MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN MTB-646 To: MTB Distribution From: Gary C. Dixon Date: December 19, 1983 Subject: Command Argument Processing (CAP): An Overview This MTB introduces Command Argument Processing (CAP), a facility: for providing command interfaces which are friendlier to use; for simplifying the coding of command-level interface routines (commands, active functions, subsystem requests and active requests, I/O modules, and exec_coms); and for standardizing argument handling. The full implementation of the facility includes: forms interfaces to commands, exec_coms, subsystem requests, etc; command line completion capabilities; and prompting for omitted arguments. This MTB discusses the problems with current interfaces, gives requirements for a solution to solve these problems, and presents a possible solution. Implementation details will be described in subsequent MTBs, after discussion of this MTB produces an agreed upon set of requirements. Comments on this MTB should be placed in the ease_of_use forum on System M: >udd>m>Davids>mtgs>ease_of_use (eou) or directed by Multics mail to: System M: GDixon.Multics MIT: GDixon -at pco or by phone to: Gary Dixon HVN: 357-6645 DDD: 602-862-6645 _________________________________________________________________ Multics Project internal working documentation. Not to be reproduced or distributed outside the Multics Project. MTB-646 CAP: Overview CONTENTS Page 0 Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 Problem: Multics is Unfriendly . . . . . . . . . 2 1.1 Multics, Unfriendly to End-Users . . . . . . 2 1.2 Multics, Unfriendly to Programmers . . . . . 3 1.3 Is there a Solution? . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.4 CAP is Only Part of the Solution . . . . . . 5 2 CAP Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.1 Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.2 Requirements for CAP . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3 Possible Design for CAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.1 User Interfaces and Operating Environments . 9 3.2 Overview of the Design . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.3 Operational Scenarios and Flow of Control . 12 3.3.1 Command Line- No Options : Interactive- Command Level . . . . . . . . . 12 3.3.2 Command Line- With Prompting : Interactive- Command Level . . . . . . . . . 14 3.3.3 Command Line- With Completion : Interactive- Command Level . . . . . . . . . 14 3.3.4 Form : Interactive- Command Level . . 16 3.3.5 Command Line- With Options : Interactive- ssu_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 3.3.6 Form : Interactive- ssu_ . . . . . . . 20 3.3.7 Form : Interactive- Xservices . . . . 20 3.3.8 Command Line or Form : Keyword Syntax- archive, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.3.9 Command Line or Form : Keyword Syntax- exec_com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.3.10 Command Line or Form : Keyword Syntax- io_call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.3.11 Command Line : Subroutines- iox_ . . 25 3.3.12 Command Line : Other Subroutines . . 26 3.3.13 Command Line- No Options : Absentee Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.4 Common Aspects of the Flow of Control . . . 26 3.5 Online Documentation from the BID Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.6 The CAP Translation Mechanism . . . . . . . 28 3.6.1 Goals for Translation . . . . . . . . . 29 BID Should Be an Object Segment . 29 CAP: Overview MTB-646 CONTENTS (cont) Page Translation Mechanism Should be Simple to Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Programs Using CAP Should Be Easy to Understand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 The Translation Mechanism Should Be Simple to Code . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 3.6.2 Possible Translation Mechanisms . . . . 30 Design 1: Separate Source and Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Design 2: Integrated Source and Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Other Designs . . . . . . . . . . 34 3.6.3 How Translation Works for Programs . . 34 3.6.4 How Translation Works for Exec_coms . . 36 3.6.5 Detecting a CAP Interface . . . . . . . 36 3.7 Support for Existing Programs . . . . . . . 37 3.7.1 How Translation Works for Existing Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 3.7.2 Detecting a CAP Interface for Existing Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 3.8 A Sample CAP Program . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 4 Other Possible Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 4.1 The Stratus Interface . . . . . . . . . . . 45 4.1.1 Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 4.1.2 Critique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 4.2 The process_arguments_ Interface . . . . . . 48 4.2.1 Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 4.2.2 Critique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4.3 The Ford Clic Interface . . . . . . . . . . 51 4.3.1 Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 4.3.2 Critique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 5 Questions for the Technical Review . . . . . . . 55 6 Other Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 6.1 Foreign Language Support . . . . . . . . . . 56 6.2 Novice vs. Expert Users . . . . . . . . . . 58 6.3 Interacting with New Error Reporting Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 7 Future Development Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 CAP: Overview MTB-646 0 PREFACE This MTB is being written to introduce various possibilities for enhancing the Multics command interface. Possible enhancements include a forms interface, as well as ease-of-use additions to our current command line interface (prompting for missing arguments, and automatic completion of partially typed words in the command line). The interface enhancements might be used in a variety of operating environments, including commands and exec_coms used at command level, subsystem requests and exec_coms, I/O module interfaces, and the proposed Xservices environment. Initial investigation indicates that such enhancements must be carefully designed to properly integrate them with existing Multics software. This MTB does not attempt to present a design for these enhancements. The overall objective of the MTB is to provide information for the Multics MR11/MR12 Technical Review Board, which will judge the merits of command interface enhancements, and decide whether such enhancements should be pursued further. Specific objectives include: o Defining the audience to which command interface enhancements are addressed. (Section 2) o Defining the requirements for such enhancements. (Section 2) o Exploring how new command interfaces might interact with the existing Multics environment, highlighting major unresolved issues and design alternatives. (Section 3) o Reviewing other implementations for command interface enhancements. (Section 4) o Outlining a set of issues which should be addressed by the review board. (Section 5) o Defining a plan for future work and resource requirements. (Section 7) In essence, this MTB pulls together much of the preliminary work on command interface enhancements so we can judge how to proceed from here. MTB-646 CAP: Overview 1 PROBLEM: MULTICS IS UNFRIENDLY One of the biggest problems Multics faces today is its unfriendliness. I'm stressing that ugly word "unfriendly" because we must convince ourselves that Multics needs to be friendlier before we can make it so. Here are some of the ways in which Multics is unfriendly. 1.1 Multics, Unfriendly to End-Users Multics has a good reputation as an operating system which allows programmers to be highly productive; but it is fast gaining a bad reputation as a system which is difficult for end users to use. End users are people who want to do a particular job on a computer without becoming computer experts. To such end-users, Multics presents a bewildering number of commands; and many of its most important commands (eg, print, list, dprint or enter_output_request, read_mail and send_mail) are complicated by myriads of control arguments and options. There is little organization of commands (either in the documentation or in the system itself) to guide the user to the command he needs. The Multics system of forcing novice users to construct complex command lines from memory seems a cold and unforgiving world when compared with the command menu hierarchies, built-in prompting and help systems becoming popular on many personal computers FACT: Most user-friendly systems have forms or menu interfaces to the entire system; Multics provides only a menu interface to the xmail subsystem. FACT: The Number One marketing requirement for MR11 is to enhance the Ease of Use of Multics, including such aspects as: prompting techniques for question/answer sessions; menus; forms; decision trees; commands which are consistent in their interactive display, and forgiving in their response to incomplete or erroneous input, which are tutorial in nature when the user is in doubt, instructional when she needs clarification. FACT: Multics has a bewildering array of commands, many of which use differing conventions for processing their arguments, many having overly complex or nonstandard syntax. It is quite difficult for system programmers to keep all of these differences and complexities straight; it is impossible for end users. Why else would the mail CAP: Overview MTB-646 command be used so heavily, three years after read_mail/send_mail was released?(1) If Multics is to survive in the competition for systems serving end-users, we must make our system more friendly, with standard interfaces that guide the user in doing what he wants, self-documenting interfaces that can be used without manuals, simple interfaces that aren't cluttered with myriads of control arguments to confuse the end user. 1.2 Multics, Unfriendly to Programmers Despite its record of high programmer productivity, Multics is also not very friendly to programmers, especially to the application programmer who is trying to interface to users on the Unfriendly System. Today when programmers on other systems are using automatic programming and self-learning systems to write applications, Multics programmers must still do things the hard way. FACT: The new MPM Subroutines (AG94-04) is now 697 pages long (excluding I/O modules). It contains 17 subroutines for pathname manipulation, 52 subroutines for access manipulation, 47 subroutines for segment manipulation, 26 entries for directory manipulation, 18 subroutines for storage management/area manipulation, 16 subroutines for command environment manipulation, more than 60 subsystem management entrypoints, 22 routines dealing with I/O (not counting the 23 I/O module writeups in section 3), 30 error and condition handling subroutines, 37 data conversion subroutines, and the list could go on. The average application program is bewildered by such a vast array of routines. System programmers have difficulty knowing the best way to handle problems from one day to the next, because the vast array above keeps changing. _________________________________________________________________ (1) Even on System M, the use of the mail command is high. Based upon command_usage_count data, the mail command was used 13.7% of the time: mail invocations ------------------------------------------ = .137 rdm + sdm + prm + xmail + mail invocations The use of Emacs MAIL/RMAIL could not be measured, and so it isn't included in the statistics above. MTB-646 CAP: Overview FACT: 25% of the TRs submitted against Multics software(1) are related to simple programming errors in commands, active functions, requests, etc. I'm talking about errors like misspelled control arguments, error messages not identifying the program issuing them, program not agreeing with the documentation, active function results not being properly requoted, old programs not following new standards like implicit archive pathnames, etc. And most of these problems never get fixed because MDC has too few resources to perform maintenance on dormant software (software not under active development). If Multics is to meet its product objectives with high-quality software, and to be able to maintain the ever growing set of software with our limited resources, we've got to make it easier to write user interfaces which perform according to specification, are consistent, and reliable. The system primitives that we have now are not adequate for this task. We need a better way. 1.3 Is there a Solution? The problems described above may seem to have little in common with one another other than "unfriendliness". However, they are all problems associated with creating or using user interfaces. These problems exist because Multics lacks a centralized facility for describing and implementing end-user interfaces. In MTB-623, A Menu Interface for Multics, Noah Davids describes a facility for organizing groups of Multics commands into menus. This Executive Services (or Xservices) facility would provide an alternative to the command line environment, in which the user is presented with a menu of commands instead of having to type the name of the desired command. It could provide environments tailored to a particular type of user (secretary, manager, engineer, mathematician, applications programmer, statistician, etc) who only needs to use a few of the standard commands plus several applications packages. Something like Xservices would solve part of the end user interface problem. However, once a user has selected a command from the Xservices menu, we need user-friendly methods for the command to obtain its input from the user. The "either menu or prompting" facility that Xservices provides is not adequate for many existing commands. Often neither prompting or a menu interface is adequate to specify the needed information _________________________________________________________________ (1) 25% is a conservative guess. CAP: Overview MTB-646 (prompting item-by-item quickly becomes tedious, and menus aren't flexible enough to provide variable inputs like