MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB766
  To:       MTB Distribution
  From:     MCrawford
  Date:     08/07/87
  Subject:   Multics DSA  Unified File  Transfer Facility Reference
  This  MTB includes  the procedures   for using  the Unified  File
  Transfer (UFT) facility of the Multics DSA Network System.
  Comments on this MTB should be directed by Multics mail to:
      System M:  GDixon.Multics
  or by phone to:
      Gary Dixon
      HVN:  862-3593
      DDD:  602-862-3593
  Multics project  internal documentation; not to  be reproduced or
  distributed outside the Multics project without permission of the
  Director of MDC.

  Section 1     Multics DSA Unified File Transfer
                 Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1-1
                   The Multics DSA Unified File Transfer
                    Facility Functions  . . . . . . . . .   1-1
                   The DSA Unified File Transfer Facility
                    - Requestor Functions . . . . . . . .   1-1
                   Submitting DSA UFT Requests from the
                    DSA UFT Subsystem . . . . . . . . . .   1-2
                      Submitting Interactive DSA UFT
                       Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1-3
                         Creating a File on a Remote Host
                          - create Request  . . . . . . .   1-4
                         Deleting a File on a Remote Host
                          - delete Request  . . . . . . .   1-7
                         Requesting Information About a
                          Remote Host - get_information
                          Request . . . . . . . . . . . .   1-8
                         Set default for Requestor
                          Options - r_default Request . .  1-10
                         Set Trace for Requestor Option -
                          r_trace Request . . . . . . . .  1-11
                         Renaming a File on a Remote Host
                          - Rename Request  . . . . . . .  1-11
                         Set Default for Server Option -
                          s_default Request . . . . . . .  1-12
                         Set Trace for Server - s_trace
                          Request . . . . . . . . . . . .  1-13
                         Performing Interactive File
                          Transfer - Unified File
                          Transfer Request  . . . . . . .  1-13
  Section 2     DSA and UFT Multics Commands  . . . . . .   2-1
                      Submitting a Queued DSA UFT Request   2-1
                         Cancelling a Queued UFT Request
                          - cancel_uft_request Request  .   2-1
                      cancel_uft_request, (cur) . . . . .   2-2
                         Entering a Queued UFT Request -
                          enter_uft_request Request . . .   2-3
                      enter_uft_request, (eur)  . . . . .   2-3
                         Listing Queued UFT Requests -
                          list_uft_request Request  . . .   2-5

                           CONTENTS (cont)
                      list_uft_request, (lur) . . . . . .   2-6
                         Modifying a Queued UFT Request -
                          modify_uft_request Request  . .   2-7
                      modify_uft_request, (mur) . . . . .   2-7
  Section 3     Multics DSA Unified File Transfer
                 Facility Configuration . . . . . . . . .   3-1
                   Configuring the Multics DSA UFT
                    Facility  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3-1
                      Defining the Network Information
                       Table Entries (NIT) for DSA UFT  .   3-2
                         The System Statement . . . . . .   3-2
                         The Mailbox Statement  . . . . .   3-2
                         The session_type_descriptor
                          Statement . . . . . . . . . . .   3-2
                         The Service Statement  . . . . .   3-3
                         The Correspondent Statement  . .   3-3
                      Defining the I/O SysDaemon for DSA
                       UFT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3-3
                         The UFT Requestor function . . .   3-3
                         Queue Management . . . . . . . .   3-4
                         Special commands for uft driver    3-4
                         iod_tables . . . . . . . . . . .   3-5
                         I/O SysDaemon Tables
                          Request_type Statements for DSA
                          UFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3-5
                         I/O SysDaemon Tables Device
                          Statements for DSA UFT  . . . .   3-6
                   Registering the DSA UFT Daemon
                    Person_id in the Project Master File    3-6
                   Registering the I/O SysDaemon in the
                    Person Name Table . . . . . . . . . .   3-7
                   Creating the Message Coordinator for
                    DSA UFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3-7
                      Creating Input and Output Message
                       Segments for DSA UFT . . . . . . .   3-8
                      Creating Message Coordinator
                       Sources and Virtual Consoles for
                       DSA UFT  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3-8
                         Virtual Console Definition for
                          DSA UFT - Define Request  . . .   3-9
                         Routing DSA UFT Daemon Output -
                          Route Request . . . . . . . . .   3-9
  Appendix A    Multics DSA UFT Trace Facility  . . . . .   A-1
                   The Trace Requests . . . . . . . . . .   A-1
                   System Traces  . . . . . . . . . . . .   A-2
                      Trace options in effect : . . . . .   A-2

                           CONTENTS (cont)
                      Setting server trace options. . . .   A-3
                      Setting log pathname. . . . . . . .   A-3
                      Setting trace options (answer y to
                       set, n or CR to Reset).  . . . . .   A-3
                       Setting record length. . . . . . .   A-3
                      Trace options in effect : . . . . .   A-3
  Appendix B    Unified File Transfer Requests Arguments    B-1

                              SECTION 1
       The Multics  DSA Unified File Transfer  Facility permits the
  transfer of files between Multics and remote systems connected to
  a DSA network.
       The  Multics  DSA  Unified   File  Transfer  Facility  (UFT)
  includes the following two functions:
        o   UFT Requestor function
        o   UFT Server function
       The UFT Requestor function  is responsible for executing the
  UFT requests that you submit  to Multics.  The Requestor function
  initiates connections to remote systems.
       The  UFT  Server  function   is  responsible  for  receiving
  incoming  UFT  requests  from  remote  systems  and  executes the
  transfer requests specified.
       The  Multics  DSA  Unified   File  Transfer  (UFT)  facility
  performs  file  transfer  and  other  related  requests  with any
  computer connected on a DSA  network.  DSA UFT Requestor function
  lets you issue file transfer requests in two modes:
        o   interactive mode (unified_file_transfer request)
        o   queued request mode (enter_uft_request request)
       Interactive  mode  processes   your  file  transfer  request
  immediately; files submitted by a  queued request are placed in a
  special  network application  request queue  and are  transferred
  when the  queued request is available for  processing (i.e., when

  the  preceding requests have  been processed).  Execution  of the
  queued request depends  upon the default request queue  in use or
  the priority  queue that you specify.  Requests  placed in higher
  priority request queues are given preference.
       The interactive  file transfer request (uft)  and the queued
  file  transfer  request  (enter_uft_request)  can  be issued from
  Multics  command level, or  they can be  issued from the  DSA UFT
  subsystem which is invoked with the dsa_uft command (see below).
       A series  of DSA UFT  requests are available  that assist in
  the  processing of  both interactive  file transfer  requests and
  queued  file transfer  requests.  All  DSA UFT  requests must  be
  issued from  the DSA UFT  subsystem as described  below.  The DSA
  UFT requests are outlined in Table 1-1 and 2-1, respectively.
       To submit an interactive DSA UFT request or a queued DSA UFT
  request to a remote host, you must:
  1.   Invoke the DSA UFT subsystem with the command:
       Once  you have  entered the  dsa_uft request,  the following
       prompt will appear on your screen:
  2.   When you receive the dsa_uft subsystem prompt, you can enter
       any  of the requests  allowed for interactive  processing or
       queued processing (see Table 1-1 and 2-1, respectively).
  Note  that  when  issuing  remote  DSA  UFT  requests to a remote
  Multics host, you must specify  your user password for the remote
  host as described in the request descriptions.
       The format of the dsa_uft request is:
       dsa_uft {control_args}
  -abbrev, -ab
       enables   abbreviation  processing    within  the   DSA  UFT

