Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-718
Linkage Editor.

To:       Distribution

From:     Dean Elhard

Date:     6 June 1986

Subject:  Multics Linkage Editor Specification

1.  Abstract

This MTB will supply the  specifications for the new Multics Link
Editor mentioned in MTB 688 and MTB 691.

Revision 1:

     Revised  ocu_  subroutine   interface,  and  linkage  editor
     command interface.

Revision 2:                                                       |
     Revides to change  terminology regarding object multisegment |
     files.                                                       |

Changes are marked with change bars.

Comments should be sent to the author:

     via Multics mail to:
        Elhard -at System-M

     via posted mail to:
        Dean Elhard
        Advanced Computing Technology Centre
        Foothills Professional Building
        1620 29th St., N.W.
        Calgary Alberta Canada   T2N-4L7

     via telephone to:
        (403)-284-6427 (Elhard)

     via forum on System-M to:
        >udd>m>DGHowe>mtgs_dir>c>c_imp (c)


Multics project  internal documentation; not to  be reproduced or
distributed outside the Multics project.

MTB-718                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Linkage Editor.

                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

Section    Page  Subject
=======    ====  =======

1          i     Abstract
2          1     Preface
3          1     Introduction
3.1        1     . . Goal
3.2        1     . . References For This Document
4          2     Background
5          2     Functional Specifications.
5.1        5     . . Input Paths.
5.2        6     . . Libraries.
5.3        7     . . Output.
5.4        7     . . Map/List Output.
6          7     Link Editor Implementation
6.1        8     . . General Implementation
6.1.1      8     . . . . Command Processing.
6.1.2      8     . . . . Link and Library Resolution.
6.1.3      8     . . . . External Initialization Resolution.
6.1.4      8     . . . . MSF Partitioning.
6.1.5      8     . . . . Component Processing.
6.1.6      9     . . . . Output Backpatching.
6.1.7      9     . . . . MSF Transfer Vector Creation.
6.2        10    . . Library Link Resolution.
6.3        10    . . Object Creation Utilities.
6.3.1      11    . . . . ocu_$open
6.3.2      13    . . . . ocu_$close
6.3.3      14    . . . . ocu_$release
6.3.4      15    . . . . ocu_$emit_text
6.3.5      16    . . . . ocu_$emit_definition
6.3.6      18    . . . . ocu_$emit_segname
6.3.7      19    . . . . ocu_$emit_msf_map
6.3.8      20    . . . . ocu_$emit_static
6.3.9      21    . . . . ocu_$emit_link
6.3.10     23    . . . . ocu_$emit_partial_link
6.3.11     25    . . . . ocu_$emit_firstref_trap
6.3.12     26    . . . . ocu_$emit_symbol
6.3.13     27    . . . . ocu_$backpatch
6.3.14     29    . . . . ocu_$create_msf
6.4        31    . . Object Multi-Segment Files.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-718
Linkage Editor.

2.  Preface

In the development of the C language on Multics it has been found
that  a  new  method  of  binding  object  segments  together  is
required.  This new method will  have a user interface similar to
what C users expect.

3.  Introduction

3.1.  Goal

The  objective is to  allow the porting  of existing software  to
Multics,  in particular,  the porting  of large  C packages.  The
linkage_editor  is seen  as the  beginning of  a series  of tools
implemented to aid  in the porting of third  party software.  The
linkage_editor will allow packages that  were developed in a more
conventional  (ie.  statically  linked) environment  to be ported
more conveniently without having to  worry about problems such as
name conflicts, object segment size constraints, etc.

3.2.  References For This Document

1) Multics Programmers Reference Manual (10.2 AG91-03A)
   (hereafter referred to as MPRM)

MTB-718                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Linkage Editor.

4.  Background

The development of  the C language on Multics  has introduced the
need  for tools to  aid users to  port software to  Multics.  One
such tool required specifically for  C is a linkage_editor.  This
linkage_editor  will  function  in  a  manner  similar to linkers
available on other  systems.  At its base level,  the function of
the linkage_editor will be similar to the current Multics binder.

5.  Functional Specifications.

The following  is a functional  description of what  services the
linkage editor will provide and how they are used.

Syntax:  le {paths} {-control arguments}

Function:   Joins a  series of   object segment  together into  a
single  execution  unit  resolving  external  references  to  the
explicitly named segments or segments within the named libraries.


   specifications of the input binaries  which are to be included
   in the output binary.  Valid  formats for a path specification

   Library  archives  are   unbound  archives  containing  object
   segments which may be used to resolve external references.  To
   specify  a  library  archive,  the  ".archive"  suffix must be
   included in the name.
   Library  directories  may  be  specified  which  contain loose
   object segments or archives of object segments.                |
   Pathnames  to specific segments  or archive components  may be
   Starnames  specifying  groups  of  loose  segments or archives |
   within a  directory may be specified, or  an archive component |
   starname  specifying a set  of components within  a particular

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-718
Linkage Editor.