pathnames). Instead, we need a facility which combines the best features of prompting and menus together into a Forms Interface. The displayed form would have fields which the user could fill in with prompt-type information, and mini-menus from which the user could select options grouped together logically by function. A forms interface facility for commands would obtain information about fields and options to be displayed in the form from a command Interface Description. This description would include names of arguments accepted by the command, how each is to be displayed in the form, how prompt fields are to be validated, how arguments are to be converted for use by the program (eg, applying star convention, equals convention, numeric conversion, true/false switch conversion, etc), how results are to be reconverted for printing/return, etc. Multics needs a facility which can map the programmer's description of a command or subsystem request into information needed to display a forms interface, or into standard format documentation for the interface. The same information could be used by a special version of the listener/command_processor to perform command line completion as part of standard command line invocations of the command, and to prompt for required items missing in the command line. Coupled with the interface description facility would be an argument processing facility to handle arguments in a standard way, rather than having the hodge podge of argument handling we have now. The central facility would define and implement "the standard way" of handling arguments, and programmers wouldn't have to worry about such issues. In the same vein, the central facility could implement a generalized mechanism for user and site-settable defaults for control arguments. Multics needs a facility to make it easier to produce high-quality user interfaces which work correctly and reliably, in a user-friendly manner. In short, Multics needs a Command Argument Processing facility (CAP), which is the subject of the remainder of this MTB. 1.4 CAP is Only Part of the Solution Clearly, the problems affecting Multics user friendliness cover a broad area which includes handling of error messages and conditions, user expertise levels, processing of arguments and the user command interface, etc. The CAP proposal below does not address all aspects of the general problem. Instead, it proposes a solution for one aspect of the problem which we understand and MTB-646 CAP: Overview can solve. Other aspects of the general problem are not well understood and will require more investigation before a solution can be proposed. This incremental attack on broad problem is a useful way of tackling a problem which is too large to be understood as a whole. The method involves solving parts of the problem which are understood, then using information gained to try to better understand the remaining parts of the problem. Our current understanding of the overall problem suggests that all aspects of the problem are interrelated and that solutions to the various parts of the problem will have to be integrated into an overall solution at some point. But trying to design an overall solution now is not feasible, given our current limited understanding of the problem. CAP: Overview MTB-646 2 CAP TARGETS Before proposing a solution to the problems above, we need a firmer statement of what the CAP facility must be able to do, and who its intended audience is. The requirements below are probably not complete. I encourage you to suggest other requirements, and to challenge requirements stated below which you feel are inappropriate. 2.1 Audience The features provided by the proposed CAP facility are targeted towards a broad spectrum of users. From the user standpoint, CAP should accommodate: o end-users via the Xservices and forms interfaces, o novice command line users via the command line version of the forms interface, o intermediate level users via forms and prompting, and o expert command line users via command line completion. Note that having various types of user interfaces to match user's experience levels is often advocated in human factors guidelines.(1) This allows users to begin using the system with little instruction (via forms), and then to gradually learn about faster, more direct usage methods as they gain experience and the need arises (via command lines). From a programming standpoint, the CAP facility itself is directed toward both applications and system programmers who want to provide user-friendly interfaces to their programs, interfaces that are easier to program than by current methods, that are less error prone, provide more standard interfaces, and that can interface with the various user levels suggested above without requiring additional programming effort. 2.2 Requirements for CAP The following are a minimum set of requirements for an argument processing facility: _________________________________________________________________ (1) An excellent paper on this subject is: "Human Factors Guidelines for Terminal Interface Design" by D. Verne Morland, CACM Volume 26 Number 7, July 1983, p484. MTB-646 CAP: Overview o End-User interfaces provided by CAP must provide a friendly interface to users at all experience levels. CAP interfaces should support: the current command line interface (for use in exec_com/absentee/abbrevs, and for intermediate and expert users), but with prompting for omitted arguments; a forms interface (for end users and novices); and a command line completion capability (for experts). o The CAP facility must be simple to program with, and much less error prone than existing mechanisms. It must be easy to describe an interface, and to understand and maintain the description and its associated program. o CAP should be useable in application programs written by our customers, as well as in system programs. It should be useable in programs not written in PL/I (eg, Fortran, Cobol, exec_coms). It must be useable in commands, active functions, subsystem requests and active requests, and I/O modules. o CAP interfaces should be upwards compatible with current interfaces. We cannot afford to convert every user interface at once. For conversion purposes, it should be possible to provide features of CAP (eg, forms interface, command line completion, argument validation) without modifying the existing command. Such standalone support is also needed to interface with third party application programs whose code cannot be changed. o It must be possible to implement the CAP facility in stages, with some of the benefits available after a minimal implementation, and other benefits achieved as additional stages are completed. Implementation of CAP will be a large effort, but we need some parts of the solution soon. Several people have suggested that CAP provide a language conversion interface so that command names and arguments could be mapped into other languages (eg, French). While support at the command line level is important, it is only one aspect of the foreign language problem. Other aspects include foreign language output and error messages, and foreign language documentation. While CAP could help in providing foreign language command interfaces, it is not clear whether solving just this part of the overall problem would be a good idea. I'm sure users would be confused by typing commands in French and getting output back in English. o Whatever CAP facility is chosen should provide for a future capability to map command names, argument names and operands into other languages. CAP: Overview MTB-646 3 POSSIBLE DESIGN FOR CAP Next, I'll describe a possible implementation for the CAP facility. The purpose of this description is NOT to propose a design for CAP, although many of the ideas below may be incorporated into a final design. Instead, the description below tries to introduce various aspects of command interface enhancements to enable the reader to become familiar with the topic, and to judge how feasible such enhancements might be, what the benefits and drawbacks are, etc. 3.1 User Interfaces and Operating Environments The targets for CAP mandate that the design for the CAP facility include several different user interfaces: the normal command line interface; a version of the command line interface with optional command line completion(1) or prompting for missing values; and a forms interface. Each of these interfaces is described in more detail in section 3.3 below. In addition, the design allows the facility to operate in several different environments: at command level; within ssu_ subsystems; within the Xservices subsystem; within I/O modules via support in iox_; within exec_coms, and as a subroutine called by an application program. The table below shows which user interfaces the design would support in each environment. Each supported combination of user interface and environment in marked by the number of the section below which describes that combination. _________________________________________________________________ (1) A fairly good description of a completion command processor is given in MTB-586, Online Documentation for Multics, written by Jim Siwila on June 29, 1982. MTB-646 CAP: Overview ___________________________________________________ | COMMAND LINE INTERFACE | FORMS | | | | | INTERFACE | | no options | prompting | completion | | ====================================================================== |INTERACTIVE | | | | | | command level | 3.3.1 | 3.3.2 | 3.3.3 | 3.3.4 | | ssu_ | 3.3.5 | 3.3.5 | 3.3.5 | 3.3.6 | | Xservices | | | | 3.3.7 | |----------------- |------------|-----------|------------|-----------| | KEYWORD SYNTAX | | | | | | archive, etc | 3.3.8 | 3.3.8 | 3.3.8 | 3.3.8 | | exec_com | 3.3.9 | 3.3.9 | 3.3.9 | 3.3.9 | | io_call | 3.3.10 | 3.3.10 | 3.3.10 | 3.3.10 | |----------------- |------------|-----------|------------|-----------| | FROM SUBROUTINES | | | | | | iox_, etc. | 3.3.11 | | | | | other subrs | 3.3.12 | 3.3.12 | 3.3.12 | 3.3.12 | |==================|============|===========|============|===========| |ABSENTEE | | | | | | command level | 3.3.13 | | | | | ssu_ | 3.3.13 | | | | |----------------- |------------|-----------|------------|-----------| | KEYWORD SYNTAX | | | | | | archive, etc | 3.3.13 | | | | | exec_com | 3.3.13 | | | | | io_call | 3.3.13 | | | | |----------------- |------------|-----------|------------|-----------| | FROM SUBROUTINES | | | | | | iox_, etc. | 3.3.13 | | | | | other subrs | 3.3.13 | | | | |__________________|____________|___________|____________|___________| 3.2 Overview of the Design A CAP facility is composed of two separate components: one defines a language with which programmers can describe a program interface; and a second which uses that description to provide a variety of user interfaces to the program. The facility would consist of the following modules: CAP: Overview MTB-646 LANGUAGE COMPONENT: CAP Language: an interface description source language. This is the language with which the programmer describes what arguments are accepted by the command/af/request/etc, what conversions are to be performed on the arguments, what the argument names will be in the program, what order they are to be passed to the command, required and default argument values, etc. cap: a translator for the Source Interface Description (SID) language. The translator converts the source language description of the program interface into binary data tables. These tables form the Binary Interface Description (BID) which drives the argument processing mechanism. USER INTERFACE COMPONENT: cap_: a subroutine interface which uses the BID information to process arguments given by a user in a command or request line, or in a form. This would consist of several different subroutine entrypoints to support the different user interfaces (eg, command processor invocation, forms interface, command line completion, etc). command line completer: a version of the video editor which performs command line completion (on request) of tokens partially typed by the user. Implementation of the facility also requires changes to the following programs: command_processor_: to determine if the command/af has a CAP interface, and if so, to invoke cap_. ssu_: changes similar to command_processor_ causing cap_ to be called for a request having a CAP interface. video system: In addition to changes needed for command line completion, some changes may be needed to support the forms interface for commands. For example, a way is needed for a user to reedit an existing input line after CAP diagnoses it as incorrect. MTB-646 CAP: Overview 3.3 Operational Scenarios and Flow of Control This section attempts to give the reader a better feel for the issues involved in integrating new user interfaces into the command environment. Section 3.1 introduced four possible user interfaces for the CAP facility, and listed a variety of environments in which these interfaces should work. This section outlines how each user interface could work in the various environments. Flow of control diagrams are included to clarify who is calling whom. Note that all of these ideas are sketchy attempts to insure that each user interface could be implemented as part of the proposed design. They do not represent an actual proposal to do it as stated below, but instead are meant stimulate thinking about the types of interactions that occur between the various parts of the command environment. I invite your comments on problems with the proposals below, and on better ways of implementing the user interfaces. Titles for the scenarios in section 3.3 are all of the form: Interface Type : Operating Environment For example, "Command Line- No options : Interactive- Command Level". Refer to the table in section 3.1 for a quick reference list of interfaces/environments which are discussed below. 3.3.1 COMMAND LINE- NO OPTIONS : INTERACTIVE- COMMAND LEVEL This mode of operation represents the command/request line interface we have today, modified to work with CAP interfaces. The flow of control is shown below: _____________ _____________ ________ ___________ | | | command | BID | | | | | listener_ |-->| processor |-------->| cap_ |-->| command | |___________| |___________| found |______| |_________| | ___________ | | | |------------------------->| command | BID not found |_________| The steps involved in calling a command or active function are as follows: CAP: Overview MTB-646 1) The user would type a command line with arguments. 