  -debug, -db
       enables debug mode.
       specifies the execution command (ec) suffix to be used.  The
       default is dsa_uft.
  -info_dir STR,
       directory containing the info segs of the subsystem.
  -no_abbrev, -nab
       disables   abbreviation  processing   within  the   DSA  UFT
       subsystem (default).
  -no_debug, -ndb
       disables debug mode (default).
  -no_prompt, -npmt
       indicates  that no prompt  will be used  within the DSA  UFT
  -no_start_up, -nsu
       indicates that  no file will be  used to contain
       DSA UFT requests (default).
  -profile <pathname>, -pf <pathname>
       the pathname of the profile  file to be used if abbreviation
       processing is enabled.
  -prompt STR, -pmt STR
       STR is the character string to  be used as the prompt in the
       DSA UFT subsystem.  By default prompt value is "dsa_uft".
  -start_up, -su
       indicates a file will be used to contain DSA UFT
       specifies that  the execution command file  search list will
       not  be used.   Only the  current working  directory will be
       searched for the execution command file.
  Submitting Interactive DSA UFT Requests
       To submit an interactive DSA UFT request, invoke the DSA UFT
  subsystem  as described  above.  Any  of the  interactive DSA UFT
  requests  listed in  Table 1-1  can be  entered from  the DSA UFT
  Table 1-1.  Interactive UFT Requests

  create                 cr      Create a file on a remote host
  delete                 dl      Delete a file on a remote host
  get_information        gi      Request information on a remote
  r_default              r_d     Set default for requestor options
  r_trace                        Set trace for requestor
  rename                 rn      Rename a file on a remote host
  s_default              s_d     Set default for server options
  s_trace                        Set trace for server
  unified_file_transfer  uft     Perform an interactive file
                                 transfer in the user's process
       The create command  lets you create a file on  a remote host
  and set the appropriate file attributes.  The create request is a
  file management convenience tool.  It  is not necessary to create
  a destination  file before issuing a file  transfer request.  The
  file  is created  dynamically on  the remote  system in  the same
       The  arguments  describing  the  remote  file attributes are
  given  as arguments  to the  create request.   Depending upon the
  type of  remote system, some  arguments are mandatory  and others
  may  be ignored  (see the  remote system  file transfer  protocol
  manual for details).
       Depending upon the remote  system, some file characteristics
  specified by the create request may not be retained by the remote
       The format of the create request is:
     cr {-name} <file_name> -at <correspondent> {<control_args>}
       is  the name  of the  file you  want to  create; it  must be
       specified in  a syntax acceptable  to the host  on which the

       file is to reside; <file_name> must be preceded by -name (or
       -nm) if the file name begins with a "-"; it must be followed
       by "-at  <correspondent>"; it must be enclosed  in quotes if
       it contains spaces or special characters.
  -at <correspondent>
       <correspondent>  must  be  the  name  given  in  the Network
       Information Table (NIT) to  the remote UFT application.  The
       NIT associates to the UFT correspondent name its DSA network
       address (session_id and mailbox).
  -billing STR
       specifies the  accounting identification used by  the remote
       host (not Multics); there is no default.
  -catalogue <file_name>, -cat <file_name>
       for a non-Multics system,  <file_name> specifies a catalogue
       file.  The -catalogue control argument is required only when
       the  catalogue   file  for  the  file   description  is  not
       implicitly known.  <file_name> must be specified in a syntax
       acceptable to  the host on  which the file  will resides; it
       must be enclosed  in quotes if it contain  spaces or special
  -control_interval_format STR, -cif STR
       STR  specifies  the  control  interval  format.  The control
       interval      format      can      be     blocked_unspanned,
       unblocked_unspanned, blocked_spanned,  or unblocked_spanned.
       For Multics, there is no control interval format.
  -control_interval_size N, -cis N
       indicates the control interval size to be used.  The maximum
       control interval size is 65535.
  -data_type <data_type>, -dt <data_type>
       <data_type> can be either ascii, binary, ebcdic, gbcd, hbcd,
       jis or undefined.  It specifies the data code of the data to
       be contained in the file.  The default is "undefined".
  -file_format STR, -ff STR
       STR  specifies the  specific format  of the  file.  The file
       format    can     be    disk_ufas_6_66,    disk_36_bit_ufas,
       disk_64_ufas, disk_68,  disk_66_gfrc, disk_64_bfas, disk_62,
       disk_6_no_ufas,       disk_ibm_no_vsdm,       disk_ibm_vsam,
       tape_ufas_ans_ascii,     tape_ufas_ebcdic,     tape_66_gfrc,
       tape_foreign,     diskette_basic_iso,    diskette_basic_ibm,
       cassette_standard_iso, or cassette_foreign.
  -format_version N, -fv N
       N specifies  the specific version  of the file  format.  The

       format version can  be 0, 1, or 3.  The  format version is 1
       or 3 for tape_ufas_ans_ascii (the  default is 1).  For other
       formats, the default value is correct.
  -max_record_length N, -mrl N
       specifies  the maximum  record length   for the  file to  be
       created.  The maximum record length that can be specified is
  -no_password, -npw
       if  the -no_password  control argument  is present  the user
       will  not  be  prompted  for  a  password  with a mask.  The
       password will not be used by the remote host to authenticate
       the submitter.
  -options <options>, -opt <options>
  -status < >, -st < >
       <options> can be either keep, new, or replace.  The -options
       control argument  indicates what should be done  if the file
       to be created  already exists.  If "new" then  an error will
       be  returned  (default);  if  "keep  or  truncate (tc)", the
       existing  file  will  be  kept  but  the  creation  will  be
       considered successful; if "replace  (rp)", then the existing
       file will be deleted and a new file created as specified.
  -organization <file_organization>, -org <file_organization>
       <file_organization>  can be  sequential, relative,  indexed,
       extended_indexed,  general_indexed,  random,  queued, l6_r2,
       l6_r5, byte_stream, or unstructured.   It specifies the file
       organization  of the file  to be created.   Multics supports
       unstructured, sequential, relative, and general_indexed file
       organizations.  The default is sequential.
  -password, -pw
       if the  -password control argument is present  the user will
       be prompted for a password with a mask.  The password may be
       used by the remote host  to authenticate the submitter.  For
       a remote  Multics system, the -password  control argument is
       mandatory.  (Default)
  -person STR, -user STR
       STR  specifies the  remote user  identification used  by the
       remote host  on whose behalf  the delete is  to be executed.
       This may  be used by  the remote host  for authentication of
       the job  submitter.  The default  is the Multics  user_id of
       the user who submitted the request.
  -project STR, -pj STR
       STR specifies the project  identification used by the remote
       host on whose behalf the delete is to be executed.
  -record_format STR, -rf STR
       STR  is the  record format  to be  used for  the file.   The

       format can  be fixed, variable, or  undefined.  For Multics,
       the record format is always variable.
  The  following example illustrates  the procedure for  creating a
  segment, cr_1, on a remote Multics host.
       cr uft_dest>cr_1 -at dsa.MUL1.FILETRAN
       To delete a file on a  remote host, issue the delete request
  from the DSA UFT subsystem.
  The format of the delete request is:
     dl {-name} <file_name> -at <correspondent> {control_args}
       <file_name> is the  name of the file to be  deleted and must
       be specified  in a form acceptable  to the host on  which it
       resides; it must  be preceded by -name (or -nm)  if the file
       name  begins  with  a  "-";  it  must  be  followed  by "-at
       <correspondent>";  it  must  be  enclosed  in  quotes  if it
       contains   spaces    or   special   characters.     If   the
       <correspondent>  is  running  on   a  Multics  system,  then
       <file_name> can be a "star" name, and all of the files which
       match the "star" name will be deleted.
  -at <correspondent>
       <correspondent> is the name given in the Network Information
       Table  (NIT)  to  the   remote  UFT  application.   The  NIT
       associates  to the  UFT correspondent  name its  DSA network
       address (session_id and mailbox).
  -billing STR
       STR  specifies  the  accounting  identification  used by the
       remote host (not Multics); there is no default.
  -catalogue <file_name>, -cat <file_name>
       for a non-Multics system,  <file_name> specifies a catalogue
       file.  It is  required only when the catalogue  file for the
       file description is not  implicitly known.  <file_name> must
       be specified in a syntax acceptable to the host on which the
       file  will resides;  it must   be enclosed  in quotes  if it
       contain spaces or special characters.

