MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                              MTB746-03

  To:       MTB Distribution

  From:     Edward C. Brunelle

  Date:     April 3, 1987

  Subject:  Network accounting software


  This MTB describes new software  and Answering Service changes to
  support  charging  processes  for  DSA  usage.   Central to these
  changes  is  a  new  subroutine  network_accounting_  and a table
  >sc1>network_accounting_table,  managed via vfile_,  that records
  current process use of DSA channels.

  This  revision  replaces  the  $charge_bytes  and $charge_packets
  entrypoints with a general purpose $charge_channel_use entrypoint
  which also has a different calling sequence.  It also deletes the
  entrypoints $dump_table and $close_process_entries.  In addition,
  it restructures the network accounting record.

  There are  no change bars  in this revision  since it is  a major


  Comments should be sent to the author:

  via Multics Forum:
  via Multics Mail:
     Brunelle -at System-M

  via Telephone:
     (HVN) 862-3595, or (602) 862-3595


  Multics project  internal documentation; not to  be reproduced or
  distributed outside the Multics project without permission of the
  Director of MDC.

  MTB746-03                                      Network accounting



     1:  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1
     2:  Network accounting table  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     2.1:  Network Accounting Table record format  . . . . . . .   3
     2.2:  Session Control access of NAT . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.3:  Answering Service access of NAT . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3:  Scenarios for NAT usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.1:  Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.2:  Starting conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.3:  Scenario - Logging in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     3.4:  Scenario - Process Termination  . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     Appendix A:  Documentation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
        network_accounting_  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
           network_accounting_$charge_channel_use  . . . . . . .  14
           network_accounting_$clear_table . . . . . . . . . . .  16
           network_accounting_$dump_table  . . . . . . . . . . .  17
           network_accounting_$get_path  . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
           network_accounting_$get_process_total . . . . . . . .  20
           network_accounting_$read_and_reset_table  . . . . . .  21
           network_accounting_$test  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
        network_accounting_gate_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
        display_net_acct_table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24

  Network accounting                                      MTB746-03


    Network  channels  are  managed  resources  that  cost money to
  operate.  This  MTB describes how  processes will be  charged for
  their use of network channels (specifically DSA channels):  bytes
  sent, packets  sent, and connect  time.  Rates for  these charges
  are handled the  same way as rates for tape  and disk device use.
  The  charge per  thousand bytes,  per thousand  packets, and  per
  connect hour are  stored as device rates for  each rate structure
  in installation_parms.  The new  devices defined for this purpose
  are dsa_kbyt, dsa_kpkt, and dsa_hour.

    Use of DSA resources by  processes is recorded in a system-wide
  Network Accounting Table (NAT) managed  in an inner ring by entry
  points in  the subroutine network_accounting_ called  directly in
  user  processes  by  inner  ring  Session  Control,  and  via the
  network_accounting_gate_ by the Answering Service.  Specifically,
  Session Control calls an entrypoint  to post usage figures to the
  table  and the  Answering Service   calls other  entry points  to
  charge processes for their accumulated usage.

    This mechanism is for use only by non-MCS channels.  For Tymnet
  and other ring 0 connections,  MCS already manages its own tables
  that the Answering Service accesses via existing metering gates.

  MTB746-03                                      Network accounting


    The  NAT  is  named  network_accounting_table  and  resides  by
  default       in      the       directory      specified       by
  sys_info$system_control_dir.  This  directory can be  changed for
  test purposes by calling network_accounting_gate_$test.

    The NAT is managed as a keyed vfile_ with fixed-length records.
  Each record  corresponds to one  DSA connection.  The  key is the
  process ID, session handle and network type.  There may be one or
  more consecutive connections on a DSA session during the time the
  session  is  in  existence.   It  is  expected  that  only active
  processes will  occupy the table.  When Session  Control closes a
  connection,  network_accounting_ will turn  on a flag  that marks
  the NAT record for later deletion.

