Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-699
Messages Priv Processes -> Users

To:       Distribution

From:     Benson I. Margulies

Date:     01/15/85

Subject:  Messages from privileged processes to user processes


     This  MTB  describes  a  mechanism  for  sending  large
     messages  from   privileged  processes,  such   as  the
     Answering Service,  to user processes.   It is proposed
     at this time to solve two problems:  (1) the B2 project
     requires  such  a mechanism  to inform  processes about
     dialed  channels; (2)  the DSA project  requires such a
     mechanism  to  comunicate between  the  Initializer and
     login servers  and between login servers  and users, to
     replace "blast" messages.

     This   MTB   only  proposes   the   implementation  and
     installation  of  the  general  mechanism  and  the  B2
     application.   It does  not offer  the DSA applications
     for review and approval, only as examples.

Comments should be sent to the author:

via Multics Mail:
   Margulies at either System-M, MIT, or CISL-SERVICE.

via Forum:
   >udd>m>mtgs>B2 on System-M

via telephone:


Multics  project  internal  working  documentation.   Not  to  be
reproduced or distributed outside the Multics project without the
consent of the author or the author's management.

MTB-699                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                 Messages Priv Processes -> Users

   (HVN) 261-9333, or
   (617) 492-9333

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-699
Messages Priv Processes -> Users


The  current mechanism  for communications  between the Answering
Service  and user  processes is  as_request.  This  consists of a
message  segment in  >sc1 and a  process id and  an event channel
advertised in the  whotab.  A process can put  a message into the
message segment  and send a  wakeup to the  advertised process id
and  event  channel.  The  as_request  server in  the Initializer
process  reads  messages out  of  the message  segment  and calls
appropriate  programs to  perform the  requested services.  These
services  include  bumping running  absentee jobs,  management of
communications      channels      via      dial_manager_,     and

All   processes   have  ao   access   to  the   message  segment,

If  a server  of one  of these  requests wishes  to reply  to the
request  (for  example,  to   acknowledge  it),  the  only  means
available is to  send an IPC wakeup to  an event channel supplied
in the original message.  As always, an IPC message is limited to
72 bits.

72   bits  is   a  very   severe  limitation.    Several  current
requirements  will  be  very  difficult  to  implement  without a
facility for  sending more data  from the Initializer  (and other
trusted  processes)  to  user  processes.  The  details  of these
requirements are described later on in this MTB.

An  individual  server  could   get  around  the  limitations  by
accepting a  pathname into which  a reply would  be placed.  This
would be  very difficult to  do right.  The server  would have to
make an  interpretive access control decision  to see whether the
user is indeed entitled to write into the specified segment.  For
message segments and mailboxes, this  is not very dangerous.  The
worst  a user  could do is  clutter another  user's mailbox.  For
this reason, the send_admin_command  server is willing to deliver
mail  to any  mailbox to which  the Initializer  has access.  For
ordinary segments, this would be  very dangerous, due to the risk
of data destruction.

There would also be an  efficiency problem with having the sender
of  a  request specify  a  location for  the response.   It would
require  the Initializer  to reference  at least  one segment per
user,  and require  the user to  create the segment.   As we will
see,  that  is a  cost that  is  not reasonable  for some  of the
proposed  applications  of  a  facility  to  send  messages  from
privileged processes to users.

MTB-699                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                 Messages Priv Processes -> Users


There are several important requirements for this facility.


The B2 criteria  require all users connected to  the system to be
identified and  authenticated.  Thus, users  who use the  dial or
slave  pre-access requests  to connect  to server  processes must
supply a  name and password, and  be authenticated.  Furthermore,
the process to  which the users are connected  (i.e., the process
that is  serving dials) must  be able to determine  the name that
they supplied  and the AIM authorization  associated with them by
the Answering Service.

Requiring a name and password was fairly straightforward, and has
already been  designed, implemented and  installed.  Passing this
information  to  server processes  is  a more  difficult problem.
There  is  no  way to  encode  32  characters of  user  name, AIM
information, and the channel characteristics in a 72 bit message.
Adding this data to the ring 0 tty database would be complicated.
Worse, the work would have to  be discarded or duplicated as part
of  the  new network  architecture (the  DSA project).   Adding a
special purpose inner ring database would have the same problems.
The alternative is to create and  use a mechanism for passing the
results of a query back to a process from the Answering Service.


The  DSA  project/new  networking  architecture  will  split  the
Answering  Service  into  multiple  processes.   In  the  initial
implementation, process management and  accounting will remain in
the  Initializer, while  the network-specific  code will  move to
server processes.  These processes must engage in a protocol with
the Initializer  portion of the  Answering Service to  create and
destroy processes.  This protocol,  in turn, requires significant
quantities of  information to be  passed between the  servers and
the Initializer.


By  now,  every Multics  user of  the video  system or  emacs has
experienced  the  unpleasant  effects of  the  "blast" mechanism,
whereby  the  Initializer dumps  output into  user communications
channels without regard  for the current state of  the channel or
the terminal.  The complaints from the field are reason enough to
replace   this.    In  addition,   though,  the   new  networking

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-699
Messages Priv Processes -> Users

architecture  will  irretrievably  break  the  current  approach.
There is  simply no general  way to stuff output  into the output
stream of a process over an arbitrary network connection.