  -no_password, -npw
       if  the -no_password  control argument  is present  the user
       will  not  be  prompted  for  a  password  with a mask.  The
       password will not be used by the remote host to authenticate
       the submitter.
  -password, -pw
       if the -password control argument  is present, the user will
       be prompted for a password with a mask.  The password may be
       used by the remote host  to authenticate the submitter.  For
       a remote  Multics system, the -password  control argument is
       mandatory.  (Default)
  -person STR, -user STR
       STR  specifies the  remote user  identification used  by the
       remote host  on whose behalf  the delete is  to be executed.
       This may  be used by  the remote host  for authentication of
       the job  submitter.  The default  is the Multics  user_id of
       the user who submitted the request.
  -project STR, -pj STR
       STR specifies the project  identification used by the remote
       host on whose behalf the delete is to be executed.
       The following example illustrates the procedure for deleting
  a segment, cr_1, on a remote Multics host.
       dl uft_dest>cr_1 -at dsa.MUL1.FILETRAN
       The  get_information  request  lets  you  obtain information
  about a file on a remote host.   You can obtain any or all of the
  following information about a file on a remote host:
        o   file name
        o   history
        o   logical attributes
        o   physical attributes
  The format of the get_information request is:
     gi {-name} <file_name> -at <correspondent> {<control_args>}
       <file_name>  specifies   the  file  about  which   you  want
       information and  must be specified  in a form  acceptable to

       the  host on  which the  file resides.   <file_name> must be
       preceded by -name (or -nm) if  it begins with a "-"; it must
       be followed by "-at <correspondent>"; it must be enclosed in
       quotes if it contains spaces  or special characters.  If the
       <correspondent>  is  running  on   a  Multics  system,  then
       <file_name> can be a "star"  name, and information on all of
       the files that match the "star" name will be returned.
  -at <correspondent>
       <correspondent> is the name given in the Network Information
       Table  (NIT)  to  the   remote  UFT  application.   The  NIT
       associates  to the  UFT correspondent  name its  DSA network
       address (session_id and mailbox).
  -attributes <attributes>, -att <attributes>
       <attributes>  specifies  the  type  of  information desired.
       <attributes>  are:  history,   logical, physical,  space, or
       all.  You can specify several attributes.
  -billing STR
       STR  specifies  the  accounting  identification  used by the
       remote host (not Multics); there is no default.
  -catalogue <file_name>, -cat <file_name>
       For a non-Multics system,  <file_name> specifies a catalogue
       file.   This  control  argument  is  required  only when the
       catalogue  file for the  file description is  not implicitly
       known.  <file_name> must be specified in a syntax acceptable
       to  the host  on which  the file  will resides;  it must  be
       enclosed  in   quotes  if  it  contain   spaces  or  special
  -no_password, -npw
       if  the -no_password  control argument  is present  the user
       will  not  be  prompted  for  a  password  with a mask.  The
       password will not be used by the remote host to authenticate
       the submitter.
  -password, -pw
       If the -password control argument  is present, the user will
       be prompted for a password with a mask.  The password may be
       used by  the remote host to authenticate  the file transfer.
       For a remote Multics  system, the -password control argument
       is mandatory.  (Default)
  -person STR, -user STR
       STR  specifies the  remote user  identification used  by the
       remote  system on  whose behalf   the information  is to  be
       obtained.   This  may  be  used   by  the  remote  host  for

       authentication of the submitter.  The default is the Multics
       user_id of the user who submitted the request.
  -project STR, -pj STR
       STR specifies the project  identification used by the remote
       system on whose behalf the information is to be obtained.
       The following  is an example of  the get_information request
  which  will return  all pertinent  information about  the segment
       gi -nm uft_dest>cr_1 -at dsa.MUL1.FILETRAN -att all
       The format of the server request is:
       r_default {<control_args>}
  -at <correspondent>
       <correspondent> is the name given in the Network Information
       Table  (NIT)  to  the   remote  UFT  application.   The  NIT
       associates  to the  UFT correspondent  name its  DSA network
       address (session_id and mailbox).
  -billing STR
       STR  specifies  the  accounting  identification  used by the
       remote host (not Multics); there is no default.
  -password, -pw
       If the -password control argument  is present, the user will
       be prompted for a password with a mask.  The password may be
       used by  the remote host to authenticate  the file transfer.
       For a remote Multics  system, the -password control argument
       is mandatory.  (Default)
  -person STR, -user STR
       STR  specifies the  remote user  identification used  by the
       remote  system on  whose behalf   the information  is to  be
       obtained.   This  may  be  used   by  the  remote  host  for
       authentication of the submitter.  The default is the Multics
       user_id of the user who submitted the request.
  -project STR, -pj STR
       STR specifies the project  identification used by the remote
       system on whose behalf the information is to be obtained.

  See Appendix A.
  The rename request lets you rename a file on a remote host.
       The format of the rename request is:
       rn {-name} <file_name> -at <correspondent> {<control_args>}
       <file_name> indicates the name of the file to be renamed and
       must be specified in a form  acceptable to the host on which
       the file resides.  If <file_name> begins with a "-", it must
       be preceded by -name (or -nm).  <file_name> must be followed
       by "-at <correspondent>".  It must  be enclosed in quotes if
       it contains spaces or special characters.
  -at <correspondent>
       <correspondent>  must  be  the  name  given  in  the Network
       Information Table (NIT) to  the remote UFT application.  The
       NIT associates to the UFT correspondent name its DSA network
       address (session_id and mailbox).
  -billing STR
       STR  specifies  the  accounting  identification  used by the
       remote host (not Multics); there is no default.
  -catalogue <file_name>, -cat <file_name>
       for a non-Multics system,  <file_name> specifies a catalogue
       file.   This  control  argument  is  required  only when the
       catalogue  file for the  file description is  not implicitly
       known.  <file_name> must be specified in a syntax acceptable
       to  the host  on which  the file  will resides.   It must be
       enclosed  in   quotes  if  it  contain   spaces  or  special
  -new_name STR, -nwnm STR
       STR must be the file_name of the file being renamed and must
       be specified in  a form acceptable to the host  on which the
       file resides.  It must be  enclosed in quotes if it contains
       spaces  or special  characters.  If  the remote  system is a
       Multics, the file name is an entryname.

  -no_password, -npw
       if  the -no_password  control argument  is present  the user
       will  not  be  prompted  for  a  password  with a mask.  The
       password will not be used by the remote host to authenticate
       the submitter.
  -password, -pw
       if the -password control argument  is present, the user will
       be prompted for a password with a mask.  The password may be
       used by the remote host  to authenticate the submitter.  For
       a remote  Multics system, the -password  control argument is
       mandatory.  (Default)
  -person STR
       STR  specifies the  remote user  identification used  by the
       remote  system  on  whose  behalf  the  renaming  is  to  be
       executed.   This  may  be  used   by  the  remote  host  for
       authentication of the submitter.  The default is the Multics
       user_id of the user who submitted the request.
  -project STR
       STR specifies the project  identification used by the remote
       system on whose behalf the renaming is to be executed.
       In  the following  example, the  rename command  is used  to
  rename the file cr_1 to rn_1:
       rn uft_dest>cr_1 -at dsa.MUL1.FILETRAN -nwnm rn_1
       The DSA UFT Server  function accepts incoming file transfers
  from remote systems.  The DSA  UFT server function is executed in
  the user  process without prior execution of  a file.
  The server request  retains arguments for the server  in the user
  value  segment as  a substitute  for the file.   The
  server  request is  the only  request associated  with the Server
  function; if used, it must be issued from the DSA UFT subsystem.
       The format of the server request is:
       s_default {<control_args>}
  -change_default_working_dir <pathname>, -cdwd <pathname>
       defines a  working directory for  the UFT Server  other than
       the user's default working directory.

