entering - char (1)
     The tag  of the user  who entered the column  entry into the

time_entered - char (10)
     The time the column entry was entered into the table.

date_entered - char (8)
     The date the column entry was entered into the table.

dd_version - char (8)
     The version number of the  system software putting the entry
     into the table.

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Table:  Column binary data definition table

Name:   system_columns_binary_

This  is  the companion  table  to system_columns_.   It contains
binary information needed by  view manager to completely describe
a  column.   There is  one entry  in  it for  every entry  in the
system_columns_ table.  The contents of  this table are driven by
the requirements of view manager.   Changing the contents of this
table requires the same privileges as for system_columns_.


column_name - char (32) - first field of unique index
     The  name  of  a  column  in a  table.   This  name  must be
     different from every other column in that table.

table_name - char (32) - second field of unique index
     The table  in which the  column is defined.   The table name
     must be a valid table or view in the data environment.

column_descriptor - bit (36)
     The  Multics  descriptor of  the data  type for  the defined

null_value_info_offset - fixed bin (35)
     Used by view manager.

person_id_entering - char (22)
     The personid of  the user who entered the  column entry into
     the table.

project_id_entering - char (9)
     The projectid of the user  who entered the column entry into
     the table.

tag_entering - char (1)
     The tag  of the user  who entered the column  entry into the

time_entered - char (10)
     The time the column entry was entered into the table.

date_entered - char (8)
     The date the column entry was entered into the table.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

dd_version - char (8)
     The version number of the  system software putting the entry
     into the table.

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Table:  Comments on data environment objects

Name:   system_comment_

This table contains user comments on the objects contained in the
data  dictionary.  This  includes comments on  tables, views, and
attributes.  The  comment can be any  textual description.  It is
intended that this will be used to describe what data environment
objects are.  A comment can be added to an object if the user has
"alter"  privilege on  the table the  comment refers  to.  If the
object is a column, the user  must have "alter" on the containing
table.  A user can read the  comment if he has "select" privilege
on system_comment_.


table_name - char (32) - first column of unique index
     The name of the table to which the comment applies.  It must
     be a valid table or view in the data environment.

column_name - char (32) - second column of unique index
     The  name of  the column to  which the  comment applies.  It
     must be a valid column in the table named by "table_name" or
     blank if the comment applies to the table as a whole.

comment - char (500)
     Any comment supplied by the user.

comment_version - char (10)
     The version number of the comment.  This column is free text
     to  be  supplied  by   higher  level  software  (i.e.   view

person_id_entering - char (22)
     The personid  of the user  who entered the  comment into the

project_id_entering - char (9)
     The projectid of  the user who entered the  comment into the

tag_entering - char (1)
     The tag of the user who entered the comment into the table.

time_entered - char (10)
     The time the comment was entered into the comment table.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

date_entered - char (8)
     The date the comment was entered into the table.

dd_version - char (8)
     The version number of the  system software putting the entry
     into the table.

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Table:  System  security  information  for  the  data  dictionary

Name:   system_dictionary_security_

This table  contains all the privileges  which are independent of
any  particular  table, view,  or column.   They, in  effect, are
privileges  associated with  the data  dictionary interface.  The
rules governing  additions and deletions to  this table are those
of the  SQL grant and  revoke requests.  Whether  the addition or
change  is  permitted  depends  on the  current  contents  of the
system_dictionary_security_   table.     Anyone   with   "select"
privilege on system_dictionary_security_ can read the table.


person_id - char (22) - first field of unique key
     The personid of the  userid the security information applies
     to.  This can be *.

project_id - char (9) - second field of unique key
     The projectid of the userid the security information applies
     to.  This can be *.

tag - char (1) - third field of unique key
     The  tag  field  of  the Multics  userid  that  the security
     information applies to.  It may be any legal value and *.

access_privilege - char (5)
     Defines   whether  the   userid  has  access   to  the  data
     dictionary.  Possible  values are "yes",  "no", and "grant".
     If it is "grant", the userid has administrator privilege and
     can grant this privilege to others.