Control Arguments:

-abort_severity N, -asv N                                         |
   Abort  the translation if  an error of  severity N or  greater |
   occurs.  Abort severity can be set to values from 0 to 3.  The |
   default abort severity is 3.  If  the abort severity is set to |
   0.  No output file will be  generated if the abort severity is |
   set to 0.   Execution will continue as long  as possible after |
   any error up to the point where the final object is created in |
   order  to provide as  much information as  possible.  Possible |
   error severities are:                                          |
     1 - WARNING               Possible error but not serious.    |
     2 - ERROR                 Recoverable error.                 |
     3 - FATAL ERROR           Unrecoverable error.               |
     4 - IMPLEMENTATION ERROR  Error   in  the   linkage  editor. |
                               Causes immediate abort.            |
-auto_segnames, -asn                                              |
   generates a segname definition on the containing component for |
   each  entrypoint  definition  in  the  component.  This allows |
   references  which only  refer to   the entrypoint  name to  be |
   located properly  regardless of the name of  the object module |
   which contain them.  (Default)                                 |
-component_size pages, -compsz pages
   specifies the maximum number of pages which a single component
   of the  output object should  contain.  This value  is used to
   determine  at what  point the  transition is  made from single
   segment to multisegment file and the size of an individual MSF |
   component.  If this control argument is not specified, a value
   of 255 pages is used.

-delete {starname}, -dl {starname}                                |
   deletes the  matching entrypoints from the  output binary.  If |
   no starname  is given, all  entrypoints will be  deleted, with |
   the exception of the definition for "main_" and its associated |
   segnames, if present.  This definition  can be removed with an |
   explicit  -delete  main_  control  argument.   For  a  further |
   explanation  of definition  starnames see  the "Notes" section |
   below.                                                         |

-display_severity N, -dsv N                                       |
   Only  display  errors  of  severity  N  or  greater.   Display |
   severity  can be  set to  a value  from 1  to 5.   The display |
   severity defaults to 1.  Error severities are:                 |
     1 - WARNING               Possible error but not serious.    |
     2 - ERROR                 Recoverable error.                 |

MTB-718                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Linkage Editor.

     3 - FATAL ERROR           Unrecoverable error.               |
     4 - IMPLEMENTATION ERROR  Error   in  the   linkage  editor. |
                               Causes immediate abort.            |
   A display severity of 5  indicates that no error messages will |
   be  printed other  than the  final message  if the translation |
   failed.                                                        |

-force, -fc
   suppresses the  query before overwriting a  non-object segment
   or an object segment created by a translator.

-library library_specification, -lib library_specification
   specifies  one  or  more  object  library  routines  which the
   linkage editor  will use to resolve  external references.  The
   library specification can be in one of four formats:

   Library  archives  are   unbound  archives  containing  object
   segments which may be used to resolve external references.  To
   specify  a  library  archive,  the  ".archive"  suffix must be
   included in the name.
   Library  directories  may  be  specified  which  contain loose
   object  segments  or  archives  of  object  segments  to which |
   external references may be resolved.
   Pathnames  to specific segments  or archive components  may be
   Starnames  specifying  groups  of  loose  segments or archives |
   within a  directory may be specified, or  an archive component |
   starname  specifying a set  of components within  a particular

-list, -ls
   create a listing specifying what segments were involved in the
   creation of the linked segment,  the disposition of each input
   component  and link,  and a   list of  the retained  links and
   definitions.  The name of the listing segment will be the same
   as the output binary with a .list suffix appended.

   Create  a map  of the   input components  and where  they were
   placed.  The name  of the listing segment will be  the same as
   the output binary with a .list suffix appended.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-718
Linkage Editor.

-no_auto_segnames, -nasn                                          |
   do not  automatically add segnames to the  input components to |
   correspond to the entrypoints  contained in the component.  In |
   this case the only segname that  will be used to locate a link |
   target will be the name of the input component.                |
-no_force, -nfc
   query  before overwriting a  non-object segment, or  an object
   created by a translator.  (Default)

-no_list, -nls
   do not produce a listing segment.  (Default)

-no_version, -nvers
   do not print out the version of the linkage editor.

-output_file pathname, -of pathname
   specifies the pathname of the  ouput binary to be created.  If
   no -output_file  argument is given, the output  binary will be
   created in the working directory  with the name a.out.  Before
   generating the output, the linkage editor will check to insure
   that  the  target  either  does  not  exist,  or  was a binary
   produced by  the linkage editor prior to  overwriting.  If the
   target is  not an object,  or is not  bound, the user  will be |
   queried before it is overwritten.