    Each  process opens  the NAT  once and  keeps it  open for  the
  duration of  the process.  The  NAT is opened  using the "-share"
  and  "-stationary" options  of vfile_.   NAT records  are updated
  using the following steps:

  (1)  Do  a  "record_status"  control  order,  asking  to lock the

  (2)  Update the  record in place  using the record_ptr  from step
       (1).  This works because the record is locked and the record
       itself remains constant in size during it's existence.

  (3)  Do a second "record_status", asking to unlock the record.

  Each NAT record belongs to  only one process.  Therefore, at most
  one  process will  be updating   the record  while the  Answering
  Service  is  reading  it.   The  above  locking strategy prevents
  contention between the owning process and the Answering Service.

  Network accounting                                      MTB746-03

  2.1:  Network Accounting Table record format

  The    format    of    a    NAT    record    is    declared    in
  network_account_record.incl.pl1.  It is defined as follows:

   dcl 1 network_account_record aligned based,
       2 version char (8),
       2 key,
         3 process_id bit (36) aligned,
         3 session_handle fixed bin (35),
         3 network_id fixed bin unaligned,
       2 switches unaligned,
         3 delete_switch bit (1) unaligned,
         3 unassigned_switch bit (1) unaligned,
         3 mbz bit (16) unaligned,
       2 connected_time fixed bin (71),
       2 update_time fixed bin (71),
       2 byte_count fixed bin (35),
       2 packet_count fixed bin (35).

  Structure Elements

     is the  version number of the  structure and should be  set to

     is an internal copy of the key which uniquely identifies a NAT

     identifies the process using the network connection.

     identifies the network session for this connection.

     identifies  the  network  type   for  the  connection.   Valid
     identifiers are found in  network_ids.incl.pl1.  For DSA, this
     value would be DSA_NET.

     if  "1"b, shows  the connection   is no  longer valid  and the
     record  may be deleted  after the data  is extracted.  Set  to
     "0"b when the record is created.

  MTB746-03                                      Network accounting

     identifies if  the owner of  the record still  has the channel
     assigned to it.  It is initially set to "0"b.

     It is used to determine which of the following two time fields
     is  to be used  to determine the  cumulative connect time  for

     If "0"b, shows the connection  is currently active and belongs
     to the owner  of this record.  The update_time field  is to be
     subtracted  from the  current  time  to determine  the connect

     If  "1"b,  shows  connection  currently  reassigned to another
     user.   The  connected_time   field  contains  the  cumulative
     microseconds to be  charged to the owner of  this record while
     it  was still  assigned to  the owner.   The update_time field
     shows the time the connection was reassigned.

     is the amount of connect time in microseconds to be charged to
     the owner of the record when it was assigned to the owner.  It
     is  initially  set  to  0.   It  only  has  meaning  when  the
     unassigned_switch is set to "1"b.

     is the file system clock value  for either the time the record
     was  created  or  the  last  time  the  accounting update ran,
     whichever   is  later.    It   only   has  meaning   when  the
     unassigned_switch is set to "0"b.

     is the number  of bytes sent over the  connection since either
     the record was created or the last time accounting update ran.

     is the number of packets sent over the connection since either
     the record was created or the last time accounting update ran.

  Network accounting                                      MTB746-03

  2.2:  Session Control access of NAT

    The  module  dsa_sc_sm_  in   bound_dsa_sc_  accesses  the  NAT
  directly through  calls to network_accounting_$charge_channel_use
  in order  to add usage  figures to the  sessions's byte_count and
  packet_count for the current process using the session.

  It will do this in four circumstances:

  o    When the session is initially  created in order to start the
       connect time clock running;

  o    When  the  session's  usage  figures  for  packets  or bytes
       processed  exceeds  predefined   limits;  These  limits  are
       currently 100 packets and 4096 bytes.

  o    When  requested to  by the  process owning  the session  via
       calls  to the  login server  entries "assign_connection" and

  o    When the connection is terminated.