This mechanism must be replaced by  one that sends the message to
the user process and depends on the user process to present it to
the user appropriately.  The existing message facility, even with
the  addition  of urgent  messages, would  not suffice.   For one
thing,  it  would have  the efficiency  cost above.   For another
thing,  the  message  facility  is  not  designed  to  carry data
structures,   but   only  text   messages.   Without   real  data
structures,  it is  difficult to build  applications that respond
programatically.   For example,  an application  like xmail might
want to handle warn commands differently from bumps.


This section describes the  functional requirements of a facility
for  sending  messages  from  the  privileged  processes  to user
processes.   The following  items characterize  what the facility
will (and in some case, will not) be able to do.

1)   This facility  will permit trusted system  processes to send
     messages to  other processes.  This facility  will not allow
     user processes to intercommunicate.

2)   This  facility  will  transmit  messages  of  large  but not
     arbitrary length.   The longest message may  be on the order
     of a  full Multics segment, but  it need not be  as big as a
     full Multics segment.

3)   This  facility will  provide reliable  message transmission.
     No message will be lost by  the facility once it is accepted
     for  delivery.   (A  malfunctioning  user  process  can,  of
     course, read out a message and drop it.)  This facility will
     impose no limits on the total number of messages that can be
     pending  at  one  time  or  on  the  number  of  messages  a
     particular sender can send.  No malfunction of a non-trusted
     process  will  prevent  messages  from  being  accepted  for

4)   This  facility  will  allow  the  sender  of  a  message  to
     designate   its   destination  by   specifying   the  target
     process(es)  and   a  "handle"  within   the  process.   The
     process(es) may be specified by either:

     a) A single process id.

     b) A group id starname, specifying one or more processes.

MTB-699                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                 Messages Priv Processes -> Users

     The  handle  is  a  bit  72  quantity  used  to  identify  a
     particular protocol,  or a particular  transaction between a
     trusted  process  and its  correspondent.  Some  handles are
     reserved for  global system protocols.   The handle (72)"0"b
     is reserved as an invalid handle.

     In addition,  the sender must  specify the access  class and
     ring  of the  message.  Senders without  ring1 privilege may
     only   specify  their   current  authorization.   Privileged
     senders  may  specify any  authorization from  system_low to
     their  maximum  authorization.    A  message  is  implicitly
     addressed only to processes whose authorization is identical
     to the message  access class and whose ring  is less than or
     equal to the specified destination ring.

          5) The  disposition of the message  is specified by the
     sender.   The  sender may  choose one  of the  following two

     a) The  message  may be  deleted  by any  process that  is a
        legitimate recipient.   Recipients may decline  to delete
        such messages,  but protocols will be  designed to assume
        that  in the  normal case  any recipient  will delete any
        message that it can.

     b) The  message  may only  be  deleted by  the  sender.  The
        sender  is responsible  for keeping  track of outstanding
        messages and deleting them as appropriate.

     In addition, all outstanding messages for a specific process
     specified by  process id will be  deleted automatically when
     the process terminates.

6)   This facility provides no receipt acknowledgement.

7)   No message will be retained for delivery across a bootload.


This  section  describes  a  design  that  provides  the services
described above.


The basic approach of this design  is to make use of the existing
message segment primitives, mseg_.   These primitives are already
capable  of  efficiently  and  reliably  recording  messages  and

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-699
Messages Priv Processes -> Users

marking   them   with  AIM   information.    This  design   is  a
special-purpose  ring 1  multiclass database  that uses  a set of
mseg_  managed segments  as its underlying  storage medium.  Note
that these  will NOT be message  segments or mailboxes accessible
through the  standard gates.  The fact  that they are implemented
with mseg_ will be hidden,  since the database will be referenced
only through its own gates.

Mseg_ is  far from the  ideal of design  or efficiency.  However,
any  attempt to  avoid it (given  that FAMIS is  not available in
this environment)  would be a  large job, and  could not possibly
receive the degree of testing and exposure that mseg_ has had.

This design makes  two small enhancements to mseg_.   The rest is
implemented  with  data  stored  in the  mseg_  segments  and the
programs around it.


As described below, this  design stores some overhead information
in  messages  in  mseg_  segments.   The  existing  interface for
reading from  these segments assumes  that it is the  target of a
gate  and allocates  a copy of  the message  in a caller-supplied
area.  To improve the efficiency  of accessing overhead data that
is only read  in the inner ring, this  design adds entrypoints to
mseg_ that return pointers to  the header message and to ordinary
messages.     These    entrypoints    are    mseg_$find_msg   and
mseg_$find_hdr_msg, and are described in detail below.


An  mseg_ segment  is a set  of messages together  with a special
"header"  message.   Each message  has  an envelope  that records
information about  its source as  well as an AIM  marking for the
information  in the  message.  Each message  has a  72 bit unique
message id, which is in fact  a clock value.(1)  The envelope has
no information about the destination  of the message; the segment
itself is  assumed to have  been the destination.   As implied by
the term "mseg_ segment," mseg_ provides no intrinsic support for
the use of multiple segments.


