Last Updated 2011-06-16 by Paul Green. Moved from Stratus in August 2017.
The Paul Green Multics Collection contains papers written by Paul Green, and programs written by Paul and several other Multicians.
My paper "Multics Virtual Memory: Tutorial and Reflections" is available.
My 1973 MIT S.B. thesis "An implementation of SEAL on Multics" is available. 93MB PDF. This thesis describes the implementation of a code generator for the Seal language on Multics. The implementation developed extensive error handling techniques for both the code generator itself, and the Seal programs it compiles.
A few sample PL/I programs are available that show a few random examples of Multics user-level code.
case.pl1 Multics PL/I program to implement a "case" active function; by Paul Green.
clock_speed.pl1 Multics PL/I program to time the Multics clock builtin; by Paul Green.
cookie.pl1 Multics "Cookie Monster" command, by Chris Tavares.
copy_bad_mst.pl1 Multics PL/I program to copy a Multics Standard Tape; by Paul Green.
copy_tape.pl1 Stratus-on-Prime PL/I program to copy a tape; by Paul Green.
create_moo_ladder_file.pl1 Stratus program to create the "moo" ladder file.
display_descriptor.pl1 Multics PL/I program to decode a Multics argument descriptor; by Paul Green.
display_tape_status.pl1 Multics PL/I program to decode octal tape status; by Paul Green.
dump_tape.pl1 Stratus-on-Prime PL/I program to dump a tape; by Paul Green.
gomoku.pl1Multics PL/I program to play the game of "gomoku"; by J. H. Saltzer.
gomoku_move.pl1 Subroutines for "gomoku.pl1".
holidays.ec Multics exec_com (command shell script) showing complex date calculations.
moo.orig.pl1 Multics PL/I program to play the game of "moo"; by J. M. Grochow.
moo.pl1 Same as moo.orig.pl1, but cleaned-up using Stratus PL/I style; by Paul Green.
plot_profile.info Multics online help file about plot_profile command; by Paul Green.
plot_profile.pl1 Multics PL/I program to implement plot_profile command; by Paul Green.
multics.ps Postscript for Multics Rings Logo.
prime_numbers A list of the first 2050 prime numbers (odd primes less than or equal to 17903).
read_tape.pl1 Stratus-on-Prime PL/I program to read a Multics tape; by Paul Green.
roman.pl1 Multics PL/I program to implement "roman" active function; by Paul Green.
salvage_tape.pl1 Multics PL/I program to salvage a Multics Standard Tape, by Doug Wells.
trek.old.pl1 Multics PL/I program to play the game of "trek", author unknown.
trek.pl1 Edited version of trek.old.pl1.