  -no_working_dir, -no_wd
       the  user's default  working  directory  is used  to contain
       incoming file  transfers from the Server  function.  This is
       the default.
  -notify, -nt
       Server  process notifies  the user  upon completion  of file
  -no_notify, -no_nt
       Server process  does not notify the user  upon completion of
       file transfer (default).
  See Appendix A.
       The unified_file_transfer  (uft) request lets you  submit an
  interactive file transfer request to a remote host.
       Between  two  Multics  systems,  data  is  read  and written
  without consideration of the file organization.  The bit count of
  each segment  of the destination file  is adjusted at the  end of
  the  transfer  to  the  same  value  as  the  bit  count  of  the
  corresponding segment in the source  file.  There is no data_type
       Between a Multics system and  a non-Multics system, the file
  transfer is a "record" transfer; Multics reads or writes the file
  transferred on a record basis using the vfile access methods.
           Multics DSA UFT does not support tape files.  Tape files
  must  be stored  in a  Multics  disk  file before  being sent  by
  Multics DSA UFT.  Multics DSA UFT can receive receive a file only
  in a Multics disk file.
       The  Multics requestor  accepts transfers  between different
  file  organizations but  it does   not change  the format  of the
  record.   It is  your responsibility  to ensure  that the  record
  format used is appropriate for the destination file.
       When     specifying     control     arguments     to     the
  unified_file_transfer  request,  the  control  arguments  used to

  define the  characteristics of the  destination file are  used to
  request the creation of the remote file.  Those control arguments
  that  affect  the  characteristics  of  the  destination file are
  prefaced  by  "-d"  (for   example,  -d_status).   Those  control
  arguments that affect  the source file are prefaced  by "-s" (for
  example, -s_record_format).
       Some  systems  do  not  retain  file  attributes  after file
  creation (such  as data_type on Multics).  For  these systems, it
  may  be necessary to  define the missing  file attributes in  the
  transfer request.
       The format of the unified_file_transfer request is:
  eur path1 {path2} <-to|-from DEST>  {<uft_args>}  {<-control_args>}
     String  path1 specifies  the source  file to  be used  for the
     transfer.   It must be  preceded by -name  or -nm if  the file
     name begins with a "-".  <source_file> can be a "star" name if
     the  file  being  transferred   resides  on  the  host.   Star
     convention  is allowed,  and as  much requests  as found files
     will be entered.
     String path2  specifies pathname of destination  file, and has
     the  same syntax  and  restrictions  as path1.   path2 accepts
     equal conventions.  When omitted,  equals path1 (Default).  If
     path1 uses star convention, equal convention is mandatory.
  -to STR
     to  be used  when file  is  to  be sent  from HOST  to REMOTE.
     String  STR is  correspondent name  given in  the NIT (Network
     Information  Table) to  the remote  UFT application.   The NIT
     associates  the  UFT  correspondent  name  to  its DSA network
     address (session_id and mailbox).  STR  can be given by active
     function "list_uft_correspondent" (refer  to command "luc" for
  -from STR, -fm STR
     to be used when file is  to be received onto the HOST.  String
     STR   is  correspondent  name   given  in  the   NIT  (Network
     Information  Table) to  the remote  UFT application.   The NIT
     associates  the  UFT  correspondent  name  to  its DSA network
     address (session_id and mailbox).  STR  can be given by active
     function "list_uft_correspondent" (refer  to command "luc" for

     Are the deferred file transfer request control arguments.  All
     of  the control arguments  specified for the  interactive file
     transfer     request    are     valid.     Refer     to    the ( for details of the
     arguments allowed.
  (See appendix B for a list of control arguments)
       The   following  example   illustrates  the   procedure  for
  submitting  an  interactive  file  transfer  request  to a remote
  Multics host;  no file compression is specified  (-ncmpr); if the
  destination file already  exists, it will be kept  (-dst) and the
  file transfer will be considered successful (see above):
       uft uft_origin>unstructured_1 -nm uft_dest>unstructured_1
         -to dsa.MUL1.FILETRAN -ncmpr -dst tc
       In the following example, a  file transfer request is issued
  to receive a file from a remote DPS6 host; no file compression is
  used (-ncmpr); the destination file is kept if it already exists;
  the   file  organization   is  specified   as  sequential  (-dorg
         uft_returned>compression  -ncmpr -dst tc
         -dorg sequential -from S869
  Table 1-1.  Requests for Queued UFT File Transfer Requests.
  cancel_uft_request      cur       Cancel and delete a deferred
                                    UFT request
  enter_uft_request       eur       Queue a UFT request for later
  list_uft_correspondent  luc       list uft correspondence
  list_uft_request        lur       List the status of selected
                                    queued UFT requests
  modify_uft_request     mur        Modify the queuing parameters
                                    of queued UFT requests
  See Section 2 for the descriptions of the above requests.

                              SECTION 2
                     DSA AND UFT MULTICS COMMANDS
  Submitting a Queued DSA UFT Request
       To  submit a  queued DSA   UFT request,  invoke the  DSA UFT
  subsystem as  described above with the dsa_uft  command.  You can
  issue any of the queued DSA  UFT request listed in Table 1-1 from
  the DSA UFT  subsystem.  You have the option of  entering the DSA
  UFT queued file  transfer request itself either from  the DSA UFT
  subsystem or from Multics command level.
  Table 1-1.  Requests for Queued UFT File Transfer Requests.
  cancel_uft_request      cur       Cancel and delete a deferred
                                    UFT request
  enter_uft_request       eur       Queue a UFT request for later
  list_uft_correspondence luc       list uft correspondence
  list_uft_request        lur       List the status of selected
                                    queued UFT requests
  modify_uft_request     mur        Modify the queuing parameters
                                    of queued UFT requests