2) The command processor would find the command name, look to see if it has a CAP interface(1) and, if so, would invoke cap_ with the command name typed by the user and the argument list it would normally have passed to the command itself. 3) cap_ would get the description of the command interface (the BID), and parse the arguments given by the user according to this description. Standard error diagnostics would be issued for illegal arguments or syntax. In particular, cap_ would diagnose required arguments which are missing. 4) Once cap_ had parsed the arguments, it would construct a new argument list containing the arguments in the order that their corresponding parameters were defined in the BID. All parameters described by the BID would be represented in the new argument list. Parameters not specified by the user would be assigned default argument values, as indicated by the BID, or perhaps as indicated by a user- or site-settable argument defaulting mechanism. Parameters which allow varying numbers of arguments (such as multiple pathnames given to a single command) would be passed as arrays, or optionally passed one at a time to multiple invocations of the command. 5) cap_ would convert argument values to the data type of their corresponding parameter, as specified by the BID, with some argument validation operations producing error diagnostics. Possible conversions might include: expanding pathnames, applying suffixes, applying star convention, applying equals convention, numeric conversions, numeric range checking, converting mode strings, converting switch control args to bit string values, converting one of a list of possible keywords to a case number, converting date_time_ strings, access modes, etc. In addition, the programmer could specify his own validation/conversion routines, perhaps including use of active functions. 6) After cap_ has constructed the new argument list, it would invoke the command. The command references its arguments via named parameters in its procedure or entry statement. This works since there are always a fixed number of arguments in a fixed order. In essence, the interface to the actual command procedure has become a subroutine interface. _________________________________________________________________ (1) How the command processor determines if the command has a CAP interface is outlined in section 3.4.3 below. MTB-646 CAP: Overview 7) The command can do further parameter checking, and either diagnose errors itself (via com_err_) or return the error information in a string provided by cap_ as part of the calling sequence. The latter method is preferable, because in a forms environment, it allows the user to correct the errors by editing the form rather than having to retype the information. 8) Assuming all parameters are correct, the command performs whatever processing is requested, and returns to cap_ with a 0 error code (indicating successful operation). If this were an active function invocation, the BID would designate one of the parameters as the active function return value and the program would assign its return value to this parameter. 9) Upon return, cap_ would print any error diagnostics. For active function invocations, it would convert any AF return value from the data type associated with the BID-identified procedure parameter back to a character string, and set the AF return value. It would free any storage used for the conversions (including the new arg_list storage), and return to its caller. 3.3.2 COMMAND LINE- WITH PROMPTING : INTERACTIVE- COMMAND LEVEL This is a modified version of the current command processor which would prompt for required parameters when the user forgot to give them. Prompting might be turned on by a value in the user's default value segment, or by an installation parameter, etc. Prompting would only occur for commands and active functions typed at command level (ie, only when the listener called cu_$cp to parse a command line). Commands invoked by some other program calling cu_$cp should not involve prompting since the user has no idea that another command is being used. Implementing this restriction will require modifications to the cu_$cp interface. Steps for processing a command line with prompting are identical to those for the Command Line environment with no options (3.3.1 above) except that in step 3 above, the user would be prompted for information missing from the command line, rather than having missing required parameters be diagnosed as errors. 3.3.3 COMMAND LINE- WITH COMPLETION : INTERACTIVE- COMMAND LEVEL This is a command line interface with argument completion added. As the user was typing a command line, he could ask for help about the command by typing the command line and an escape sequence (eg, ESCx?). Similarly he could ask for information CAP: Overview MTB-646 about a particular parameter. Or he could type part of an argument value followed by an escape sequence (eg, ESCspace), thereby asking that the remainder of the argument be supplied automatically. There are several ways in which a completion command processor could be implemented. Perhaps the most straightforward would be a version of the video system which supported the new escape sequences.(1) Whenever one of the escape sequences was entered, the editor routine bound to the escape sequence would pass the entire command line typed so far, plus information on the cursor position and function desired (eg, help or completion) to a cap_ entrypoint. This entrypoint would parse the command line fragment using the BID, and based upon the cursor position, would then provide help or a completion function on the specified parameter. The command line (perhaps revised by the completion) would be returned to the editor routine, which would make any changes required to the actual command line seen on the screen and return to the video editor. completer _____________ __________________ esc _________________ ____________ | | | iox_$get_line | seq | vid. ed. CAP | | cap_ | | listener_ |-->| (video editor) |----->| completer req |-->| complete | |___________| |________________| |_______________| |__________| | _________________ ____________ | | | vid. ed. CAP | | cap_ | once listener_ |---------------->| help req |-->| help rtn | has read a help esc seq |_______________| |__________| complete line | _____________ ________ ___________ | | command | BID | | | | |------>| processor |-------->| cap_ |-->| command | |___________| found |______| |_________| This process might be repeated several times on the same command line if the user asked for several arguments to be completed, or asked for help on several of the arguments, etc. Once the command line was finally typed in (as indicating by the user typing a newline character), it would be processed via CAP as explained above in 3.3.1. Clearly, there are several optimizations that might be performed to avoid repeated reprocessing of the same command line. However, since a command line completer could be implemented _________________________________________________________________ (1) These could even be implemented as totally separate, user-defined video editor requests. MTB-646 CAP: Overview exactly as described above, we need not concern ourselves with possible performance optimizations here. There are also some problems with the scheme proposed here. For example, the video editor can be used for any type of input, not just typing in command lines. So there would have to be some method of distinguishing between input to the listener_ (command line input) and other types of input. It should also be clear that, once these problems are resolved, both command line completion and prompting for missing arguments could be performed together. 3.3.4 FORM : INTERACTIVE- COMMAND LEVEL This mode of operation is a new type of command interface. It is not a menu, but instead is a display of the arguments and control arguments accepted by the command. One possible forms implementation might begin by displaying the following form: ---- copy (version 1) ---- source_path: ___________________________________________________ target_path: == -acl: no -chase: yes -name: no -long: yes | RETURN | ESCx? | TAB | ESC-TAB | ESC-RETURN | ESCxq | | end input | help | next | prev | invoke | quit | | field | | field | field | command | | The form consists of a title naming the command and its version, followed by a list of arguments to be supplied, shown with default control argument settings. At the bottom of the screen are reminder lines indicating what keystrokes can be used to move through the form. When the form is first displayed, the cursor is positioned at the first field. The user can type in or change the value of that field, or use keystrokes to move to another field. The following keystrokes might be defined: CAP: Overview MTB-646 ESCx? provide information about the field at which the cursor is positioned. Also, ask the user if he wants additional help about the command as a whole or about use of the forms interface. RETURN ends an input field value, and moves the cursor to the next field. ESC-RETURN completes input, and causes the command to be invoked with the argument values currently displayed in the form. TAB moves cursor to the next field. When positioned at the last field, TAB moves the cursor back to the first field. ESC-TAB moves cursor back to previous field. ESCxq quits the forms interface without invoking the command. other characters When positioned at other than a type C argument, causes the typed character to be entered as part of the field value. Input ends for this field when RETURN is typed. The video editor can be used to edit the value being typed. There are (at least) 4 types of arguments which can be displayed in the form: A) required arguments for which there is no default. For example, a pathname. B) required arguments for which a default exists, and is displayed. Arguments such as target_path in the form above are in this category. Its default value is ==. C) Required arguments which accept a small set of predefined values as operands. The default value is displayed, and the user cycles through other possible values by typing any character (other than a control or escape sequence). An example is "-long: yes" or "-sort: names". One enhancement would be to add an escape sequence to display a pop-up menu of the choices allowed (for multi-valued arguments). This would give the user a chance to position to a particular value and use ESCx? to get information about that value. MTB-646 CAP: Overview When the cursor was positioned in this type of argument, the reminder line might be of the form: | n | p | m | ESCx? | TAB | ESC-TAB | ESC-RETURN | ESCxq | | next | prev | value | help | next | prev | invoke | quit | | value | value | menu | | field | field | command | | and when the pop-up menu was on display, it might be: | n | p | RETURN | ESCx? | TAB | ESC-TAB | ESC-RETURN | ESCxq | | next | prev | select | help | next | prev | invoke | quit | | value | value | value | | field | field | command | | D) Optional arguments which the user can give to supply a value. An example would be the -select argument of display_list. The interface described above is very similar to that used by Stratus for their forms command interface. It is an example of what might be done. Remember that the purpose of analyzing argument processing with various interfaces and environments is to determine what functionality an argument processor must provide to operate correctly with these interfaces/environments. The flow of control is very similar to that for the normal command interface, except that cap_ displays a form and the user provides command arguments by filling in the form: _____________ _____________ ________ ___________ | | | command | BID | | | | | listener_ |-->| processor |-------->| cap_ |-->| command | |___________| |___________| found |______| |_________| / _____________________/ ___________ / ___________ ______________ _________________ | display | | user fills | | build arglist | | form |-->| in form |-->| from form | |_________| |____________| |_______________| The following steps might be used in processing a form to invoke a command: 1) The forms interface might be invoked in any of several ways. In the Stratus system, the user indicates that he wants a forms invocation by typing the command name and then hitting a special DISPLAY-FORM function key. We might use that approach, but it would require that the command processor CAP: Overview MTB-646 run in breakall mode, and function keys don't go well with video editor escape sequences. However, a new escape sequence could be added to the video editor to request that a forms interface be used if any exists. The video editor would have to pass this forms information along to the command processor. Alternately, if the user types "command_name -form", cap_ could use -form as a trigger for the forms interface. Or there could be an option in the value segment which asks that a form be displayed if the user types the name of a command without any arguments. As a fourth alternative, there could be a special cap_ entrypoint that could be called by a menu application such as Xservices to trigger the forms interface. 2) Once the cap_ forms entry was called, it would display a form using the information in the binary interface description (BID). cap_ might not display the entire description. Some arguments might be marked in the BID for nondisplay (eg, debugging arguments). Or some might be marked with a user experience level which is compared with the user's actual experience level (a variable in his value segment) to determine if the field should be displayed. 3) Once the form was filled out (ie, the use hit ESC-RETURN to invoke the command), cap_ would extract information from the form and would construct an argument list, as described in 3.3.1 above for the command line interface, steps 4 and 5. 