MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                              MTB763-03

To:       MTB Distribution

From:     G. William May

Date:     July 9, 1987

Subject:  Multics Command Level I/O redirection (pipes).


This MTB describes an addition to the Multics command line syntax
that will facilitate passing  data between unrelated commands and
data storage devices via the standard I/O switches user_input and

Rev  1:    06/15/87)  Rewritten  to  include   additional  design
information.  Rev 2:  06/23/87) Modified to show new pipe syntax.
Rev  3:  07/09/87)  Revised  Appendix  B Manual  Documentaton and
general cleanup.


Send comments by Multics mail to:

   >udd>Multics>GWMay>mtgs> on System M


   GWMay.Multics on System M


Multics project  internal documentation; not to  be reproduced or
distributed outside the Multics project without permission of the
Director of MDC.

MTB763-03                             Multics Command Level Pipes



   1:  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1
   2:  Background Information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     2
   3:  Evaluation of the Uses of I/O Redirection . . . . . .     7
   4:  Proposal to Change Multics  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     9
   5:  Detailed Proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    10
   5.1:  Syntax  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    11
   5.2:  Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    13
   5.3:  Implementation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    16
   5.4:  Placement of the I/O Redirection Facility . . . . .    18
   5.5:  Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    19
   5.6:  Impact to the Current System  . . . . . . . . . . .    20
   6:  End Result  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    21
   7:  MCR Decision Criteria Summary:  . . . . . . . . . . .    22
   8:  Appendix A:  Program Changes  . . . . . . . . . . . .    24
   9:  Appendix B:  Manual Documentation . . . . . . . . . .    31

Multics Command Level Pipes                             MTB763-03


One  of the  goals of   the Multics  organization for  the MR12.1
release of  the operating system is  to make it possible  to move
programs from other systems to Multics with little or no changes.
As part  of the support for  this effort, the design  of the UNIX
system  was  reviewed.   What  we  learned  is  that  many of the
programs developed there rely on I/O redirection in order to move
data from one program to another.  To see if these programs would
work on Multics, the capabilities  for I/O redirection at command
level were  evaluated.  The evaluation showed that  a need exists
for a simplified I/O redirection facility.

In  an effort to  make Multics available  to a wider  audience of
users and to  make I/O redirection easier for  our current users,
this project  was requested to simplify  Multics I/O redirection.
It is not  the intent of this project to  recreate any portion of
another operating system.

This design document includes:

1) background information on command  level I/O redirection as it
   exists in Multics today and as it is now being used in several
   operating systems with large user communities.

2) an evaluation of the benefits of command level I/O redirection
   to the Multics system as a whole.

3) a  proposal  for  a  change  to  the  Multics  system to add a
   simplified method for redirecting I/O at command level.

4) a  detailed  proposal  of  the  changes  needed  to  implement
   simplified command level I/O redirection.

5) detailed program and documentation changes.

MTB763-03                             Multics Command Level Pipes



     the act of  associating an I/O switch with a  file, or other
     I/O switch.

     the  act of  disassociating an  I/O switch  with a  file, or
     other I/O switch.

     commands that  get input from standard input  and put output
     to standard output with each command modifying the input and
     passing the data out through a standard path.

     A logical stream of data created by redirecting the standard
     input  and output  switches  through  a series  of commands,
     filters and I/O modules.

I/O module
     a program that processes  input and output requests directed
     to  a given  switch.  It   may perform  operations on  other
     switches, or call the supervisor.

I/O redirection
     The act of changing the path in the I/O system through which
     information is sent.

I/O switch
     A path in the I/O system through which information is sent.

Multics I/O

     A  complete  description  of   the  current  I/O  facilities
     available  in  the  Multics  environment  is  located in the
     Multics Programmer's  Reference Manual section 5.   This MTB
     assumes  that the  reader is  familiar with  the Multics I/O
     system command io_call and the iox_ system subroutine.

Multics Command Level Pipes                             MTB763-03

I/O Redirection in Multics

     To facilitate control of the sources and targets of I/O, the
     Multics system  makes use of a  software construction called
     an I/O switch.   An I/O switch is like a  channel in that it
     controls the flow of data between program accessible storage
     and devices, files, etc.  The switch must be attached before
     it can be used.   The attachment specifies the source/target
     for  I/O  operations  and  the  particular  I/O  module that
     performs the operations.

     The  ability to  establish or   change the  path in  the I/O
     system  through which  information is  sent is  available at
     command level, language I/O level and system I/O level.  The
     command  level  capabilities  for  I/O  redirection  are  of
     particular interest.

     To   redirect  I/O  at   command  level,  the   io_call  and
     file_output commands are used.

     The user_output and error_output  switches can be controlled
     by  use of  the file_output,  terminal_output and syn_output
     commands.   To feed the  output of one  command as input  to
     another, the following command sequence is used:

     file_output file
     command2 ([contents file -nl]);

     Any switch  can be redirected by using  the io_call command.
     To redirect a switch like user_input, the following commands
     are required:

     io_call move_attach user_input save_user_input
     io_call attach input_sw vfile_ some_file
     io_call open input_sw stream_input
     io_call attach user_input syn_ input_sw


     io_call detach user_input
     io_call close input_sw
     io_call detach input_sw
     io_call move_attach save_user_input user_input

UNIX I/O redirection

     Several currently available operating  systems use a concept
     known as  "pipes" to simplify I/O  redirection.  The concept
     was  developed for  the UNIX  operating environment  and was

MTB763-03                             Multics Command Level Pipes

     designed as  a command level simplification of  the UNIX I/O
     facilities which are modeled after the Multics I/O system.

     To   help  readers   of   this   document  gain   a  general
     understanding of pipes, the  following section "UNIX pipes",
     is  taken from the  text "The Design  of the UNIX  Operating
     System" (Bach, 1986).