  cur <entryname> {<control_args>}
  The cancel_uft_requests (cur) request  lets you cancel and delete
  queued  file  transfer  requests.   A  request  that is currently
  running  cannot  be  cancelled   and  deleted  by  this  request.
  Entryname is the name of the source file.
  -entryname <STR>, et
     STR is the entryname of the source file.
  -identifier <request_id>, -id <request_id>
     specifies  that <request_id> is  the id of  the request to  be
     cancelled.  This is returned by the enter_uft_request request.
     See   the  Multics   Programmer's  Reference   Manual  for   a
     description of Request IDs.
  -at STR
     STR  is  the  correspondent  name  given  in  the NIT (Network
     Information  Table) to  the remote  UFT application.   If this
     control  argument  is  present  only  the  requests  for  this
     corespondent will  be cancelled.  If this  control argument is
     omitted,   the  requests   for  all   correspondents  will  be
  -queue N, -q N
     specifies  that the  request to  be cancelled  is in  priority
     queue  N.   If  this  control  argument  is  omitted, only the
     default priority queue will be checked.
  -all, -a
     specifies that all priority queues  should be checked for this
     request.   This  control  argument  is  incompatible  with the
     -queue  control argument.   The default  is to  only check the
     default priority queue for this function.
  -brief, -bf
     suppresses   messages  telling   that  a   particular  request
     identifier was not found or that requests were cancelled.  The
     default  is  to  print  these  messages.   kx  -user <user_id>
     specifies  the name  of the   submitter of  the request  to be
     cancelled,  if  not  specified,  the  user_id  of  the current
___________________                            __________________
  cancel_uft_request,                            enter_uft_request,
  ___________________                            __________________
     process  is  assumed.   The  <user_id>  can  be  of  the form:
     Project_id, Person_id, or .Project_id.   Both r and d extended
     access to  the queue are  required.  This control  argument is
     primarily for operators and administrators.
  eur path1 {path2} <-to|-from DEST> {<uft_args>} {<-control_args>}
  The  enter_uft_request  (eur)  request  lets  you  queue  a  file
  transfer  request  for  later  execution.   When  you  enter  the
  request, a deferred request id is printed, that must be used when
  issuing    the     cancel_uft_request,    list_uft_request,    or
  modify_uft_request requests.
     String  path1 specifies  the source  file to  be used  for the
     transfer.   It must be  preceded by -name  or -nm if  the file
     name begins with a "-".  <source_file> can be a "star" name if
     the  file  being  transferred   resides  on  the  host.   Star
     convention  is allowed,  and as  much requests  as found files
     will be entered.
     String  path2 specifies  pathname of  destination file,and has
     the  same syntax  and  restrictions  as path1.   path2 accepts
     equal conventions.  When omitted,  equals path1 (Default).  If
     path1 uses star convention, equal convention is mandatory.
  -to STR
     to  be used  when file  is  to  be sent  from HOST  to REMOTE.
     String  STR is  correspondent name  given in  the NIT (Network
     Information  Table) to  the remote  UFT application.   The NIT
__________________                             __________________
  enter_uft_request,                             enter_uft_request,
  __________________                             __________________
     associates  the  UFT  correspondent  name  to  its DSA network
     address (session_id and mailbox).  STR  can be given by active
     function "list_uft_correspondent" (refer  to command "luc" for
  -from STR, -fm STR
     to be used when file is  to be received onto the HOST.  String
     STR   is  correspondent  name   given  in  the   NIT  (Network
     Information  Table) to  the remote  UFT application.   The NIT
     associates  the  UFT  correspondent  name  to  its DSA network
     address (session_id and mailbox).  STR  can be given by active
     function "list_uft_correspondent" (refer  to command "luc" for
     Are the deferred file transfer request control arguments.  All
     of  the control arguments  specified for the  interactive file
     transfer     request    are     valid.     Refer     to    the ( for details of the
     arguments allowed.
  -brief, -bf
     suppresses any  printed output from the  request.  The default
     is  to print  a line  indicating the  request_id and  how many
     similar requests are already queued.
  -comment STR, -com STR
     specifies <string> as a comment  to be carried with the queued
     request.   This could  be used  to convey  information to  the
     Multics operator for requests that  are deferred.  There is no
     default comment.
  -long_id, -lgid
     causes the  long form of  the request id  to be printed  for a
     queued request.  The default is to print the short form of the
     request id.
  -notify, -nt
     notifies  the  submitter  after   the  entry  is  transferred.
  -long_notify, -lgnt
     A  notification  is  sent  to  submitter  just before transfer
     begins and another one, more detailed, when transfer is over.
__________________                             __________________
  enter_uft_request,                             enter_uft_request,
  __________________                             __________________
  -no_notify, -nnt
     does not notify the submitter.
  -queue N, -q N
     specifies the priority queue for this request.  The default is
     to  enter the  request in   the default  priority queue.   The
     number of queues available and the default queue are specified
     in the iod tables.
  To send a file, you must have  "r" (read) access to the file.  If
  you specify  deletion of the file after  successful completion of
  the transfer, you must have  "m" (modify) access to the directory
  containing the file.   You must also specify the  same access for
  the    daemon   process     performing   the    queued   transfer
  (UftS.SysDaemon).   You  must  also  give  the UftS.SysDaemon "s"
  (status)  access  to  the  directory  containing  the  file to be
  transferred for validation purposes.  For example, when sending a
  queued file  transfer request, use the following  commands to set
  the appropriate access for the UftS.SysDaemon:
         sa <file_name> r UftS.SysDaemon
         sa <directory_name> sm UftS.SysDaemon
       If you are  to receive a file, you must  have "sma" (status,
  modify, append)  access to the  directory that is  to contain the
  file.  For  example, you could  use the following  command to set
  the appropriate access to the directory:
         sa <directory_name> sma <person_id>
       The IO.SysDaemon process must also  have "sma" access to the
  directory  that  is  to  receive  the  file.   In  addition,  the
  IO.SysDaemon  process  must  have  "s"  access  to  the directory
  containing  the  directory  that  is  to  receive  the  file  for
  validation purposes.
__________________                              _________________
  enter_uft_request,                              list_uft_request,
  __________________                              _________________
  lur <entryname> {<control_args>}
  lists Unified file transfer requests in the I/O daemon queue.
  -entryname <entryname>, et < >
     specifies that entryname is the entryname of the source file.
  -identifier <request_id>, -id <request_id>
     specifies  that <request_id> is  the id of  the request to  be
     listed.   This is  returned by  the enter_uft_request request.
     See   the  Multics   Programmer's  Reference   Manual  for   a
     description of Request IDs.
  -at <correspondent>
     <correspondent>  is  the  name   given  in  the  NIT  (Network
     Information  Table) to  the remote  UFT application.   If this
     control  argument  is  present  only  the  requests  for  this
     correspondent  will be  listed.  If  this control  argument is
     omitted the requests for all correspondents will be listed.
  -queue N, -q N
     specifies  that only requests  in priority queue  N are to  be
     listed.  If this control argument is omitted, only requests in
     the default priority queue will be listed.
  -all, -a
     specifies  that  requests  in  all  priority  queues should be
     listed.  This control argument is incompatible with the -queue
     control  argument.  The  default is  to only  list the default
     priority queue for this function.
  -long, -lg
     causes all of the queue specific information about the request
     to  be listed.   This  includes  time, comment,  requests this
     request  is   being  held  for,  etc.    No  request  specific
     information is  listed.  The default  is to only  print a line
     containing the  short id, the current state,  and the priority
     of the request.
_________________                             ___________________
  list_uft_request,                             modify_uft_request,
  _________________                             ___________________
  -request_info, -rqi
     causes  any request  specific information  to be  listed.  The
     actual information listed is dependent on the type of request.
     The default is not to list any request specific information.
  -total, -tt
     only  lists totals  for the   requests selected  by the  other
     control arguments.
  -admin {user_id}, -am {user_id}
     selects requests of all users  or of the specified user inside
     queue  specified with  argument "-queue"  or "-all".   Default
     user_id is all users, and requires read extended access to the
     queue(s) to read other users' requests.
  -position, -psn
     prints queue positions of each selected request.  With -total,
     prints a list of queue  positions.  Requires r extended access
     to the queue(s), to read other users requests.
  mur <entryname> {<control_args>}
  This command allows a user  to modify the queuing parameters that
  you specified in an enter_uft_request.   Entryname is the name of
  the entryname of the source file.
  -entryname <entryname>, -et
     specifies that entryname is the name of the source file.
  -identifier <request_id>, -id <request_id>
___________________                           ___________________
  modify_uft_request,                           modify_uft_request,
  ___________________                           ___________________
     specifies  that <request_id> is  the id of  the request to  be
     modified.  This is returned  by the enter_uft_request request.
     See   the  Multics   Programmer's  Reference   Manual  for   a
     description of Request IDs.Edit
  -user STR
     STR  specifies  the  user  identification  used  by the remote
     system on whose behalf the file  transfer is to be done.  This
     may be used by the remote  host for authentication of the file
     transfer.  The default is the  Multics user_id of the user who
     submitted the request.
  -project STR, -pj STR
     STR  specifies the project  identification used by  the remote
     system on whose behalf the file transfer is to be done.
  -at STR
     STR  is  the  correspondent  name  given  in  the NIT (Network
     Information  Table) to  the remote  UFT application.   If this
     control  argument  is  present  only  the  requests  for  this
     corespondent  will be modified.   If this control  argument is
     omitted the requests for all correspondents will be modified.
  -comment STR, -com STR
     specifies that the comment on the request should be changed to
  -notify, -nt
     notifies  the  submitter  after   the  entry  is  transferred.
  -long_notify, -lgnt
     A  notification  is  sent  to  submitter  just before transfer
     begins and another one, more detailed, when transfer is over.
  -no_notify, -nnt
     does not notify the submitter.
  -to_queue N, -q N
     specifies that  the request should be moved  to priority queue

                              SECTION 3
       This section contains the information necessary to configure
  Multics DSA UFT on your Multics system.
       The Multics  DSA UFT facility  can be configured  to execute
  interactive   file  transfer   requests,  queued   file  transfer
  requests, or  both interactive file transfer  requests and queued
  file transfer requests depending upon the needs of the particular
       To  configure Multics  DSA UFT   on your  system to  process
  interactive file transfer requests,  the only procedure that must
  be performed is:
  1.   Add specific UFT entries to the NIT (see below).
       To configure  the Multics DSA  UFT facility for  queued file
  transfer processing or both  interactive and queued file transfer
  processing, the following procedures must be performed:
  1.   Add specific UFT entries to the NIT (see below).
  2.   Define I/O  SysDaemon in Input/Output daemon  table (IODT) -
       Request_type and Device statements
  3.   Register the UFT I/O daemon in the PMF and PNT
  4.   Create the DSA UFT message coordinator which includes:
          - creating input and output message segments
          - creating   message  coordinator  sources   and  virtual