(1) Note that it  is not quite unique.  The ID  is just a reading
    of the SCU clock.  On a DPS8/70M processor, it is possible to
    get the  same value from  two subsequent readings  of the SCU
    clock.  This event is very unlikely, though.

MTB-699                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                 Messages Priv Processes -> Users

To make use  of mseg_ segments for this  purpose, there are three
tasks:  first,  to arrange for  the use of  a set of  segments to
avoid limitations  on the amount of  data outstanding; second, to
store  destination information  with each  message; third,  to be
able   to  efficiently   find  a  message   without  knowing  its


The  database will  consist of  a set  of segments,  named by the
convention "as_user_message_NN".  The header of the first segment
will contain the number of segments currently in use, the highest
numbered  segment that  currently contains at  least one message,
and the time that that  information last changed.  User processes
will keep a  static list of mseg_ segment  pointers, and initiate
additional segments by comparing the  time that they last checked
the list against the change time in the first segment.

The pad bits at  the top of a clock value will  be used to encode
the  segment index  in a  message id.   To look  up a  message by
message id, a process will first pick up the top 20 bits (the pad
area),  and find  a segment index  there.  Then  the process will
zero  the  top 20  bits, and  use the  resultant doubleword  as a
message_id within the message segment.


Each  message written  in a  mseg_ segment  will have  a standard
header that describes its destination.   The details of this data
structure are  given below.  The  header will specify  the target
process_id (if any), group_id (if  any),(2) handle, and ring.  It
will also specify  whether or not the recipient  is to delete the


It is desirable to implement  protocols that work without the use
of wakeups.   They are easier  to code and debug,  and often more
efficient.   It  is  required  to implement  protocols  that work
without  the   reliable  use  of   wakeups,  since  IPC   is  not


(2) "group_id"   is    the   original   Multics    term   for   a
    user.project.tag  string.   All of  the existing  system code
    uses this term in data structures, so this design follows the

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-699
Messages Priv Processes -> Users

reliable.(3)  In a wakeup-free protocol, a process would call the
message  facility to  retrieve the  chronologically first message
sent to it at a specified handle.

While the  message facility has  a pseudo-hash table  that allows
effecient  lookup by  message_id, a  search by  destination would
require the examination of all the messages.

It would be impractical to add support for this kind of searching
to mseg_  proper in MR11.   The alternative is to  store a simple
table that associates the  message_id's, handles, and destination
process id's  of the messages  in a segment.   If the table  is a
fixed size, then it can be searched very quickly.

A fixed size table is not  ideal.  It imposes an artificial limit
on  the number  of messages  that can  be stored  in the segment.
This is not a serious problem.   The fixed table consumes 5 words
per message  (process id, handle,  and message_id).  A  64K mseg_
segment can  accomodate a 900  entry table and have  room for 900
messages of average size 64  words.  (64 was actually calculated;
the mseg_  overhead and destination  is 35 words,  leaving 31 for
actual data).   If the messages are  generally smaller, then more
segments will  be used.  The  result is still  far more efficient
than reading all the messages in the segment or even chasing hash
table threads from message to message.

The search table  will be stored as the  first regular message in
the mseg_ segment, since the header  message may only be 64 words


This  section  documents  the  data structures  for  the database
itself.  Data structures passed through interfaces are documented
along with the interfaces.


(3) IPC is unreliable because the system has no mechanism to wait
    for space  to be available in  the ITT.  If the  ITT is full,
    then IPC wakeups  will be lost.  Given the  fact that the ITT
    is a  wired database, and  therefore of limited  size, it may
    never be possible to guarantee  that all IPC messages will be
    delivered under all circumstances.

MTB-699                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                 Messages Priv Processes -> Users


The     database     will     reside     in     the     directory
>system_control_dir>user_messages.   The  following  declarations
describe the names of the segments.

declare  1 as_user_message_segment_name unaligned,
           2 constant char (17),
           2 index picture "99";

              init ("as_user_message_") int static
              options (constant);


The following declaration  describes the use of the  72 bit mseg_
message  ID.  Only  the top  9 bits  are used  to leave  room for
larger clock  values.  This declaration  is used only  within the
subsystem.  Programs  use unspec to  copy data to  this automatic
variable and then back to a bit (72), rather than based overlays.

declare  1 as_user_message_id aligned,
           2 segment_index fixed bin (9) unsigned unaligned,
           2 pad bit (11) unaligned,
           2 pad_clock bit (52) unaligned;


   is  the zero-based  index of the  segment of  the user message
   database that contains the message.  To convert a user_message
   message into an mseg_ message id, clear this field to zero.

   is zero  in mseg_ message  id's and is  unused by user_message
   message id's.

   is  the  clock  reading  from  the  SCU  clock  that  uniquely
   identifies a message in an mseg_ segment.