-retain {starname}, -rt {starname}                                |
   specifies entrypoints that should be retained.  The entrypoint |
   is given in the form segname$entryname.  Either the segname or |
   entrypoint name portions (or both)  may be given as starnames. |
   If no -retain  or -delete argument is given,  all segnames and
   entrypoints  will be retained.   If any -retain  arguments are
   given,  all other  entrypoint and  segname definitons  will be
   deleted, with the exception of a "main_" definition which will
   always be retained, along with its associated segnames, unless
   deleted with an explicit -delete main_ control argument.

-version, -vers
   prints out  the version of the linkage  editor before linking.

5.1.  Input Paths.

The input paths as given  to the linkage_editor specify the names
and order of  the input binaries to be used  to produce the final
output.   They  can  consist   of  segments,  starnames,  archive
components,  archive  component  starnames,  entire  archives, or

Given the following set file system entities:

MTB-718                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Linkage Editor.

     a  directory containing  the files   x, y,  and the  archive |
     z.archive containing components i and j.                     |

     a single segment object segment.

     an archive containing the components a, b, c.1, and d.1

The following examples show which  binaries are selected for each
input path given:

le file1
     selects only the single segment object file1.

le dir
     selects the single segment binaries x, y, and the components |
     i and j from the archive z.archive in the directory dir.     |

le archive.archive
     selects the components a, b, c.1, and c.2.

le dir>*
     selects the files x and y from the directory dir.

le archive::*.1
     selects the  components c.1 and d.1 from  the archive called

After each of the input files has been selected, they are checked
to insure that they actually  are executable binaries.  If any of
the  specified  input  files  are  not  valid  binaries, an error
message is printed and the run continues.                         |

5.2.  Libraries.

The  specification of  libraries  uses  the same  conventions and
methods  as   the  input  path  evaluation   to  determine  which
segments/archive  components  are  available  for  use as library
targets.  This makes construction of a library simple as there is
no standard format.   A library can be a directory  full of loose
executable binaries,  an archive, or even a  single segment.  The
primary  difference   between  an  input  binary   specified  via
input_paths  and one  specified as  a library  component, is that
library components  are included only  if they are  referenced by
either an  input_path component or an  already referenced library

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-718
Linkage Editor.

5.3.  Output.

The output from  the linkage editor will be  either an executable
single segment  binary, similar to what is  currently produced by
the  binder, or, if  the size of  the output exceeds  the maximum
size  specified by the  -component_size control argument,  an MSF |
with components of the specified size.                            |

5.4.  Map/List Output.

The  -map  and  -list  control  arguments  will  create a segment
containing a description of what  was done in the linkage_editor.
They differ primarily in the level of detail provided.

     Produces a map  of the input binaries, where  they came from
     (explicit  path, extracted  from a  library, which  library,
     etc), where they were placed (in  the case of an object MSF) |
     as well as the other information contained in the bind map.
     Produces a more detailed  description of the transformations
     done to the input.  All  of the information provided by -map
     is  included as  well as   a list  of the  retained external
     definitions and  links, and a description  of the resolution
     of  each external  link on  a component-by-component  basis.
     Two list will be produced:
        - the  links for  each component  that were  resolved and
          where they were resolved to.
        - the links for each component that were left external.

6.  Link Editor Implementation

The  following section  discusses how   the Link  Editor will  be
implemented on Multics.  This discussion will be broken down into
a general  implementation description and more  detailed sections
on certain aspects of the linkage_editor which are different from
existing applications.

6.1.  General Implementation

The  generation of  the linked  segment/MSF from  the given input |
will be done in discrete stages as follows:

MTB-718                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Linkage Editor.

6.1.1.  Command Processing.

   - Parse the  command line extracting the  input paths, library
     paths, and options.
   - derive  pointers   to  each  input  component   and  library
     component as described above.

6.1.2.  Link and Library Resolution.

   - Extract  the definition information  from each of  the input
   - Extraction  of all  type-4 links  from the  named objects to
     determine what  inter-component linkages are  present.  Each
     link target is determined at this time.
   - Any  links which  remain external  are then  applied to  the
     libraries to determine whether they can be satisfied there.
   - If they can the target of the link is added to the component
     list.   The last  4 steps   are repeated  for the  new input
     components until  no more links  can be resolved  within the

6.1.3.  External Initialization Resolution.

   - Extract  all   *system  and  *heap  links   from  the  input
     components  and resolve  their initialization  infos into  a
     single init_info.
   - Determine  which of the  input components will  contain this
     info, and therefor which output  component, if the output is
     an MSF.                                                      |

6.1.4.  MSF Partitioning.                                         |

   - Determine the size of the resulting object.  If it is larger |
     than the maximum size limit  specified for a single segment, |
     partition the input objects into MSF components.             |