4) cap_ would call the command as in section 3.3.1, step 6 above. The command would perform its function as in steps 7 and 8 above, and would return any error diagnostics to cap_ as in step 9. 5) If error diagnostics were returned by the command, cap_ would display them below the form, position to the argument in error and allow the user to edit the argument. The user could optionally quit rather than editing by use of an escape sequence. If she chose to edit, she would then hit the INVOKE escape sequence following editing to cause the command to be reinvoked with the edited value. Of course, both the sample form and the processing scenario above are only possibilities. But several problems remain unanswered. For example, at what point (and by what mechanism) does the form get cleared from the screen so the command can display its output? The whole issue of the forms interfaces must be discussed in more detail in a separate MTB. MTB-646 CAP: Overview 3.3.5 COMMAND LINE- WITH OPTIONS : INTERACTIVE- SSU_ This interface is the standard ssu_ request line interface, modified to support command line completion and prompting for missing arguments. Since ssu_ uses the command processor and a version of the listener_ to process request lines, the modifications suggested in 3.3.1, 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 above apply equally well to ssu_. 3.3.6 FORM : INTERACTIVE- SSU_ This mode of operation would provide a new type of interface to ssu_ subsystems. Each subsystem whose requests had CAP interfaces would accept a standard -forms control argument (similar to the standard -abbrev control arg). When -forms was given, then ssu_ would present a menu of request names (similar to the list printed by the ? request). When the user selected a request, ssu_ would call cap_ to display the request's form using information in the BID. Once the form was display, processing would continue as for the command level forms interface described in 3.3.4 above. 3.3.7 FORM : INTERACTIVE- XSERVICES One interesting enhancement to Noah David's Xservices proposal is to give the commands invoked from the Xservices main menu CAP forms interfaces. In the same way that the CAP/ssu_ interface provides a menu of requests and a forms interface to each request, so a CAP/Xservices interface would provide a menu of commands, and (for some of the commands) a forms interface to each command. In this case, Xservices would determine that the command selected by menu option has a CAP interface, and call cap_ to display a form for the command interface. Processing of the form could occur as suggested in section 3.3.4 above. Flow of control is shown below: CAP: Overview MTB-646 _____________ _____________ ___________ | | menu option gives | | | | | XServices |------------------->| cap_$form |-->| command | |___________| command name |___________| |_________| / _________________/ ___________ / ___________ ______________ _________________ | display | | user fills | | build arglist | | form |-->| in form |-->| from form | |_________| |____________| |_______________| 3.3.8 COMMAND LINE OR FORM : KEYWORD SYNTAX- ARCHIVE, ETC Rather than describing another combination of interface and operating environment, this section describes how CAP would handle another type of command syntax, the keyword-driven syntax of the archive, tape_archive, manage_volume_pool, window_call, mrds_call, dial_manager_call, memo and other similar commands. All of these commands have a basic syntax of the form: command_name function_keyword {arguments} where the particular arguments and control arguments which can follow the function_keyword depend upon the value of the keyword. To provide a CAP interface, the BID would contain a table of accepted function keywords, and for each function keyword it would define an acceptable command syntax, arguments and control arguments. The BID information fits the command line interface described in sections 3.3.1, 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 in an obvious way. Since the keyword appears in the command line before other arguments and control arguments, cap_ can validate the function keyword and parse the remainder of the command line (or prompt for missing values or perform command line completion) based upon the keyword value. For the forms interface described in section 3.3.4, the form would initially display just the keyword argument (perhaps with a default keyword and its operands). When the user specified (or changed) the keyword, then the remainder of the form would be filled in (or redisplayed) to reflect the syntax for the given function. Once the form was filled in, processing would proceed as in section 3.3.4 above. MTB-646 CAP: Overview 3.3.9 COMMAND LINE OR FORM : KEYWORD SYNTAX- EXEC_COM The exec_com is an important type of command interface, so important that in MTB-612, Greg Baryza proposes to modify the command processor to have exec_com files treated as commands. For many applications, an exec_com can provide satisfactory performance. However, the exec_com argument interface oftens leaves much to be desired, since it is difficult to do non-positional argument processing in an exec_com. I propose to use the CAP command line and forms interfaces for processing arguments to exec_com files. This can be done simply because the exec_com command is quite similar in syntax to the keyword-driven commands described in the previous section: ec exec_com_file_path {ec_args} or with Baryza's changes: exec_com_file_path {ec_args} The first form is quite similar to the keyword-driven syntax of the archive command, except that instead of accepting a canned list of keywords defined in the BID, the exec_com command uses a searching mechanism (via exec_com search paths) to locate exec_com files. The same search mechanism could be used to check for a BID associated with the exec_com file, and to use information in the BID to validate arguments to the exec_com, prompt for missing arguments and perform command line completion, and even to display a forms interface for the exec_com. With a capability in cap_ to search for the exec_com file's BID, parsing of a command line can proceed as in sections 3.3.1, 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 above. Processing of a form can proceed as in section 3.3.4. It is important to note that, whether command line or forms interface is used, the end result is that the exec_com file gets invoked with a fixed number of positional arguments which it references by number. All of this could be done without changing the exec_com command at all. With only a small change to the exec_com command, the programming interface for exec_coms could be improved even further. cap_ could call a new entrypoint in the exec_com command, passing both the reordered argument list and an array of parameter names from the BID. exec_com could preset the value for each named parameter to be the corresponding argument in the arg list, thus allowing the exec_com file to reference its parameters by name (eg, &(path)) rather than by number. This would give the flow of control shown below: CAP: Overview MTB-646 exec_com _____________ _____________ BID ________ ec file ________________ | | | command | found | | BID found | | | listener_ |-->| processor |------->| cap_ |---------->| exec_com$cap | |___________| |___________| |______| |______________| 3.3.10 COMMAND LINE OR FORM : KEYWORD SYNTAX- IO_CALL The io_call command is an important command level interface to the I/O system. If we are to provide CAP interfaces to I/O modules, then the io_call command should support use of these interfaces from command level. Like the archive command, io_call has a keyword-driven syntax. However, like the exec_com command, this keyword syntax cannot be driven strictly from a list of defined keywords. The syntax also depends upon information provided by each I/O module defining attach, open_file, close_file, detach, modes, position, and control options. In order to provide CAP interfaces via the io_call command, I/O modules will have to be converted to have CAP interfaces. Section 3.3.11 discusses I/O module interfaces in more detail. For now, let's assume there are BIDs describing the various interfaces of an I/O module and see what changes would be needed to support the io_call command. If the BID mechanism can support the interdependencies of the io_call command, it can probably support an arbitrarily complex set of such interdependencies. To accommodate the interdependencies of io_call, we can generalize the keyword syntax mechanism described in sections 3.3.8 and 3.3.9. The general syntax was: <command_name> <function_keyword> {<args>} A | SYNTAX FORK MECHANISM where some forking mechanism is needed to determine what keywords are allowed and the syntax of the remainder of the command line, which depends upon the particular keyword chosen. Information about this syntax is extracted from a BID related to the chosen keyword. For example, with the tape_archive command: tape_archive keyword table_path {args} A | MTB-646 CAP: Overview list of keywords in BID the keyword is any of the allowed archiving functions. Presumably a list of allowed keywords would be defined in the BID for the tape_archive command. Associated with each keyword would be a syntax line: tape_archive x table_path {pathnames} {-control_arg} tape_archive a table_path pathnames {-control_args} tape_archive t table_path {entrynames} {-control_args} ta compact table_path ta alter table_path warning_limit floatnum ta alter table_path volume -number N {new_vol} {-alternate} In fact, the alter keyword takes sub-keywords (eg, warning_limit and volume) which further control the allowed syntax. This points out the need for a multi-level forking mechanism that allows the syntax of the command line to diverge at several points, based upon use of several different keywords or names of exec_com files, etc: <command_name> <forkword> {<args>} {<forkword> {<args>}} ... A A ... |____________________| | MULTIPLE FORKING POINTS This multi-level mechanism is clearly needed for the io_call command, which supports multiple functions (attach, open, position, get_line, put_chars, read, write, control, etc), and also multiple I/O modules with varying attach/open/close/detach descriptions and differing control requests. For example, consider an attachment through mtape_: io attach sw mtape_ m2134 -label ansi | | | |__ attach description based upon mtape_'s BID | |__ forkword from list in io_call's BID CAP: Overview MTB-646 An open_file operation becomes more complex, because the name of the I/O module is no longer contained in the command line. io open_file sw sqo -extend -number 1 -name xyz_file | | | | | |__ allowed modes and remaining syntax from | | I/O module's BID for the open_file handler | | given in the IOCB. | | | |__ list of attached I/O switch names used to | determine which switches can be given. Info | in IOCB used to access I/O module's BID. | |__ forkword from list in io_call's BID Thus with an adequate forking mechanism in the BID, it appears that the io_call command could be supported by CAP without modifications. Once the information is available to parse an io_call command line, prompt for missing arguments, perform completion or display an io_call form, actual processing of the information can proceed as described in sections 3.3.1 through 3.3.4 above. io_call _____________ _____________ BID ________ ___________ ________ | | | command | found | | | | | | | listener_ |-->| processor |------->| cap_ |-->| io_call |-->| iox_ | |___________| |___________| |______| |_________| |______| / _____________________/ ____________ / ___________ ______________ _________________ | display | | user fills | | build arglist | | form |-->| in form |-->| from form | |_________| |____________| |_______________| Form Displayed depends upon Finding I/O Module BID --------------------------- 1) BID found: display full form with all options. 2) BID not found: display brief form with only syntax of the given io_call operation. 3.3.11 COMMAND LINE : SUBROUTINES- IOX_ Picking up where we left off above, the iox_ subroutine checks to see if the I/O Module has a BID, and if so, calls cap_$iox_ to convert the argument list as described in section 3.3.1, steps 3 through 9. MTB-646 CAP: Overview ________ ____________ ______________ | | BID | | | | | iox_ |------->| cap_$iox |--->| I/O Module | |______| found |__________| |____________| | ______________ | | | |--------------------------->| I/O Module | BID not found |____________| 3.3.12 COMMAND LINE : OTHER SUBROUTINES Just as the iox_ subroutine was able to call another subroutine having a CAP interface, an arbitrary subroutine can do so as well. An interfacing subroutine could call cap_ with the name of the target subroutine and an argument list. If fact, the target subroutine could be another entrypoint in the interfacing routine. cap_ would proceed to convert the argument list and call the target routine, as outlined in section 3.3.1, steps 3 through 9. _____________ ________ ___________ | Interface | | | | Target | | Routine |--->| cap_ |--->| Routine | |___________| |______| |_________| 3.3.13 COMMAND LINE- NO OPTIONS : ABSENTEE ENVIRONMENT CAP can work in an absentee environment just as it does in the interactive environment. Of course, in an absentee job, there is no user to prompt, or to use completion or fill in a form. So only the basic CAP command line interface need be supported in the absentee environment. 3.4 Common Aspects of the Flow of Control It should be apparent from the user interface descriptions above that having cap_ process arguments and then call the target program provides an elegant mechanism for turning command interfaces into easier-to-program subroutine interfaces. This flow of data is the CAP-to-program flow. Several other facilities similar to CAP have the command program call the CAP-like facility, with the facility returning information from the command line or form back to the program. This is an awkward flow of control, especially when user interfaces such as command completion and forms come into play. CAP: Overview MTB-646 The flow of control issue is an important one. The CAP-to-program flow is one of the most important characteristics of CAP. It was for this reason that the flow of control scenarios were described in so much detail in section 3.3. Section 4 below will pursue this issue further by examining several alternatives to CAP, comparing the CAP-to-program flow with that of the alternatives. 