Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-754
  New tssi_ Interface

  To:       Distribution

  From:     Richard Gray

  Date:     22 July 1986

  Subject:  A New tssi_ Interface to Obtain Translator Files.

  1.  Abstract

       This MTB  describes a possible  new interface to  the system |
  routine tssi_ that will be  used by languages that access source, |
  object, and listing files.  It  describes two new entrypoints and |
  an information structure that will be used to access these files. |

  Comments on this MTB should be sent to the author -

       via Multics mail:
          JRGray.Multics on System M

       via posted mail:
          Richard Gray
          Advanced Computing Technology Center
          Foothills Professional Building
          Room #301, 1620 - 29th Street N.W.
          Calgary, Alberta T2N 4L7

       via telephone:


  Multics project  internal documentation; not to  be reproduced or
  distributed outside the Multics project.

  MTB-754                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                New tssi_ Interface

                          TABLE OF CONTENTS

  Section    Page  Subject
  =======    ====  =======

  1          i     Abstract
  2          1     Preface
  3          1     Introduction
  4          2     New Work Proposed For tssi_
  4.1        2     . . The Source
  4.2        3     . . The Object
  4.3        3     . . The Listing
  5          4     Error handling
  6          4     Access Changes
  7          5     Interface

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-754
  New tssi_ Interface

  2.  Preface

  This MTB describes a possible new interface to the system routine
  tssi_  that will be  used by languages  to access storage  system
  segments.   This interface  is designed  to be  used by languages |
  that read  source segments and generate listing  files and object |
  segments.   Hence, this MTB  is intended for  language developers |
  and maintainers.

  The  first section describes  how translators use  source, object
  and  listing files.  This  is followed by  a brief discussion  on
  error handling.   Next comes a  section that describes  how tssi_
  changes  Access Control  lists.  The  final section  describes in
  detail the proposed interface.

  3.  Introduction

  There is a common class of language translator that shares common |
  methods  of accessing  storage segments.   We propose  to move as |
  much  of  this  work  as  possible  into  one routine.  This will |
  simplify  the work done  by such translators  as well as  provide |
  error detection that does not  currently exist in most languages.
  Several PL/1  Trouble Reports will become resolved  when this new
  interface is used.

  Upon installation of this new tssi_ interface, PL/1, FORTRAN, and
  ALM will all be updated immediately  to take advantage of the new

  MTB-754                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                New tssi_ Interface

  4.  New Work Proposed For tssi_

| Currently, certain  languages obtain source, object,  and listing
  files through several calls to  tssi_ subroutines.  If there were
  one  subroutine interface  in tssi_  that would  return all three
| files, less  work would have to  be done by the  translators.  In
| addition,  errors involving  interactions between  these segments
| could be detected (for example,  the infamous PL/1 message:  "The
  source segment  is the same as  the object segment.  It  has been
  truncated."  would be only a bad memory).

| A  summary of  the procedure   used by  the subroutine  interface
| follows:
| 1) Access the source segment.
| 2) Access the object segment.  If a  new object segment had to be
|    created then fix up the initial ACL.  If the object segment is
|    the same as  the source then quit.  Coerce access  so that the
|    translator can write into the object.
| 3) Access the  list file.  If  the list file  is the same  as the
|    object  or  source  then  quit.   Coerce  access  so  that the
|    translator can  write into the list file.   Return the maximum
|    length  of the  listing.  Truncate   so that  all the  listing
|    information is relevant to the current translation.
| The following  three subsections discuss in  detail the behaviour
| that the new tssi_ interface will have to support for each of the
| translator files.

  4.1.  The Source

  The  source  segment  is  used  as  input  to translators.  It is
  usually   accessed  via  a   pointer  and  length   (bit  count).
  Translators  require read  access only  to this  segment.  If the
  user  does  not  have  access  to  this  segment,  the  new tssi_
  interface will not coerce access.   Instead, an error is returned
  and presumably the compilation ceases.

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-754
  New tssi_ Interface

  4.2.  The Object

  The  object  segment  contains  output  from  translators.  It is
  usually  referenced  via  a  pointer  and  a  length (bit count).
  Translators require  read and write  access to this  segment.  If
  necessary, tssi_  will coerce access  to this segment.   (See the |
  section on "Access Changes" for more details.)                    |

  There are several ways in which different translators may wish to
  access the object  segment.  A translator might want  to zero the
  object  before it writes  to it, or  it might just  overwrite the
  segment and truncate after the compilation.  To allow for options
  like the "-check" option in PL/1,  the language might want to use
  a  temporary  object  segment   in  the  process  directory.   In
  addition, FORTRAN  protects object segments in a  unique way that
  would be advantageous to carry  over to other languages.  FORTRAN
  compiles its  object segments in  the process directory  and only
  copies  over  existing  object  segments  upon  completion  of  a
  successful compilation.  We propose  that the new tssi_ interface
  support all of these behaviours in a transparent manner.