UNIX pipes

     "The philosophy  of the UNIX system is  to provide operating
     systems primitives that enable users to write small, modular
     programs that can  be used as building blocks  to build more
     complex programs.  One such primitive visible to shell users
     is the capability to redirect I/O.  Processes conventionally
     have access  to three files:  they read  from their standard
     input file,  write to their standard output  file, and write
     error  messages  to  their  standard  error file.  Processes
     executing at a terminal typically use these three files, but
     each may  be "redirected" independently.  For  instance, the
     command line


     list  all files  in the  current directory  on the  standard
     output, but the command line

     ls > output

     redirects the standard output to the file called "output" in
     the  current   directory,  using  the  creat   system  call.
     Similarly, the command line

     mail mjb < letter

     opens the file "letter" for its standard input and mails its
     contents  to the user  named "mjb".  Processes  can redirect
     input and output simultaneously, as in

     nroff -mm < doc1 > doc1.out 2> errors

     where the  text formatter nroff  reads the input  file doc1,
     redirects  its standard  output  to  the file  doc1.out, and
     redirects  error messages to  the file errors  (the notation
     "2>"  means to  redirect the  output for  file descriptor 2,
     conventionally the standard error).   the programs ls, mail,
     and  nroff  do  not  know  what  file  their standard input,
     standard  output,  or  standard  error  will  be;  the shell
     recognizes the  symbols "<", ">",  and "2>" and  sets up the
     standard   input,  standard   output,  and   standard  error
     appropriately before executing the processes.

Multics Command Level Pipes                             MTB763-03

     The second building block primitive is the pipe, a mechanism
     that allows a stream of data to be passed between reader and
     writer  processes.  Processes   can redirect  their standard
     output  to a pipe  to be read  by other processes  that have
     redirected their standard input to  come from the pipe.  The
     data  that the first  processes write into  the pipe is  the
     input for the second  processes.  The second processes could
     also  redirect  their  output,   and  so  on,  depending  on
     programming need.   Again, the processes need  not know what
     type of file their standard  output is; they work regardless
     of whether their standard output  is a regular file, a pipe,
     or a  device.  When using  the smaller programs  as building
     blocks  for a  larger more  complex program,  the programmer
     uses the pipe primitive and  redirection of I/O to integrate
     the piece parts.  Indeed, the system tacitly encourages such
     programming  style  so  that  new  programs  can  work  with
     existing programs.  For example, the program grep searches a
     set of files (parameters to grep) for a given pattern:

     grep main a.c b.c c.c

     searches  the  three  files  a.c,  b.c,  and  c.c  for lines
     containing the  string "main" and  prints the lines  that it
     finds onto standard output.  Sample output may be:

     a.c: main(argc, argv)
     c.c:/* here is the main loop in the program */
     c.c: main()

     the program wc with the option -1 counts the number of lines
     in the standard input file.  The command line

     grep main a.c b.c c.c|wc -1

     counts  the number of  lines in the  files that contain  the
     string "main"; the output from grep is "piped" directly into
     the wc  command.  For the previous sample  output from grep,
     the output from the piped command is


     The use  of pipes frequently makes it  unnecessary to create
     temporary files."

Different Programming Philosophies

     The concept of program modularity has always been one of the
     many attractive features of  the Multics system.  It becomes
     clear after reading the philosophy of the UNIX system above,
     that  there is  a slight   divergence between  how the  UNIX
     community and Multics community view program modularity.

MTB763-03                             Multics Command Level Pipes


     The Multics  view is that commands should  be modularized by
     function with each command  providing a complete solution to
     a set of requirements within  the boundaries of the program.
     The  Multics command  set provides  control to  its commands
     through  the  use  of  control  arguments.   To complete the
     model,  commonly used  system  functions  are provided  by a
     complete set  of documented system subroutines.   When it is
     necessary  to route the  output of one  command as input  to
     another, the  active function capability or  the file_output
     command is used.


     The  UNIX system  follows much   of the  Multics design.   A
     documented subroutine  library is available and  commands do
     accept Multics  style control arguments.   However, commands
     are  not organized  to solve  large sets  of requirements or
     offer  generalized uses.   Instead, UNIX  commands are small
     and very  limited in functionality.   As a result,  they use
     very few control arguments.  The strength of the UNIX system
     is realized  when these small commands are  combined to form
     more powerful overall functions.

Multics Command Level Pipes                             MTB763-03


     Part  of this  design project  is to  determine whether  the
     Multics I/O redirection facilities are sufficient to support
     the  programs written  on  UNIX  and UNIX-like  systems.  In
     answer to this question, the  Multics I/O system is flexible
     and  device independent.  However,  to redirect the  flow of
     I/O data  is complex because  the mechanisms are  not hidden
     from  the  user  and  the  tools  provided  require  a  full
     understanding of how to do I/O work.

     For example to use the UNIX commands shown above on Multics,
     the following commands would need to be given:

    UNIX                    MULTICS
ls > output         ready_off
                    file_output output

mail mjb < letter   io_call move_attach user_input sv_user_input
                    io_call attach input_sw vfile_ letter
                    io_call open input_sw stream_input
                    io_call attach user_input syn_ input_sw
                    mail mjb
                    io_call detach user_input
                    io_call close input_sw
                    io_call detach input_sw
                    io_call move_attach sv_user_input user_input

nroff -mm < doc1 > doc1.out 2> errors

                    io_call move_attach user_input sv_user_input
                    io_call attach input_sw vfile_ doc1
                    io_call open input_sw stream_input
                    io_call attach user_input syn_ input_sw
                    file_output doc1.out
                    file_output -isw error_output errors
                    nroff -mm
                    revert_output -isw error_output
                    io_call detach user_input
                    io_call close input_sw
                    io_call detach input_sw
                    io_call move_attach sv_user_input user_input

     It  is clear  that some   improvement is  needed to  the I/O
     redirection  facilities if  Multics plans  to host  commands
     like  those shown above.   The next step  is to decide  what

MTB763-03                             Multics Command Level Pipes

     other  benefits are  possible from  improved I/O redirection
     facilities.   Benefits to the  Multics system and  its users

     1) The ability  to develop small single  function filters on
        the Multics system.  By using the portable C compiler, it
        is  possible  to  move  applications  written  as filters
        directly to other computer systems.

     2) It will be easy to redirect data through commands.

     3) It  will be  possible  to  use existing  Multics commands
        which are not active functions as active functions.

        For example, the  output of the list command  can be used
        directly as input to a filter that uses entrynames.

     4) New  Multics  commands  may  take  advantage  of the pipe
        concept to  improve the Multics environment  by providing
        broad   based   application   of   data   across  command
        boundaries.   This  would  be  accomplished  by  creating
        filters  which perform  the tasks  currently provided  by
        control arguments in the Multics system.

        For example,  a command that outputs lines  which match a
        given string can  be used in a pipe  string.  This single
        filter  could eliminate  the  need  for duplication  of a
        -match  control  argument  and  supporting  code in every
        command that needs to match string data.