  MTB746-03                                      Network accounting

  2.3:  Answering Service access of NAT

    The  Answering  Service  accesses  the  NAT  indirectly through
  network_accounting_gate_.  It does this at three separate times:

  o    When the  system is booted  via $clear_table entry  to start
       with a clean NAT.

  o    Every 15 minutes (or as often as specified by update_time in
       installation_parms)  as   part  of  the   Accounting  Update
       performed  by act_ctl_$update.  It  will access the  NAT via
       the $read_and_reset_table entry.

  o    When destroying a process, to get the last remaining network
       charges  that  were  entered  in  the  NAT  since  the  last
       Accounting   Update.   This   will  be   done  through   the
       $get_process_total entry.

    The job of  the Answering Service is to  read usage information
  from  the NAT, calculate  dollar charges by  looking at the  rate
  structure for the network devices, and post the dollar amounts to
  the process' PDT entry.  It does  this using code similar to that
  used   by   device_acct_$update   (another   program   called  by
  act_ctl_$update) to post tape and disk charges.

    The amount  of connect time that Answering  Service will charge
  for a session is the time since the most recent of:

       the first call to $charge_channel_use for that session.

       the  latest  call   to  $read_and_reset_table  that  returns
       information for that session.

  Each  of these  operations updates  the NAT  record's update_time
  field to the current clock time.

  Network accounting                                      MTB746-03


  The  following scenarios  for a  typical DSA  session attempt  to
  illustrate  when and  why network_accounting_  is called  and the
  state  of  the  NAT  record  as  a  result  of  the  calls.  This
  discussion will deal only with  a direct connection through a DSA
  line,  creation of  a session  and creation  of one  or more user
  processes on the session.

  It is  assumed that the user  is familiar with MTB751  - "Multics
  Networking Architecture  Answering Service Changes" and  MTB752 -
  "Network Login Servers".

  3.1:  Definitions

  SC - Session control.

  AS - Answering Service.  That code  which runs in the Initializer
       process and  controls the Identification  and Authentication
       (I&A) of  users accessing the system.  It  also includes the
       software which incorporates the accounting for system usage.

  LS - Login Server.  The process which listens for requests for
       communications  channel  access  to  Multics  over specified
       Endpoints.  Endpoints are defined for various services, such
       as "login" or "file transfer" and are network specific.  The
       login server performs the initial dialogue with the user.

  NA - Network  Accounting.  The  software which  runs in  both the
       user and Initializer processes  to account for network usage
       of the system.

  3.2:  Starting conditions

  Our starting state

  o    SC  listening to  the DN8  waiting for  a session connection

  o    A LS blocked and "listening" on a particular SC endpoint, in
       this  case   dsa.MUL1.LOGIN.   It  does  this   through  the
       "start_login_service" command of the  login server.  Part of
       data  passed to  SC when   the LS  started listening  is the
       processid  of the  login server.   In addition,  it sets the
       user processid to "0"b.

  o    The  following  variables  are  of  significance.   They are
       remembered by Session Control and their current contents are
       passed to Network Accounting whenever $charge_channel_use is

  MTB746-03                                      Network accounting

       a)   Owner_PID  - process  ID of  the login  server since it
            "owns" the session

       b)   User_PID -  process ID of  the user when  login occurs.
            Prior to login of the user, this value will be "0"b.

       c)   Session_ID  -  the  unique  ID  assigned  by  SC to the

       d)   Session_state  - what  is happening  to the  session at
            this time.

  3.3:  Scenario - Logging in

  1)   DSA  receives  a  request  from  outside  to  connect to the
       Multics system.

       SC - sets  the session_id  to a  unique value  which will be
            used to identify the session until it is destroyed.  It
            sets session_state to  CREATE_SESSION, Owner_PID to the
            LS process ID (since it  is running in the Login_Server
            Daemon), and calls NA at the $charge_channel_use entry.
            It will then return the Session_ID to the LS.

       NA - will create  a NAT record  to capture the  beginning of
            the session.  It will use the the session_id, Owner_PID
            and network_id as the key  for the NAT record since the
            session_state is CREATE_SESSION.   In addition, it will
            set  update_time  to  the  current  time  and  set  the
            unassigned_switch to "0"b and connected_time to zero.

  2)   LS starts the login dialogue with the user.