administrator_privilege - char (5)
     Defines  whether the  userid has  administrator privilege on
     the data  dictionary interface.  Possible  values are "yes",
     "no",  and  "grant".   If  it  is  "grant",  the  userid has
     administrator  privilege  and  can grant  this  privilege to

create_synonym_privilege - char (5)
     Defines whether  the userid has  create_synonym privilege on
     the data  dictionary interface.  Possible  values are "yes",
     "no", and "grant".

create_tablespace_privilege - char (5)
     Defines whether  the userid has  create_tablespace privilege

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

     on  the  data  dictionary  interface.   Possible  values are
     "yes", "no", and "grant".

create_view_privilege - char (5)
     Defines whether the userid  has create_view privilege on the
     data dictionary interface.  Possible values are "yes", "no",
     and "grant".

deregister_link_privilege - char (5)
     Defines whether the userid  has deregister_link privilege on
     the data  dictionary interface.  Possible  values are "yes",
     "no", and "grant".

deregister_table_privilege - char (5)
     Defines whether the userid has deregister_table_privilege on
     the data  dictionary interface.  Possible  values are "yes",
     "no", and "grant".

drop_synonym_privilege - char (5)
     Defines whether the userid has drop_synonym privilege on the
     data dictionary interface.  Possible values are "yes", "no",
     and "grant".

drop_tablespace_privilege - char (5)
     Defines whether the userid  has drop_tablespace privilege on
     the data  dictionary interface.  Possible  values are "yes",
     "no", and "grant".

drop_view_privilege - char (5)
     Defines whether  the userid has  drop view privilege  on the
     data dictionary interface.  Possible values are "yes", "no",
     and "grant".

register_link - char (5)
     Defines  whether the  userid has  register_link privilege on
     the data  dictionary interface.  Possible  values are "yes",
     "no", and "grant".

register_table - char (5)
     Defines whether  the userid has  register_table privilege on
     the data  dictionary interface.  Possible  values are "yes",
     "no", and "grant".

     Defines  whether  the  user  has no  privilege  on  the data
     dictionary.  This will override  a more general privilege in
     the  same  way that  Multics acls  do.  Possible  values are
     "yes" and "no".

person_id_entering - char (22)
     The personid of the user who entered the security entry into
     the table.

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

project_id_entering - char (9)
     The  projectid of  the user  who entered  the security entry
     into the table.

tag_entering - char (1)
     The tag of the user who  entered the security entry into the

time_entered - char (10)
     The time the security entry was entered into the table.

date_entered - char (8)
     The date the security entry was entered into the table.

dd_version - char (8)
     The version number of the  system software putting the entry
     into the table.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

Table:  External links

Name:   system_links_

This table will define the set  of external tables and views.  An
external table or view is one which is not defined in the current
data  dictionary.  The  foreign table can  also be  a link.  Much
like a Multics  link, it is merely a reference  to where the real
table or view can be found.  Through a link, a user can reference
data in another data environment.  Any operation done to the link
affect only the link itself, not the foreign table.  For example,
granting  select privilege  only allows a  user to  use the like.
For  actual  data  to be  retrieved,  the user  must  have select
privilege in the foreign data  dictionary.  The link table may be
read by anyone with  "select" privilege on system_links_.  Adding
a link  requires "register" privilege.  Dropping  a link requires
"unregister" privilege.


link_name - char (32) - unique index
     The name of the link.  There must be no other links, tables,
     or views with the same name.

foreign_data_dictionary - char (500)
     The data  dictionary that contains the  foreign table.  This
     column will contain its Multics pathname.

foreign_table - char (32)
     The name of the foreign table or view.

person_id_entering - char (22)
     The  personid  of the  user  who entered  the link  into the

project_id_entering - char (9)
     The  projectid of  the user  who entered  the link  into the

tag_entering - char (1)
     The tag of the user who entered the link into the table.

time_entered - char (10)
     The time the link was entered into the link table.

date_entered - char (8)
     The date the link was entered into the table.