Multics Command Level Pipes                             MTB763-03


Problem Description

     The  evaluation  of  the   Multics  system  I/O  redirection
     facilities above indicates that it  is not convenient to use
     filter type commands on Multics.

     To make it  possible to move filter commands  to Multics and
     use  them there,  the I/O  redirection facility  needs to be

Summary of Change

     To  simplify  the  Multics  I/O  redirection  facility,  the
     functions  of  the  current  I/O  commands  that perform I/O
     redirection  will be hidden  from users.  The  solution will
     provide a  shorthand method of performing  I/O attach, open,
     close and detach operations.

Design Constraints

     The simplified I/O redirection interface must:

     1) provide a simple useful syntax.

     2) provide  the  ability  to  easily  redirect  the  Multics
        standard user_input and user_output I/O switches.

     3) provide   the   ability   to   specify   the  I/O  attach
        descriptions for user_input and user_output.

     4) make a minimal impact on the existing system.

     5) interact   with  the    existing  system   command  level

Expected Results

     A simple interface that provides the ability to:

     1) move filters to Multics and use them there.

     2) move data directly from one file to another.

     3) move data directly from one command to another.

     4) move data  directly from a file  to a command and  from a
        command to a file.

MTB763-03                             Multics Command Level Pipes


     In order  to develop a simplified  I/O redirection interface
     the following steps were followed:

     1) Design a simple useful syntax.

     2) Develop the usage scenario for the syntax.

     3) Develop    the   implementation   for    simplified   I/O

     4) Determine the placement of  simplified I/O redirection as
        a facility within the Multics system.

     5) Determine the impact to the system.

Multics Command Level Pipes                             MTB763-03

5.1:  Syntax

     The following section details  the development of the syntax
     that  will  be  used  for  the  simplified  I/O  redirection

The UNIX Redirection Syntax

     The  syntax used  by the   UNIX system  at command  level to
     facilitate I/O  redirection as detailed  above is:  <,  |, >
     and 2> and on some systems ">>".

     Part  of   the  investigation  for  this   project  included
     determining the importance of  the syntax.  Because the UNIX
     syntax has  been implemented on many  UNIX-like machines, it
     was a consideration  to try to make the  syntax available on

     The conflicts of implementing this syntax in Multics are:

     1) The characters  "<" and ">"  are an integral  part of the
        Multics  file system.   They are  reserved for delimiting
        relative  and  absolute   pathnames  within  the  Multics

     2) The character "|" is used to delimit the base offset from
        the word offset of a virtual pointer.

MTB763-03                             Multics Command Level Pipes

The Multics Redirection Syntax

     Because the characters "<", ">" and "|" have special meaning
     at  command level  on the  Multics system,  the UNIX  syntax
     cannot be used.

     Since a new syntax must be developed, it can be tailored for
     use  on the  Multics system.    By designing  a pipe  syntax
     specifically  for  Multics,  the  full  capabilities  of the
     system  may be used  to simplify and  improve upon the  UNIX

     The  syntax proposed  for  denoting  I/O redirection  on the
     Multics system is:

              <input> ;| <output>

     where input and output may be a command, filter or file.

     The syntax is designed to show the logical flow of data from
     one place to another.

     The  Multics pipe syntax  may consist of  one or all  of the
     following components:

Pipe Delimiter

     The syntax used  to delimit the components of a  pipe is the
     string ";|".   The string is  used within a  command line to
     delimit each component of the pipe.

I/O Switch Attach Descriptions

     The I/O switch attach description can consist of the name of
     a  program which  is an  I/O module,  arguments and  control
     arguments or a pathname or a file name.

Commands / Filters

     This component is a Multics  command line which contains the
     name  of a  command, arguments  and control  arguments.  The
     command line can behave as a command or filter.

Multics Command Level Pipes                             MTB763-03

5.2:  Usage

     The  pipe facility  can be   used to  redirect data  between
     commands and files.  When a file  is specified as input to a
     command, implied calls to the io_call command are made.  The
     calls  attach and  open the  file using  the user_input  I/O
     switch.   After the  command is  called, more  implied calls
     close and detach the input file.

     It  is also possible  in this design  to route data  between
     files.  When  a file is  specified as input  to another file
     the same  implied calls to  the io_call command  will attach
     and open the files.  Then  an implied command is executed to
     copy the data from the input file to the output file.  After
     the data has been copied the files are closed and detached.

     It is also possible to  route data between commands.  When a
     command  is specified as  input to another  command, implied
     calls  are made  to the  io_call command.   A temporary work
     file is attached and opened  as output to the first command.
     The  command  is  executed.   Then  the  file  is closed and
     detached.  The file is then  attached and opened as input to
     the next command.  This command  is executed.  Then the file
     is closed, detached and deleted.

Type of I/O

     The pipe facility is designed to work with stream I/O only.

Pipe Delimiter

     The  pipe delimiter  will  be  interpreted similarly  to the
     command line delimiter semi-colon  (;).  When a command line
     contains pipe delimiters, it  will be broken into individual
     components delimited by the  pipe delimiter.  The individual
     pipe components  can then be evaluated by  type as described

     The  string ";|"  should not  appear at  the beginning  of a
     command line or active string.

     When  the token  appears at  the  end  of a  command line  a
     default output file is implied.  For example:

     the command line:   ls ;|
           expands to:   ls ;| vfile_ [wd]>pipeout -extend

     The  usage of  pipes on  Multics assigns  the file "pipeout"
     special meaning as the default output file of a pipe.

MTB763-03                             Multics Command Level Pipes

     If  the token  appears at  the end  of an  active string the
     output  of  the  last  command  is  returned  as  the active
     function return string.  For example,

     the active string:  [ls >udd>Multics>lib>s>*.pl1;|]

     will  return the output  of the list  command as the  active
     function return string.

Attach Descriptions

     When the  pipe component begins with pathname  or file name,
     the component  is expanded to include the  vfile_ I/O module
     as the default.  For example,

     the string:  list ;| list_file
     expands to:  list ;| vfile_ [working_dir]>list_file -extend

     When the pipe component begins  with a known I/O module, the
     pipe  component is  used as   an attach  description to  the
     specified I/O  module for either user_input  or user_output.
     When the attach  description is located on the  left side of
     the  pipe delimiter,  it is  attached to  the user_input I/O
     switch and opened  for input.  When it is on  the right side
     of the pipe token, it  is attached to the user_output switch
     and opened for output.   All currently available I/O modules
     are described  in the "Multics Subroutines  and I/O Modules"
     (AG93) manual.