3.5 Online Documentation from the BID Information We might be able to replace info segments for commands and subroutines having CAP interfaces by a help interface which uses the information in the BID to document the command/subroutine. The user interface would be through the help command: 1) The user types "help command_name" just as she does today. 2) The command processor calls cap_ to process the argument list (since help has a CAP interface). 3) cap_ does processing similar to that described in 3.3.1 above. It finally calls the help command procedure. 4) help calls help_ with the command_name as the help topic to be printed. 5) help_ looks for an actual info segment containing the topic, doesn't find one, uses object search rules to see if the topic represents a command name, and finds that the command has a CAP interface. So help_ calls cap_ to get the binary interface description information and formats it for printing. The information would include most sections that now exist in an info segment (eg, Syntax constructed from the description, plus verbiage for Function, each item in Arguments and Control Arguments, plus Access Required, Notes, and perhaps even Examples). However, there are several problems with this method of online documentation. First is the problem of who controls the content of the online documentation information: the documentation unit or the programmers? Currently, the documentation unit has complete responsibility for the content and formatting of info segments, and no responsibility for the programs themselves. However, if the online documentation information comes from the BID, then the documentation unit would have to gain responsibility over the online documentation portion of the SID/BID, or else relinquish their online documentation responsibilities to the programmer. Neither one of these approaches seems correct. MTB-646 CAP: Overview Second, a method would have to be provided to dprint such online documentation generated directly from the binary interface descriptions. Currently, info segments are directly dprintable from >doc>info, and many people take advantage of this fact by dprinting info segments to act as their hardcopy documentation. Because I haven't found an answer to either of these problems, I suggest using an alternative approach: providing a command to extract the basic syntax information from the BID in the form of a template info segment (actually a template compin segment, since both info segments and manual documentation is produced from the same compin file, under the "single sourcing" policy for documentation). The documentation unit could then fill in information describing the function and arguments. However, even this alternative has problems. It isn't feasible for documentation people to fill in a new template every time a small change is made to a command. If a new argument is added to the command interface, it is much easier to edit the existing compin segment that to fill in a new template compin segment. But by doing so, we lose the direct link between the command syntax defined in the BID and the documented syntax. As a result, I'm not sure how to deal with the online documentation issue. Clearly, we would be no worse off than we are now if we continue creating documentation totally separate from the coding effort. Also, we could easily provide a tool like a super display_entry_point_dcl which display the full syntax of a command, or the declaration and calling sequence of a subroutine. Having this would make it easier for the documentation group to check out the exact calling sequences when it was updating the documentation. Your ideas about how we might take better advantage of the syntax information in the SID/BID in creating documentation would be appreciated. 3.6 The CAP Translation Mechanism Next, I will describe how a source interface description (SID) for a command could be translated into the binary interface description (BID). This description will not deal with the details of a particular CAP description language, since the details of the language are not important at this point in the design process. Before discussing the CAP command itself, let's address the goals of the translation process, itself. CAP: Overview MTB-646 3.6.1 GOALS FOR TRANSLATION Given a SID and a command procedure source program written in PL/I or Fortran, etc, we need to produce a BID translation of the SID which can be referenced efficiently, and an object segment compiled from the command procedure source. We basically have two inputs and two outputs, as shown below: x.pl1 x -------- -------- | | | | | | | | -------- TRANSLATION -------- ====================> x.cap xcap_ -------- -------- | | | | | SID | | BID | -------- -------- BID Should Be an Object Segment Because both the command object segment (x) and the BID are needed at execution time, they should be closely linked in the runtime environment. If they are stored in separate segments, then some naming convention and/or searching convention must be used (and enforced) to ensure that cooperating object segment and BID are found during execution. A simpler way of achieving this linking is to store the BID inside of the command object segment (either by binding a separate BID segment with the command, or by inserting the BID information directly into the text section of the command object segment). Either of these approaches would ensure that equivalent versions of object and BID were used during execution. Of course, storing the binary data in command object segment means that the object segment will probably be somewhat larger than it would otherwise be. However, viewed in terms of paging, there will probably be fewer page faults if the BID is appended to the text section of the object program, rather than being stored in a separate data segment. Segmentation costs would be less, as well. The alternative approach of constructing and maintaining a data base separate from the object segment to hold the BID adds unneeded complexity to any CAP-like proposal. A search mechanism different from object search rules would be needed to find separately-stored BIDs, adding complexity to the runtime environment. And if the BID database were something like a MTB-646 CAP: Overview vfile_ (to reduce segmentation overhead in storageing small BID data segments), then we would need new tools to maintain the BID data base, perform online installations into the database, etc. In fact, we would undoubtedly need many separate data bases, in order to isolate information for PSP programs from one another for separate distribution to customers. So one important goal is that the BID be an object segment, stored with the command object segment, and findable via object search rules. Translation Mechanism Should be Simple to Use Because one of our goals is to make it simpler to write commands using the CAP interfaces, a second goal of the translation mechanism is that it be easy to use. The developer shouldn't have to go through 4 or 5 steps to obtain a working set of modules from his source. From an ease of use standpoint, the ideal translation mechanism would provide a single command that compiled the CAP source and command procedure source, and produced one or two object segments ready for binding and/or unbound execution. Programs Using CAP Should Be Easy to Understand Besides making CAP simple to use, it is important that programs implemented using CAP are easy to understand and to maintain (far easier than could be achieved with our existing command argument mechanisms). Essentially, the CAP language is a high-level language for describing the user interface to a program. To understand what input a CAP command expects and how it operates, the reader must have both the CAP source language description of the interface and the program source. Perhaps the easiest way to make both available is to place both in the program source and in the compilation listing. The Translation Mechanism Should Be Simple to Code When it doesn't conflict with the other goals above, we should choose a design for the translation mechanism which is as simple (quick) to implement as possible. CAP: Overview MTB-646 3.6.2 POSSIBLE TRANSLATION MECHANISMS Design 1: Separate Source and Object Perhaps the simplest mechanism is to store the SID in a segment separate from the command procedure, and have the cap translator generate a CAP object segment which is bindable with the command procedure object segment. The diagram below illustrates this for a PL/I command procedure called x. FULL SERVICE CAP INTERFACE SEPARATE SOURCE & OBJECT, BINDABLE OBJECT bound_x_ bound_x_.s.archive bound_x_.archive x --------------- ------------------- --------------- | | | | | | | x.pl1 | | x | | | | --------- | | --------- | | | | | | | pl1 | |x: | | | x: entry | | | |-------------->| entry | | | | | --------- | | --------- | bind | | | | | |------->| | | x.cap | | xcap_ | | | | --------- | | ------------- | | | | | | | cap | |x_cap_info:| | | x_cap_info: | | | |-------------->| entry | | | entry | | | SID | | | | BID | | | ------- | | --------- | | ------------- | | | BID | | | | | | | ------- | --------------- ------------------- --------------- While the method diagrammed above is simple, the separation of the description of the command procedure makes the code for the total command (SID plus command procedure) harder to understand. The program reader must access two separate segments to understand how the command operates, or must read two separate compilation listings, or two pages on microfiche, etc. Since our goal is to make programs using CAP easier to write and understand, this separation of SID from program is undesirable. Design 2: Integrated Source and Object A more integrated translation mechanism might make it easier to understand and maintain a command interface coded using CAP. Understanding and maintenance would be made easier by including the SID with the PL/I, Fortran, exec_com, etc source for the MTB-646 CAP: Overview command, rather than in a separate file. The interface description would be tied to the program as a whole and would be visible in compilation listings of the program. This integration of source could be achieved by placing the interface description in the program source as a comment. The reduction_compiler uses such a mechanism to tie the reductions to the source program, and the mechanism has proved quite effective. Similarly, the BID could be stored with the command procedure, either by binding it into the same bound segment as shown in the diagram above, or by actually placing the BID into the text section of the command procedure object segment. The diagram below shows what steps could be performed by the cap command to translate the integrated PL/I source and SID for a command procedure into a single, executable object segment. CAP: Overview MTB-646 FULL SERVICE CAP INTERFACE INTEGRATED SOURCE AND OBJECT (ALL of the following steps are done by the cap command) x.pl1.cap x.pl1 x x.list ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- | | | | | | | | |/* | |/* | cap | t e x t | |/* | | ------- | copy | ------- |invokes |-- --- --| | ------- | | | SID | | source | | SID | | pl1 | d e f s | | | SID | | | ------- |-------->| ------- |------->|-- --- --| & | ------- | | | */| to pdir | */| | l i n k | | */| | | | | | |-- --- --| | | | | | | | | s y m b | | | -----|----- ----------- ----------- ----------- | | | | copy SID to pdir merge BID with | | update listing | and expand object segment | | source map; put | CAP includes | | CAP includes | | | in SID listing V x V V ------- cap ------- ----------- ----------- x.list | SID |------------->| BID | | | | | | + | translates ------- | t e x t | |/* | |incls| | ------- | | ------- | ------- | | BID | | | | SID | | | ------- | | | + | | definition for |-- --- --| | |incls| | x_cap_info ep ---->| defs + | | ------- | inserted in defs |-- --- --| | */| | l i n k | | | source map updated |-- --- --| | | to refer to ---->| symb + | | | x.pl1.cap & CAP ----------- ----------- include files The scheme above has the advantages of maintaining the one-to-one correspondence between source segments and resulting object segments; of providing a single source module which includes both the CAP SID and the command procedure program; of providing a single object segment which has a accurate source map referencing all files used in forming the object segment (including CAP include files); of producing a listing which shows the SID with include files expanded, plus the normal program source. The compilation process is a simpler, one-step operation. And because the BID is integrated with the object segment, no additional searching is needed to find the BID once the command procedure is found. The procedure even works for unbound commands. MTB-646 CAP: Overview However, I'm sure some of the difficulties of the scheme above are obvious, as well. The cap command would have to know how to interface with a variety of compilers (eg, pl1, fortran, cobol, etc). It would have to know how to add the BID and update the source map and compiler information to an object segment, and how to insert information about CAP include files into the listing. Making even the smallest change to the SID would require recompiling the PL/I or Fortran procedure as well as the SID itself. All of these factors mean that a cap command supporting a combined source and object translation would be much harder to build and debug than would a command for the separate source and object alternative. Other Designs Of course, other translation mechanisms are possible. A compromise approach might integrate the source but not the object (one source segment compiled by two separate commands, cap and pl1, to produce two separate object segments which are bound together). While this approach is simpler than the fully integrated design, it is harder to use (three commands are involved (cap, pl1 and bind) instead of one or two). Also, SID include files wouldn't be expanded in the pl1 program compilation listing. It is unclear at this point how much we should pay in implementation costs to achieve the benefits of fully-integrated source and object. This is an issue that will be discussed in the technical review. 