  4.3.  The Listing

  The listing  file is also output  from translators.  It can  be a
  multisegment  file that  is referenced  via a  pointer to  a File
  Control Block and related  information.  This related information
  includes a component pointer,  component bit count, and component
  number as  documented in the  description of msf_manager_  in the
  Multics Subroutines  and I/O Modules (AG93)  manual.  Translators
  require read and write access  to this file.  If necessary, tssi_
  will  coerce access  to this  file.  Translators  will honour the
  max_length  on the  listing if   it is  set.  This  file contains
  information  about   the  compilation  process   including  error
  messages (if any).

  MTB-754                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                New tssi_ Interface

  5.  Error handling

  Since  the new  tssi_ interface   will be  detecting a  number of
  errors  that can occur  from interactions between  the translator
  files, returning  a simple error code is  not sufficient.  (e.g.,
  if  the  error  code  "error_table_$same_seg"  were returned, the
  translator  would be unable  to report if  it were caused  by the
  object  and  source  or  the  object  and  listing being the same

| The  proposed method  for handing  such errors  is to  have tssi_
| return a character string that expands  on the error code.  As in
| the previous example the error code "error_table_$same_seg" would
| be  returned, but  in addition  the string  "Source and Listing."
| would also be returned.

  6.  Access Changes

  The  tssi_ interface  will change   the access  on files  for two
| reasons:   to coerce  access and  to modify  an object  segment's
| IACL.  Access coercion is the temporary changing of the access on
  a  file to allow  certain access constrained  operations.  Access
  coercion  allows translators  to write  into the  list and object
| files when they originally lacked write permission on the entry.

  Initial Access Control Lists (IACLs)  are used to set the initial
| access on all segments created  in a directory.  As users require
| execute  permission on  object segments   in order  to run  them,
| non-null ACL entries are changed to read_execute permission.
| The "mode" term  is used by tssi_ to  store information necessary
| to  restore access  to the  list file  and object  segment in the
| event of an access coercion.  When a coercion is performed and an
| existing ACL term is modified,  then the mode string contains the
| original ACL  entry's permission (3 significant  bits followed by
| 33 zero bits).  Alternately, it  can contain one of two constants
| each of which has at least one bit set in the last 33 bits of the
| word used to indicate the two other possibilities:  1) a coercion
| acl entry was added and 2) no coercion was done.

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-754
  New tssi_ Interface

  7.  Interface

  We propose two new entrypoints in tssi_:

   I) tssi_$get_files  will be used  by translators to  prepare the
      source and optionally the object  and list segments.  It will
      return  a pointer  to the  source and  object segments  and a
      pointer  to an  MSF FCB   for the  listing segment.   It will
      create temporary segments  as necessary (see object_options). |
      If  an object  segment is   created then  IACL fixup  will be |
      performed (see  the section titled Access  Changes).  It will |
      coerce access  to the object  and list segments  if necessary |
      and truncates the list.

  declare tssi_$get_files entry(ptr, char(*), fixed bin(35));

  call tssi_$get_files(tssi_info_ptr, err_msg, code);

     is a pointer to the tssi_info structure.  This structure is
     described in the include file tssi_info.incl.pl1 .  (Input)
  err_msg                                                           |
     is a character string that is used when necessary to elaborate |
     on the status code. (Output)                                   |
     is a standard storage system status code. (Output)

  Example of error reporting:

     alm: Attempt to specify the same segment as both old and new.
     Source and Object.                                             |

  MTB-754                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                New tssi_ Interface

  II) tssi_$finish_files  will be  used by  translators to conclude
      use  of  the  source,  object,  and  list  segments.  It will
      terminate the  segments and will set  the bitcount, truncate,
|     and  reset  the  ACL  on  the  object  and  listing if access
|     coercion  was  necessary  (see   the  section  titled  Access
|     Changes).  It will also delete  any temporary files that were
|     created by the tssi_$get_files entrypoint.

  declare tssi_$finish_files
            entry(ptr, char(*), fixed bin(35));

  call tssi_$finish_files(tssi_info_ptr, err_msg, code);

     is a pointer to the tssi_info structure.  This structure is
     described in the include file tssi_info.incl.pl1 .  (Input)
| err_msg
|    is a character string that is used when necessary to elaborate
|    on the status code. (Output)
     is a standard storage system status code. (Output)

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-754
  New tssi_ Interface

  The following include file will be needed to describe the
  structure used to pass information to/from the new tssi_

  /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... tssi_info.incl.pl1      */
  /* Written June 26, 1986 by JRGray */