6.1.5.  Component Processing.

   - For each output component:
   - Copy  the text  section, performing  relocation as required.
     This process will also generate  most of the linkage section
     and parts of the definition section in the form of tables.
   - Extract all the  *system and *heap links found  in the input
     for  this component  and  insure  that they  are regenerated
     regardless of whether they are referenced.
   - Emit  the definition list.   If the output  is to be  an MSF |

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-718
Linkage Editor.

     component,  emit  the  msf_map   indicating  the  number  of |
     components and the component being emitted.
   - Copy and  relocate the symbol section,  truncating to remove
     the old relocation information.
   - Close the object, generating the definition section, linkage
     section, and object map from previously emitted information.

6.1.6.  Output Backpatching.

   - When  all of  the  components  have been  generated, various
     back-patches will  be applied to fill in  values which could
     not  be calculated  at the  time the  output components were
     created (such as an offset  into another component which had
     not yet been created.)

6.1.7.  MSF Transfer Vector Creation.                             |

   - If  the output  consists of  more than  1 component,  we now
     create   component  0.     Component  0   contains  indirect
     definitions  for each   retained entrypoint,  constituting a
     transfer  vector  through  a  partially-snapped  link to the
     actual entrypoint.

MTB-718                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Linkage Editor.

6.2.  Library Link Resolution.

If  library  specifications  are  supplied,  external links which
cannot be resolved  within the input binaries may  be resolved in
the  libraries.  The process  of library resolution  is performed
recursively after all the links  which can be resolved within the
existing set of binaries is completed.  After all links which can
be  resolved internally have  been found, the  remaining external
links  are scanned  looking for  links which  can be  resolved to
binaries  within  the  libraries.   Those  library routines which
satisfy some  outstanding external link  are added to  the set of
input  binaries.  Note  that  only  those library  routines which
satisfy some link are included.   This process of resolving links
internally,  and   then  scanning  the  libraries   is  continued
recursively until  a pass over  the libraries cannot  resolve any
more links.

6.3.  Object Creation Utilities.

In  order  to  facilitate  the  creation  of  the  output  object
segments/MSF  components,  a  set  of  object  utilities  will be |
created to  perform many of  the standard functions  necessary in
the creation of an object  segment.  This represents a base level
implementation  which  can  be  extended  to  meet  the  needs of

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-718
Linkage Editor.

6.3.1.  ocu_$open

  dcl ocu_$open entry (char (*), char (*), bit (*), ptr,
          fixed bin (35));
  call ocu_$open (dir_name, entry_name, flags, ocu_datap, code);

     Allocates and initializes the data structures used to create
     the object segment and returns  a pointer used to locate the


     is the name of the directory  in which the final object will
     be created.  (Input)

     is the entry name of the output object segment.  (Input)

     is a bit string indicating various options to be used in the
     creation of the object segment.  (Input)
     The following values may be  used to derive the desired flag
     value.  (found in ocu_dcls.incl.pl1)

          OPEN_FLAGS_BOUND             = "10000"b
               The object being created will have the format of a
               bound   object  (ie.    one  containing   multiple
               translator  produced  objects)  and  is  formatted
               according  to  the  standards  for  bound objects.
               This format is not enforced  by ocu_ and it is the
               responsibility of the caller  to set up the object
          OPEN_FLAGS_RELOCATABLE       = "01000"b
               The   object   being    created   has   relocation
               information and can be used as input to the binder
               or linkage  editor.  This flag is used  by ocu_ to
               determine  whether or  not to  add the  relocation
               information to  the linkage section of  the object
               segment when the object is closed.
          OPEN_FLAGS_PROCEDURE         = "00100"b
               The object contains executable code.
          OPEN_FLAGS_SEPARATE_STATIC   = "00010"b
               The object segment is  to contain a static section
               rather  than have  the static  section included in
               the  linkage section.   This flag  is examined  by
               ocu_ when closing the  object segment to determine

MTB-718                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Linkage Editor.

               relocation   of   static   and   linkage   section
               references and to generate the sections properly.
               The static  section of this object  segment is not
               to  be duplicated  when called  from within  a run

     is a  pointer to the ocu  data structures used by  the other
     calls.  (Output)

     is a standard status code.  (Output)

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-718
Linkage Editor.

6.3.2.  ocu_$close

  dcl ocu_$close entry (ptr, fixed bin (35));
  call ocu_$close (ocu_datap, code);

     takes the information provided by previous calls to ocu_ and
     assembles   the  final   object  segment.    The  relocation
     information,  object_map, linkage header,  definition string
     map, hash table, and header are synthesized at this point.


     is a pointer returned by ocu_$open.  This identifies all the
     data structues needed to create the object segment.  (Input)

     is a standard status code.  (Output)

MTB-718                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Linkage Editor.