          - defining  message coordinator   channel in  the Channel
            Master File
  Each of the above procedures is described in detail below.
  Defining the Network Information Table Entries (NIT) for DSA UFT
       The entries  required for the Network  information table are
  described in detail in Section 4 of the Multics DSA Administrator
  Guide.  They include:
        o   System statement
        o   Mailbox statement
        o   session_type_descriptor statement
        o   Service statement
        o   Correspondent statement
  The requirements for each  statement are briefly described below.
  Refer to section 4 of the  Multics DSA Administrator Guide (68 A2
  74SB) for a complete description of each statement.
       All  of the  systems with  which the  DSA UFT  facility will
  exchange  files must  be  configured  in the  Network Information
  Table.   The  substatement  "system_type"  is  used  to adapt the
  processing of the  local DSA UFT facility to  the requirements of
  the remote system(s).
       The "dsa.SCID.FILETRAN  mailbox must be configured  with the
  substatement "service:login_service;".   This mailbox is  used by
  the login server  to listen to and accept  the sessions initiated
  by the remote system.
       The  "dsa.SCID.UFT_REQ mailbox  must be  configured with the
  substatement "service:uft_service;".  This mailbox is used by the
  Requestor functions of  the local DSA UFT facility  to connect to
  remote DSA UFT applications.
       Within the session_type_descriptor statement:
        o   the  "mode" substatement  values are  forced to  "twai"
            (two way alternate, initiate turn)

        o   The  "protocol" substatement  values are  forced by UFT
            and none of the protocols are selected
        o   In the "options" substatement, the "nine_bit" option is
            forced by UFT
        o   For  system   performance  purposes,  it   is  strongly
            recommended    that    the    "multiple_records"    and
            "mixed_records" options be specified.
       The Service statement should be specified as follows:
       Service: login_service;
       endpoint: dsa.<Sc_loc name>.FILETRAN,
                 get_service_module: >...>dsa_uft_login_service_;
  The "endpoint"  substatement must be  added to the  definition of
  the login service to listen to and accept from remote systems.
  The second Service statement required is as follows:
       Service: uft_service;
       endpoint: dsa.<Sc_loc name>.UFT_REQ;
       get_service_module: >...>dsa_uft_login_service_;
       The substatement "request_type"  specifies the I/O SysDaemon
  request type that must be  used to enqueue deferred file transfer
  requests for this correspondent.  The default value is "dsa_uft".
  The  Correspondent  statement  is  not  necessary  if no specific
  Request_type must  be defined.  If a Request_type  is defined, it
  must also be defined in the I/O daemon tables.
  Defining the I/O SysDaemon for DSA UFT
       The  requestor function  is  performed  by an  I/O SysDaemon
  (IO.SysDaemon uftr).   The driver dsa_uft_driver_  is responsible
  for :

            - managing uft requests queues under control of the coordinator.
            - validating requests sent by the coordinator.
            - establishing remote server connections.
            - transferring files.
       The  standard  IO  driver  operator  commands  are  allowed.
  Request  processing is  always  interrupted  by quit.   After the
            - start   -> processing resumes
            - cancel  -> request is lost
            - defer   -> request is kept in queue for a later reprocessing
            - kill    -> request is saved in the coordinator's saved list
                         for 'grace_time'
            - save    -> request is saved until the coordinator logs out.
       Killed  or saved  requests can  be restarted  by the restart
       Deferred requests are reprocessed by restart_q command.
       If  the  connection  is  refused   or  if  the  transfer  is
  interrupted,  then  the  request  is  deferred.   The driver will
  automatically attempt a 'restart_q'  after a setable delay.  This
  feature can be inhibited.
       One command is available :
            - restart_delay [time]
                      sets the automatic restart_q delay.
                      (Default is restart)
  If the requestor seems to  be blocked while processing a request,
  the  cancel command  (after quit)  will cause  the session  to be
  terminated and the driver to process the next request.
  The Daemon requestor has to check  the user's access on the files
  to be transferred (both as sender and receiver).
  There will  not be major changes  in the requestor for  the final
  full DSA version.

            /* UFT */
            Request_type:       dsa_uft;
              generic_type:     dsa_uft;
              driver_userid:    IO.SysDaemon;
              default_queue:    3;
              accounting:       nothing;
              max_access_class: system_high;
              device            uft;
            Device              uft;
              driver_module:    >sl3p>dsa>e>dsa_uft_driver_;
              line              *;
              args              " ";
              default_type:     dsa_uft;
       To define the I/O daemon for DSA UFT you must:
  1.   Edit  the appropriate   Device and  Request_type definitions
       into the I/O daemon tables
  2.   Compile the  I/O daemon tables with  the iod_tables_compiler
  The  pathname  of   the  I/O  daemon  table  at   most  sites  is
  >ddd>idd>iod_tables.iodt.  The  specific entries required  in the
  I/O daemon  table for DSA UFT  are detailed in the  I/O SysDaemon
  Tables Statements below.
       DSA  UFT requires  the following  Request_type statement and
  substatements in the I/O daemon tables:
  Request_type:  <name>;
       The  Request_type <name>  must be  "dsa_uft" or  one of  the
       request  types referred  to by  the "correspondents"  in the
       Network Information Table.  Otherwise, the request type will
       not be used.
  generic_type:  <name>;
       DSA UFT requires <name> to be "dsa_uft".
  driver_userid:  <Person_id.Project_id>;
       Must  identify  the  user  identity  selected  to  run  this

  default_queue:  <number>;
       For  DSA UFT, you  can select any  default queue number  you
       choose for your site.
  accounting:  <name>;
       DSA UFT requires <name> to be "nothing".
  max_access_class:  <string>;
       There  is no  restriction on  the access  class that  can be
       specified for DSA UFT.
  Device:  <name>;
       Specifies the  devices that can be used  to process requests
       of the  associated type.  More than  one device substatement
       can be defined per request type.
  request_type_info:  <...>;
       The DSA UFT driver is  always "autogo"; the driver wait time
       can be any value.
       DSA  UFT   requires  the  following  device   statement  and
  substatements to define the input/output driver in the I/O daemon
  Device:  <name>;
       Defines the name of a major device and denotes the beginning
       of  a device  description.  Any  subrequest statements  (see
       below) apply to this device  until the next Line, Device, or
       Request_type  statement is  encountered.  The  device <name>
       should be one of the names referred to by the request type.
  driver_module:  <name>;
       For DSA UFT, <name> must be >sl3p>dsa>e>dsa_uft_driver_"
  line: <name>;
       For DSA UFT, <name> must be "*".
  args: <string>;
       For DSA UFT,  <string> should be " " since  UFT receives its
       arguments from the Network Information Table.

       The Project Master File  is the basic project-administration
  data  base  and  contains  the  project's  specification  of user
  attributes  and the  list of  users who  are permitted  to log in
  under   the  project.    The  PMF   must  be   converted  to  the
  system-usable  Project  Definition  Table  (PDT)  with the cv_pmf
       DSA UFT  runs under the SysDaemon  (>udd>SysDaemon) project.
  The  DSA UFT  Person_id (I/O)  and associated  attributes must be
  added to  the Project Master  File for the  SysDaemon project and
  the PMF  converted to the PDT.   Using an editor, invoke  the PMF
  for the  Daemon project and  add the following  entries to define
  the DSA UFT daemon person_id:
  Person_id:  <character_string>;
       <character_string is the Multics Person_id.  The recommended
       Person_id is "I/O"
  initproc:  <pathname>;
       the pathname must be "iod_overseer_"
  attributes:  <character_strings>;
       the  <character_strings> are   attribute names  separated by
       commas DSA UFT requires that you use the following attribute
       ^v_process_overseer   Indicates that no other process overseer can be
                             specified for DSA UFT.
       daemon                DSA UFT can be logged in by the operator via the
                             message coordinator (see below).
       multip                Permits multiple logins for DSA UFT.
       The  I/O SysDaemon  must be  registered in  the Person  name
  Table (PNT)  and the User  Registration File (URF).   To register
  the I/O SysDaemon user identity in  both the PNT and URF, use the
  "new_user$nua" request.  The dsa_uft.Daemon user identity must be
       For  the  DSA  UFT  daemon  to  issue  messages  and receive
  directives, you must:

  1.   create the input and output message segments
  2.   establish  the  message   coordinator  sources  and  virtual
  3.   if  the operator  connects to  Multics via  a MCS front-end,
       register a  message coordinator channel  in the CMF  for the
       terminal being used to send and receive messages
  4.   if  the operator  connects to  Multics via  a DSA front-end,
       virtual message  coordinator channels are used  (see the DSA
       Operator manual for details).
  The  procedures for  performing each  of the  above functions are
  described below.
  Creating Input and Output Message Segments for DSA UFT
       For  the DSA  UFT SysDaemon  to issue  messages and  receive
  directives,  you  must  create   the  input  and  output  message
  segments.  To  do this, issue  the following create  request only
  once to create the input and output message segments:
  create >system_ccontrol_1>(input_source_name output_source_name).message
  using create_daemon_queries command.
  This  permanently creates the  required input and  output message
  segments in the system_control_1 directory.
  Creating Message Coordinator Sources and Virtual Consoles for DSA
       Use the  define request and  the route request  to establish
  the virtual console and message coordinator sources, respectively
  (see  below).  Most often,  the two requests  are entered in  the file.
       DSA UFT messages can be sent to:
        o   an actual terminal
        o   a log file
        o   both a log file and a terminal
       If  you want  to send  messages  to  a terminal  only, or  a
  terminal and a log file,  you must register a message coordinator
  channel  for the terminal  in the Channel  Master File (CMF)  and
  issue  an accept request  in addition to  the define request  and
  route request (see below).

       The  define request  defines the  virtual console  that will
  receive  messages from  the DSA  UFT daemon.   The format  of the
  define request is:
       define VCONS TYPE DEST
  The  define  request  must  be   used  in  conjunction  with  the
  sc_request  request.  For  example, to  define a  virtual console
  named  dsa_iod that  forwards all  output to  the terminal  whose
  channel is dsa.h200  as defined in the CMF  the following request
  would be used:
       sc_request define dsa_iod tty dsa.h002
  To define a  virtual console that forwards all output  sent to it
  to  a log file  named dsa_iolog, the  following request would  be
       sc_request define dsa_iolog log dsa_iolog
       The route  request sends output  from the DSA  UFT daemon to
  the designated  virtual console.  A route request  must be issued
  for  the user_i/o,  error_i/o, and  log_i/o streams  of the input
  driver and output driver.  The format of the route request is:

                              APPENDIX A
      The Multics  DSA UFT trace facility lets  you perform various
  tracing  features.  It  is intended  for use  by the  programming
       The  trace request  lets you   perform a  trace of  all file
  transfers executed by your person_id on the following:
        o   Server function
        oo   Requestor function
        o   Login server
  Each of the these trace  requests have the same control arguments
  (described below).
       The format of the Server function trace request is:
       s_trace {<control args>}
       The format of Requestor function trace request is:
       r_trace {<control_args>}
       By using the "errors" option  to the -trace control argument
  (see below), it  will supply you with all  user notifications and
  errors  that  occur.   Other  trace  options  are  for  debugging
  purposes and are primarily used by programming personnel.

  -at <correspondent>
       <correspondent>  is  the  name  given  in  the  NIT (Network
       Information Table) to the remote UFT application.
  -length N
  -len N
       specifies the length  of the record that must  be traced for
       in_records or out_records options.
  -trace STR
  -tr STR
       STR specifies the trace  options desired.  Trace options can
       be  structures,  states,  errors,  in_records,  out_records,
       ctrl_records,  or all.  For  user purposes, only  the errors
       option is recommended.
  -user_log <pathname>
       the pathname of the directory  where user trace records will
       be placed.  STR can be  "pd" (process directory), "hd" (home
       directory), "wd"  (working directory), or the  full pathname
       of any user selected directory.
       The following is an example of the r_trace request.
       r_trace -tr all -user_log uft_log>dsa_uft_ul
       When     using    deferred     file    transfer     requests
  (enter_uft_request),  the trace  options  are  stored in  a value
  segment.  The "dsa_uft_value_seg" field in the "Mna_general_info"
  section  of  the  NIT  (Network  Information  Table)  defines the
  pathname of this value segment.
       Entries in  the logfiles (defined in  dsa_uft_value_seg) are
  created  either by  the requestor  (IO.SysDaemon) or  by the  uft
  server (Login_Server.Daemon).
       System  trace  options  can  be  set  by  using the exec_com located in  the directory >site>dsa>exec_coms.  This
  exec_com  works  in  an  interactive  way,  asking  questions and
  setting trace  options according to the  responses.  Following is
  an example of an invocation of the exec_com.
    ec uft_trace
  Trace options in effect :
        dsa_uft_req_trace_length  "140"

        dsa_uft_req_trace_options  "101001"
        dsa_uft_req_trace_user_log  ">udd>Multics>Darras>uft>r_log"
        dsa_uft_server_trace_length  "0"
        dsa_uft_server_trace_options  "000000b"
        dsa_uft_server_trace_user_log  " "
    Modify these options ?   y
    Requestor or Server (r/s) ?   s
  Setting server trace options.
    Turn on the trace (y/n) ?   y
  Setting log pathname.
    Log dirname (>site>DSA>uft_logs_dir) :<uft
    Log entryname (s_log) :
  Setting trace options (answer y to set, n or CR to Reset).
    Structures :y
    States :
    Errors :y
    Input :
    Output :
    Control_rec :y
   Setting record length.
    Record length (140) :
  Trace options in effect :
        dsa_uft_req_trace_length  "140"
        dsa_uft_req_trace_options  "101001"
        dsa_uft_req_trace_user_log  ">udd>Multics>Darras>uft>r_log"
        dsa_uft_server_trace_length  "140"
        dsa_uft_server_trace_options  "101001"
        dsa_uft_server_trace_user_log  ">udd>Multics>Darras>uft>s_log"
    Modify these options ?   n
       Tracing features may only be used by qualified personnel for
  debugging purposes.  Write access on the dsa_uft_value_seg should
  be restricted to privileged users.  Typical acls should be :

            r    IO.SySDaemon.*
            r    Login_Server.Daemon.*
            rw   *.SysAdmin.*
            rw   *.Sysmaint.*

                              APPENDIX B
       Inside  Unified File   transfer requests,  control arguments
  that  affect  the  characteristics  of  the  destination file are
  prefixed  by  "-d"  (for  example,  -d_data_type).  Those control
  arguments that affect  the source file are prefaced  by "-s" (for
  example, -s_record_format).
       Some  systems  do  not  retain  file  attributes  after file
  creation (such  as data_type on Multics).  For  these systems, it
  may  be necessary to  define the missing  file attributes in  the
  transfer request.
  Control argument (transfer mode):
  -brief, -bf
     no messages are issued by the UFT subsystem.
  -record_transfer, -rctf
     force record transfer between two Multics systems.
  -compression, -cmpr
     specifies that the file should  be compressed for the transfer
     to allow more efficient use of the line.
  -no_compression, -ncmpr
     specifies  that the  file should   not be  compressed for  the
  -checkpoint_interval N, -ckm_int N
     specifies that checkpoint marks should be used every N records
     during the transfer.  When Multics  DSA UFT is the sender, the
     default is not to use checkpointing.
  -s_delete, -sdl
     mark the source file for  deletion after the transfer has been
     completed.   The file  will actually  be deleted  only if  the
     transfer  was successful.   The default  is not  to delete the
     source file.