       SC - If enough dialogue occurs with  the user to cause SC to
            exceed  it's  packet/byte   thresholds,  it  will  call
            $charge_channel_use    with   session_state    set   to

            If    the   session     terminates,   SC    will   call
            $charge_channel_use    with     final    figures    and
            session_state   equal  DESTROY_SESSION  to   show  this
            session has terminated.

       NA - If Network  Accounting was called due to  either of the
            above circumstances, the NAT  record being updated will
            be that  of the Owner_PID  since the User_PID  is still
            "0"b.   If the   session_state is  DESTROY_SESSION, the
            delete_switch will be turned on in the record.

  3)   The user logs in.  This  occurs through LS having a dialogue
       with the user and passing that information to AS for I&A.

  Network accounting                                      MTB746-03

       LS - Just prior to turning the  session over to the user, LS
            will call  SC through the  assign_connection entrypoint
            passing  it the  processid for  the user  which will be
            using the session from this point on.

       SC - Will store  the new processid as User_PID  and will set
            session_state to ASSIGN_CONNECTION.   It will then call
            NA with the current byte and packet counts.

       NA - The session_state being  ASSIGN_CONNECTION causes NA to
            take two actions:

            a)   "suspend" the  record for Owner_PID.  It  will set
                 the  unassigned_switch to "1"b  and connected_time
                 to current  time - update_time.  It  will then set
                 update_time to the current  time.  It will add the
                 byte and  packet count figures passed  in the call
                 to those in the Owner_PID record.

            b)   create a new record for the User_PID.  It will set
                 update_time  to  the  current  time  and  set  the
                 unassigned_switch  to "0"b  and connected_time  to
                 zero.  In addition, the byte and packet counts for
                 the new record will be set to zero.

  4)   The user  is running and  the LS process  is blocked waiting
       for the user to terminate the connection..

       SC - will be  keeping track of  the packets and  bytes being
            transmitted.   When  it  goes  over  internal threshold
            values, SC will  set session_state to UPDATE_CONNECTION
            and call NA.

       NA - Since the  User_PID is non-zero, the  usage information
            will be charged to the user connection.

  5)   It is possible  that at any time during  the above sequence,
       the Initializer may make an  accounting update to gather all
       accounting   data  for  all   users  on  the   system.   The
       Initializer  will  call   NA  at  the  $read_and_reset_table
       entrypoint.   From the  data  returned,  it will  update all
       network usage in the PDT entries of currently running users.

  MTB746-03                                      Network accounting

       NA - will  allocate  an  array  of  records  large enough to
            contain  all of the  records in the  NAT.  To copy  the
            data from the  NAT record to the array  record, NA will
            use the following algorithm:

              array.byte_count = record.byte_count
              array.packet_count = record.packet_count

              record.byte_count, record.packet = 0

              if record.unassigned_switch = "0" then
                array.connect_time = (clock () - record.update_time)
                                             + record.connected_time
                record.update_time = clock ()
                record.connected_time = 0
                array.connect_time = record.connected_time
                record.connected_time = 0

  3.4:  Scenario - Process Termination

  Process  termination may  be any  one of  the following:  logout,
  new_proc or fatal process error.

  1)   The user types one of the process termination requests.

       AS - The   Initializer  process  receives   the  termination
            request  from  the  user.   The  Initializer  will call
            dpg_$dpg_ to  start process destruction.  This  in turn
            will   call   dial_ctl_$dial_broom   which   will  call
            uc_cleanup_network_dials_ to get  information about any
            connections  dialed to  the process.   It does  this by
            calling hpriv_connection_list_$get_next_user to get all
            connections dialed in to the process being destroyed.

            For  each active  connection the  Initializer, it  will
            call     the    entrypoint     referenced    in     the
            force_accounting_update_entry of the connection list to
            cause the current accounting data  to be flushed to the
            NAT    for   that    connection.    In    addition,   a
            "termination_response" message will also be sent to the
            login server for the dialed  in connection to cause the
            connection to removed by the login server.