     If  the  pipe  component  begins  with  an executable object
     segment, the command line is executed.

     The commands given within the pipe can take advantage of the
     automatic  I/O   redirection  by  using  the   I/O  switches
     user_input and user_output.

     When  commands that behave  as filters are  invoked directly
     from command level, they will  need to check each input line
     for an appropriate end of information character like "f" or

Multics Command Level Pipes                             MTB763-03

Sample Usage

The command line: tape_mult_ m9999 ;| command

is logically expanded to:

            io_call move_attach user_input sv_user_input
            io_call attach input_sw tape_mult_ m9999
            io_call open input_sw stream_input
            io_call attach user_input syn_ input_sw
            io_call detach user_input
            io_call close input_sw
            io_call detach input_sw
            io_call move_attach sv_user_input user_input

The command line: tape_mult_ m9999 ;| command ;| output_file

is logically expanded to:

            io_call move_attach user_input sv_user_input
            io_call attach input_sw tape_mult_ m9999
            io_call open input_sw stream_input
            io_call attach user_input syn_ input_sw
            io_call move_attach user_output sv_user_output
            io_call attach output_sw vfile_ [wd]>pipeout -extend
            io_call open output_sw stream_output
            io_call attach user_output syn_ output_sw
            io_call detach user_output
            io_call close output_sw
            io_call detach output_sw
            io_call move_attach sv_user_output user_output
            io_call detach user_input
            io_call close input_sw
            io_call detach input_sw
            io_call move_attach sv_user_input user_input

MTB763-03                             Multics Command Level Pipes

     The command line: tape_mult_ m9999 ;| output_file

     is logically expanded to:

                 io_call move_attach user_input sv_user_input
                 io_call attach input_sw tape_mult_ m9999
                 io_call open input_sw stream_input
                 io_call attach user_input syn_ input_sw
                 io_call move_attach user_output sv_user_output
                 io_call attach output_sw vfile_ [wd]>pipeout -extend
                 io_call open output_sw stream_output
                 io_call attach user_output syn_ output_sw
                 <implied copy>
                 io_call detach user_output
                 io_call close output_sw
                 io_call detach output_sw
                 io_call move_attach sv_user_output user_output
                 io_call detach user_input
                 io_call close input_sw
                 io_call detach input_sw
                 io_call move_attach sv_user_input user_input

5.3:  Implementation

The implementation of the usage of the pipe syntax will:

     1) add  the implied  calls to  the io_call  command into the
        system at the appropriate place.

     The  implementation   will  call  the  iox_   subroutine  to
     accomplish  the  implied  calls  to  the  io_call command to
     redirect the user_input and user_output I/O switches.

     2) add  control   for  the  temporary  files   used  between

     The  implementation  will  create,  maintain  and delete two
     temporary files  in the user's process  directory.  The pipe
     files will  be named in such  a way as to  uniquely identify
     them.  These  files will be toggled through  a command line.
     For each pipe component in a command line, the file that was
     the previous output file will be attached as the input file.
     When a pipe component is a  file, the temporary file that is
     assigned as available input is truncated.

     3) provide  the implied  copying of  data from  one file  to

     To accomplish this function, a subroutine will be added that
     enters a get_line / put_chars loop that terminates at end of

Multics Command Level Pipes                             MTB763-03

     data.  A temporary  segment will be used as  the data buffer
     and the error_table_$short_record error will be overridden.

     4) provide  the ability to  use the same  file as input  and

     In the case  where the same file is given  as both input and
     output and  the vfile_ I/O  module is not  used, a temporary
     file will be used.  For example,

     the command line:

     tape_mult_ m9999 ;| foo ;| tape_mult_ m9999 -write -den 6250

     will  result in a  temporary file being  used as the  output
     file of foo.  Once the  foo command completes, the file will
     be copied to the tape m9999.

     However, the command line:

     file ;| file

     will not use a temporary file.  The component "file" expands
     to  "vfile_ [wd]>file  -extend"  and  the vfile_  I/O module
     supports  use of  the same  source file  for both  input and

MTB763-03                             Multics Command Level Pipes

5.4:  Placement of the I/O Redirection Facility

     Because  implementation  of  this  design  can  be  added in
     several places  in the system, it is  important to determine
     the  best fit.  It  is possible to  add the pipe  syntax I/O
     redirection  facility  as  a   command,  a  wrapper  command
     processor  and directly  to the  Multics command  processor.
     Each  of  these  options  will  meet  the design constraints
     listed above.

     It is recommended that the command processor is the best fit
     for the pipe facility for these reasons:

     1) The concept  of simplified I/O  redirection as part  of a
        command line should be part of the command language.

     The pipe token ";|" can be  interpreted to be a command line
     delimiter  much the same  as a semi-colon.   To this end  it
     seems  that  the  command  processor  should  be  doing this

     2) A command  or wrapper command processor will  need to use
        the  command   language  to  interpret  a   command  line
        containing pipe tokens.

     This is a duplication of functionality.

     3) It is believed that the  pipe facility will become a part
        of  many users  daily use  command set.   A heavily  used
        facility  should implement  the option  that requires the
        least overhead to the system.

     A  command will push  a minimum of  2 stack frames  for each
     call.  If  there is an  additional command processor  in use
     such as abbrev, the number of  frames goes to a minimum of 4
     before  the command line  reaches the command  processor for
     execution.   In addition, each  component that is  a command
     will push a call to the command processor.

     A wrapper command  processor will push a minimum  of 2 stack
     frames when  only it and  the command processor  are in use.
     When abbrev is added, 3 frames are needed.

     A change to the command processor will result in 1 frame for
     the command processor.  If abbrev is added, 2 frames will be
     pushed at the time the command line is evaluated for pipes.

Multics Command Level Pipes                             MTB763-03

5.5:  Limitations

I/O Switches

     In order  to provide a pure  flow of data to  the pipe model
     for  the  Multics  system,  only  the  standard I/O switches
     user_input  and user_output  will be  redirectable with  the
     pipe delimiter ";|".

     The file_output command is an acceptable alternative for the
     special case  when the Multics standard  error output switch
     error_output needs to be redirected.


     Because  the syntax  does not   make it  possible to  tell a
     command from a file it is ambiguous.

     In the command line:

     a ;| b

     it  is  not  clear  whether  the  entities  "a"  and "b" are
     commands or files.