6.3.3.  ocu_$release                                              |
  dcl ocu_$release entry (ptr);                                   |
  call ocu_$release (ocu_datap);                                  |
Function:                                                         |
releases the temporary storage used  by ocu_.  This entrypoint is |
designed to be called by a  cleanup handler to release storage in |
the event of an unexpected release.                               |
Arguments:                                                        |
ocu_datap                                                         |
     is a pointer returned by ocu_$open.  This identifies all the |
     data structues needed to create the object segment.  (Input) |

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-718
Linkage Editor.

6.3.4.  ocu_$emit_text

  dcl ocu_$emit_text entry (ptr, ptr, ptr,
          fixed bin (18) unsigned)
          returns (fixed bin (18) unsigned);
  text_relp = ocu_$emit_text (ocu_datap, textp, relocationp,

     emits a  block of text words,  appending them to the  end of
     the text  section and returning  the offset within  the text
     section.  Errors encountered are reported using the sub_err_


     is a pointer returned by ocu_$open.  This identifies all the
     data structues needed to create the object segment.  (Input)

     is  a  pointer  to  an  array  of  text  words  of dimension
     (word_count) to be appended to the text section.  (Input)

     is a pointer to a  character string of length (2*word_count)
     representing the relocation  information associated with the
     text array.  (Input)
     The  characters used  are the  standard character relocation
     codes used by the translators.  (see the Multics Programmers
     Reference  Manual).  This  string is  required regardless of
     whether the output  object is to be relocatable  since it is
     used to relocate linkage and static references if the static
     section is not separate.

     is the number of words of text to be emitted.  (Input)

     is an offset to this block  of words relative to the base of
     the section.  (Output)

MTB-718                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Linkage Editor.

6.3.5.  ocu_$emit_definition

  dcl ocu_$emit_definition entry (ptr, char (*) varying,
          fixed bin (3), fixed bin (18) unsigned,
          bit (*)) returns (fixed bin (18) unsigned);
  def_relp = ocu_$emit_definition (ocu_datap, name, section,
          offset, flags);

     Emits a  single non-class-3 definition, and  threads it into
     the definition list.  Definitions  are threaded in the order
     of the calls  to ocu_$emit_definition and ocu_$emit_segname.
     Successive calls to  emit_segname generate multiple segnames
     in a  single block.  Calls to  emit_segname with intervening
     calls to emit_definition create a new block.


     is a pointer returned by ocu_$open.  This identifies all the
     data structues needed to create the object segment.  (Input)

     is the name of the definition.  (Input)

     is the section that the definition refers to.  (Input)
     Constants    for   the    sections   can    be   found    in
     definition_dcls.incl.pl1.     Valid   sections    for   this
     subroutine are:

          SECTION_TEXT   = 0
          SECTION_LINK   = 1
          SECTION_SYMBOL = 2
          SECTION_STATIC = 4

     is  the offset of  the target of  the definition within  the
     given section.  (Input)

     is  a bit  string representing  the flags  to be  set in the
     definition.  (Input)
     Constants   definition   the   values   can   be   found  in

          DEFINITION_FLAGS_IGNORE   = "1000"b
          DEFINITION_FLAGS_ENTRY    = "0100"b
          DEFINITION_FLAGS_RETAIN   = "0010"b

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-718
Linkage Editor.

     is  an offset  to the  generated definition  relative to the
     base of the definition section.  (Output)

MTB-718                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Linkage Editor.

6.3.6.  ocu_$emit_segname

  dcl ocu_$emit_segname entry (ptr, char (*) varying, bit (*))
          returns (fixed bin (18) unsigned);
  def_relp = ocu_$emit_segname (ocu_datap, name, flags);

     Emits a single class-3  (segname) definition, and threads it
     into  the definition list.   The definitions are  chained in
     the   order    of   calls   to    ocu_$emit_definition   and
     ocu_$emit_segname.    Sequential   calls   to   emit_segname
     generate  multiple segnames  in a  single block.   A call to
     emit_segname  after calls  to emit_definition  starts a  new
     block.   It  is  invalid  to  call  emit_definition  without
     calling emit_segname at least once.


     is a pointer returned by ocu_$open.  This identifies all the
     data structues needed to create the object segment.  (Input)

     is the name of this segname definition.  (Input)

     is  a bit  string representing  the flags  to be  set in the
     definition.  (Input)
     Constants   definition   the   values   can   be   found  in

          DEFINITION_FLAGS_IGNORE   = "1000"b
          DEFINITION_FLAGS_ENTRY    = "0100"b
          DEFINITION_FLAGS_RETAIN   = "0010"b

     is  an offset  to the  generated definition  relative to the
     base of the definition section.  (Output)

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-718
Linkage Editor.