       SC - when called through  the force_accounting_update entry,
            will  call NA  with the   current usage  figures and  a
            SESSION_STATE  of  UPDATE_CONNECTION  for  each  dialed

  2)   The  Initializer will then  complete the destruction  of the
       current process and charge for  the network usage by calling

  Network accounting                                      MTB746-03

       act_ctl_$dp for the process.   act_ctl_$dp will in turn call
       hpriv_connection_list_$get_next_user with the  process ID of
       the       current      process       and      call       the
       force_network_account_update entry so accounting is current.
       act_ctl_$dp   then  calls   NA  at   the  $get_process_total
       entrypoint and add the totals to the user's PDT entry.

       NA - will go through the NAT accumulating network usage data
            for all records matching the given process ID.  It will
            return  an  array  of  structures  with  each structure
            corresponding  to a  unique network_id.   It will  also
            delete any records with the delete_switch on.

  3)   The  Initializer sends  a "termination_response"  message to
       the login server for the current process.

       LS - will   call   SC    through   the   unassign_connection

       SC - will  call  $charge_channel_use  with  the  final usage
            charges  for the  connection and  session_state set  to
            UNASSIGN_CONNECTION.  When NA returns, SC will set it's
            copy of User_PID  to "0"b.  Because of the  call to the
            force_accounting_update_entry made in  steps 1 and/or 2
            above, the byte and  packet count figures being charged
            should be zeros.

       NA - The  session_state being UNASSIGN_CONNECTION  causes NA
            to take two actions:

            a)   add byte and packet charges  to the record for the
                 User_PID  and turn  the  delete  switch on  in the
                 record.  In addition, compute the connected_time =
                 clock  () -  update_time, update_time  = clock (),
                 and set unassigned_switch to "1"b.

            b)   "unsuspend" the record for Owner_PID.  It will set
                 the unassigned_switch  to "0"b and  update_time to
                 clock ().

  4)   If  the  process  termination  is  of  the  type causing the
       session to be  ended (logout, logout -bf or  a fatal process
       error  which exceeds  the  fatal  process error  count), the
       following actions will occur.

       LS - call SC through  the $unassign_connection entrypoint to
            tell  session   control  that  the  session   is  being
            destroyed.  When SC returns, the login server will then
            kill the control point for the session.

  MTB746-03                                      Network accounting

       SC - will call  $charge_channel_use using the  Owner_PID and
            session_state  equal to   DESTROY_SESSION to  show that
            session all over.

       NA - will  update  the  record  for  Owner_PID  and turn the
            delete_switch on for the  record.  In addition, compute
            the   connected_time   =   clock   ()   -  update_time,
            update_time  = clock  (), and  set unassigned_switch to

  5)   If the process termination is a new_proc, LS will go blocked
       awaiting  a  "new_proc"  response  from  the Initializer and
       basically restart at  Step 3 of the login  scenario with the
       new processid for the new process.

  6)   if the process termination is a logout -hd, the login server
       will basically restart at Step 2 of the login scenario.

  Network accounting                                      MTB746-03


  The  following pages document  the entrypoints defined  to access
  and process  entries in the  network accounting table.   They are
  primarily for use by the Initializer process.

  ___________________                           ___________________

  network_accounting_                           network_accounting_
  ___________________                           ___________________

  Name:  network_accounting_

  Entry points in the  inner ring module network_accounting_ manage
  the Network Accounting Table (NAT) that records active processes'
  usage of network connections.  This  table is a inner ring vfile_
  named  network_accounting_table,  residing   by  default  in  the
  directory specified by sys_info$system_control_dir.