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

dd_version - char (8)
     The version number of the  system software putting the entry
     into the table.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

Table:  User defined synonyms

Name:   system_synonym_

This table is  used to hold all the  synonym definitions that are
valid within the data environment defined by the data dictionary.
A synonym  is an alternate  name for a table.   The synonym table
may be used by anyone with "select" privilege on system_synonym_.
To add a  synonym to the synonym table, a  user requires the "add
synonym"  privilege on  the data dictionary.   Dropping a synonym
requires "drop synonym" privilege.  Each  synonym in the table is
available  to any  user.  Each synonym  in the table  must have a
unique name.


synonym - char (32) - unique index
     The name of the synonym.

table - char (32)
     The name  of the table  to which the  synonym refers.  Table
     must be a valid table or view name in the data environment.

person_id_entering - char (22)
     The personid  of the user  who entered the  synonym into the

project_id_entering - char (9)
     The projectid of  the user who entered the  synonym into the

tag_entering - char (1)
     The tag of the user who entered the synonym into the table.

time_entered - char (10)
     The time the synonym was entered into the synonym table.

date_entered - char (8)
     The date the synonym was entered into the table.

dd_version - char (8)
     The version number of the  system software putting the entry
     into the table.

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Table:  System security information for tablespaces

Name:   system_tablespace_security_

This  table   contains  all  the  privileges   set  in  the  data
environment   for  tablespaces.    Administrator's  privilege  is
independent of the privileges recorded  in this table.  The rules
governing additions and  deletion to this table are  those of the
SQL grant and revoke requests.  Whether the addition or change is
permitted depends on the current  contents of the set of security
tables.       Anyone      with     "select"      privilege     on
system_tablespace_security_ can read the table.


tablespace_name - char (32) - first field of unique key
     The  tablespace which  the security  information applies to.
     This must be a valid column in the named table.

person_id - char (22) - second field of unique key
     The personid of the  userid the security information applies
     to.  This can be *.

project_id - char (9) - third field of unique key
     The projectid of the userid the security information applies
     to.  This can be *.

tag - char (1) - fourth field of unique key
     The  tag  field  of  the Multics  userid  that  the security
     information applies to.  It may be any legal value and *.

     Defines whether the userid has alter_tablespace privilege on
     the  tablespace.   Possible  values  are  "yes",  "no",  and
     "grant".   If it  is "grant", the  user has alter_tablespace
     privilege and can grant that privilege to others.

     Defines whether the userid has create_table privilege on the
     tablespace.  Possible values are "yes", "no", and "grant".

     Defines whether  the userid has drop_table  privilege on the
     tablespace.  Possible values are "yes", "no", and "grant".

null_privilege - char (5)
     Defines  whether   the  userid  has  no   privilege  on  the
     tablespace.   Possible  values  are  "yes"  and  "no".  This

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

     overrides  more  general  privilege  in  the  same  way that
     Multics acls do.

person_id_entering - char (22)
     The personid of the user who entered the security entry into
     the table.

project_id_entering - char (9)
     The  projectid of  the user  who entered  the security entry
     into the table.

tag_entering - char (1)
     The tag of the user who  entered the security entry into the

time_entered - char (10)
     The time the security entry was entered into the table.

date_entered - char (8)
     The date the security entry was entered into the table.

dd_version - char (8)
     The version number of the  system software putting the entry
     into the table.

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Table:  System security information for tables

Name:   system_table_security_

This  table   contains  all  the  privileges   set  in  the  data
environment on tables and views.  The only privileges not in this
table   are   those   the   Administrator  has   because   he  is
Administrator.   The  rules governing  additions and  deletion to
this  table  are  those of  the  SQL grant  and  revoke requests.
Whether  the  addition  or  change is  permitted  depends  on the
current  contents  of the  set of  security tables.   Anyone with
"select" access on system_table_security_ can read the table.


table_name - char (32) - first field of unique key
     The table  which the security information  applies to.  This
     must be a valid table or view in the data environment.

person_id - char (22) - second field of unique key
     The personid of the  userid the security information applies
     to.  This can be *.

project_id - char (9) - third field of unique key
     The projectid of the userid the security information applies
     to.  This can be *.

tag - char (1) - fourth field of unique key
     The  tag  field  of  the Multics  userid  that  the security
     information applies to.  It may be any legal value and *.

select_privilege - char (5)
     Defines  whether  the  userid  has select  privilege  on the
     table.  Possible values are "yes", "no", and "grant".  If it
     is "grant",  the userid has  select privilege and  can grant
     this privilege to others.

insert_privilege - char (5)
     Defines  whether  the  userid  has insert  privilege  on the
     table.  Possible values are "yes", "no", and "grant".

delete_privilege - char (5)
     Defines  whether  the  userid  has delete  privilege  on the
     table.  Possible values are "yes", "no", and "grant".

update_privilege - char (5)
     Defines  whether  the  userid  has update  privilege  on the
     table.  Possible values are "yes", "no", and "grant".