     The syntax  is designed to  show a sequential  left to right
     flow of data and control.  The  intent is to provide all I/O
     redirection   capabilities   with   the   simplest  possible
     interface.  The cost of this simplicity is some ambiguity.

     The ambiguity  arises through the defaulting of  files to be
     vfile_ attach descriptions.  It is possible to eliminate the
     ambiguity of the syntax by always specifying complete attach

     the command line:

     a ;| vfile_ b

     is an example of a complete attach description.

     If attach descriptions are given then  it is clear that a is
     a command and b is a file.

     Because commands are always executed,  it is not likely that
     a user will accidently write output to a file named the same
     as a command.

MTB763-03                             Multics Command Level Pipes

5.6:  Impact to the Current System


     The  command_processor_ program  is affected  by the changes
     for checking  pipes.  The cost  is the extra  time needed to
     check  for   the  vertical  bar  (|)   when  evaluating  the
     semi-colon break character.

     This is  a very minor  degradation to the  command processor
     execution   time.   Tests   were  made   using  a  prototype
     processor.   The average  of  1000  executions of  a command
     showed  the installed  command processor  and the  prototype
     returned comparable execution times.

Multics Command Level Pipes                             MTB763-03


The  finished product of  this MTB design  proposal will make  it
possible to use filters with  the Multics system.  The comparison
shown  in section 3,  Evaluation of the  Uses of I/O  redirection
above will have the  following comparison after implementation of
this design.

    UNIX                    MULTICS
ls > output                 ls ;| output

mail mjb < letter           letter ;| mail mjb

nroff -mm < doc1 > doc1.out 2> errors

                               -source_switch error_output errors
                            nroff -mm ;| doc1.out
                               -source_switch error_output

This design provides the Multics system with the added ability to
move data from one file to  another.  This ability does not exist
in UNIX or UNIX-like systems.

    UNIX                    MULTICS
file < file *              file ;| file

* UNIX does not support this ability because the first component
  of a command line is required to be a command name.

MTB763-03                             Multics Command Level Pipes


     1) Does the I/O redirection facility need to be simplified?

     The need to support the movement of UNIX programs to Multics
     is  a Marketing Requirement.   The current mechanism  is not
     convenient enough to support the use of UNIX filters.

     2) Is the pipe syntax functional and useful ?

     The single token pipe syntax recommended for the design will
     provide all  needed functions and support  for UNIX programs
     on Multics.

     The syntax can  be confusing to those who  do not understand
     that a  file name is expanded  to a set of  implied calls to
     perform  I/O  redirection.   The  syntax  can  be  made more
     detailed, but the  cost will be a loss of  function and ease
     of use.

     Other syntax have been evaluated.   None have proved to meet
     the objective  to provide simplicity and  show a directional
     flow through a command stream as well as this one.

     It has been suggested that a modified UNIX syntax is needed.
     The  syntax  will  need  to  be  implemented  using  obscure
     characters  because  the  Multics  command  language assigns
     meaning to almost every character.

     Also,  a  UNIX  style  syntax  will  result  in  a  loss  of
     functionality.  The explicit denoting of input files, output
     files and commands will not permit  the use of a file as the
     first  component  of  a   command  line.   Thus,  the  added
     functionality of moving  a file to a file  provided with the
     single token syntax would have to be given up.

     3) Is the method for redirecting I/O acceptable ?

     The method  for implementing I/O redirection  recommended in
     the  design is  the best  solution for  the current  Multics
     system.   A better  solution is  to implement  multi-process
     tasking.  In a tasked  environment, temporary storage can be
     eliminated  between  commands.    However,  current  Multics
     resouces  do not  exist to   undertake such  a project.   If
     tasking is available in the  future, the design above can be
     reimplemented to  take advantage of the  environment without
     changes to the pipe user interface.

     5)  Does  the  change  belong  within the command_processor_
     program ?

Multics Command Level Pipes                             MTB763-03

     Any  pipe  facility  will  require  the  ability  to parse a
     command  line using  much of  the command  processor parsing
     code.  It is possible to eliminate a duplication of executed
     code  by  integrating  the  pipe  facility  into the command
     processor.   Also, integrating  the pipe  facility into  the
     command processor will reduce  the amount of overhead needed
     to execute a command line containing pipes.

     Because the impact to the performance of the current command
     processor  functions will be  very small, it  is recommended
     that this is  a good fit for the  simplified I/O redirection

MTB763-03                             Multics Command Level Pipes



     The  Multics  system   routine  command_processor_  will  be
     modified to support the pipe syntax.  Changes:

     1) add the token ";|" as part of the command language.

     The  actual implementation  will be  to add  meaning to  the
     break characters ";|".  When the semi-colon is detected, the
     next character will  be checked for a vertical  bar (|).  If
     the "pipe" token  is detected in the command  line, new code
     will be run that establishes information about the line that
     will be needed at the time the command is executed.

     The  pipe  token  will   be  interpreted  similarly  to  the
     semi-colon  (;).  When  a pipe  token is  found, the  string
     before it is treated as an individual command.

     In order  for the pipe process  to be able to  determine the
     correct  attachments,  three  elements  of  a  pipe  will be
     evaluated at a  time.  When it is able to,  the command line
     parser  will  return  the  previous,  current  and next pipe

     At  this  point  the  command  line  parser  returns and the
     individual command is processed.

     2)  Modify the  command_processor_ routine  that builds  the
     argument list and then executes  a given command line.  When
     the command line  contains a pipe, a new  subroutine will be
     called to evaluate the pipe.  The new subroutine will:

     a) Establish cleanup and command_abort condition handlers in
        the  command processor  to call  the pipe_  subroutine to
        restore the I/O switches when an abort occurs.

     b) determine whether the component  is an attach description
        or an executable object.

     c) If the current component is an attach description:

        The previous component is checked.

        If  it is  a command,   the routine  returns because  the
        attach description  was used at the time  the command was
        executed.   If  it  is  an  attach  description, then the
        previous component is attached and opened for input.  The
        current  component is attached  for output and  the entry
        pipe_$copy is called to copy from the previous attachment
        to    the   current    one.    After    encountering   an

Multics Command Level Pipes                             MTB763-03

        error_table_$end_of_information code,  the components are

     d) If the current component is an executable object:

        The  previous  component  is  checked.   If  the previous
        component  does not  exist,  no  attachment for  input is
        made.  If  it is an attach description  then the previous
        component  is attached  for input.   If it  is a command,
        then the temporary pipe file  that was attached to it for
        output is attached for input to the current command.