  /* This include file describes the tssi_info structure that is
  used to exchange information with tssi_$get_files and
  tssi_$finish_files.  All the info in this structure is input for
  the tssi_$finish_files entrypoint.  The tssi_$get_files entrypoint
  will input, output and update some of the information.  */

  dcl       1 tssi_info based,
              2 version char(8),
              2 translator char(8),
              2 flags aligned,
                3 object_options fixed bin(3) uns unaligned,
                3 (create_list, check_object,
                  query_check_object) bit(1) unaligned,
                3 mbz bit(30) unaligned,
              2 source,
                3 path char(168),
                3 suffix char(32),
                3 pntr ptr,
                3 bc fixed bin(24),
              2 object,
                3 path char(168),
                3 pntr ptr,
                3 actual_pntr ptr,
                3 bc fixed bin(24),
                3 mode bit(36) aligned,
              2 list,
                3 path char(168),
                3 fcb_pntr ptr,
                3 pntr ptr,
                3 max_length fixed bin(19),
                3 component fixed bin,
                3 bc fixed bin(24),
                2 mode bit(36) aligned;

  dcl TSSI_INFO_V1  char(8) static options(constant) init("tssi_1");
  dcl TSSI_NO_OBJECT          fixed bin static options(constant) init(0);
  dcl TSSI_NO_TRUNCATE_OBJECT fixed bin static options(constant) init(1);
  dcl TSSI_TRUNCATE_OBJECT    fixed bin static options(constant) init(2);
  dcl TSSI_TEMP_OBJECT        fixed bin static options(constant) init(3);
  dcl TSSI_COPY_TEMP_OBJECT   fixed bin static options(constant) init(4);

  /* END INCLUDE FILE ... tssi_info.incl.pl1        */

  MTB-754                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                New tssi_ Interface

     is the version string for this structure, currently defined by
     the constant TSSI_INFO_V1.  (Input)
| translator
|    is the name of the translator. This field is used when the
|    query_check_object flag is specified and a question is asked.
|    (Input)
     is a number between 0 and 7 specifying action to take in regard
     to the object segment.  (Input)
       TSSI_NO_OBJECT (0)            No object needed.
       TSSI_NO_TRUNCATE_OBJECT (1)   Open without truncation.
       TSSI_TRUNCATE_OBJECT (2)      Open and truncate object.
       TSSI_TEMP_OBJECT (3)          Create a temporary object
                                     in the process dir.
       TSSI_COPY_TEMP_OBJECT (4)     Create a temporary in the
                                     process dir and overwrite
                                     specified object when finished.
                                     Note: a negative object.bc will
                                     abort the copy.
                      (5-7)          Future expansion.
     if set then create a list file.  (Input)
| check_object
|    this flag is used to help protect against the accidental
|    overwritting of information by object segments.  If this flag
|    is set then the status code error_table_$improper_data_format
|    will be returned when the segment is not zero length and is a
|    bound or invalid object segment.  See also query_check_object
|    below.  (Input)
| query_check_object
|    this flag modifies the check_object error process by querying
|    the user about whether or not to abort. (Input)
     on input is the relative pathname of the source segment.  The
     suffix is added if it is not already present.  The absolute
     pathname is output.  (Input/Output)
     is the suffix to add to the entryname of the source segment.
     is a pointer to the beginning of the source segment.  (Output)
     is the length of the source segment in bits (bitcount).
     on input is the relative pathname of the object segment.  If
     blank then the name is taken to be the same as the source with
     the source suffix removed.  The absolute pathname is output.
     This field is ignored if TSSI_TEMP_OBJECT or TSSI_NO_OBJECT is

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-754
  New tssi_ Interface

     specified.   (Input/Output)
     is a pointer to the beginning of the object segment. (Output)
     is used internally by tssi_ to keep a pointer to the
     actual object segment. This field is only valid when object_option
     COPY_TEMP_OBJECT is used.  This field should not be modified
     by the user as it is used to pass information between
     tssi_$get_files and tssi_$finish_files. (Special)
     is the length of the object segment in bits (bitcount).  This
     value is used only by the tssi_$finish_files entrypoint. A     |
     negative bitcount is used to indicate that the object segment  |
     is to be deleted (exception: see the description of            |
     object_option TSSI_COPY_TEMP_OBJECT).   (Input)                |
     is used internally by tssi_ to store ACL mode information.
     This field should not be modified by the user as it is used to
     pass information between tssi_$get_files and
     tssi_$finish_files.  (Special)
     on input is the relative pathname of the list file.  If blank
     then the name is taken to be the same as the source with the
     sources suffix replaced with ".list".  The absolute pathname is
     output. This variable is unchanged unless the create_list flag
     is set. (Input/Output)
     is a pointer to the fcb describing the list file.  For more
     information on MSF FCBs see the description of msf_manager_ .
     is a pointer to the beginning of the first component of the
     list file.  Additional components of the list segments are
     usually accessed via the msf_manager_$get_ptr routine.
     is the maximum length of the listing segment.  See the
     description of hcs_$get_max_length_seg in MPM Subroutines
     (AG93) for more details.  (Output)
     is a number specifying the final component of the list segment
     file.  This value is used only by the tssi_$finish_files
     entrypoint.  For more information see the description of
     msf_manager_$adjust.  (Input)
     is the length of the final component of the list file in bits
     (bitcount).  This value is used only by the tssi_$finish_files
     entrypoint.  A negative bitcount is used to indicate that      |
     the listing is to be deleted.  For more information see the    |

  MTB-754                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                New tssi_ Interface

     description of msf_manager_$adjust.  (Input)
     is used internally by tssi_ to store ACL mode information.
     This field should not be modified by the user as it is used to
     pass information between tssi_$get_files and
     tssi_$finish_files.  (Special)