This structure is  stored in the 64 word  mseg_ header message of
all segments  of the database.   Some of the  information is only
valid in the first segment.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-699
Messages Priv Processes -> Users

declare  as_user_message_system_info_ptr pointer;
declare  1 as_user_message_system_info aligned
              based (as_user_message_system_info_ptr),
           2 sentinel char (8) aligned,
           2 time_of_bootload fixed bin (71),
           2 segment_update_time fixed bin (71),
           2 n_segments fixed bin,
           2 highest_segment_in_use fixed bin,
           2 handle_table_message_id bit (72) aligned;

declare  AS_USER_MESSAGE_SYSTEM_SENTINEL char (8) aligned
              init ("asumsys1") int static options (constant);


   is a value  used to cross-check the validity  of the database.
   It must have the value AS_USER_MESSAGE_SYSTEM_SENTINEL.

   is  the value  of sys_info$time_of_bootload  at the  time this
   segment  was initialized.   This value  is used  to tell  if a
   given  segment  has ever  been used  in the  current bootload.
   This  obviates  the need  to delete  old database  segments at
   system initialization.

   is    the    time    that   the    values    "n_segments"   or
   "highest_segment_in_use" were last changed.  This value should
   only  be changed  under the mseg_  lock on  the first segment.
   This value is only valid in the first segment.

   is the number of segments  in the database.  This value should
   only  be changed  under the mseg_  lock on  the first segment.
   This value is only valid in the first segment.

   is  the  number  of  the  highest  numbered  segment currently
   containing at  least one message.   This value should  only be
   changed under the mseg_ lock on the first segment.  This value
   is only valid in the first segment.

   is the mseg_  message id of the message  containing the search
   table  of  handles.  This  message  will always  be  the first
   message  in  the  segment.  The  handle  is stored  here  as a

MTB-699                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                 Messages Priv Processes -> Users


Each mseg_ segment  contains a message handle table  as its first
message.  This fixed size table  lists all the messages stored in
the  segment.   The table  is  maintained with  stacq.  To  add a
message, the sender  finds a slot with zero  for a process_id and
stacq's it in with either a  specific target or the special value
AS_USER_ANY_PROCESS_ID.  Having claimed  the process_id slot, the
sender then adds the message to the mseg_ segment and records the
handle and the  message id.  To delete a  message, the process_id
is stacq'd to zero.

declare  AS_USER_MESSAGES_PER_SEGMENT fixed bin init (900)
              int static options (constant);

declare  as_user_message_handle_table_ptr pointer;
declare  1 as_user_message_handle_table aligned
              based (as_user_message_handle_table),
           2 highest_in_use fixed bin (35),
           2 process_id_list (900) bit (36) aligned,
           2 handle_list (900) bit (72) aligned,
           2 message_id_list (900) bit (72) aligned;

declare  AS_USER_ANY_PROCESS_ID bit (36) aligned
              init ("777777777777"b3) int static
              options (constant);


   is the maximum number of  messages stored in an mseg_ segment.
   This is NOT  used as a variable bound for  the arrays below so
   that the compiler will generate efficient code.

   is the highests  numbered slot in the arrays  in use.  This is
   maintained with the careful use  of stacq.  A process adding a
   message tries  to stacq the  max of the current  value and the
   slot number just filled in.  If the stacq fails, the new value
   must again be compared to the updater's slot number.  Similiar
   care must  be taken with deletions,  since another process can
   claim  a  slot in  between  zeroing the  process_id  array and
   updating the highest_in_use.

   is an array  listing the target process_id of  each message in
   the mseg_ segment.


Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-699
Messages Priv Processes -> Users

   is an array  listing the target handle of  each message in the
   mseg_ segment.

   is an  array listing the  mseg_ message_id of  each message in
   the mseg_ segment.


For efficiency, some  information is stored in the  ring 1 static
of each process that uses the user_message facility.

declare  as_user_message_perprocess_info_ptr_ pointer
              external init (null ());

declare  as_user_message_perprocess_info_ptr pointer;

declare  1 as_user_message_perprocess_info aligned,
           2 sentinel char (8) aligned,
           2 segment_update_time fixed bin (71),
           2 n_segments fixed bin,
           2 ms_ptr (1000) pointer unaligned;

declare  AS_USER_MESSAGE_PROCESS_SENTINEL char (8) aligned
              init ("asumprc1") int static options (constant);


   is  a  value  used to  validate  the copy  of  the per_process
   information.  The information is  discarded if this value does

   is  the  time that  this process  last checked  the per-system
   segment table in the first mseg_ segment header.

   is the  number of mseg_  segments currently initiated  in this

   are  pointers to  each of  the n_segments  mseg_ segments that
   this process has initiated.

MTB-699                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                 Messages Priv Processes -> Users


This   section   describes   the  callable   interfaces   of  the
user_message facility.  It also  contains descriptions of the new
mseg_ entrypoints.  This section refers  to each interface by the
gate that contains  it.  Since there are three  gates, a transfer
vector is provided for all three.  The transfer vector is briefly
described at the end.



mseg_ is the inner ring utility procedure that implements .ms and
.mbx  segments.  It  maintains a  segment containing  a series of
messages each marked with their source and AIM classification.