  Only one entrypoint (charge_channel_usage)  is meant to be called
  directly.    All    other   entrypoints   are    called   through

  Entry:  network_accounting_$charge_channel_use

  This  entry point,  intended to   be called  directly by  Session
  Control  in the  inner ring,   increments the  bytes and  packets
  fields of  the NAT record  for a specific  network connection and
  user process combination.  Byte and packet counts recorded in the
  NAT  are  eventually  posted  as  dollar  charges  to  the user's

  The NAT record for the connection will be created if none exists.
  When the connection is  terminated, the record's delete_switch is
  turned on causing  it to be deleted after it is  next read by the
  Answering Service.


  dcl network_accounting_$charge_channel_use entry (ptr,
       fixed bin (35));

  call network_accounting_$charge_channel_use
       (network_channel_use_ptr, code);


     points to the network_channel_use structure defining user and
     usage info for the channel.  (Input)

     is a standard system status code.  (Output)

  ___________________                           ___________________

  network_accounting_                           network_accounting_
  ___________________                           ___________________


  The following is the definition of the network_channel_use
  structure which is passed to
  network_accounting_$charge_channel_use.  It is defined in

   dcl 1 network_channel_use aligned based,
       2 version char!(8),
       2 network_id fixed!bin,
       2 session_handle fixed!bin!(35),
       2 owner_pid bit!(36) aligned,
       2 user_pid bit!(36) aligned,
       2 session_state fixed bin,
       2 packet_count fixed!bin!(17),
       2 byte_count fixed!bin!(17);

  Structure Elements

     is the version of the structure.  Must be set to

     is the identification of the network type of the session.
     Valid identifiers are found in net_event_message.incl.pl1.
     For DSA, this value would be DSA_NETWORK_TYPE.

     is the unique ID assigned to the current session by DSA
     session control.

     is the process ID of the owner of the channel (normally

     is the process ID of the user of the channel.  If there is no
     current user for the channel, this will be set to "0"b;

  ___________________                           ___________________

  network_accounting_                           network_accounting_
  ___________________                           ___________________

     is the state of the current session.  Applicable values and
     their meanings are

        CREATE_SESSION (1) !!!!!- creating the session
        ASSIGN_CONNECTION (2) !!- assigning the session to new user
        UPDATE_CONNECTION (3) !!- update data to current user
        UNASSIGN_CONNECTION (4) - unassigning the session from this
        DESTROY_SESSION (5) !!!!- terminating the session

     is the number of packets to be added to those currently
     charged to the session.

     is the number of bytes to be added to those currently charged
     to the session.

  Entry:  network_accounting_$clear_table

  This  entry  point  initializes  the  NAT  for  a new bootload of
  Multics.   It  deletes  all  NAT  entries  even  if  charges  are
  outstanding.  It is used to clean  up any entries left by a crash
  or software failure.  If the NAT doesn't exist, it will create it
  in the  inner ring, set access  so all users can  write to it and
  create a dummy record to initialize the file.


  dcl network_accounting_$clear_table entry (char (*),
       fixed bin (35));

  call network_accounting_$clear_table (error_message, code);


     is text describing the error when the code argument is
     nonzero.  A string of 128 characters should be sufficient to
     contain any message which would be returned.  (Output)

     is a standard system error status code.  (Output)

  ___________________                           ___________________

  network_accounting_                           network_accounting_
  ___________________                           ___________________

  Entry:  network_accounting_$dump_table

  This  entry  point  returns  an  allocated  array  containing the
  information in the NAT.  It is intended for administrative use.


  dcl network_accounting_$dump_table entry (ptr, ptr, char (*),
       fixed bin (35));

  call network_accounting_$dump_table (area_ptr,
       network_account_array_ptr, error_message, code);


     points to an area in which to allocate the array.  (Input)

     points to the allocated structure network_account_array,
     declared in the include file network_account_array.incl.pl1.

     is text describing the error when the code argument is
     nonzero.  A string of 128 characters should be sufficient to
     contain any message which would be returned.  (Output)

     is a standard system status code.  (Output)


  The following defines the array of structures returned to the
  $dump_table and $read_and_reset_table entrypoints of

   dcl 1 network_account_array aligned
            based (network_account_array_ptr),
       2 count fixed!bin,
       2 record (network_account_array_bound refer
            aligned like network_account_data;

  ___________________                           ___________________

  network_accounting_                           network_accounting_
  ___________________                           ___________________

  Structure Elements

     is the number of records in the array.

     is a record containing the data found in the NAT for each
     connection currently active.