3.6.3 HOW TRANSLATION WORKS FOR PROGRAMS The basic steps in the translation process for a command procedure are described in more detail below. The mechanism described here is the integrated design diagrammed in section above. 1) The cap command is invoked on a cap source program having a suffix of lang.cap, where lang is the source language in which the command procedure is written (eg, copy.pl1.cap for the copy command). A sample command line for the the copy command might be: cap copy.pl1 -ot -map -table CAP: Overview MTB-646 2) cap looks in copy.pl1.cap for a comment beginning "/*cap " and ending with "end_cap*/". This special comment contains the source language interface description to be translated by cap into a binary interface description. cap translates this interface description, placing it in temporary storage in the process directory. 3) cap then copies copy.pl1.cap into a temp segment in the process directory called copy.pl1, and invokes the PL/I compiler to compile this segment. The object segment is placed in the working directory. This step is similar to what create_data_segment does in compiling a data segment. 4) Once the pl1 command returns, cap checks the compilation severity. If errors occurred during the PL/I compilation, cap stops. 5) If pl1 compiled the program successfully, cap copies the SID from copy.pl1.cap into a temp segment in the process directory, expanding any include files referenced by the SID. It compiles the expanded SID into a BID placed in another temp segment. 6) cap then checks the entrypoint parameter descriptors for the copy entrypoint of the PL/I object segment against the BID to insure that the entrypoint parameters are declared compatibly with binary argument descriptions. The cap translation will fail if incompatible entrypoint parameters are found. 7) cap then appends the BID to the end of the object segment text section, and adds a new definition of this text entrypoint to the definitions section. The entrypoint for the copy command might be called copy.cap_data. It updates the source map for the object segment to include the real pathname for the primary source module, adding any CAP include files referenced by the SID. 8) Finally, it modifies the listing produced by the PL/I compiler to include the complete set of source file pathnames (adding any SID include files), and inserts copies of the SID include files into the SID part of the listing. Note that having the cap command add information to the text section of the command object segment requires that object segment sections following the text section be relocated. It may be possible to incorporate code from the binder to perform this relocation, or to use the proposed Object Utilities (ou_) to do this relocation. MTB-646 CAP: Overview On the other hand, if it is acceptable to use an intermediate approach of integrated source but separate object, such relocation could be handled purely by the binder. In addition, if cap simply created an ALM or CDS source for the BID and then compiled it, then cap would not have to know how to manipulate object segments at all. Such manipulation would instead be done by the alm or create_data_segment compilers, and by the binder. 3.6.4 HOW TRANSLATION WORKS FOR EXEC_COMS The basic steps of the translation process for an exec_com segment would differ from those for programs in that the exec_com segment is interpreted rather than being compiled. Therefore, the BID must be stored separately from the exec_com segment itself. For an exec_com segment: 1) The cap command is invoked on an exec_com source program having a suffix of ec.cap. A sample command line might be: cap 2) cap looks in for a block of comments beginning "&-cap" and ending with &-end_cap. cap translates this interface description, placing it in a permanent segment in the same directory as The segment is called data_file.cap_data. Knowing that the interface is for an exec_com, cap insures that all arguments in the BID have a character string representation suitable for use inside of an exec_com. 3) cap adds the name to, if it is not already there. In fact, it adds names with an ec suffix for each exec_com entrypoint described by the BID. It also adds these names with a cap_data suffix to the data_file.cap_data segment. 3.6.5 DETECTING A CAP INTERFACE When the command processor or other program wants to determine whether a program has a CAP interface, it can call get_entry_arg_descs_$info using a pointer to the program entrypoint to find out how many parameters the entrypoint has. Most existing commands are declared without parameters, but a CAP interface would have many parameters, one for each argument given in the BID. If parameters were present, the command processor could call hcs_$make_ptr to see if command_name$command_name.cap_data existed. If so, it is a CAP interface. CAP: Overview MTB-646 However, if CAP interface detection were integrated into the command processor, then there would have to be a more efficient method of detecting a CAP interface. One simple solution would be to add a CAP bit to the entry sequence flags stored just before the entrypoint. The cap translator could set the flag as part of compiling the SID, and a cap_ subroutine could check the flag setting when given an entry variable identifying the entrypoint in question. For subsystem requests, the subsystem request processor would perform checks similar to those just described for the command processor. The same technique could be used by iox_ when interfacing with I/O modules. For exec_com segments, cap_ could look for a segment called &ec_dir>&ec_name.cap_data. If one is found, the exec_com has a CAP interface. 3.7 Support for Existing Programs Up to now, the discussion in this MTB has centered on how CAP would be used in a totally new program or exec_com, or in a program/exec_com that had been modified to support a CAP interface. However, one of the requirements is to provide CAP interfaces for existing commands or exec_coms without having to modify them. CAP must provide such interfaces because MDC cannot afford to modify all (or even many) of the existing commands, and yet would like to provide CAP interfaces for most of the commands in the MPM Commands manual. CAP should even be able to interface with third party applications programs which cannot be modified (because Honeywell doesn't own the source, etc). The purpose of providing CAP interfaces for existing programs is to allow the features of CAP (command line prompting and completion, and forms) to be used for these existing commands, and to provide standard command line syntax checking for the commands. The flow of control when invoking an existing program which has a CAP interface would be the same as that described for new programs in sections 3.3.1 to 3.3.4, except that instead of changing the data type of arguments in section 3.3.1, steps 4 and 5, cap_ would rebuild the argument list as a standard command/af argument list (char(*) arguments with a char(*) varying AF return value). All arguments in the rebuilt list would appear in a fixed order (as specified in the BID). cap_ would place default argument values into the rebuilt list for control arguments not specified by the user. This would allow defaults to be changed in the SID without having to modify the existing program. MTB-646 CAP: Overview In order to adapt the CAP design to support existing programs, two problems must be solved: o If the integrated source and object method of translation is adopted for CAP, then an alternate method would have to be defined to support existing programs. This is because the integrated method involves compiling a command source program which contains a SID, and inserting the resultant BID into the command object program. However, such compilation/insertion would not be permissable when interfacing with existing programs which could not be modified. o A method would be needed to detect whether an existing program has a CAP interface. Counting the entry parameter descriptors of the existing program wouldn't work, since the entrypoint in the existing command would still be declared options(variable) with no defined arguments. 3.7.1 HOW TRANSLATION WORKS FOR EXISTING PROGRAMS CAP translation for existing programs could be almost identical to the scheme for separate source and object translation described in section The main difference would be that a special keyword would appear in the SID to indicate to cap_ that the target program should be passed a standard command/af argument list. A SID which uses this keyword is called an Existing Program SID (EPSID), and translation of an EPSID produces an EPBID. The translation is diagrammed below. CAP: Overview MTB-646 EXISTING PROGRAM SUPPORT SEPARATE SOURCE & OBJECT, BINDABLE OBJECT bound_x_ bound_x_.s.archive bound_x_.archive x --------------- ------------------- --------------- | | | | | | | x.pl1 | | x | | | | --------- | | --------- | | | | | | | pl1 | |x: | | | x: entry | | | |-------------->| entry | | | | | --------- | | --------- | bind | | | | | |------->| | | x.cap | | xcap_ | | | | --------- | | ------------- | | | | | | | cap | |x_cap_info:| | | x_cap_info: | | | |-------------->| entry | | | entry | | | EPSID | | | | EPBID | | | -------- | | --------- | | ------------- | | | EPBID| | | | | | | -------- | --------------- ------------------- --------------- 3.7.2 DETECTING A CAP INTERFACE FOR EXISTING PROGRAMS The simplest solution for detecting that an existing program has a CAP entrypoint is to set the CAP entry sequence flag (esf) in entrypoints of the existing program object segment. The CAP esf approach was described in section 3.6.5 above. To implement this approach, the object program would have to be available to whatever tool is used to set the CAP esf. Since the binder has access to both the CAP EPBID and to the object program, it seems reasonable to invent a new bindfile control which tells the binder to turn on the CAP esf for a given set of entrypoints. Alternately, the binder could look for BID and EPBID segments, and use information in the BID to determine which set of entrypoints should have their CAP esf turned on. As a debugging aid, we might also provide a tool which would turn on or off the CAP esf for an existing, unbound program. 3.8 A Sample CAP Program To further appraise this proposal, it would be useful to look at a program which uses a CAP interface. What follows is the skeleton of the copy command, showing the sections of the program relating to CAP. The sample of CAP language shown below is not necessarily the language which would be used for CAP, but will give you a feeling for how such language would be used and the MTB-646 CAP: Overview kinds of user interface issues which must be dealt with in a CAP language.(1) _________________________________________________________________ (1) Acknowledgment: the sample language shown below is derived from a language proposed for Ford's Command Line Interface Compiler (CLIC), another CAP-like system written by Jay McFayden et. al. at Ford. CAP: Overview MTB-646 /* *********************************************************** * * * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of * * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. * * * *********************************************************** */ /*cap copy: command synonym (cp) version(1) cap_version(1) language(pl1) arguments (source_path target_path -all -acl -chase -names -long) help ("causes copies of specified segments and multisegment files to be created in the specified directories with the specified names. Access control lists (ACLs) and multiple names are optionally copied."); source_path: group_arg (paths,1) pathname count (1...*) apply_star_convention (files, -chase) help ("pathname of a segment or multisegment file to be copied. The star convention is allowed. The default action of this command when path1 specifies a link is given below in the "Notes" section."); target_path: group_arg (paths,2) pathname count (0...