This entry, callable only from the ring of the segment, returns a
pointer to the header message.


declare mseg_$find_hdr_msg entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (18), bit
     (72) aligned, fixed bin (35));

call mseg_$find_hdr_msg (mseg_ptr, hdr_msg_ptr, hdr_msg_length,
     hdr_msg_access_class, code);


   is a pointer to an mseg_ managed segment.  (Input)

   is  a  pointer  to  the header  message  of  segment,  if any.

   is the  length, in words,  of the data in  the header message.

   is the  access class of  the information stored  in the header
   message.   It  is  the  callers responsability  to  check this
   against  the  process   authorization  before  returning  this
   information out of ring 1.  (Output)

_____                                          __________________

mseg_                                          user_message_priv_
_____                                          __________________

   will  be  zero  if there  was  a header  message  defined, and
   error_table_$no_message otherwise.  (Output)


This entry  is similiar to  mseg_$priv_read.  No area  pointer is
supplied,  because  no  data  is   copied.   It  is  the  callers
responsibility to make all access control checks.


declare mseg_$find_msg entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35));

call mseg_$find_msg (mseg_ptr, mseg_message_info_ptr, code);


   is a pointer to a mseg_ managed segment.  (Input)

   is  a pointer  to a  standard mseg_message_info  structure, as
   declared in mseg_message_info.incl.pl1.  On output, the fields
   ms_ptr and ms_len are set to the actual location and length of
   the message text in the  segment.  The other output fields are
   set as usual.  (Input, but fields output)

   is   a   standard   system    status   code.    It   will   be
   error_table_$no_message if the requested  message could not be
   located.  (Output)



This  gate  contains entries  used by  trusted processes  to send
messages to  user processes using the  user_message facility.  In
this  context, a  "trusted process" is  a process  trusted not to
mis-use  this facility  (e.g., by sending  infinite quantities of
messages  or disrupting  another process's use).   Access to this
gate does  not permit a  process to write messages  down to lower
authorizations without the ring1 system privilege.

__________________                             __________________

user_message_priv_                             user_message_priv_
__________________                             __________________


This entrypoint is called by the Initializer as part of Answering
Service initialization.   It deletes any information  left from a
previous bootload and creates  a new user_message database.  This
entrypoint uses the  syserr log to report details  of problems on
the bootload console.


declare user_message_priv_$system_init entry (fixed bin (35));

call user_message_priv_$system_init (code);


   is a standard  system status code.  It will  be nonzero if and
   only if it was impossible  to set up a functional user_message


This  entry  is  called to  queue  a  message for  delivery  to a


declare user_message_priv_$add_message entry (ptr, fixed bin

call user_message_priv_$add_message
     (as_user_add_message_info_ptr, code);


   is a pointer to the as_user_message_add structure, as declared
   in as_user_message_add.incl.pl1 and described below.  (Input)

   is a standard system status code.   It will be nonzero only if
   the message could not be added.

__________________                             __________________

user_message_priv_                             user_message_priv_
__________________                             __________________


declare as_user_message_add_info_ptr pointer;
declare 1 as_user_message_add_info aligned
        based (as_user_message_add_info),
        2 version char (8) aligned,
        2 message_info aligned,
          3 message_ptr pointer,
          3 message_length fixed bin (18),
          3 message_access_class bit (72) aligned,
          3 message_id bit (72) aligned,
        2 destination_info aligned,
          3 group_id char (32) unal,
          3 process_id bit (36) aligned,
          3 handle bit (72) aligned,
          3 reader_deletes bit (1) aligned;

        char (8) init ("auma0001") int static options (constant);


   is  the  version  of  this  structure,  and  must  be  set  to

   is a pointer to the text of the message to be added.  (Input)

   is the length, in words, of the message to be added.  (Input)

   is  the  access class  marking  for the  message.   Unless the
   caller has the ring1 system  privilege set, this must be equal
   to the calling process authorization.

   is the  unique id assigned  to the message when  it is stored.

   is the target  group_id of the message.  If  process_id is not
   all ones,  then this should  be set to  "" as it  is not used.
   This may be  a starname.  If this is not  "" and process_id is
   not  all  ones,  the call  is  invalid  and an  error  code is

__________________                             __________________

user_message_priv_                             user_message_priv_
__________________                             __________________

   is the process id of the  process to which the message will be
   delivered.  If the message is to be delivered to more than one
   process, (or the target process  id is unknown) then this must
   be set to all ones.

   is the  protocol handle within  the target processes  to which
   the message will be delivered.  This may not be zero.  Handles
   with the first  bit equal to 1 are  reserved for global system

   specifies whether the recipient  the message should delete it.
   If  this  is  set to  1,  then  any recipient  may  delete the
   message.  If this is set to 0, then only the sender may delete
   the message.


The  system  automatically deletes  all  messages destined  for a
specific process  id when the process  terminates.  Thus a sender
may  set reader_deletes  to 0 and  specify a process  id, and the
message will be readable until the process terminates.


