Multics 120 authors
13 Apr 2024

MSPM Authors

The Multics System Programmer's Manual was written by members of the MIT, Bell Labs, and GE Multics development team in 1965-1969. It comprised about 3,000 pages consisting of 838 sections (821 are online). This chart shows the number of sections written by each author in the "final" copy of the MSPM scanned by the Multics History Project.

(To view the MSPM sections written by a particular person, the easiest way is to visit the MSPM Table of Contents page in a web browser, and search for the person's name.)

Author NameSections
Wagner, Donald B.106
Martin (Switzer), Karolyn J.102
Saltzer, Jerome H.96
Rappaport, Robert L.90
Graham, Robert M.84
Padlipsky, Michael A.82
Marceau, Carla M.74
Spier, Michael J.72
Daley, Robert C.66
Ossanna, Joseph F.62
Stone, David L.60
Evans, Arthur, Jr.44
Meyer, Edwin W.44
Dunten, Stanley D.42
Garman, Charles C.42
Morris, Noel I.40
Widrig, Donald R.40
Van Vleck, Thomas H.38
Cushing, Carole A.34
Rosenbaum, Susan L.34
Johnson, Donald H.30
Bensoussan, André28
Grochow, Jerrold M.26
McIlroy, M. Douglas26
Mills, James D.26
Neumann, Peter G.26
Skinner, Thomas P.24
Strickler, Walter R.24
Clancy, Gerald F.22
Feiertag, Richard J.22
Thompson, Mary R.22
Vyssotsky, Victor A.22
Webber, Steven H.22
Ziegler, Guy G.20
Boyd, Diana L.18
Joel, David E.18
Ritchie, Dennis M.18
Feldman, Stuart I.16
Levinson, David A.16
Ratcliff, L. Braxton16
Wagner, Mary R.16
Fenichel, Robert R.14
Gintell, John W.14
Lambert, Leo J.14
Sobecki, Robert J.14
Cecil, Janice H.13
Frick, Harlow E.13
Bjorkman, Elizabeth Quisenberry12
Corbató, Fernando J.12
Jones, Chester12
Thomas, Robert H.12
Wolman, Barry L.12
Smith, Patricia E.11
Adleman, Nathan A.10
Rathbun, Robert K.10
Hughes, Glenda Schroeder10
Southworth, William H.10
Deitel, Harvey8
Garthe, Larry L.8
Gimpel, James F.8
Harkins, James D.8
Ivie, Evan L.8
Tague, Berkeley A.8
Thompson, Kenneth L.8
Belmont, Peter A.6
Goldberg, Barbara P.6
Hebert, Harry J.6
Stoller, Gerald S.6
Weiss, Ruth A.6
Canaday, Rudd5
Schicker, Peter5
Turnquist, Mary C.5
Eastwood, Douglas E.4
Edwards, Daniel J.4
Freiburghouse, Robert A.4
Meer, Moseley A.4
Morris, Robert4
Nguyen, Van Binh4
Olmsted, Coert D.4
Scholtz, Jean4
Shih, Ke4
Ancona, Enrico I.3
Goldberg, I. Bennett3
Slosberg, David H.3
Voydock, Victor L.3
Wantman, Mayer E.3
Bash, Jacquelin L.2
Bianchi, Maurice2
Clark, David D.2
Crisman, Patricia A.2
Dean, Albert L.2
Donovan, John J.2
Glaser, Edward L.2
Kernighan, Brian W.2
Krekeler, George B.2
Ohayon, Solomon2
Sasaki, Akio2
Schroeder, Michael D.2
Selwyn, Lee L.2
Strachey, Christopher2
Bartlett, W. S.1
Benjafield, Gail1
Chang, Gabriel D. Y.1
Fateman, Martha Nelson1
Gardner, Richard1
Jones, S. W.1
Kidd, Steven1
Liebling, Norman H.1
Magnuski, Henry S.1
Meyers, J.1
Noll, J. Crawford1
Poduska, J. William1
Ridgeway, John A.1
Shpiz, Leo1
Shy, Izhar1
Spall, Judith W.1
Turbiner, Sheila1
VanHausen, J. David1
Vinograd, David R.1
Whitehead, Lonnie1

These numbers are approximate. Many MSPM sections were revised several times, renumbered, or rewritten by different authors. Unfortunately, this information was not saved. So 120 is a lower bound on the number of MSPM authors, and 838 may be about half the number of sections published.

There were 2103 author references, so the average number of authors for an MSPM section was 2.5. No section had more than 4 authors: the distribution is:

# AuthorsCount