*) apply_equal_convention default (==) help ("pathname of a copy to be created from source_path. If the last target_path argument is not given, the copy is placed in the working directory with the entryname of source_path. The equal convention is allowed."); -all: group_switch_arg true_names (-all, -a) true_help ("copies multiple names and ACLs.") set_true (-acl, -names) form (no); -acl: switch_arg true_names (-acl) true_help ("copies the ACL.") false_names (-no_acl) false_help ("does not copy the ACL.") default (-no_acl); MTB-646 CAP: Overview -names: switch_arg true_names (-name, -nm, (-names)) true_help ("copies all names.") false_names (-no_name, -nnm, (-no_names)) false_help ("does not copy names.") default (-no_names); -chase: switch_arg true_names (-chase) true_help ("copies the targets of links that match source_path. See "Notes" for the default action.") false_names (-no_chase) false_help ("does not copy targets of links that match source_path. See "Notes" for the default action.") default_depends_on (source_path); -brief: switch_arg true_names (-brief, -bf) true_help ("suppresses warning messages.") false_names (-long, -lg) false_help ("prints warning messages when necessary.") default (-long); "Access required": help ("Read access is required for source_path. Status permission is required for the directory containing source_path if the -name, -acl or -all control argument is specified. Append permission is required for the directory containing target_path. Modify permission is required for the directory containing target_path if the -name, -acl, or -all control argument is specified."); Notes: help ("The control arguments can appear once anywhere in the copy command line after the command name and apply to the entire copy command line. The default for chasing links depends on source_path. If source_path is not a starname, links are chased by default. If source_path is a starname, links are not chased."); end_cap*/ CAP: Overview MTB-646 copy: cp: procedure (cap_info_ptr, source_path, target_path, acl_sw, chase_sw, names_sw, brief_sw); /* This is the standard service system command to copy a segment or multi-segment file. This procedure also includes the move command, which consists of a copy (with names and ACLs) followed by a delete. Both commands take multiple arguments and the star convention. Under control of optional arguments it will also copy extra names and/or the ACL of the segment. */ dcl source_path (*) char(*); dcl target_path (*) char(*); dcl (acl_sw, chase_sw, names_sw, long_sw) bit(1); . . . do Ipath = lbound(source_path,1) to hbound(source_path,1); call expand_pathname_ (source_path(Ipath), source_dir, source_ent, code); /* abs path, no need to */ /* check code. */ call expand_pathname_ (target_path(Ipath), target_dir, target_ent, code); call copy_ (source_dir, source_ent, target_dir, "copy", copy_options, err_sw, code); if code = 0 then do; if names_sw then do; call copy_names_ (source_dir, source_ent, target_dir, target_ent, "copy", err_sw, code); if code ^= 0 then ... end; if acl_sw then do; call copy_acl_ (source_dir, source_ent, target_dir, target_ent, err_sw, code); if code ^= 0 then ... end; end; else ... end; %include cap_info; end copy; MTB-646 CAP: Overview The cap_info_ptr argument shown in copy's parameter list points to the structure shown below: dcl 1 cap_info aligned based(cap_info_ptr), 2 cap_version char(8), 2 prog_version char(8), 2 prog_name char(32) varying, 2 invoke_type fixed bin, 2 code fixed bin(35), 2 message char(1000) varying, 2 sci_ptr ptr, 2 info_ptr ptr, cap_info_ptr ptr, cap_version_1 char(8) int static options(constant) init("capv1"), (COMMAND init(1), /* invoke_type values */ ACTIVE_FUNCTION init(2), REQUEST init(3), ACTIVE_REQUEST init(4)) fixed bin int static options(constant); We should perhaps consider a more flexible error reporting mechanism than that shown above (for example, one similar to ssu_$print_message). Also, I haven't yet figured out how error reporting within the form would be integrated with ssu_ error reporting (eg, ssu_$abort_line). For languages other than PL/I, the information in the structure above would have to be passed in a different way. For an exec_com, it could be passed by having exec_com_ set named variables containing the information in the structure (with the exception of sci_ptr and info_ptr). For a FORTRAN program, the pertinent variables could be passed as separate arguments to the FORTRAN program. CAP: Overview MTB-646 4 OTHER POSSIBLE INTERFACES Several other mechanisms exist which provide facilities similar to those described above. These mechanisms are at varying stages of design and implementation. I've investigated three such facilities and have tried to incorporate their good ideas into the proposal above while avoiding some of their pitfalls. In the discussions below, I will introduce these three facilities briefly, and describe why they don't meet the requirements for a CAP-like system, as described in section 2 above. 4.1 The Stratus Interface The Stratus Interface is a forms or command line interface developed by Stratus, Inc for use on their computer. Full information on this system is available in the manuals which describe this system. If anyone wants to review the Status design, John Gintell has a set of manuals in Cambridge, and I have pertinent excerpts from the manuals in Phoenix. 4.1.1 EXAMPLE In the Stratus design, the command calls an s$parse subroutine with pairs of arguments: a character string describing the attributes of an argument; and a variable in which the parsed argument value is returned. A sample routine which illustrates the Stratus method is the display_report command. If this command were documented in a Multics info segment, the output of help -brief would be: display_report report_name {-control_args} Control arguments: -long (default) -no_long -sort SORT_KEY List of Sort Keys: ascii (default) alphabetical numerical MTB-646 CAP: Overview The actual procedure might be structured as follows on the Stratus system: display_report: procedure; dcl code bin(15), report_name char(32) var, long_switch bin(15), sort_code char(16) var, s$parse_command entry (char(*) var, bin(15), char(*) var, char(*) var, char(*) var, bin(15), char(*) var, char(*) var, char(*) var); call s$parse_command ("display_report", code, "report:name,required", report_name, "switch(-long),=0", long_switch, "option(-sort),string,length(16), allow(ascii,alphabetical,numerical),=ascii", sort_code, "end"); if code ^= 0 then return; else do; ... body of pgm which uses report_name, long_switch, and sort_code vars end; end display_report; In this example, each line following the first in the s$parse_command call defines the specifications for an argument (called an Argument Description Group (ADG)), until the "end" line is reached, signalling the last specification. Each ADG has the form: descriptor, data_variable, {given_switch,} {default_calculator,} where each of the above is a separate argument in the calling sequence of s$parse_command. The descriptor in the first ADG (the quoted string argument) defines a "positional command argument", one of three kinds of ADG's. "report" is a label, which is separated from other parts of the group by a colon. The argument_type is "name". This type controls the type of validation performed on the argument. Other possible types include: date_time, number, pathname, starname, string, user_name and unclaimed (a catchall type). The type is CAP: Overview MTB-646 followed by a qualifier "required" which says that the user must supply this argument. The descriptor is followed by the data_variable, report_name. This is a variable declared in the command which the parse sets according to the arguments given by the user. In this case, if the user typed: display_report quarterly_stats then report_name would have the value "quarterly_stats". The second ADG defines a "switch command argument", the second of the 3 kinds. The name of the switch is -long. When typed as a command line (what STRATUS calls Linear Form), -long and -no_long are used to set the switch. When used via CRT Form, the switch argument is displayed as a field in the form: -------------------- display_report -------------------- report: -long: no -sort: ascii Editing controls are used to position to the -long field, and then the user hits the CYCLE key to cycle through the possible values (in this case "yes" or "no"). The =0 part of the descriptor gives the default value. In this case, 0 represents no. The default value is displayed on the CRT Form. The third kind of ADG is the option. In the example above, -sort is an option that requires a string operand of max length 16 chars. Allowed values for the operand are "ascii", "alphabetical", or "numerical", with "ascii" being the default. In the CRT Form, the user positioned at this field can cycle through the allowed values by hitting the CYCLE key. The sort_code variable would be assigned a value of "ascii", based upon the CRT Form shown above. In Linear Form, if the user did not give the -sort optional arg, then the parser would assign "ascii" to sort_code. When the user decides the arguments are set correctly, he hits the ENTER key. At that point, arguments are checked for consistency and arg values are assigned to the programs variables. 4.1.2 CRITIQUE The Stratus system provides a nice user interface. Because it is a dedicated mini-computer system using Stratus-supplied terminals, it can take full advantage of all terminal features, MTB-646 CAP: Overview including specially-named function keys, inverse video highlighting of fill-in-the-blanks fields, etc. However, it has several drawbacks. The Stratus method requires that the command be invoked prior to displaying the form. The user types the name of the command and then hits a DISPLAY-FORM key on the terminal. This sets a static bit which controls the operation of s$parse when it is called by the command. Also, the Stratus technique is rather awkward for the programmer, because the full interface description is encoded as arguments in the call to s$parse. Among other things, this means that the programmer is constantly dealing with lengthy argument strings and that it is impossible to include online documentation along with the interface description. Finally, Stratus uses a program-to-parser flow of control. This flow is somewhat awkward. In a forms interface, the user types the name of the command followed by the FORM key; the listener sets a static flag indicating that a form is to be generated, and invokes the command; the command calls s$parse to display a form; the user fills in the form, and types the ENTER key; then, s$parse returns the user-provided information to the command. However, if the command detects an error in one of the argument values, it must diagnose the error and then call s$parse again to redisplay the form. Support for command line completion processing would be awkward with a program-to-parser flow for similar reasons. What you would like with a completer is to have the completion mechanism built into one set of modules (section 3.3.3 above proposes to put the completion mechanism into video editor requests). However, with the Stratus mechanism, the listener would have to read the command name portion of the command line, invoke the command, then the command would call s$parse to do completion on the remainder of the command line. Putting more than one command on a command line (via semi-colon separation) would be extremely difficult since no one program is responsible for processing the entire command line. 4.2 The process_arguments_ Interface Lindsey Spratt proposed another type of interface in MTB-629. His interface, called process_arguments_, has actually been implemented sufficiently well to be used for parsing mtape_ attach, open, close and detach descriptions. The MTB provides detailed information, so I'll describe his system here only briefly. CAP: Overview MTB-646 4.2.1 EXAMPLE In Lindsey's system, an interface is described by a set of control information expressed via bind_file-like keywords. A sample control file showing part of mtape_'s attach description is shown below: Program_name: mtape_.attach; Default_linear_form: "-density 1600 -device 1 -default_volume_type ansi", " -track 9 -wait_time 10 -error -label -no_display", " -no_ring -no_system -no_wait"; Initial_implied_option: volume; Option: comment; Option_name: -comment, -com; First_argument: comment; Argument: comment; Presence: required; Validate: "[and [ngreater [length &r1] 0] [nless [length &r1] 65]]"; Option: default_volume_type; Option_name: -default_volume_type, -dvt; First_argument: default_volume_type; Argument: default_volume_type; Presence: required; Validate: "[and [ngreater [length &r1] 0] [nless [length &r1] 22]]"; . . Option: density; Option_name: -density, -den; First_argument: density; Argument: density; Presence: required; Validate: "[or [nequal (200 556 800 1600 6250) &r1]]"; Option: display; Option_name: -display, -ds; Antonym: -no_display, -nds; Argument: flag; Default_value: "true"; Antonym_value: "false"; Option: error; Option_name: -error, -err; Antonym: -no_error, -nerr; Argument: flag; Default_value: "true"; Antonym_value: "false"; MTB-646 CAP: Overview . . End; This source is converted to a binary description (a print_vector_array) by the cvapd command, with the binary description stored in a vector database. As with Stratus, the command must be invoked prior to argument processing. It passes its name to process_arguments_$argument_list, along with a pointer to its argument list, and other arguments. The process_arguments_ subroutine finds the binary interface description, uses it to parse the argument list, and places the parsed arguments in character string form in a resultant print_vector_array which is returned to the command. The command can then scan through the print_vector_array itself looking for arguments, or can call process_arguments_$get_option_value to obtain a particular argument. 4.2.2 CRITIQUE The process_arguments_ approach is currently in the middle of its implementation stage, and the design has evolved as it has come into use in mtape_. I think the design includes some very good ideas. These include the ability to define a hierarchy of binary command interface descriptions, so that the site or individual users could tailer command interfaces (eg, changing defaults) without modifying the command procedure itself. But overall, it does not meet several of the requirements set forth in section 2 above. 1) Use of print_vector_arrays to hold parsed argument values adds complexity to PL/I programs, rather than simplifying them. The program wants to deal with the arguments as PL/I variables. But to get a variable, it must either call a special vector array lookup routine to assign the value of the -brief argument to a variable; or it must walk through the complex vector array data structure itself. A more natural, user-friendly technique is to have the arguments directly addressable by name as PL/I variables. It seems like needless overhead for process_arguments_ to construct an elaborate print_vector_array which is not directly usable by the command, when the command really needs PL/I variables set to the argument values. The CAP design accomplishes this by passing the parsed argument CAP: Overview MTB-646 values in an argument list which the command can directly reference via parameters. 2) use of the print_vector_array implementation makes it difficult for non-PL/I programs (eg, Fortran, Cobol, Pascal, exec_com) to interface with process_arguments_. The print_vector_array mechanism relies heavily on data structures chained together using pointers. However, none of the above languages support pointers in the PL/I sense, and most don't support structures. One possible way to cope with print_vector_arrays would be to create a set of service routines (similar to ft_menu_) to deal with print vectors from other languages. However, this involves extra code, extra programming interfaces, and unnecesary programming complexity. 