This entry is used by a  sender to delete a message.  The message
must be  specified by message_id.  The  message access class must
be equal to the caller  authorization unless the caller has ring1


declare user_message_priv_$delete_message_id entry (bit (72)
     aligned, fixed bin (35));

call user_message_priv_$delete_message_id (message_id, code);


   is the message id returned by add_message when the message was

   is a standard system status code.

__________________                            ___________________

user_message_priv_                            user_message_admin_
__________________                            ___________________


This entrypoint  deletes all the messages  whose destination is a
specific process as specified by process_id.  Only those messages
whose access classes are equal  to the caller's authorization are
deleted unless the caller has ring1 privilege.


declare user_message_priv_$delete_process_messages entry (bit
     (36) aligned, fixed bin (35));

call user_message_priv_$delete_process_messages (pid, code);


   is  the process  id of  the process  whose messages  are to be
   deleted.   All messages  whose destination is  this process id
   specifically are deleted.

   is a standard system status code.



This  gate contains  entries callable  by system  maintainers and
administrators.   They  permit  an administrator  to  examine the
messages in the user message database.


This entrypoint permits a process to read any message in the user
message database,  subject to AIM  restrictions.  ring1 privilege
is required  to read messages  whose access classes  are not less
than or equal to the caller's authorization.


declare user_message_admin_$read_message entry (ptr, ptr, fixed
     bin (35));

call user_message_admin_$read_message
     as_user_message_info_ptr, area_ptr, code);

___________________                           ___________________

user_message_admin_                           user_message_admin_
___________________                           ___________________


   is a pointer to the as_user_message_admin_read_info structure.

   is  a pointer  to the  as_user_message_info structure descrbed
   below  under the  "user_message_$read" entrypoint.   All input
   fields in the structure except  the version are ignored, since
   the    message     is    completely    specified     by    the
   user_message_admin_read_info structure.  (Input)

   is a pointer to an area.   The message returned will be copied
   into storage allocated in this area.  (Input)

   is a standard system status code.


declare as_user_message_admin_read_info_ptr pointer;
declare 1 as_user_message_admin_read_info aligned
          based (as_user_message_admin_read_info_ptr),
          2 version char (8) aligned,
          2 source_group_id char (32) unal,
          2 source_process_id bit (36) aligned,
          2 target_group_id char (32) unal,
          2 target_process_id bit (36) aligned,
          2 target_handle bit (72) aligned,
          2 after_message_id bit (72) aligned;

        char (8) init ("aumar001") int static options (constant);



   is a starname specifying the sender of the message to be read.
   "" is equivalent to *.*.*.  (Input)

   is the process id of the  source process.  If zero, the source
   process id is not specified.  (Input)

___________________                                 _____________

user_message_admin_                                 user_message_
___________________                                 _____________

   is a starname specifying the recipient(s) of the message to be
   read.   This  starname  must  be  character  identical  to the
   starname  specified  by the  message sender  for a  message to
   match.  That  is, if a  message is sent to  "*.*.a", then this
   value must be "*.*.a" to read  it out.  If this value is equal
   to "", messages are read  regardless of their group id.  (Note
   that if  a message is  sent to all  users it is  stored with a
   destination of "*.*.*", not "".)  (Input)

   is the process  id of the recipient of  the message.  If zero,
   then the recipient process id is not specified.  (Input)

   is the target handle of the message to be read.  If zero, then
   the handle is not specified.  (Input)

   is  a message  id of a  message previously  read.  The message
   returned will  be one entered after  the message identified by
   this message_id.  If any of  the target_ fields are specified,
   then it  will be the  next message that  matches those fields.
   If no  target fields are  specified, then it will  be the very
   next message.   If this message_id  refers to a  message whose
   access class is not less than or equal to that of the process,
   and  the  caller  lacks  ring1  privilege,  this  argument  is
   ignored.  (Input)



This gate allows  a user process to read the  messages sent to it
by trusted processes.


This  entry  is used  to  read a  message  from the  user message


declare user_message_$read_message entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin

_____________                                       _____________

user_message_                                       user_message_
_____________                                       _____________

call user_message_$read_message (area_ptr,
     as_user_message_info_ptr, code);


   is a pointer to an area  in which the returned message will be
   allocated.  (Input)

   is a pointer to the as_user_message_info structure.

   is a standard system status code.


declare  as_user_message_info_ptr pointer;
declare  1 as_user_message_info aligned
          based (as_user_message_info_ptr),
           2 version char (8) aligned,
           2 flags aligned,
             3 read_message_id bit (1) unaligned,
             3 read_after_message_id bit (1) unaligned,
             3 no_handle_given bit (1) unaligned,
             3 ring_given bit (1) unaligned,
             3 dont_delete bit (1) unaligned,
             3 pad bit (31) unaligned,
           2 message_info aligned,
             3 message_ptr pointer,
             3 message_length fixed bin (18),
             3 message_id bit (72) aligned,
             3 message_access_class bit (72) aligned,
             3 message_handle bit (72) aligned,
             3 message_ring fixed bin (3),
           2 sender_info aligned,
             3 group_id char (32) unaligned,
             3 process_id bit (36) aligned,
           2 destination_info aligned,
             3 group_id char (32) unal,
             3 process_id bit (36) aligned,
             3 ring fixed bin (3) aligned;

declare  AS_USER_MESSAGE_INFO_VERSION_1 char (8)
      aligned init ("asum0001") int static options (constant);

