Source: Honeywell manual AG91-04, Appendix E.
An earlier version of the manual, AG91-01, dated December 1975, has been scanned and put online by Al Kossow.
(Links are to the Multics Glossary.)
.absin | absentee input |
.absout | absentee output |
.algol68 | ALGOL 68 source |
.alm | ALM assembler source |
.archive | archive |
.basic | BASIC source |
.bind | binder |
.breaks | debug breaks |
.cds | create_data_segment |
.cdt | created by cv_cmf |
.cmdb | MRDS: create_mrds_db input |
.cmdsm | create_mrds_dsm input |
.cmf | cv_cmf (administration) |
.cobol | COBOL source |
.code | encrypted output of the code command |
.compin | compose input |
.compout | compose output |
.db | MRDS database |
.dict | user dictionary |
.dir_info | save_dir_info etc |
.dsm | MRDS data submodel |
.ec | exec_com script |
.fdocin | format_document input |
.fdocout | format_document output |
.fortran | FORTRAN source |
.gcos | GCOS sysin |
.gct | graphic character table |
.gdt | graphic device table |
.graphics | output file with graphic code |
.info | help command data file |
.linker | combined linkage segment |
.linus | LINUS macros |
.list | compiler listing |
.lister | create_list creates this |
.listform | create_list uses this as a format |
.listin | input to create_list |
text file created by read_mail | |
.map355 | FNP program |
.mbx | ring 1 mailbox |
.memo | memo command |
.ms | ring 1 message segment |
.pascal | Pascal source |
.pdt | project definition table |
.pfd | profile command data file |
.pfl | profile command listing output |
.pl1 | PL/I source |
.pmf | project master file |
.probe | breaks for probe |
.profile | abbrev profile |
.qedx | qedx macros |
.rd | input to the reduction_compiler command |
.rdmec | input to the read_mail "exec_com" request |
.rtdt | produced by cv_rtmf |
.rtmf | input to cv_rtmf |
.runoff | input to runoff command |
.runout | output from runoff |
.sat | system administration table |
.sdmec | input to the send_mail "exec_com" request |
.sv.apl | APL saved workspace |
.symbols | Speedtype commands |
.table | MRDS table |
.ttf | Terminal type file, input to cv_ttf |
.ttt | terminal type table, produced by cv_ttf |
.value | value facility |
.volumes | data for manage_volume_pool |
.wl | wordlist |