3) this design also suffers from the flow of control problems caused by having the command call process_arguments_. These flow of control problems are outlined above in section 4.1.2. 4) the current implementation requires that the source language interface description reside in a separate segment from the PL/I source of the command. This separation makes it harder to understand and maintain the command, and adds additional segments to the system libraries when the command gets installed. Section 3.6 above discussed these problems, and stresses the importance of having the interface description reside directly in the source segment for the command. 5) using print_vector_arrays to hold the binary interface description and storing it in a vector database prevents the interface description from being stored inside the command object segment. Section 3.6 points out the maintenance headaches this can cause. 6) use of a print_vector_array to hold the resultant processed arguments greatly limits the processing services which process_arguments_ can provide to the command. Print vectors are limited to character string values, so no data type conversions can be performed by process_arguments_. All in all, it would appear that the vector array implementation chosen for process_arguments_ is a serious drawback. MTB-646 CAP: Overview 4.3 The Ford Clic Interface Several programmers at Ford are working on a Command Line Interface Compiler (CLIC). Programming is nearing completion. I quote from the Clic Language Specification(1) overview: The command line interface compiler is intended to produce a tabular description of the command, an include file of a pl1 structure containing the complete set of possible command arguments, and at least a skeletal runoff/compose segment to be used in producing a help file for the command. Any of a number of special user interfaces obtains, edits and validates argument values, filling in the argument structure, and then calls the appropriate processing subroutine(s) or system commands. The processing program receives a pointer to a filled-in structure containing all of the argument values, with the argument values [referenced] by name, rather than by several pointer references. The structure is described by the include file produced by the clic compile process, and then compiled into the program. Copies of the Clic Specification can be made available to those who would like to review the full spec. Contact Gary Dixon. 4.3.1 EXAMPLE Most of the work on the Clic system relates to defining the source language for the interface description. The Clic language specification for the copy command is shown below: _________________________________________________________________ (1) The Command Line Interface Compiler Language Specification, June 4, 1983, written by the Warranty Programming group of the Engineering Information Systems Department, Ford Motor Company. Designers are Jay McFayden, Mike Dean and Steve DeDoes. CAP: Overview MTB-646 copy: command synonym (cp) help ("causes copies of specified segments and multisegment files to be created in the specified directories with the specified names. Access control lists (ACLs) and multiple names are optionally copied.") args (path) switch_args (all, acl, brief, chase, name); path: argument domain (char(168) edit(expand_pathname)) dim(1:) help ("from and to paths of segments to be copied from and to."); all: switch_arg true_names (all) incon (acl, no_acl, name, no_name) help ("copies multiple names and ACLs."); acl: switch_arg true_names (acl) false_names (no_acl) default (no_acl) incon (all) help ("copies the ACL."); chase: switch_arg true_names (chase) false_names (no_chase) help ("copies the targets of links that match path."); brief: switch_arg true_names (brief, bf) false_names (long, lg) default (long) help ("suppresses warning messages."); name: switch_arg true_names (name, nm) false_names (no_name, nmn) default (no_name) incon (all) help ("copies multiple names."); Data type information (eg, "domain(char(168))" in the path argument) is included in the description because the Clic compiler translates the description above into a PL/I include file to be used by the command, plus a binary interface description of unspecified format. As with the Stratus and process_arguments_ systems, the command would call a subroutine to parse the arguments. With Clic, the argument values are MTB-646 CAP: Overview stored in the PL/I structure which the command passes to this subroutine along with its argument list. 4.3.2 CRITIQUE The Clic interface description language is a flexible, easy-to-read language which should make interface descriptions easy to devise, understand and maintain. The language is less cumbersome that that used by Stratus, making it easier to use. It is less keyword-driven than the process_arguments_ language, making it easier to read and understand. And it seems to offer adequate flexibility for describing command/request syntax. On the other hand, the Clic system shares several of the problems described for the other systems. 1) Use of a PL/I structure to hold parsed argument values makes the Clic interface difficult to use from non-PL/I languages. The job of the Clic translator is also made harder because it has to know how to parse data type descriptions (eg, "domain (char(168))") and build a PL/I structure. The CAP facility avoids this complexity by having the PL/I compiler translate parameter declarations into entry parameter descriptors. 2) Clic also suffers from the control flow problems caused by having the command call the argument parsing routine. 3) Clic does not allow the Clic source language to be stored as part of the command source program. As pointed out in section 3.6, this can make the command source harder to understand and maintain. 4) The current Clic documentation does not make it clear whether the Clic object segment is really a standard-format, bindable object segment. If it isn't, this is another disadvantage as pointed out in section 3.6. CAP: Overview MTB-646 5 QUESTIONS FOR THE TECHNICAL REVIEW The MR11/MR12 Technical Review Board should address the following issues: 1) Is there a problem with the current Multics command/request interfaces? If so, does Section 1 properly describe the problem? 2) Does Section 2 define the proper audience to which improvements in the Multics command interface should be directed? 3) Does Section 2 define the proper set of requirements for an improved command interface? 4) Does the design outlined in Section 3 meet the needs of the audience, and fulfill the requirements in Section 2? 5) Is there a viable solution to the unresolved design issues? These are: o Does the proposed CAP design support the needed interfaces and operating environments? o How should documentation be handled for CAP interfaces (Section 3.5). o How should the mechanism for translating the SID into a BID work (Section 3.6). Should SID be separate from program source? Should BID be: stored in text section of command object; be a separate, bindable object segment; be stored in a database? 6) Can MDC afford the cost of retrofitting CAP interfaces onto existing commands? 7) The development plan calls for CAP to be in operation for MR12, at the earliest. Will CAP be ready soon enough to meet marketing needs? MTB-646 CAP: Overview 6 OTHER QUESTIONS The questions in Section 5 address the aspects of the CAP design which are needed to meet the major requirements of Section 2. There are also a set of things it would be nice for CAP to do at some point after its first release. These include: A) The ability to map command names, argument values and operands into a foreign language. B) The ability to distinguish between novice and expert users, and to present novice users with simplified command interfaces (reduced numbers of control arguments, etc). C) The ability to interface with a new error reporting mechanism, should one be developed in the future. These questions are discussed briefly below. 6.1 Foreign Language Support As indicated in section 2.2, providing complete support for foreign language interfaces to commands involves doing more than changing command names, control arguments and their operands, etc. It also involves mapping command output and error messages into the foreign language. These are areas outside of the CAP design. However, CAP should be able to do the mapping of command names, control arguments and operands. It would do this using a special BID which maps the various command and argument names from the foreign language into the local language. The special BID is called a Foreign Language BID (FLBID). The diagram below shows how the FLBID might be used: CAP: Overview MTB-646 FOREIGN LANGUAGE TRANSLATION S E G M E N T S I N | >french_sss | >sss --------------------|------------------------ | bound_fscom2_ copy ------------------ | copy: | | entry | | | | copy_cap_info: | copie.cap copie references | entry | --------- cap --------- by pathname | ------- | | FLSID |-------->| FLBID |--------------------->| BID | | --------- --------- | ------- | ------------------ bound_pl1_ pl1 ------------------ | pl1: | | entry | | | | pl1_cap_info: | pl1.cap pl1 references | entry | --------- cap --------- by pathname | ------- | | FLSID |-------->| FLBID |--------------------->| BID | | --------- --------- | ------- | ------------------ Notes: 1) Object search rules would be used to select the French version rather than the English. Thus >french_sss would appear before >sss in the object search rules. 2) There would be two pl1.cap segments, one containing SID (English version) and one containing the FLSID (French version). 3) The FLBID is an object segment created by the cap translator. This object segment has an the main entrypoint for the command (eg, copie) which simply calls cap_ with its argument list, and cap_ does the mapping between French (as given in the FLBID) and English (as given in the BID). MTB-646 CAP: Overview 4) There would be two object segments with the name pl1 (the FLBID in >french_sss>pl1, and >sss>bound_pl1_). 5) The FLBID would reference the BID by an absolute pathname given in the FLSID and stored by the cap translator in the FLBID. This pathname provides the mapping between FLBID and BID. Object search rules cannot be used for this mapping since there are two object segments in the search rules with the reference name pl1 (the FLBID in >french_sss>pl1, and >sss>bound_pl1_). 6.2 Novice vs. Expert Users In making systems easier to use, one important feature is to have the system tailor the user interface to the user's level of expertize. Having both a command line interface and a forms interface provides a certain amount of tailorability. The form provides a prompting-type interface to novice users, while command lines provide an efficient to use interface for more expert users. However, for a command with many control arguments (eg, enter_output_request or list), a novice user might be intimidated more when presented with a many-optioned form than he would when asked to issue the command in a command line. Clearly, a mechanism for limiting the number of optional arguments which are presented in a form is desirable for novice users. The detailed mechanism for providing user expertize levels is a subject for future study. However, a minimum requirement for any such mechanism is that the options to be displayed for any given expertize level be identified in the BID. Thus, the BID should provide the capability to designate expertize levels for arguments and control arguments. 6.3 Interacting with New Error Reporting Mechanism There are many problems with the current Multics mechanisms for reporting errors to the user. A discussion of these problems is beyond the scope of this MTB. However, it is clear than any plan to improve Multics error reporting mechanisms is likely to have an impact on CAP. For example, to provide multi-lingual error messages, it may be desirable to store error message text in the BID, so that this information could be replaced in a Foreign Language BID (FLBID). The design for CAP should provide for such future enhancements to the error reporting mechanism, by structuring the BID in a way which makes it easily extended for hold new kinds of information. CAP: Overview MTB-646 7 FUTURE DEVELOPMENT PLANS The following steps would be necessary to pursue the design and implementation of the CAP facility after the MR11/MR12 Technical Review: 1) Review current commands and I/O modules in MPM Commands and MPM Subroutines to categorize command syntax types, argument types, and control argument types. (2 person weeks) 2) Write a CAP Language MTB describing results of the above study. The MTB would define which syntaxes CAP would support. These supported syntaxes would probably become defacto standards. The MTB would define features of the SID needed to support forms and command completion interfaces, and would then propose a CAP language to be used in SIDs. (4-6 person weeks) 3) Hold a design review on the CAP Language MTB. (.5 person weeks) 4) Write a CAP Implementation MTB describing a detailed design for implementing the command line interface (with completion and prompting) for commands, subsystem requests, exec_coms, I/O modules, and existing programs. The MTB might also propose a implementation for a user-settable defaults mechanism (eg, mtape_set_defaults). (4 person weeks) 5) Hold a design review on the CAP Implementation MTB. (.5 person weeks) 6) Implement the CAP command line interface, including prompting, completion, builtin help facility, and user-settable defaults. (about 30 person weeks) 7) Modify a significant number of existing commands, and some new commands to use CAP. (5-10 person weeks, depending upon how many commands were involved). 8) Review literature on forms interfaces. (2 person weeks) 9) Build a prototype forms interface. (4 person weeks) 10) Write a CAP Forms MTB which proposes an implementation for the forms interface, based upon results of the literature review and prototype studies. (4 person weeks) 11) Hold a design review on the CAP Forms MTB. (.5 person weeks) 12) Implement the CAP forms interface. (about 15 person weeks)