_____________                                       _____________

user_message_                                       user_message_
_____________                                       _____________


   must be equal to AS_USER_MESSAGE_INFO_VERSION_1.  (Input)

   is  a   flag.   If  "1"b,  then   the  field  "message_id"  is
   interpreted  as an  input argument.   The message  whose id is
   "message_id"  is  returned if  it exists.   The message_handle
   field is not  respected on input.  This flag may  not be on if
   read_after_message_id is on.  (Input)

   is  a   flag.   If  "1"b,  then   the  field  "message_id"  is
   interpreted  as an  input argument.   The first  message after
   message_id  for the  handle message_handle  is returned.  This
   flag may not be on if read_message_id is on.  (Input)

   is a flag.  If "1"b, then a message is returned subject to the
   read_message_id or read_after_message_id  flags without regard
   to  the  handle  of  the message.   If  "0"b,  then  the field
   message_handle  specifies  the  handle  of the  message  to be
   returned.  (Input)

   is a flag.  If "1"b,  then the field message_ring is respected
   on input, and specified the destination ring of the message to
   be  read.   If "0"b,  then messages  destined for  the current
   validation level are returned.  (Input)

   is a flag.  If "1"b, then  the message is not deleted from the
   user message database even if it is marked for deletion by its
   recipient.  If  "0"b, the message  is deleted if  it is marked
   for deletion.  (Input)

   is a pointer to the allocated copy of the message.  (Output)

   is the length of the allocated message in words.  (Output)

   is the access class of the message.  (Output)

_____________                                       _____________

user_message_                                       user_message_
_____________                                       _____________

   if  the handle  within the  process to  which the  message was
   sent.   If  the flag  no_handle_given  is "1"b,  then  this is
   (Output).  Otherwise it is (Input).

   is the ring to which the message was sent.  This field is only
   respected of the flag ring_given is "1"b.  (Input)

   is a substructure describing the process who sent the message.

   is the User.Project.* user name of the sender.  (Output)

   is the process id of the sender.  (Output)

   is  the validation  level of the  sender at the  time that the
   sender sent the message.  (Output)

   is a substructure describing how the message was addressed.

   is  the   starname  that  specified  the   user  name  of  the
   recipient(s).  (Output)

   is the process id, if any, specified for the recipient.  If no
   process  id  was specified  then this  will contain  all ones.

   is the ring specified for the recipient.  (Output)


Normally, a caller should fill this structure up as follows:  set
read_message_id to 1 if the  message if is known, zero otherwise.
Set   read_after_message_id,  no_handle_given,   ring_given,  and
dont_delete to 0.  They are only  used for tools that display the
messages pending for the process.   Set the message_handle to the
handle for which the message is to be read.

_____________                                       _____________

user_message_                                       user_message_
_____________                                       _____________


User ring callers of this  facility will call the transfer vector
as_user_message_  rather  than  the actual  gates.   This removes
dependencies on the names of the gates themselves, and permits us
to move  the gate entries to  other gates at a  future time.  The
following  table  gives  the corespondance  between  gate entries
documented above and transfer vector names.









To  meet  the  B2  criteria,  it  is  neccessary  that  a process
attaching a  communicationn channel other than  its login channel
be  able to  obtain the  security-related information  about that
channel.  In  particular, the process  must be able  to learn the
user  name  of the  person identified  and authenticated  for the
channel via the dial or slave pre-access requests.

This section describes a facility  that allows a process to query
the  Answering  Service  for information  about  a communications
channel.   The  process  sends  an  as_request  message,  and the
Answering Service replies with a user_message.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-699


This  section   describes  the  data  structure   passed  in  the
as_request itself.


This  structure  is  passed   to  the  as_request  mechanism  via
send_as_request_$block.  All fields are input.

dcl  1 asr_com_channel_info aligned
       based (asr_com_channel_info_ptr),
       2 header aligned like as_request_header,
       2 channel_name char (32) unaligned,
       2 reply_message_handle bit (72) aligned;


   is the standard as_request_header structure.  The user of this
   must  fill  in  the  version  and  type  fields,  and  set the
   reply_channel to zero so that send_as_request_ will manage the
   event channel.

   is  the  communications  channel  name  to  return information

   is the  message_handle to which a  user message containing the
   information about the channel will be sent.