6.3.7.  ocu_$emit_msf_map                                         |

  dcl ocu_$emit_msf_map (ptr, fixed bin (15) unsigned,            |
          fixed bin (15) unsigned);                               |
  call ocu_$emit_msf_map (ocu_datap, component_count,             |
          my_component);                                          |

     Emits  the msf_map  in the   definition section  of the  new |
     object.  This entrypoint should ONLY be called if the object |
     segment  being  generated  is   an  MSF  component.   Errors |
     encountered  are  reported  using   calls  to  the  sub_err_


     is a pointer returned by ocu_$open.  This identifies all the
     data structues needed to create the object segment.  (Input)

     is the number of components  in the MSF, including component |
     0.  (Input)

     is the number of the  component being generated in the range
     0 to component_count - 1.  (Input)

MTB-718                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Linkage Editor.

6.3.8.  ocu_$emit_static

  dcl ocu_$emit_static entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (18) unsigned,
          returns (fixed bin (18) unsigned);
  static_relp = ocu_$emit_static (ocu_datap, staticp, word_count);

     Emits  a block  of words  which are  appended to  the static
     section.  Since  there is no relocation info  for the static
     section (and it is forced to  be absolute if it is contained
     in  the  linkage  section),  no  relocation  information  is
     required.   Note that even  if the static  section is to  be
     contained in  the linkage section, references  to the static
     section should  be made with static relocation  info and not
     attempt  to  adjust  the  offsets  for  the  presence of the
     linkage header.   when the new object is  closed, all static
     references  will  be  mapped  into  the  appropriate linkage
     Error   encountered   are   reported   using   the  sub_err_


     is a pointer returned by ocu_$open.  This identifies all the
     data structues needed to create the object segment.  (Input)

     is a pointer to an  array or words of dimension (word_count)
     to be appended to the static section.  (Input)

     is the number of words to be appended to the static section.

     is the offset of the block  or words relative to the base of
     the static section

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-718
Linkage Editor.

6.3.9.  ocu_$emit_link

  dcl ocu_$emit_link entry (ptr, fixed bin (3), fixed bin (3),
          char (*) var, char (*) var, fixed bin, bit (6), ptr)
          returns (fixed bin (18) unsigned);
  link_relp = ocu_$emit_link (ocu_datap, type, class, segname,
          offsetname, expression, modifier, init_infop);

     Creates  a  single  external  link.   The  expression  word,
     type_pair,   segname  and    offsetname  strings,   and  any
     trap_words  or external   initialization information  in the
     definition section  are also generated as  required.  Errors
     encountered are reported using the sub_err_ subroutine.


     is a pointer returned by ocu_$open.  This identifies all the
     data structues needed to create the object segment.  (Input)

     is the type of the link.  Constants for the valid link types
     can be found in definition_dcls.incl.pl1.  Valid valued are:

          LINK_SELF_BASE          = 1
          LINK_REFNAME_BASE       = 3
          LINK_SELF_OFFSETNAME    = 5

     is the  class of the  link for type  1 (link self  base) and
     type 5 (link self  offsetname).  This indicates what section
     of the  object segment the expression value  is relative to.
     It is used only if the type is 1 or 5.  Constants usable for
     this value are  declared in definition_dcls.incl.pl1.  Valid
     values are:

          CLASS_TEXT    = 0
          CLASS_LINKAGE = 1
          CLASS_SYMBOL  = 2
          CLASS_STATIC  = 4
          CLASS_SYSTEM  = 5
          CLASS_HEAP    = 6

MTB-718                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Linkage Editor.

     is the segname of the link  target.  This field is only used
     if  the type of  the link is  type 3 (link-refname-base)  or
     type 4 (link-refname-offsetname).  This  is the refname that
     will  be used  to search  for the  segment when  the link is
     snapped.  (Input)

     is the  name of the definition  to be searched for  when the
     link is snapped.   This field is only used if  the link type
     is    type   4    (link-refname-offsetname)   or    type   5
     (link-self-offsetname).  (Input)

     is a word offset to be  added to the offset derived from the
     section and offsetname values.  (Input)

     is the modifier of the link.  This is the modifier that will
     be  present in  the pointer  representing the  snapped link.
     Generally a null modifier (""b) is used.  (Input)

     is a pointer to the  initialization info, or to a trap_pair.
     If the link is a type 5, class 5 link (a *system or external
     link).   This points to  an initialization info  block which
     will be placed into the  definition section.  This can point
     to any  type of standard initialization  info (INIT_NO_INIT,
     INIT_DEFERRED if the object segment  being created is an MSF |
     component.)  If the  link is not a *system  link, a non-null |
     value will be assumed to point to a trap-pair representing a
     trap-before-link.   Since  trap-before-links  are  generally
     obsolete,  this  should  only  be  non-null  when  supplying
     initialization_info for *system links.

     is  the offset  of this  link relative  to the  base of  the
     linkage section.  Note that the  link offset returned is the
     location of  the link assuming there  is no linkage-resident
     static section.   When the object  is closed (via  a call to
     ocu_$close) all link references will be relocated to account
     for the  presence of a static  section.  If you plan  to use
     this returned  link offset for purposes other  than to store
     in one of the other object sections, you will have to adjust
     for the static section manually.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-718
Linkage Editor.