        The next component is checked.

        If the component does not exist and the command line ends
        with  the pipe  token, "vfile_  [wd]>pipeout -extend"  is
        attached and opened for output.  If the command line does
        not end with the pipe token, no attachment is made.

        If the next component is  an attach description, then the
        attach description  is compared with the  previous attach
        description.   If the  same  file  is specified  for both
        input and output, then a  temporary pipe file is attached
        for  output using  the I/O   module given  in the  output
        attach  description and a  switch is set  indicating that
        the pipe file  should be copied to the  output file after
        the command line completes.  Otherwise the next component
        file is attached and opened for output.

        If the next component is  a command then a temporary pipe
        file is attached and opened for output.

        The  entry  cu_$generate_call  is  called  to execute the

        After the  command is run,  the input file  is closed and
        detached and the output file is evaluated.  If the switch
        that requests a copy is set, the pipe file is closed then
        opened  for input,  the  next  component is  attached and
        opened for  output and the pipe_$copy entry  is called to
        copy the  contents of the  pipe file to  the output file.
        After the  copy, all files  are closed and  detached.  If
        the copy switch is not set, the output file is closed and

Example scenario:

           a filter "get"
           usage: "get <id>"
           function: locates an identifier string in a file header
           then copies delimited file data to user_output.

MTB763-03                             Multics Command Level Pipes

     1)  input line = mtape_ m0001 ;| get x.pl1 ;| x.pl1
     2)  parse                   mtape_ m0001
     3)  call to find_command_$fc_no_message ("mtape_")
     4)  result shows that the entry point does not exist.
     5)  call to find_command_$fc_no_message ("mtape_$mtape_attach")
     6)  result shows that the entry point exists.
     7)  "mtape_" is determined to be an I/O module.
     8)  an attach made for user_input through the
         mtape_ I/O module to tape m0001.
     9)  parse                   get x.pl1
     10) call to find_command_$fc_no_message ("get")
     11) result shows that this is an object.

     12) parse                  x.pl1
     13) call to find_command_$fc_no_message ("x.pl1")
     14) result shows that this is not an object.
     15) call to find_command_$fc_no_message ("x.pl1$x.pl1_attach")
     16) result shows that this is not an object.
     17) x.pl1 is defaulted to be a file.
     18) user_output is attached to "vfile_ [wd]>x.pl1" through
         the vfile_ I/O module.
     19) get is executed.
     20) user_input and user_output are reattached to the
         users terminal.


     The semi-colon (;) and the pipe token (;|) will both be used
     to indicate  the end of a command.   Therefore, pipes cannot
     span  command  lines.   The  semi-colon  and  the pipe token
     differ  in  that  the  pipe  token  will  result  in special
     handling of the command lines as described above.


     The  pipe token  will not   be interpreted  when it  is used
     within a quoted string.

Active Strings

     The command_processor_  program will be modified  to process
     pipes within active strings.  Pipe strings that exist within
     an  active string  will be  treated as  separate pipes  from
     those  that  exist  at  command  level.   To  provide  added
     functionality to Multics commands, the pipe facility will be
     implemented to include the ability to return the output of a
     pipe as  the active function return string.   When an active
     string is  ended with a pipe  token, the last piece  of data
     processed  in  the  pipe  will  be  returned  as  the active
     function return string.

Multics Command Level Pipes                             MTB763-03

     For  example:  pl1 ([ls  *.pl1 -name -primary  -no_header ;|
     match /tap/;|])

     Will execute the list command,  route the output as input to
     a  filter match  that returns  lines which  match the  given
     expression, then  return the output  of match as  the active
     function return string.

     To  facilitate this  operation, the  command_processor_ will
     treat the contents of the  active string as a normal command
     line.  The line  will be executed, placing output  in a pipe
     file.   After the  command is  complete the  contents of the
     pipe  file will  be returned  as the  active function return
     string.   This will  make it   possible to  use all  Multics
     commands in an active function.


     Iteration  with the  pipe facility  will be  limited to each
     component  of the  pipe command  line.  The  rational behind
     this is  that allowing parenthesis  to span pipe  tokens can
     create command lines too complex to comprehend, interpret or
     execute.  Therefore, the pipe  token will be interpreted the
     same way  the semi-colon (;) is when  dealing with iteration
     parenthesis.   Please see  the Appendix  B documentation  of
     PIPES for more information.

MTB763-03                             Multics Command Level Pipes


     A  new subroutine  will be  written and  added to  the bound
     segment  which  contains  command_processor_.   The  routine
     "pipe_"  will supply  the  functions  needed by  the command
     processor  in  order  to   deal  with  pipes.   Because  the
     subroutine is  not intended as a system  subroutine and will
     be  internal to the  bound segment, no  manual documentation
     will  be provided.  The  entries supplied by  the subroutine
     will be:

     pipe_$attach_pipe (Ppipe_info, attach_description, code);

     Attaches a uniquely named switch to the specified I/O module
     and saves the specified switch_name for use by the open_pipe

     pipe_$close (Ppipe_info, code);

     Closes the I/O module  passed to the pipe_$attach_pipe entry
     and  detaches  the  switch  passed  to the pipe_$attach_pipe
     entry.  Then,  if the switch given to  the attach_pipe entry
     point was previously attached,  the saved attach description
     is  moved back  to the  switch assigned  to the  attach_pipe

     pipe_$copy (Pinput, Poutput, code)

     Performs  a get_line/put_chars  loop until  the end  of data
     error code is returned by the I/O module.

     pipe_$detach (Ppipe_info, code);

     Detaches the uniquely named  switch entry from the specified
     I/O module established by the attach_pipe.

     pipe_$initiate (Ppipe, code)

     Creates a  temporary pipe file in the  process directory and
     returns  a pointer to  information about it  for use by  the

     pipe_$open_pipe (Ppipe_info, mode, code);

     Opens the I/O  module given in to the  attach_pipe entry for
     input or output based on the mode value specified.  Then, if
     the switch  given to the attach_pipe entry  point is already
     attached,  the attach  description is  saved.  Finally,  the
     switch  is attached  through the  "syn_" I/O  module to  the
     uniquely named switch attached by the attach_pipe entry.

     pipe_$terminate (Ppipe, code)

Multics Command Level Pipes                             MTB763-03

     Destroys the  I/O control block  of a temporary  pipe.  Then
     calls  hcs_  to  delete  the  temporary  pipe  file from the
     process directory and set the pointer to null.