  -person STR, -user STR
     STR  specifies the  user  identification  for system  on whose
     behalf the file transfer is to be done.  It may be used by the
     remote  host  for  authentication.   Default  is  the  Multics
     user_id of the user who submitted the request.
  -project STR, -pj STR
     STR  specifies the project  identification used by  the remote
     system on whose behalf the file transfer is to be done.
  -billing STR
     STR specifies the accounting identification used by the remote
     host (for non-Multics systems) there is no default.
  -password, -pw
     If the control argument is  present, the user will be prompted
     for a password  with a mask.  The password may  be used by the
     remote host  to authenticate the file transfer.   For a remote
     Multics system the password is mandatory.  (Default).
  -no_password, -npw
     If  the control  argument is   present, the  user will  not be
     prompted for a password .
  Control argument (Source file):
  -s_record_format STR, -srf STR
     specifies  the   record  format  of  the   source  file  being
     transferred.   The record  format can  be fixed,  variable, or
  -s_max_record_len N, -smrl N
     the maximum record length of the source file.
  -s_control_interval_size N, -scis N
     the control interval size to be used for the source file.  The
     maximum  allowable  control  interval   size  is  65535.   For
     Multics, there is no control interval size.
  -s_data_type <data_type>, -sdt <data_type>
     the  data  type  of  the  data   in  the  source  file  to  be
     transferred.   The data  type  can  be ascii,  binary, ebcdic,
     gbcd, hbcd, jis, or undefined.  The default is ascii.
  -s_file_format STR, -sff STR
     the specific format of the source file to be transferred.  The
     file   format   can   be   disk_ufas_6_66,   disk_36_bit_ufas,
     disk_64_ufas,  disk_68,  disk_66_gfrc,  disk_64_bfas, disk_62,
     disk_6_no_ufas,        disk_ibm_no_vasm,        disk_ibm_vsam,

     tape_ufas_ans_ascii,      tape_ufas_ebcdic,      tape_66_gfrc,
     tape_foreign,      diskette_basic_iso,     diskette_basic_ibm,
     cassette_standard_iso,  or cassette_foreign.  The  file format
     for Multics is "disk_68".
  -s_format_version N, -sfv N
     the version of the source file format.  The format version can
     be 0, 1, or 3.  For Multics,  the format version is 1 or 3 for
     tape_ufas_ans_ascii  (the default  is 1).   For other formats,
     the default value is correct.
  -s_control_interval_format STR, -scif STR
     the  control  interval  format  of   the  source  file  to  be
     transferred.    The    control   interval   format    can   be
     blocked_unspanned,  unblocked_unspanned,  blocked_spanned,  or
     unblocked_spanned.  For Multics, there  is no control interval
  -s_label_definition STR, -sld STR
     specifies the tape labels for  source tape files.  Tape labels
     can be standard, non_standard, unlabelled, or compact.
  -s_block_serial_number N, -sbsn N
     specifies the block serial numbers for source tape files.
  -s_catalogue <file_name>, -scat <file_name>
     for  a non-Multics  system, <file_name>  specifies a catalogue
     file.  This control argument is only needed when the catalogue
     file containing the file description is not implicitly known.
  -s_file_sequence_number N, -sfsn N
     for tape files only.  Indicates a multifile tape and specifies
     the  file sequence number  within the tape(s).   N can be  any
     number from 0 to 255.  Zero  (0) has the special meaning "any"
     (tape  number);  255  has  the  special  meaning  "next" (tape
     number).   Absence of  a  special  value indicates  a monofile
  -s_no_rewind, -snr
     specifies the tape positioning at the end of a tape transfer.
  -s_unload, -sunl
     specifies tape status at the end of a tape transfer
  Control argument (Destination file):
  -d_allocation_size_unit STR, -dasu STR
     the allocation unit used.  The  allocation unit can be kbytes,
     record, or ci.  The default  is record.  This control argument
     is ignored by Multics DSA UFT.
  -d_current_allocation_size STR, -dcas STR

     the  current   file  allocation  in  the   unit  specified  by
     -d_allocation_unit_size,  above.   If  the  source  file is on
     Multics, Multics  UFT automatically provides  this information
     to the remote system.
  -d_increment_allocation_size STR, -dias STR
     the size of the increment to  be used in the unit specified in
     -d_allocation_unit_size  argument, above.  If  the destination
     file is on Multics, this argument is ignored.
  -d_max_allocation_size STR, -dmas STR
     the maximum allocation size for the file in the unit specified
     in  the  -d_allocation_unit_size   argument,  above.   If  the
     destination file is on Multics, this argument is ignored.
  -d_expiration_date STR, -ded STR
     STR  is  expiration  date  of  the  destination  file  in  the
     following format YYMMDD where YY is the year, MM is the month,
     and DD is the day.   Optionally, hhmmss can be specified where
     hh is  the hour, mm is  the minute, and ss  is the second.  If
     the destination file is on Multics, this argument is ignored.
  -d_status STR, -dst STR
     STR specifies what is to be done if the destination file to be
     created already  exists.  Values for  STR :  truncate  (tc, or
                         replace (rp)
                         extend (ext, or append)
                         new (Default) if STR is new, an error will
     be  returned  if  file  is  already  existing.   (only case of
     returned error).
  -d_organization STR, -dorg STR
     the file  organization of the destination file  to be created.
     STR  can be  sequential, relative,  indexed, extended_indexed,
     general_indexed, random, queued, l6_r2, l6_r5, byte_stream, or
     unstructured.  It specifies the  file organization of the file
     to   be   created.    Multics   supports   only  unstructured,
     sequential, relative, and  general_indexed file organizations.
     The default is sequential.
  -d_record_format STR, -drf STR
     specifies  the record  format  of  the destination  file.  The
     record format can be fixed, variable, or undefined.
  -d_max_record_len N, -dmrl N
     the maximum record length of the file.
  -d_control_interval_size N, -dcis N
     the control interval size to be used for the destination file.
     The  maximum allowable  control interval  size is  65535.  For
     Multics, there is no control interval size.

  -d_data_type <data_type>, -ddt <data_type>
     the  data type  of the  data  in  the destination  file to  be
     transferred.   The data  type  can  be ascii,  binary, ebcdic,
     gbcd, hbcd, jis, or undefined.  The default is ascii.
  -d_file_format STR, -dff STR
     the specific format of the  destination file.  The file format
     can   be   disk_ufas_6_66,   disk_36_bit_ufas,   disk_64_ufas,
     disk_68, disk_66_gfrc,  disk_64_bfas, disk_62, disk_6_no_ufas,
     disk_ibm_no_vasm,      disk_ibm_vsam,     tape_ufas_ans_ascii,
     tape_ufas_ebcdic,          tape_66_gfrc,         tape_foreign,
     diskette_basic_iso, diskette_basic_ibm, cassette_standard_iso,
     or   cassette_foreign.   The   file  format   for  Multics  is
  -d_format_version N, -dfv N
     the  version  of  the  destination  file  format.   The format
     version can be 0, 1, or 3.  For Multics, the format version is
     1 or 3 for tape_ufas_ans_ascii  (the default is 1).  For other
     formats, the default value is correct.
  -d_control_interval_format STR, -dcif STR
     the  control interval  format  of  the destination  file.  The
     control    interval   format    can   be    blocked_unspanned,
     unblocked_unspanned,  blocked_spanned,  or  unblocked_spanned.
     For Multics, there is no control interval format.
  -d_label_definition STR, -dld STR
     specifies  the tape labels  for destination tape  files.  Tape
     labels can be standard, non_standard, unlabelled, or compact.
  -d_block_serial_number N, -dbsn N
     specifies the block serial numbers for destination tape files.
  -d_catalogue <file_name>, -dcat <file_name>
     for  a non-Multics  system, <file_name>  specifies a catalogue
     file.  This control argument is only needed when the catalogue
     file containing the file description is not implicitly known.
  -d_file_sequence_number N, -dfsn N
     for tape files only.  Indicates a multifile tape and specifies
     the  file sequence number  within the tape(s).   N can be  any
     number from 0 to 255.  Zero  (0) has the special meaning "any"
     (tape  number);  255  has  the  special  meaning  "next" (tape
     number).   Absence of  a  special  value indicates  a monofile
  -d_no_rewind, -dnr
     specifies the tape positioning at the end of a tape transfer.
  -d_unload, -dunl
     specifies tape status at the end of a tape transfer

  The following example illustrates  the procedure for submitting a
  file  transfer request  to a  remote Multics  host on  MUL1, file
  [user  hd]>unstructured_1 is  created.  If  this file  is already
  existing, request is aborted (default status :  new)
         eur uft_origin>unstructured_1 -to MUL1
  In the  following example, a  file transfer request  is issued to
  receive a  file from a remote  DPS6 host; no file  compression is
  used  (-ncmpr)  ;  the  destination  file  is  kept if it already
  exists; the file organization is  specified as sequential ( -dorg
         eur >>UDD>GAUMETOU>COMPRESSION  uft_returned>compression
         -from S869 -ncmpr -dst tc  -dorg sequential