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

alter_privilege - char (5)
     Defines whether the userid has alter privilege on the table.
     Possible values are "yes", "no", and "grant".

index_privilege - char (5)
     Defines whether the userid has index privilege on the table.
     Possible values are "yes", "no", and "grant".

link_privilege - char (5)
     Defines whether the userid has  link privilege on the table.
     Possible values are "yes", "no", and "grant".

null_privilege - char (5)
     Defines whether  the userid has  no privilege on  the table.
     This privilege overrides more  general privilege in the same
     way  that  a  specific  Multics null  acl  overrides  a more
     general one.  Possible values are "yes" and "no".

person_id_entering - char (22)
     The personid of the user who entered the security entry into
     the table.

project_id_entering - char (9)
     The  projectid of  the user  who entered  the security entry
     into the table.

tag_entering - char (1)
     The tag of the user who  entered the security entry into the

time_entered - char (10)
     The time the security entry was entered into the table.

date_entered - char (8)
     The date the security entry was entered into the table.

dd_version - char (8)
     The version number of the  system software putting the entry
     into the table.

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Table:  Tables defined in data environment

Name:   system_tables_

This  table  contains  the  definition of  every  table  and view
defined  in the  current data environment.   Excluding links, any
table  not  defined here  is  not accessible  to the  user.  This
table,  along  with  its  companion  table  system_tables_binary_
completely defines every table in the data environment.  Adding a
table requires "add_table" privilege.   Dropping a table requires
"drop_table"  privilege.   Changing rows  in this  table requires
appropriate  privileges on  the table  name being  modified.  The
table  can   be  read  by  anyone   with  "select"  privilege  on


table - char (32) - unique index
     This is the name of a  table in the data environment.  There
     must be no other tables, views, or links with the same name.

table_type - char (5)
     The  type  of  the table.   This  can be  either  "table" or

table_path - char (500)
     The  Multics  pathname of  the  table.  This  column defines
     where the table is physically  stored in the Multics storage
     system.  This must be a valid Multics pathname.

table_manager - char (32)
     The  entryname  of the  module  which will  be used  by view
     manager to access the table and the data it contains.

number_of_columns - fixed bin (35)
     The number of columns which the table contains.

table_version - char (10)
     The version number  of the table.  This column  is free text
     to be supplied by higher level software.

person_id_entering - char (22)
     The personid  of the user  who entered the  table entry into
     the table.

project_id_entering - char (9)
     The projectid of  the user who entered the  table entry into
     the table.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

tag_entering - char (1)
     The  tag of  the user who  entered the table  entry into the

time_entered - char (10)
     The time the table entry was entered into the table.

date_entered - char (8)
     The date the table entry was entered into the table.

dd_version - char (8)
     The version number of the  system software putting the entry
     into the table.

MTB 645                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Table:  Binary information description of tables

Name:   system_tables_binary_

This table is the companion table to system_tables_.  It contains
binary data needed by the view manager on each table.  Data in it
is not  in human readable  form.  The contents of  this table are
driven  by the  requirements of  the view  manager.  Changing the
contents  of  this  table  requires the  same  privileges  as for


table - char (32) - unique index
     The name of a table in  the data environment.  There must be
     a corresponding entry in system_tables_.

unique_identifier - bit (36)
     The Multics unique file identifier.

sel_statement_offset - fixed bin (35)
     Used by view manager.

data_space_size - fixed bin (35)
     The size of the data space; used by view manager.

data_space - char (4096)
     Binary data; used by view manager.

person_id_entering - char (22)
     The personid  of the user  who entered the  table entry into
     the table.

project_id_entering - char (9)
     The projectid of  the user who entered the  table entry into
     the table.

tag_entering - char (1)
     The  tag of  the user who  entered the table  entry into the

time_entered - char (10)
     The time the table entry was entered into the table.

date_entered - char (8)
     The date the table entry was entered into the table.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 645

dd_version - char (8)
     The version number of the  system software putting the entry
     into the table.