     These  entries will  call  the  appropriate iox_  entries in
     order  to correctly redirect  the standard I/O  switches for
     each command in the pipe.

MTB763-03                             Multics Command Level Pipes


     The abbrev  processor will require modifications  to support
     pipes.   The current  abbrev  break  character set  does not
     recognize a  pipe token as  a beginning of  line break.  The
     result is that abbreviations will not be expanded, when used
     in a pipe.  For example,

     The abbreviations:    .abf lsc list -sort -all
                           .abf dis discard_

     The command line:    lsc ;| dis

     will not be expanded by  the abbrev processor properly.  The
     first abbreviation will be expanded, but because the verical
     bar is not recognized as a beginning of line break the "dis"
     abbreviation will be left untouched.  This command line will
     result in the output of list  -sort -all being placed into a
     file named "dis".

     Changes to the abbrev processor will include adding the pipe
     token  (;|) to  the code  to the  list of  beginning of line


     The current  vfile_ I/O module does not  provide the ability
     to  override  the  -extend  control  argument.   Because the
     default for output  files used by the pipe  facility will be
     to extend the file, the ability to truncate the file must be

     To  add  the  ability  to  specify  truncation  of a file to
     vfile_,  the new  control argument  -truncate (-tc)  will be

Multics Command Level Pipes                             MTB763-03


Modifications to AG91 Multics Programmer's Reference Manual



add in alphabetic order within the glossary:

          A  command  designed  to  receive  input  data from the
          switch  user_input  and  output   data  to  the  switch

          A  logical stream  of data  created by  redirecting the
          standard input and output  switches through a series of
          commands, filters and I/O modules.


 page 3-1:  Under the title "ENTRYNAMES", second paragraph.


Since   standard  commands   attach  special   meaning  to  them,
several......  ..  , two  consecutive colons (::) and parenthesis


Some characters  are reserved by the Multics  system command set.
To avoid conflicts, entrynames should not contain:

     less than (<)              equal sign (=)    left parenthesis (
      asterisk (*)             dollar sign ($)   right parenthesis )
 question mark (?)          quotation mark (")
  percent sign (%)  two consecutive colons (::)

entrynames should not begin or end with a period (.).

entryname should not begin with a hyphen (-) or vertical bar (|).



Page   3-41:    Between   the   Headings   "ACTIVE  STRINGS"  and
"CONCATENATION" add the new section "PIPES".

MTB763-03                             Multics Command Level Pipes


The pipe  facility of the command processor  provides the ability
to  redirect  stream  I/O.    The  delimiter  string  semi-colon,
vertical bar  (";|") instructs the command  processor to redirect
the  I/O  attachments  of  the  standard  switches user_input and
user_output.   The   pipe  component  delimiter   is  interpreted
similarly  to the  command line  delimiter ";"  with pipe streams
limited to one command line.  The command processor pipe facility
is  designed to  provide simplified   data flow  control.  For  a
description  of the Multics  input and output  facilities, please
see Section 5 of this manual.


The simplest form of a pipe is:

cmd1 ;| cmd2

where cmd1 is the name of  a command which outputs to user_output
and  cmd2 is  a command  that gets  data from  user_input and may
output data to user_output.

The command line:

pwd ;| sm User_id

results in  the output of the command  print_wd(pwd) being routed
as  input to  the command  send_message (sm).   Some commands are
will not  execute correctly without an end  of information token.
To use the  pipe facility with these commands it  is necessary to
add the value at the end of the input.

The command line:

pwd ;| input; ioa_ "." ;| input ;| sdm User_id -sj "the pathname"

routes  the output  of the   print_wd (pwd)  command to  the file
"input".   Then ioa_  is used  to add  a period  to the  file and
finally  the  file  is  routed  as  input  to the send_mail (sdm)


In  addition to  the ability  to route  data from  one command to
another,  the  pipe  facility   is  available  for  more  complex

Data can be routed from a command to a file.

The command line:

Multics Command Level Pipes                             MTB763-03

list ;| list_command_output

is expanded to:

list ;| vfile_ [wd]>list_command_output -extend

The  expanded command  line  instructs  the command  processor to
attach the user_output switch  to the file list_command_output in
the current working directory.  The output of the list command is
then placed into the file.


It is possible to specify an  I/O module in the description of an
output data store.

The command line:

list ;| tape_mult_ M9999 -write -den 6250

will route  the output of the  list command to the  magnetic tape
M9999  through  the  Multics  standard  format  tape  I/O  module

Any Multics  I/O module may  be specified.  For  a description of
the  Multics   I/O  modules  see  the   Multics  manual  "Multics
Subroutines and I/O Modules" (AG93) and Section 4 of this manual.

Data can be routed from a file to a command.

The command line:

input_file ;| sm GWMay

expands to:

vfile_ [wd]>input_file -extend ;| sm GWMay

The  expanded command  line  instructs  the command  processor to
route the data  contained in the file input_file as  input to the
command send_message (sm).

Any  Multics I/O  module may  be given  to specify  the source of
stored data.


Data can be routed from one file to another.

vfile_ [wd]>input_file -extend ;| tape_mult_ m9999 -write -den 6250

results in the file input_file being copied to the tape m9999.

MTB763-03                             Multics Command Level Pipes

The command line:

file1 ;| file2

is expanded to:

vfile_ [wd]>file1 -extend ;| vfile_ [wd]>file2 -extend

The expanded command line instructs the command processor to copy
the  contents of  the file  file1 to  the file  file2.  The  pipe
facility will allow the same file  name to be given for input and

file ;| file

will result in the contents of the file being appended to the end
of itself.

Because most data  storing done on the Multics  system is handled
with  magnetic disk,  the defaulting   of file  names to  the I/O
module vfile_ is  provided for ease of use.   If desired, control
arguments  for  vfile_  may  be  specified  with  the  file name.
Pathnames may also be given.

The command line:

>udd>Multics>file1 ;| file2 -truncate

expands to:

vfile_ udd>Multics>file1 -extend ;| vfile_ [wd]>file2
                                       -extend -truncate

The pipe facility may be used for more complex functions.