6.3.10.  ocu_$emit_partial_link

  dcl ocu_$emit_partial_link entry (ptr, fixed bin (15) unsigned,
          fixed bin (3), fixed bin (18) unsigned, bit (6))
          returns (fixed bin (18) unsigned);
  link_relp = ocu_$emit_link (ocu_datap, component, section,
          offset, modifier);

     Emits  a partially snapped  link.  A partially  snapped link
     uses  no  information  in  the  definition  section,  and is
     snapped  before  entry  by  a  first  reference  trap.  This
     entrypoint  should ONLY  be  called  when generating  an MSF |
     component.    Errors  are    reported  using   the  sub_err_ |


     is a pointer returned by ocu_$open.  This identifies all the
     data structues needed to create the object segment.  (Input)

     is the  component number of the target  component within the
     MSF.  Generally this  will be in the range 1  to the maximum |
     component number.  (Input)

     is  the target  section of  the link  within the  target MSF |
     component.  (Input) Constants for  these values can be found |
     in definition_dcls.incl.pl1.  Valid values are:

          SECTION_TEXT    = 0
          SECTION_LINKAGE = 1
          SECTION_SYMBOL  = 2
          SECTION_STATIC  = 4

     is the offset of the pointer.  This value is relative to the
     base  of the  section  specified  by the  section parameter.

     is the modifier of the link.  This will also be the modifier
     of  the pointer  generated by  snapping the  link.  The null
     modifier (""b) is generally used.  (Input)

MTB-718                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Linkage Editor.

     is the offset of the generated  link relative to the base of
     the linkage section.  Note that  this value is calculated as
     if  there were  no static  section resident  in the  linkage
     section.   When  the  object  is   closed  (via  a  call  to
     ocu_$close) all  linkage references are relocated  to adjust
     for the presence of a  static section.  If the caller wishes
     to  use this  value for  other purposes  that to  include in
     another call  to ocu_, it will  have to be adjusted  for the
     presence of the static section manually.  (Output)

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-718
Linkage Editor.

6.3.11.  ocu_$emit_firstref_trap

  dcl ocu_$emit_firstref_trap entry (ptr, fixed bin (18) unsigned,
          fixed bin (18) unsigned);
  call ocu_$emit_firstref_trap (ocu_datap, call_relp, info_relp);

     Adds a  firstref trap to  the first reference  trap block in
     the linkage  section.  The links reference  by the call_relp
     and  info_relp  must  have  already  been  emitted.   Errors
     encountered are reported using the sub_err_ subroutine.


     is a pointer returned by ocu_$open.  This identifies all the
     data structues needed to create the object segment.  (Input)

     is the offset relative to the base of the linkage section of
     a link to be used to call the trap procedure.  (Input)

     is the offset relative to the base of the linkage section of
     a link to be passed to the trap procedure.  If this value is
     0,  no  parameter  will  be  passed  to  the trap procedure.

MTB-718                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Linkage Editor.

6.3.12.  ocu_$emit_symbol

  dcl ocu_$emit_symbol entry (ptr, ptr, ptr,
          fixed bin (18) unsigned)
          returns (fixed bin (18) unsigned);
  symbol_relp = ocu_$emit_symbol (ocu_datap, symbolp,
          relocationp, word_count);

     Emits a block of symbol words and appends them to the symbol
     section.  Errors encountered are reported using the sub_err_


     is a pointer returned by ocu_$open.  This identifies all the
     data structues needed to create the object segment.  (Input)

     is a pointer  to an array symbol section  words of dimension
     (word_count) to be appended to the symbol section.  (Input)

     is a pointer to a  character string of length (2*word_count)
     representing the relocation information for the accompanying
     block of words.  (Input)
     The relocation characters are taken from the set of standard
     characters  used by  language translators  (see the  Multics
     Programmers  Reference Manual).    The relocation  string is
     required  even  if  the  object   to  be  generated  is  not
     relocatables  since the  relocation information  is used  to
     locate static  and linkage references which will  have to be
     relocated if the static section is linkage resident.

     is the number of symbol words to be emitted.  (Input)

     is the offset of this block of words relative to the base of
     the symbol section.  (Output)

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-718
Linkage Editor.