  The following defines the structure containing the data for each
  connection returned by the $dump_table and $read_and_reset_table
  entrypoints of network_accounting_.

   dcl 1 network_account_data aligned
            based (network_account_data_ptr),
       2 version char!(8),
       2 key,
         3 process_id bit!(36) aligned,
         3 session_handle fixed!bin!(35),
         3 network_id fixed!bin unaligned,
       2 switches unaligned,
         3 delete_sw bit!(1) unaligned,
         3 unassigned_sw bit!(1) unaligned,
         3 mbz bit!(16) unaligned,
       2 connect_time fixed!bin!(35),
       2 byte_count fixed!bin!(35),
       2 packet_count fixed!bin!(35);

  Structure Elements

     is the version of the structure.  Must be set to

     uniquely identifies a NAT record.

     identifies the process using the DSA connection.

     identifies the DSA session for this connection.

  ___________________                           ___________________

  network_accounting_                           network_accounting_
  ___________________                           ___________________

     identifies the network type for the connection.  Valid
     identifiers are found in net_event_message.incl.pl1.  For DSA,
     this value would be DSA_NETWORK_TYPE.

     defines whether the record is for a connection which has been
     completed and the record can be deleted.

     defines whether the record is for a user which has assigned
     the connection to another user.

     is the incremental number of chargable seconds which has
     passed since the last time $read_and_reset_table was called.
     This is the amount of connect time which would be charged to
     the user if act_ctl_$update was called now.

     is the incremental number of bytes processed on the connection
     since the last time $read_and_reset_table was called.  This is
     the number of bytes which would be charged to the user if
     act_ctl_$update was called now.

     is the incremental number of packets processed on the
     connection since the last time $read_and_reset_table was
     called.  This is the number of packets which would be charged
     to the user if act_ctl_$update was called now.

  Entry:  network_accounting_$get_path

  This entry  point returns the current  (internal static) pathname
  of the directory in which the NAT resides.  This directory can be
  changed by  calling network_accounting_$test.  The  initial value
  for the directory is sys_info$system_control_dir.


  dcl network_accounting_$get_path entry returns (char (168));

  directory_path = network_accounting_$get_path ();

  ___________________                           ___________________

  network_accounting_                           network_accounting_
  ___________________                           ___________________


     is the pathname of the NAT's parent directory.  (Output)

  Entry:  network_accounting_$get_process_total

  This  entry point  returns the  total bytes,  total packets,  and
  connect time used by all  of a process' network connections since
  the last  time $read_and_reset_table was  called.  It is  used by
  Answering  Service to  get final   charges for  a process  before
  destroying it.  Before returning, it will delete any records used
  to generate the return data which have their delete switch on.


  dcl network_accounting_$get_process_total entry (bit (36)
       aligned, ptr, ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35));

  call network_accounting_$get_process_total (process_id, area_ptr,
       network_account_array_ptr, error_message, code);


     identifies the user process for which data will be returned.

     points to an area in which to allocate the array.  (Input)

     points to the allocated structure network_account_array,
     declared in the include file network_account_array.incl.pl1.
     See the $dump_table entrypoint for the description of the
     returned structure.  (Output)

     is text describing the error when the code argument is
     nonzero.  A string of 128 characters should be sufficient to
     contain any message which would be returned.  (Output)

  ___________________                           ___________________

  network_accounting_                           network_accounting_
  ___________________                           ___________________

     is a standard system status code.  (Output)


  All data in the NAT for the given process ID will be accumulated
  with the array being made up of individual structures defined for
  each network ID found.