This structure is packed into the 72 bit IPC reply message.
dcl 1 asr_reply_com_channel_info aligned
      based (asr_reply_com_channel_info_ptr),
    2 error_code fixed bin (35),
    2 pad bit (36) aligned;


   Is  an  standard system  status code.   It will  be zero  if a
   user_message has  been sent to the  process with the requested
   information, and  non-zero if the user  lacked access to issue
   the query.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-699



This  structure is  returned as  a user  message in  reply to the
com_channel_info as_request.

dcl 1 as_com_channel_info aligned
      based (as_com_channel_info_ptr),
      2 version char (8),
      2 channel_name char (32),
      2 flags aligned,
        3 access_control unaligned,
          4 login bit (1),
          4 dial_slave bit (1),
          4 priv_attach bit (1),
          4 dial_server bit (1),
          4 dial_out bit (1),
        3 attached_to_caller bit (1) unaligned,
        3 user_authenticated bit (1) unal,
        3 dialed_to_caller bit (1) unal,
        3 pad bit (28) unaligned,
      2 service_type fixed bin,
      2 current_service_type fixed bin,
      2 access_class (2) bit (72) aligned,
      2 current_access_class bit (72) aligned,
      2 auth_user_name char (32) unaligned;


   is  the  version of  this structure.   The current  version is

   is  the  name  of  the  channel  about  which  information  is

   is a substructure of bit flags.

   is a  set of flags  that specify under  what circumstances the
   system     checks     access     to     the     channel    ACS
   (>sc1>rcp>CHANNEL_NAME.acs).   Note  that  the  system  always
   checks access to the acs  before returning this structure to a
   user for a  channel which is not attached  to the user.  These
   flags are the same as the flags in the CMF/cdt.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-699

   is "1"b if a user must have rw access to the ACS to login over
   the channel.

   is "1"b if a  user must have rw access to the  ACS to give the
   dial or  slave pre-access commands over  the channel.  If this
   flag is "1"b, then any user  giving a dial or slave pre-access
   command must use  the -user control argument to  supply a user
   name and project.

   is  "1"b  if a  process  must have  rw  access to  the  ACS to
   privileged attach the channel.

   is  "1"b if  a process  acting as a  dial server  must have rw
   access to the ACS for the channel to be dialed to the process.

   is "1"b  if a process must  have rw access to the  ACS to do a
   dial_out on the channel.

   is "1"b if the specified  channel is currently attached to the
   calling process.  All of the  fields below are not returned to
   the user if  this is "0"b to prevent  processes from spying on
   other processes.

   This field is not returned if attached_to_channel is "0"b.  It
   is  "1"b if  a user  was identified  and authenticated  on the

   This field is not returned if attached_to_channel is "0"b.  It
   is "1"b if the channel is  attached to the caller via the dial

   This field is not returned if attached_to_channel is "0"b.  It
   is the service type defined in the cdt for the channel.

   This field is not returned if attached_to_channel is "0"b.  It
   is the current service type of the channel.

   This field is not returned if attached_to_channel is "0"b.  It
   is the AIM access class defined in the cdt for the channel.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-699

   This field is not returned if attached_to_channel is "0"b.  It
   is the AIM access class associated with the current attachment
   of the channel.

   This  field is  not returned  if attached_to_channel  is "0"b.
   This field is only returned if user_authenticated is "1"b.  It
   is  the  person.project  name  of the  user  authenticated and
   identified for the channel.


The following  subroutine is provided  to encapsulate the  use of
as_request and the user message.

_____________________                       _____________________

get_com_channel_info_                       get_com_channel_info_
_____________________                       _____________________


This  subroutine returns  info about a  communications channel by
querying the answering service.


declare get_com_channel_info_ entry (ptr, fixed bin (35));

call get_com_channel_info_ (as_com_channel_info_ptr, code);


   is a pointer to  the as_com_channel_info structure, as defined
   above.  The version and channel name fields must be set.

   is a standard system status code.   If will be non-zero if the
   specified channel does  not exist or if the  user lacks access
   to get information about the channel.

For channels attached to the  caller's process, no further access
required.    Otherwise,    r   access   to    the   channel   ACS

_____________________                                        ____

get_com_channel_info_                                        tty_
_____________________                                        ____




To  make  it  easier  to  write  applications,  a  control  order
interface to tty_ will be provided for this.  At the same time, a
control  order   that  should  have  been   added  when  starname
processing  was  added to  dial_manager_ will  be added  as well.
Order name:  get_com_channel_info

This control order returns the Answering Service com_channel_info
structure  for  the  attached  channel.   The  user  provides the
as_com_channel_info      structure      as      described     for
get_com_channel_info_  subroutine,  filling in  the  version, and
passes the address of the structure as the info_ptr.

Order name:  get_channel_name

This control order returns the name of the communications channel
to which the switch is attached.   This is useful when the switch
is  attached  with  a  generic destination  or  a  starname.  The
info_ptr should point to a char (32) aligned variable.


The following tasks are neccessary to complete this:

     1)   Code the message facility as described here.

     2)   Create functional tests for the gate level interfaces.

     3)   Create  an   as_request  for  a  process   to  ask  for
          information about a dialed channel that responds with a

     4)   Change tty_ to implement a  control order that uses the
          as_request to return  the information.  Include io_call
          support  so  that  the  as_request can  be  tested from
          command level.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-699


The  gate  interfaces  described  here will  be  tested  with the
standard gate testing technology, which is not completely defined
as of this writing.  The as_request mechanism is accessed through
a subroutine that can be tested as if it were a gate.