6.3.13.  ocu_$backpatch

  dcl ocu_$backpatch entry (ptr, char (*),
          fixed bin (18) unsigned, char (*), fixed bin (35);
  call ocu_$backpatch (ocu_datap, section, offset, side,

     It is often  necessary in the creation of  an object segment
     to  generate a  reference to  something which  has not  been
     emitted yet.  This entrypoint allows changes to be made in a
     word which has already been emitted.  Since many sections of
     the object segment are being  synthesized by ocu_ from other
     information, it  is not practical to patch  them.  (eg.  the
     definition  section  contains  type_pairs, expression_words,
     init_info, and  ACC_strings generated as byproducts  of link
     generation.  The offsets of these  items are not known until
     the object is closed.)  This entry is primarily for patching
     sections which were emitted as blocks of words.  (ie.  text,
     static, and symbol sections.)


     is a pointer returned by ocu_$open.  This identifies all the
     data structues needed to create the object segment.  (Input)

     is  a  character  identifying  the  section  to  be patched.
     Valid values for this argument are:
     "text"   - to patch the text section.
     "static" - to patch the static section.
     "symbol" - to patch the symbol section.

     is the word offset within  the given section of the halfword
     to be patched.  (Input)

     is a string indicating what portion of the specified word is
     to be patched.  (Input)
     Valid  values  depend  on  the  section  being  patched  and
     correspond to the valid types of relocation allowed for that
        - Text section
               "left 15 unsigned"
               "left 15 signed"
               "left 18 unsigned"
               "left 18 signed"

MTB-718                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Linkage Editor.

               "right 18 unsigned"
               "right 18 unsigned"
          - Static section
               "left 18 unsigned"
               "left 18 signed"
               "right 18 unsigned"
               "right 18 signed"
          - Symbol section
               "left 18 unsigned"
               "left 18 signed"
               "right 18 unsigned"
               "right 18 signed"

     is the new value to be patched into the specified portion of
     the word.  (Input)

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-718
Linkage Editor.

6.3.14.  ocu_$create_msf                                          |

  dcl ocu_$create_msf entry (ptr, fixed bin (15) unsigned,        |
          ptr, fixed bin (35));                                   |
  call ocu_$create_msf (component_listp, component_count,         |
          gen_infop, code);                                       |

     Creates component 0 of the  MSF.  Given an array of pointers |
     to all of the components of the MSF (excepting component 0), |
     generates component 0, copying the external definitions, and |
     building the first reference trap.


     is  a   pointer  to  an  array  of   pointers  of  dimension
     (1:component_count-1).  (Input)
     Each pointer  points to one  component of the  MSF.  Each of |
     the pointers  points to a  completed object segment.   It is |
     assumed that each of the components already has it's linkage |
     section   built  as   an  MSF   component  (ie.   containing |
     appropriate partially-snapped links) and that the msf_map is |
     present in the definition section.                           |

     is the  number of components  in the final  MSF not counting |
     component 0.  (Input)

     is  a pointer  to the   gen_info structure  used to  set the
     generator_info in the symbol header of component 0.  (Input)
     The  gen_info  structure  is  declared  in  the include file

       dcl 01 gen_info             aligned based,
            02 gen_created         fixed bin (71),
            02 generator           char (8),
            02 gen_number          fixed bin,
            02 gen_version         char (512) varying;

          is the clock time that the generator was created.

          is the name of the generator (eg.  PL/I, binder, etc.).

          is  the version  number of  the generator.   This value
          must the version number if the gen_version string.

MTB-718                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Linkage Editor.

          is a version string giving  the name, version, and date
          of the  generator (eg.  Multics PL/I  Compiler, Release
          28e, of February 14, 1985)

     is a standard status code.  (Output)

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-718
Linkage Editor.

6.4.  Object Multi-Segment Files.                                 |

The linkage  editor will handle  object MSFs as  output.  In this |
case, special handling is required in order to compensate for the |
multi-segment  format.   When  it  is  determined  that  there is |
sufficient input to require that  an MSF be produced, the linkage |
editor will partition the  input binaries into output components.
No form of  optimization will be done at this  stage to determine
which input binaries  are placed together.  This must  be done by
the user  specifying the order.   An optimization stage  could be
placed here  at a later  time if it  it found to  be sufficiently
desirable.  These components are then  each processes in the same
way  that a single-segment  output would be  except that when  an
inter-component  reference is   encountered, a  partially snapped
link is generated,  and if necessary, a backpatch  record so that
the proper link offset can  be inserted when the target component
is  processed.  The  only other  difference in  processing is the
inclusion of  the msf_map, and the final  call to ocu_$create_msf |
to build component 0.