The various components of a pipe may be chained together in order
to create a stream of data that accomplishes many tasks.

ls ;| list_file ;| sm GWMay

expands to:

ls ;| vfile_ [wd]>list_file -extend ;| sm GWMay

The expanded  command line results in  several functions.  First,
the  output  of  the  list  (ls)  command  is  placed in the file
list_file.   Then the file  list_file is routed  as input to  the
command send_message (sm).

There  is no  limit on  the number  of pipe  delimiters used in a
command line.

Multics Command Level Pipes                             MTB763-03


The  pipe facility  provides for   the default  output of  a pipe

The command line:

ls ;|

is expanded to:

ls ;| vfile_ [wd]>pipeout -extend

The output of the list command  is placed into the file "pipeout"
in the current working directory.


The  pipe facility  can be   combined with  iteration.  The  pipe
facility limits iteration to a single delimited pipe component.

The command line:

(pwd ls who) ;| output

The  effect of  the command  line is  to route  the output of all
three commands to the file "output".

The command line:

input ;| (cmd1 cmd2 file1) ;| output

instructs the command processor to route the data from "input" to
the commands "cmd1" and "cmd2" and the file "file1" where "input"
is either  a command or file.   The output of all  three are then
routed to "output" which may be a command or file.

A possible  use of this command  line would be when  the commands
cmd1 and cmd2 use input from  "input" but do not output any data.
In such  a case, the file  "file" would contain the  same data as
was routed out  of "input".  This makes it possible  to route the
data through the pipe to "output".

The command line:

a (;|b-c -d;|e) ;| f

is not an acceptable use of iteration and pipe facility.


The pipe facility can be use as active strings.

MTB763-03                             Multics Command Level Pipes

The command line:

([segs **]);| file

will copy the contents of each file and output of each command in
the current working directory to the file "file".

The command line:

pl1 ([ls >udd>pl1_dir>ab*.pl1 -no_header -primary -name;|])

instructs  the command  processor to   return the  output of  the
command  ls as the  active return string.   The output of  a pipe
stream is returned only when the active string is terminated with
the pipe delimiter just before the ending right bracket "]".

By  default, new  line characters   are removed  from the  active
function return string.  When it  is desirable to retain new linw
characters, an additional vertical bar is appended.

The command line:

value_set command_results ||[string [ls -all -sort;||]

will return the output of the ls command with new line characters

The pipe facility, iteration and active string can be combined in
a single command line.

The command line:

sm ([who ;| match /Multics/;|]) [pwd;|]

routes the  output of the who  command to a filter  "match".  The
names  output by  match are   returned to  the send_message  (sm)
command in  the active function return string  as the destination
of  the message.   The output  of the  print_wd (pwd)  command is
returned as the message to be sent.


It is not  possible to intermix pipes and  normal active function
invocations within the same active function bracket pair.

The command line:

string [time; pwd;|]

attempts to call  the time active function then  execute the pipe
pwd;| and is in error.  The correct usage is:

Multics Command Level Pipes                             MTB763-03

string [time][pwd;|]

Active functions can be used within pipes as long as they are not
within the same active string level as the pipe.  For example:

string [ls [hd]>*.[date];|]


The pipe  facility can be used  with I/O types other  than stream
I/O.   In  order  to  access  sequential  data  type  files,  the
record_stream_ I/O module must be  used as the intermediary.  The
command line:

ls ;| record_stream_ -length 80
  -target "tape_nstd_ m9999 -block 80 -write -den 1600"

will output the stream data of the list command to the sequential
data store m9999 controlled by the tape_nstd_ I/O module.


The simplicity of the pipe  facility syntax may lead to conflicts
between file and command names.  In order to supply the simpliest
possible  syntax, the  ability  to  explicity identify  files and
commands can be overridden.  When using the pipe facility, a pipe
string may begin with one of the following:

1) a Multics command name.

2) a Multics I/O module name.

3) a Multics file name that can be followed by
   vfile_ control arguments.

The  Multics  pipe  facilty  uses  the  current  search  list  to
automatically  determine the  type of  entry that  starts a  pipe
string.  A segment is determined to be a command when it contains
a linkage  section and an  entrypoint matching the  name given in
the command line.   A description of a Multics  object segment is
available in Appendix G of this manual.

A  Multics I/O module  is a special  type of object  segment that
does not contain an entrypoint that matches the name given on the
command line.   All I/O modules do however  contain an entrypoint
which is a composite of the name given with an attach identifier.

To facilitate the fewest number  of key stokes, lines which start
with a name that is not a command or an I/O module are considered
filenames by default.

MTB763-03                             Multics Command Level Pipes

Files  have no  particular identifying  features other  than that
they do not meet the requirements of an object segment.

Because  of the  defaulting of  names to  be files,  there may be
occasions when a  file name is given when a  command was intended
and the  other way around.   When this happens,  the pipe command
line may perform differently than was intended.


When  a  pipe  command  line  does  not  perform as expected, the
where(wh) command may help determine the cause.

With the command line:

ls ;| list

the user may  have intended the output of the  "ls" command to be
placed into  a file named  "list".  The actual  execution of this
line will  result in the  ls command being  executed twice.  With
the second execution displaying to the terminal.  By typing:

where ls


where list

the  user will  easily see  where the  list entry  is being taken

To   determine  if  the   entry  is  a   file  or  command,   the
print_link_info  (pli) command  can be  used.  Using  the example
from above with the pli command results in the command line:

pli [wh list] -he

If the list entry is an object segment, the information displayed
by the  command line will  indicate so.  If  the entry is  not an
object, an inconsistency in the segment is diagnosed.


The  conflicts between  files and   commands can  be resolved  by
explicitly stating the I/O module  in the attachment and by using
complete pathnames.

If  the user really  does want to  override the list  command and
create a file named "list" then the command line:

ls ;| [wd]>list

Multics Command Level Pipes                             MTB763-03

should be used.

If by chance there is a  command in the current working directory
named  "list", the  I/O module   name should  be included  in the
attachment.  The command line:

ls ;| vfile_ [wd]>list

will replace the command with a file named "list.

Whenever it  is necessary to override commands  with filenames or
when  a  specific  location  of  a  file  is  important, complete
pathnames  should be  given.  For  example, when  using the  pipe
facilty in exec_coms  or abbreviations, it is a good  idea to use
complete  pathnames  to  make  sure  that  the  proper  files and
commands are referenced.



7) entrynames should not begin with a hyphen (-) or vertical bar (|).
   Many of the Multics commands will interpret entrynames which start
   with a hyphen to be a control argument.