  Entry:  network_accounting_$read_and_reset_table

  This  entry  point  returns  an  allocated  array  containing the
  information  in the  NAT.  Before  returning, it  zeroes each NAT
  record's  byte count  and packet  count and  sets the update_time
  field to the current clock time  to begin a new period of connect


  dcl network_accounting_$read_and_reset_table entry (ptr, ptr,
       char (*), fixed bin (35));

  call network_accounting_$read_and_reset_table (area_ptr,
       network_account_array_ptr, error_message, code);


     points to an area in which to allocate the array.  (Input)

     points to the allocated structure network_account_array,
     declared in the include file network_account_array.incl.pl1.
     See the $dump_table entrypoint for the description of the
     returned structure.  (Output)

     is text describing the error when the code argument is
     nonzero.  (Output)

     is a standard system status code.  (Output)

  ___________________                           ___________________

  network_accounting_                           network_accounting_
  ___________________                           ___________________

  Entry:  network_accounting_$test

  Called by test  versions of the Answering Service  and other test
  programs,  this  entry  point  changes  (in  internal static) the
  parent directory  of the NAT.  It  allows a test system  to use a
  different     NAT.      The      NAT's     name     is     always


  dcl network_accounting_$test entry (char (*));

  call network_accounting_$test (directory_path);


     is the pathname of the NAT's parent directory.  (Input)

  ________________________                 ________________________

  network_accounting_gate_                 network_accounting_gate_
  ________________________                 ________________________

  Name:  network_accounting_gate_

  This   privileged   gate   allows   the   Answering  Service  and
  administrators, running  in ring 4, to access  inner ring network
  accounting information.

  It   is  merely   a  transfer   vector  to   the  entrypoint   in
  network_accounting_ with the same name.

            Gate entry                    Target

            read_and_reset_table          read_and_reset_table
            dump_table                    dump_table
            clear_table                   clear_table
            get_process_total             get_process_total
            test                          test
            get_path                      get_path

  ______________________                     ______________________

  display_net_acct_table                     display_net_acct_table
  ______________________                     ______________________

  Name: display_net_acct_table


     display_net_acct_table {-control_arg}

  FUNCTION:  Prints  the information in the  Network Account Table.
  Used by  DSA administrators to  check on the  behavior of network


  -brief, -bf
     prints brief information in tabular form.  (Default)

  -long, -lg
     prints  all items  of information,   one item  per line.   The
     default is -brief.


  The following are two samples of the command's output:

  ! display_net_acct_table
    Displaying Network Account Table
    Pathname:  >system_control_dir>network_accounting_table
    Total number of entries = 8
                     NETWORK               CONNECT
        dsa.MUL1.0001  2     4130        0   100  Nelson.SysLib
        dsa.MUL1.0010  2        0      409    99  Nelson.SysLib
     X  dsa.MUL1.0100  2        0        0   800  D006.DSAtest
        dsa.MUL1.0014  2        0        0   800  D032.DSAtest
     X  dsa.MUL1.0011  2     2270        0    10  Cribb.Multics
      D dsa.MUL1.0247  2      620       85   800  Login_Server.Daemon
        dsa.MUL1.0002  2     1550       21    27  Barker.Multics
        dsa.MUL1.0997  2        0      368   247  Barker.AS_Test

    display_net_acct_table -long
    Dumping Network Account Table
    Pathname:  >system_control_dir>network_accounting_table
    Total number of entries = 8

  ______________________                     ______________________

  display_net_acct_table                     display_net_acct_table
  ______________________                     ______________________

    Process id: 131672024772
      Connection handle: 65003782
      Connection Name: dsa.MUL1.0247
      Network type: DSA (2)
      User: Login_Server.Daemon
      Bytes since last zeroed: 620
      Packets since last zeroed: 85
      Connect secs since last zeroed: 800
      Delete switch: off
      Unassigned switch: on

    Process id: 131647023436
      Connection handle: 65003920
      Connection Name: dsa.MUL1.0011
      Network type: DSA (2)
      User: Cribb.Multics
      Bytes since last zeroed: 2270
      Packets since last zeroed: 0
      Connect secs since last zeroed: 10
      Delete switch: on
      Unassigned switch: off


  The X prefix  in the short listing denotes an  entry whose delete
  switch is  on, ie.  one that  belongs to a session  that has been
  closed.   This  entry  will  disappear  after  the  next time the
  Answering Service reads and uses the information it contains.

  The D prefix  in the short listing denotes an  entry in which the
  connection has been reassigned to another user.