MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                MTB-669

  To:       MTB Distribution

  From:     Karen MacKenzie

  Date:     07/23/84

  Subject:  Summary of Discussion on MTB-656
            (Reorganizing/Rewriting Administration and Maintenance

       This MTB summarizes the discussion of MTB-656 which was held
  in  the SysAdmin_doc  forum (>udd>Pubs>km>mtgs>sad  on System M).
  It describes the major changes  to the proposed reorganization of
  the  manuals  on  which  agreements were  reached.   It  does not
  describe the  detailed changes to  the proposed outlines  for the
  new  manuals  on which  agreements were  reached.  These  will be
  described in a revision of MTB-656,  which will be published at a
  later date.

       Comments on this MTB should be sent to the author:

            via Multics mail:

                 KMacKenzie.Pubs on System M

            or via telephone:

                 (HVN) 492-9308 or (617) 492-9308

  Multics Project internal working documentation.
  Not to be reproduced or distributed outside the Multics Project.



       Agreements  were  reached on  the  following changes  to the
  proposed reorganization of the manuals:

       1.   Privileged subroutines  will NOT  be documented  in the
  same manual  as privileged commands.  Instead,  some of them will
  be documented in the existing  Subroutines and I/O Modules manual
  (AG93), and  some of them  will be documented in  a separate, new
  manual.  The decision as to  which subroutines belong in AG93 and
  which  subroutines  belong in  this  new manual,  as well  as the
  decision as  to whether or  not the new  manual should be  a PLM,
  will  be  driven by  B2 security  requirements.  A  discussion of
  these requirements is beyond the scope of this MTB.  For the time
  being, a separate section will  be created in AG93 for privileged
  subroutines, and  a discussion of privilege/access  will be added
  to AG93 to avoid user confusion  as to which subroutines s/he may

       2.   The  new  commands  manual   will  NOT  be  called  the
  Privileged  Commands  manual.   Instead,  it will  be  called the
  Administration, Maintenance and Operations (AMO) Commands manual.
  This title makes  it as clear as possible  exactly which commands
  this manual contains.

       3.  There  will be two  criteria for including  a command in
  the AMO  Commands manual:  it  requires privileged access;  it is
  rarely used by  ordinary users.  Where there is  a question about
  the second criterion, the command  will be documented in both the
  AMO  Commands  manual  and   the  existing  Commands  and  Active
  Functions manual (AG92).

       4.   The  AMO  Commands   manual  will  have  the  following

            Introduction: Command Environments

            Section 1: Privileged Multics Commands

            Section 2: Accounting Commands

            Section 3: Initializer Commands

            Section 4: Exec Commands

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            Section 5: I/O Daemon Commands

            Section 6: BCE Commands

            Section 7: BOS Commands

  The introduction will describe  the various command environments,
  and how to use them from the Multics environment with admin mode,
  send_admin_command (sac), ec admin, and sc_command.

       The  exec commands  will be in  a separate  section from the
  rest of the  initializer commands to make it  easier for sites to
  replace  them with  their own versions.   The accounting commands
  will  be in  a separate section  from the rest  of the privileged
  Multics commands because they are  used in a special environment.
  The exec_coms and will  be described with the
  privileged  Multics  commands,  with  pointers  to  the  exec and
  accounting commands, respectively.

       Commands  will   be  arranged  alphabetically   within  each
  section.   Care  will  be  taken  to  ensure  that  the  index is
  complete, so a  user who doesn't know which  section a command is
  in can easily find out.

       5.   Project administration  commands will  be documented in
  the Project  Administration Procedures manual  as well as  in the
  AMO Commands manual.

       6.   Care  will  be  taken to  ensure  a  one-to-one mapping
  between  policy setting  as described  in the  Owner's Manual and
  policy implementation  as described in  the System Administration
  and System Maintenance Procedures manuals.

       7.   Software overviews  will be  arranged by  function, not
  alphabetically.  Care  will be taken to  ensure that the glossary
  is complete, so a user who wants  a quick definition of a term in
  isolation can easily get it.

       8.  A MTB needs to  be written which outlines our philosophy
  on  documenting  PSPs.   Documenting  communications  PSPs (e.g.,
  HASP) is especially problematic.

       9.   There   is  a  lot   of  overlap  between   the  System
  Administration and System Maintenance Procedures manuals, because
  there is both an administrative  and a maintenance aspect to many
  parts  of the  system.  Care  will be  taken to  give a different
  emphasis to discussions of the  same topic in different books, to

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  provide  cross   references,  and  to  point   out  that  neither
  discussion is complete.

       10.  The  outlines for the System  Administration and System
  Maintenance Procedures  manuals do not follow  logically from the
  definitions  of system  administrators and  system maintainers in
  the   MTB.    But   the   split   of  information/responsiblities
  exemplified by the outlines will make sense to users.  Thus, what
  needs to change are the two definitions -- more specifically, the
  definition of system administration needs to be broadened.

       There  are  no absolute,  correct  definitions of  the terms
  "system administration" and "system  maintenance."  And users (as
  a group) have hundreds of definitions and distinctions.  Thus, we
  must  pick  our  own  definitions,  explain  them  to  our  users
  carefully, and  build our books around  them.  Trying to organize
  our books according to the way sites currently do things is not a
  good  idea   in  this  case.   Sites   have  never  had  adequate
  documentation  to  learn  from,  so their  ways  of accomplishing
  administration and  maintenance tasks often aren't  the best.  By
  splitting up administrative and maintenance documentation the way
  the MTB suggests, we're presenting sites  with a new model of how
  to do  things.  This model  corresponds to a design  goal for the
  code  which  is  driven  in  part  by  B2  security requirements.
  Hopefully, it will present sites  with information in a way which
  is  instructive, rather  than a  way which  mirrors their current
  mistakes.  Sites which choose not to do things the way we suggest
  shouldn't  have any  trouble finding  the information  they need,
  because so much of it is  repeated (with different slants) in the
  two procedural books.

  Multics Project internal working documentation.
  Not to be reproduced or distributed outside the Multics Project.